Monday 28 November 2016

Vegan Opciones En Comerciante Joes

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Vendemos una media docena de salsas de barbacoa. Como con la mayoría de los otros alimentos que llevamos que los clientes usan con regularidad, ofrecemos una serie de estilos y sabores de salsa de barbacoa para atraer a una variedad de gustos. Pero el sabor no es nuestra única preocupación. También sabemos que un número creciente de nuestros clientes prefieren 100% productos orgánicos. Nuestra nueva salsa de barbacoa de Brown Sugar orgánica y Marinade debe atraer a nuestros clientes orgánicos, mientras que también ofrece una nueva y atractiva.

Tenemos una línea robusta de hamburguesas de hamburguesa congeladas en Trader Joe, incluyendo opciones para todos. Tenemos hamburguesas de los pastos (Ground Buffalo Burgers, Grass Fed Beef Burgers); Hamburguesas del mar (Simply sazonada atún Burger s, Mahi Mahi hamburguesas); Hamburguesas para las aves (hamburguesas de pavo, hamburguesas de pollo con lima de Chile); E incluso varios & ldquo; sin carne & rdquo; Opciones (hamburguesas vegetales de Masala, hamburguesas vegetarianas de la pizza, hamburguesas vegetarianas del vegano de la quinoa). ¿Hay espacio para uno más? ¡Siempre! Nuestro nuevo.

Las cosas en escabeche están creciendo en la cultura alimentaria. Hemos visto evidencia de esto en la popularidad de nuestro chucrut con pepinos persas en vinagre. Ahora, estamos añadiendo a nuestros artículos de delicatessen en vinagre con verduras en escabeche picantes de Trader Joe. Es nuestra propia versión de Jalape & ntilde; os en Escabeche. con un giro. Jalape & ntilde; os en Escabeche es tradicionalmente una mezcla de pimientos encurtidos, zanahorias y cebollas. Hemos dado este condimento mexicano una vuelta de tuerca, agregando.

Sabes como un brownie y crunches como una galleta. ¿Necesitamos continuar? Oh, sí, podemos continuar. Verá, nos tomó meses para perfeccionar este producto en particular, mdash, porque si íbamos a ir aquí, realmente queríamos hacerlo bien. Cuando nuestro panel de degustación probó la encarnación original, la reacción fue un universal "Ooh, quiero amar estos, pero ahora mismo me gusta." Sabíamos que había algo allí, pero no era completo. Así que seguimos intentándolo. Y esto no es algo sobre lo que nos podemos quejar. Después de todo, estos son.

No es salsa. No es un batido. Puede ser técnicamente "sopa", pero está muy lejos de los fideos de pollo. Lo que es . Es Gazpacho. Este plato enfriado de verduras mezcladas tiene un atractivo fresco y sencillo, pero exótico. Tradom Joe's Organic Tomatillo Gazpacho es un gran ejemplo de esta comida refrescante y sabrosa. Originario de Andalucía en el sur de España (con raíces posiblemente remontándose a la época romana), el mejor Gazpacho se presenta como un.

Últimamente, algunas alternativas de bebidas naturales interesantes han aparecido en la escena. Algunos de éstos se pueden encontrar en nuestros estantes, incluyendo una bebida del áloe, y agua del coco. Nuestra más reciente oferta de bebidas no convencionales es Maple Water. Aunque históricamente hablando, esto no es nuevo. en absoluto. Es probable que los nativos americanos en el noreste descubrieran la savia de los árboles mientras iban en su vida cotidiana, habitando los bosques de arces. Y, eso es exactamente lo que nuestro Maple Water es & mdash; savia del árbol . Desechado de.

La sopa cremosa tiene un sabor cremoso. Y eso por la crema. O, uno podría pensar. Hemos descubierto que la sopa cremosa no necesita crema para ser cremosa. Esto lo sabemos a través del desarrollo de nuestra Sopa de Espárragos Cremosos Orgánicos. En esta sopa, la crema pesada (o cualquier tipo de lechería) se sustituye por las patatas orgánicas y espinacas orgánicas frescas. Purificados juntos a un "cremoso" consistencia. Esta textura de sopa de seda es.

Trader Joe's Wine tiene algunas opciones vegetarianas

Correo electrónico de la empresa (febrero de 2015): Nuestro comerciante Joe's Block Wine Red Shiraz es vegano, por lo tanto, no se utilizan ingredientes animales durante el proceso de refinado.

Nota de Eric (noviembre de 2014): "Su otro color rojo, Monastrell, está ahora también marcado como vegano en la etiqueta posterior, a partir de la cosecha 2013".

Nota de Eric (julio de 2014): "Albero Tempranillo (España) está marcado 'Vegan' en la etiqueta posterior (como es Albero Rose.) Aparentemente sólo se vende en los Estados Unidos en Trader Joe's. Y 2013 y también son etiquetados veganos. "

Correo electrónico de la empresa (mayo de 2014): Espiral Vino Verde Vino "El mosto se aclara a través de la centrifugadora en frío La levadura utilizada para este vino es una cepa patentada. No podemos garantizar que este vino no haya entrado en contacto con productos de origen animal. Por ejemplo, las plantas que procesan cacahuetes son malas para las personas que tienen alergias a los alimentos. Entonces tal vez no es mejor para usted consumir este producto.

Correo electrónico de la empresa (mayo de 2014): "Nos complace informarle que todos nuestros vinos Charles Shaw son, de hecho, veganos!"

En respuesta, no hay ingredientes derivados de animales, agentes de mellado o fuentes utilizadas en el procesamiento / producción de este producto. Por lo tanto, sería de hecho adecuado para nuestros clientes veganos (en enero de 2014): re: . "

Correo electrónico de la empresa (junio de 2013): [respecto a Petite Reserve de Trader Joe Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley] "Desafortunadamente, esto no es un vino vegano, ya que se usan agentes de fijación animal."

Para responder a su pregunta, este vino es vegano - no se usan productos de origen animal en su procesamiento. "(Enero de 2012): [sobre Trader Joe's Reserve Chardonnay Napa Valley 2012]

Correo electrónico de la empresa (marzo de 2013): "La luna de miel Viognier se produce sólo en una bodega En la actualidad, nuestra vendimia 2012 Honey Moon Viognier no contiene productos de origen animal, sin embargo, hemos utilizado ingredientes como gelatina, leche e isinglass en la Producción de vinos anteriores. El vinicultura se reserva el derecho de añadir cualquiera de estos ingredientes durante el procesamiento para mantener el estilo y la calidad durante todo el año.

Correo electrónico de la empresa (diciembre de 2012): "En respuesta, mientras ofrecemos nuestras diversas listas de productos, algunos productos en nuestras tiendas y las selecciones ofrecidas pueden variar en cierto modo por estado y región. La principal razón de esto es que también intentamos obtener Productos a nivel local siempre que podamos, ya que también no enviamos nuestros productos en muy largas distancias. Nuestras listas también no son todo incluido, y se ofrecen más como una guía de las posibles selecciones de productos.

En respuesta, a su pregunta acerca de nuestras posibles opciones de vino vegano, estamos adjuntando una lista de posibles selecciones de vino vegano a continuación:

Bonterra-Whites son veganos Castle Rock-Todos son veganos Charles Shaw-Rojos son veganos * ocasionalmente la gelatina se utiliza en los procesos de refinado de los blancos, pero que se elimina del producto final Cline Cellars-Todos son veganos Fetzer-Whites son veganos Georges Dubeouf-Todos son veganos Kendall Jackson-Los blancos son veganos Rosenblum Cellars-Todos son veganos "

Correo electrónico de la empresa (abril de 2012): "Para responder a su pregunta, todos nuestros vinos de Vola son, de hecho, veganos, ya que no se utilizan ingredientes animales ni tampoco se utilizan agentes de afinado. Proveedor, por lo que no permitimos ninguna sub-licencia de nuestros productos. "

Correo electrónico de la empresa, diciembre de 2011: "No se utilizan productos animales en el Objeto Encontrado Carmenere. Cuando no hay agente de mellado, no hay posibilidad de un animal por producto".

"Estos vinos no se consideran veganos, ya que son procesados ​​con benito, que es de origen animal. Estos vinos no son producidos o licenciados por ninguna otra bodega o embotellador".

Company Email (info@broncowine. com) sobre Green Fin que se vende en Trader Joe's. Ver también: Bronco Wines

"Yo soy el enólogo de Green Fin. Después de revisar sus preguntas, puedo asegurarle que Green Fin es vegana amistosa, no se usaron productos de origen animal. Además, a mi conocimiento Green Fin no está sub-licenciado. alguna otra pregunta."

Correo electrónico de la empresa: Abril de 2010 "Gracias por su correo electrónico A continuación encontrará una lista de vinos Vegan Friendly.

Tipos de Marca Los blancos de Bonterra son veganos Castle Rock Todos son veganos Charles Shaw Los rojos son veganos ocasionalmente la gelatina se utiliza en los procesos de refinación de los blancos, pero que se elimina del producto final Cline Cellars Todos son veganos Fetzer Los blancos son veganos Georges Dubeou Todos son veganos Kendall Jackson Los blancos son veganos Rosenblum Cellars Todos son veganos "

Correo electrónico de la empresa: Feb 2011 "Nuestras variedades de Charles Shaw Red Wine de Trader Joe son Vegan, la variedad de vino blanco se procesa de vez en cuando con gelatina".

Por favor beber responsablemente

Trader Joe's Vegan Food Smackdown

Desde que sólo compra en Trader Joe ocasionalmente, estaba encantado de ver algunos nuevos (al menos nuevo para mí) comida vegetariana. Aunque siempre tuvieron artículos veganos, hay muchas más opciones ahora. Entonces, ¿cuál es la mejor de las varias ofrendas veganas? ¡Hora de un pequeño comerciante Joe smackdown de la comida del vegano!

Primero es la ronda de galletas, Soft-Baked Snickerdoodles ($ 2.99) vs Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies ($ 3.99). El snickerdoodles sólo los bordes de la galleta de chocolate, tan suave y masticable con un poco de sabor de canela. Las galletas de chispas de chocolate también estaban bien con un montón de chispas de chocolate y trozos de nuez, pero no es tan suave y duro.

A continuación, es el plato de comida asiática congelada entree, vegetales Panang Curry con arroz jazmín ($ 2.99) vs tailandés True Thai vegetal tailandés ($ 1.99). El curry tenía un buen sabor picante, un montón de salsa y verduras que van desde calabacín a col rizada a maíz bebé, todo por 590 calorías.

El pad tailandés tenía un poco menos calorías, pesando en 520. También tenía un sabor picante. Las verduras, principalmente brotes de soja y cebollinos, estaban en la parte de abajo con los fideos en la parte de arriba, lo que parece ayudar a prevenir overcooking de las verduras. También era muy ligero en el tofu, sólo unas pocas piezas pequeñas estaban incluidos.

No era demasiado malo, pero el curry de verduras era definitivamente el mejor de los dos. Ambos platos también eran bastante altos en grasa y sodio & # 8211; Probablemente algo para conseguir sólo una vez en un rato.

Continuando con la comida asiática, a continuación se encuentra la bola de masa hervida congelada, tailandés vegetal Gyoza ($ 3.79) vs Pepino Wonton Rolls ($ 2.69). No me importaban los wontons de pepino y así, no hay foto (no podía traerme para comprar otra bolsa de ella). Supongo que no estoy acostumbrado a tener un pepino llenando los wontons. Los gyoza por otro lado son bastante sabrosos.

El relleno está bien sazonado con un sabor gingery y cebollino. El envoltorio es el chewier, variedad más gruesa del potsticker. Viene ya ligeramente dorado en la parte inferior, sólo vapor o pan-freír para calentar.

En la redonda comida salada, Crunchy Curls ($ 2.69) vs Baked Onion Rings ($ 1.99). Luché con esta ronda como me gustaron los dos, así que voy a tener que llamar a un empate. Realmente no puedes equivocarte con ninguno de los dos.

Hecho de lentejas y patatas, los rizos son agradables y crujientes. Realmente no tiene sabor a lentejas, es un poco como Pringles pero en una forma más gruesa y rizada. 130 calorías en una porción de 31 rizos con 4 gramos de fibra y 3 gramos de proteína. Diversión para mojar en hummus también.

Los anillos de cebolla al horno son básicamente el equivalente vegano de Funyuns, pero con menos ingredientes y sin colores artificiales o sabores o conservantes. Ellos son crujientes con sólo un poco de dulzura. Nutricionalmente, no apilan, así como los rizos de lentejas, 150 calorías en una porción de 14 piezas con menos de 1 gramo de fibra y 2 gramos de proteína.

Para que no piensen que sólo abastecerse de dulces, bocadillos y cenas congeladas, me gusta Trader Joe tofu de queso, tempeh, pan fresco, aceite de oliva, tortillas, yogur de soja, nueces & # 8230;

Estoy muy celoso. Me gustaría estar de vuelta en los Estados Unidos. ¡AMO al comerciante J & # 8217; s! Pero me perdí totalmente de todos estos cuando me compré allí última en abril! THey están en mi lista ahora de cosas para probar cuando vuelva (por favor Dios ... ¡así, v. soon!) Hey, ¿has probado el frijol negro y las enchiladas de tofu y las barras vegano de malvavisco? Hay arroz integral envolturas son buenos también. Ah, y los kiev falsos no son malos. Hacen una harina de cacahuete desgrasada que es CIELO también & # 8230; oh TJ (dijo soñadoramente con ojos de perrito!).

No es que sea especialmente vegano, pero para cualquiera que le guste patatas fritas & # 8230; POTATO TRIO POTATO CHIPS son tan sabrosa, mis patatas fritas favoritas de siempre, y por lo general don & # 8217; t incluso como chips sin salar!

Ah, y los lácteos GRATIS MOCHI están llenos de deliciosa crema de hielo de coco.

Además de eso, me gusta mucho las espinacas pizzas de TJ, bruschetta, mantequilla de semillas de girasol, envoltura de berenjena con salsa picante de tahini, galletas torta de café y fideos de peanut satay y kung pao. Y en segundo lugar los rizos crujientes y barras de arroz marshmallow de arroz. Podría pasar un rato sobre TJ, soy un fanático.

Sniff & # 8230;.todo el mundo habla de Trader Joe & # 8217; s en estos días y no tenemos ninguno. Cuando visito el noreste, siempre voy allí. Crecí con ellos en CA y por lo que sé lo que es como tenerlos. ¡Eres afortunado!

¡Buena publicación! Puedo comprar en TJ & # 8217; s quizás uno de cada tres viajes, así que definitivamente tengo mis favoritos allí. La última vez que me dieron un plato congelado, tofu en salsa de pimienta negra, que era bastante sabroso, pero como dijiste que era alta en grasa y sodio. Me encantan los rizos crujientes! Yo soy un gran fan de sus bocadillos de algas marinas también.

Usted me hace desear tan que había un comerciante Joes en el U. K, la opción siguiente para mí es visitar los EEUU y que isn 't que sucede en una prisa & # 8211; Supongo que sólo tendrá que babear en su blog entonces.

¡Ni siquiera me molesto en mirar las galletas, probablemente he caminado por esas numerosas veces! Los snickerdoodles son los más tentadores.

Me encanta los aros de cebolla y rizos de lentejas, y estoy de acuerdo, demasiado difícil elegir entre los dos.

¡Tus evaluaciones aquí son todo sobre-en! Tomo la comida de mi TJ muy en serio, y encuentro necesario probar algo nuevo que vegan & # 8230; Simplemente no soy un fanático de esos nuevos anillos de cebolla. Me parecen extrañamente dulces.

Me encuentro con Shaheen, muy celoso por la falta de Trader Joe en el Reino Unido. Sin embargo mi amigo está visitando NY en una semana, podría enviarme en una misión cruzada atlántica para traer snickerdoodles!

ApartamentoGF & # 8211; Yo uso para hacer eso también. Mientras busco mis cosas habituales, veo cosas nuevas que intentar.

VegSpinz & # 8211; Sí, hay sólo 3 porciones en una bolsa de bolas de masa hervida tailandesa. Últimamente, he estado recibiendo 2 bolsas sólo para tener suficiente de ellos alrededor.

Tiffany & # 8211; Darles una oportunidad, que son buenos. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Andy & # 8211; Los rizos de lentejas son SUPER delicioso.

India-leigh & # 8211; Gracias, no he probado ninguno de esos elementos, tendré que buscarlos la próxima vez. Tantas cosas deliciosas & # 8230;

Stacy & # 8211; Vi esas patatas fritas, me preguntaba si eran buenas. Ahora tendré que probarlos y algunas de esas otras cosas también. ¡Gracias!

Tanya & # 8211; California tiene suerte de tener tantos Comerciantes Joe alrededor. Parece que hay una cerca casi en cualquier lugar en CA.

Erin & # 8211; Me encanta los bocadillos de algas!

Shaheen & # 8211; Bummer no hay comerciante Joe en el Reino Unido, que en realidad sería una exportación impresionante. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Sarah S. & # 8211; Por alguna razón, el snickerdoodles weren & # 8217; t con las otras galletas. Los encontré encima de la comida congelada. Tal vez porque está en una caja?

Hannah & # 8211; Yo también, veo que el icono de V en un paquete, y quiero probarlo. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Elise & # 8211; Cruzando mis dedos que su amigo tiene éxito en la misión snickerdoodle. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Gauri Radha. dice

No sabía sobre algunos de estos, muchas gracias por el post. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Tofu horneado crujiente

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Mejores artículos de Vegan en Trader Joe & # 8217; s

El 25 de abril de 2014

¡Aquí están los chicos! Hace un par de meses hice una recolección de mis comidas congeladas favoritas en TJ's, y me dieron un par de solicitudes para hacer una encuesta vegana tan voila! Siendo un misionero autoproclamado de Trader Joe, me encanta contarle a la gente más acerca de por qué es una tienda increíble y única.

Antes de entrar en mi top 10 productos veganos, permítanme tener en cuenta que hay docenas de productos veganos disponibles en cualquier tienda de Trader Joe dada. En este post solo me centraré en productos que podrían no ser veganos en tiendas comparables o productos que considero superiores a otras marcas. ¡Compruebe hacia fuera una lista más extensa de productos de la tienda o pida a cualquier miembro de equipo para una lista cuando usted visita! Si solo estás navegando, busca un poco de V & # 8217; Símbolo en el producto que significa que está libre de productos de origen animal.

Aquí vamos, en orden de mi favorito!

Ya he entusiasmado con este producto ya que estamos obsesionados con él. Nunca estamos sin una botella en la casa. Si usted es corto de tiempo, esta es una salsa increíble para saltear o adobar para casi cualquier cosa. Es comparable a la popular salsa Veri Veri Teriyaki, pero es una fracción del costo.

Postre congelado no lácteo de fresa

Santo WOW es este material delicioso. He probado bastantes helados no lácteos de otras marcas y en mi opinión ninguno se acerca a este producto en sabor y textura. Este es el sabor a fresa, pero también hay una deliciosa versión en chocolate. No se puede batir.

Reducido la culpa pita chips con sal marina

Puedo inhalar una bolsa de estos todos mis yo mismo. No puedo describirlo bastante, pero tienen esta calidad super buttery a ellos que es simplemente irresistible. Mi pita favorito en el mundo.

Fully Cooked Falafel

Yo era escéptico para probar estos porque están congelados y sólo se microondas, pero no se puede creer lo auténtico y delicioso que saben. Me encanta calentar estos junto con mi pan casero pita para una comida vegana increíble.

Arroz frito japonés

Lo incluí en mi resumen de comida congelada, pero no podría ayudar a incluirlo de nuevo. El sabor es tan único y el arroz sale perfectamente preparado cuando te microondas. Me encanta tener un enorme montón de esto junto con algunos tofu marinado.

Iba a tomar una foto de las galletas reales dentro de mostrar lo grueso que son, pero Jason y yo comimos toda la caja antes de que pudiera llegar a ella! Todo lo que voy a decir acerca de esto es que son adictivos y mejor que la tienda de comestibles / línea aérea popular versión.

Verdadera tailandesa vegetales Pad Thai

Este es otro elemento congelado, y es genial calentar para un almuerzo rápido. Yo diré que no tiene gusto de pad que usted ordenaría hacia fuera, pero es deliciosa en él mismo derecho. Me encanta cómo hay una buena cantidad de brotes y cebollas verdes dentro.

Bebida de almendras no láctea

Esta es una opción de leche de almendra muy buena y asequible. Me encanta cocinar mi harina de avena con esto en la mañana. Grueso, cremoso, y delicioso.

Tempeh orgánico de 3 granos

No estoy loco por el tempeh, pero está creciendo lentamente sobre mí desde que me he convertido en vegetariano. Esta es la única versión que he probado que realmente disfruto el sabor de, y es más de un dólar más barato que el tempeh que he comprado en otras tiendas. ¡Increíble!

Espero que les haya gustado este post! Si tiene alguna solicitud para otras publicaciones de TJ que quiera que haga, por favor hágamelo saber! Ten un excelente fin de semana!

P. S.- ¡Soy un fan habitual de Trader Joe como todos ustedes! Si bien soy un antiguo empleado, no estoy afiliado a la empresa de ninguna manera ni tienen ninguna idea de quién soy o que estoy escribiendo esto. No los represento en modo alguno, pero sí representan mis papilas gustativas. OK, gracias. El abogado en mí tenía que incluir esto.

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Aaaand, todavía no he estado en TJ & # 8217; s. Un día, un día! Pensé que Speculoos era sólo un ingrediente raro pero resulta que es el nombre del tipo de galleta! Gracias por esa lección me encanta que se le llame bebida de almendras & # 8222; Porque seamos honestos, llamándonos leche & # 8222; Es un poco engañoso. He tenido dificultades para encontrar tempeh últimamente y mantenerme preocupado de que me perdí algún tipo de tempeh darle tal y tal enfermedad. Noticias & # 8230; Lauren recientemente publicó & # 8230; Odds & # 038; termina

Es realmente una gran y útil pieza de información. Estoy feliz de que hayas compartido esta información útil con nosotros. Por favor, manténgase al día de esta manera. Gracias por compartir. Cómo ayudar a los ataques de ansiedad recientemente publicado cómo ayudar a los ataques de ansiedad

Vanessa 6 de enero de 2015, 16:46

Llego tarde a esto, pero acabo de encontrar este artículo, del cual te doy las gracias.

La mayoría si no todos los hummus preparados son veganos también, usted debe confirmar con los que contienen pesto. El sandwich falafel en la sección preparada es adictivamente delicioso y vegano. Hay sándwiches de helado de soja.

Hay tantas cosas que quiero recomendar, pero me fui vegano el mes pasado después de casi 19 años como vegetariano, así que definitivamente necesito revisar antes de que me vaya.

Cristina 13 de febrero de 2015, 13:39

Pensé que podría ver el pollo naranja en esta lista! Es mi nuevo favorito!

Trader Joe's Vegan procesado

La mejor manera de comer vegano es comer alimentos enteros a base de plantas. Ya sabes, como ensalada, brócoli, patatas, col rizada, fruta, cacahuetes, pan de grano entero,

¿Es tan difícil hacerlo?

En realidad, Whole Foods está saliendo con una gran línea de alimentos listos para comer a base de plantas a lo largo de este año. ¡Será genial!

La mejor comida vegetariana en Trader Joe & # 8217; s

10 de julio de 2013 | Publicado por: admin

Nuestra factura de alimentos parece haber reducido a la mitad desde que empezamos a comprar en Trader Joe en Nueva York. Nos encanta Wholefoods, pero Trader Joe tiene una elección similar y la calidad del producto (aunque con su propia etiqueta) y es mucho más barato.

Éstos son algunos de lo que creo que son los mejores alimentos veganos en Trader Joe & # 8217; s.

Me encanta el Trader Joe & # 8217; s marca Soy Chorizo.

Se puede comer con pasta y casi no necesita salsa de pasta en absoluto.

Esto viene en un tubo largo. Quitas las dos capas de plástico (no te olvides de esa parte) y básicamente terminas con soja picante desmenuzado.

He probado las salchichas italianas Tofurkey que venden en Trader Joe & # 8217; s. No me gustaban, pero creo que fue porque la textura estaba demasiado cerca de una salchicha de carne. Kathryn (el no vegetariano) probado ellos y pensamos que eran agradables. Trader Joe tiene una excelente política de permitirle devolver un producto por su dinero, incluso si es porque simplemente no le gusta.

Salsa de Pasta Orgánica de Tomate y Basilio

Sólo menciono el aspecto bajo en grasa para que sepas a cuál me refiero porque los TJ tienen una amplia gama de salsas de pasta. Este parecía que tenía la mayoría de la albahaca en él de modo que & # 8217; s lo que lo he estado consiguiendo.

Me rocía este material directamente en la pasta a veces. Se anima todo lo que necesita algún sabor extra.

It $ 1,99 y la botella de vidrio viaja bien y durará meses.

Helado de leche de coco de chocolate.

En realidad no he estado comprando esto en este viaje, pero lo compré mucho antes. Es delicioso. Más bonito que el helado hecho con leche de vaca. Los contenedores son pequeños que es bueno desde la perspectiva de no comer en exceso.

Trozos de mango congelados.

Usted obtiene 1 libra 8 onzas de deliciosos trozos de mango perfectamente maduros por menos de $ 3. Mucho más fácil que tratar con mango fresco. Perfectamente agradable para comer, y para batidos :-) Yum!

Cosas que no compran en TJs

Una de mis comidas básicas cuando estoy en la carrera o no me siento como cocinar es delicioso Burritos de Amy (no lácteos). Desafortunadamente TJ & # 8217; s doesn & # 8217; t venderlos. Los alimentos enteros los venden pero son mucho más baratos en Target en $ 2.79 cada uno. Normalmente compramos un montón de ellos cuando vamos a Target para nuestro papel higiénico a granel! Amy tiene otros Burritos veganos y envolturas en su rango, y tiene una variedad de opciones vegetarianas para sus compañeros de viaje no veganos también.

Trader Joe no vende mi vegana Daiya No Cheese. Tengo esto de Wholefoods. Algunos supermercados independientes como LifeThyme Natural Market (en 410 6th Ave Manhattan, donde obtengo mis pasteles vegetarianos favoritos) lo venden también, pero es más caro.

5 Responses to Best Vegan Food at Trader Joe & # 8217; s

Acerca de

Soy Kate, un nómada vegano digital de Nueva Zelanda que ha estado viajando a tiempo completo desde mayo de 2013. Soy un experto en ahorrar dinero en viajes sin sacrificar la comodidad. Mi esposo y yo viajamos con un presupuesto de alrededor de $ 3000 al mes. Viajamos en lugares que tradicionalmente se consideran caros como Nueva York y Hawai. Si usted es un lector regular de este blog, aprenderá todos nuestros consejos sobre cómo viajar con comodidad pero con un presupuesto para mochileros.


Parque Nacional Zion & # 8211; Visitando con nuestro recién nacido.

La maravilla oculta de Chile: Bienvenidos a Valparaíso

Sueña un sueño en el sur de Francia

Destacados de Monopoli, Italia

Lo más destacado de Bari, Italia

Trader Joe's: Los diez mejores vegetarianos

Este favorito picante, limón-infundido es un alimento básico del congelador. Es perfecto para aquellos chilly, 75 grados noches que estamos a punto de encontrar.

9. Albóndigas sin carne ($ 3.99)

Estas pequeñas bolas inteligentes podrían engañar a cualquiera. Las posibilidades son infinitas - albóndigas, espaguetis y albóndigas, Nublado con una oportunidad de albóndigas 3. Lo que sea.

Sólo porque eres vegano no significa que no amas el sabor de una buena carne de vez en cuando - siempre y cuando no viene de una vaca, es decir. Y estas tiras sin carne son la mejor cosa siguiente a la oferta real. Añadir 'a fajitas, ensaladas, sammies, o lo que flote su barco.

7. Salchicha sin salchicha italiana ($ 3.99)

Mejor que los perros calientes cualquier día, estos gruesos, jugosos especímenes son grandes en la parrilla. Aliméntelos a tus amigos; Ellos podrían no saber la diferencia.

6. Tamales de queso y chiles verdes ($ 2.29)

Los vegetarianos suelen carecer de opciones de tamales, porque los tamales tradicionales contienen carne. Pero estas variedades de queso y chile verde son deliciosas.

5. Perros de maíz sin carne ($ 2.99)

Todo el mundo favorito de carnaval trata está disponible en una versión sin carne. ¡Aleluya! Es como Santa's Enchanted Forest en tu congelador.

4. Bocadillos de naranja mandarina sin pollo ($ 2.99)

La comida china puede ser un verdadero bummer cuando no comen carne. Es difícil no perderse ese delicioso pollo dulce y amargo. Y las mordeduras de naranja mandarina de TJ son deliciosamente deliciosas - podrían ir contra Panda Express cualquier día.

3. Parmesano de berenjena apilada ($ 3.49)

Cuando estás demasiado cansado para hacer tu propia berenjena Parm - que es probablemente siempre - esta es una forma más fácil opción. No mushiness aquí, y está lleno de mozzarella, ricotta, feta y parmesano. Yum.

Si pensabas que el pan no podía ser mejor, estabas tan equivocado. Usted puede ser que nunca vuelva al Garden-variedad Wonderbread después de que usted pruebe estos rollos del amazeballs, que van grandes con todo de queso suizo a las hamburguesas del veggie a la mostaza.

1. Humus de rábano picante ($ 1.99)

¿Por qué el rábano picante y el hummus nunca hicieron un bebé hermoso antes? Su unión es la cosa más deliciosa a suceder a los garbanzos desde, bien, nunca.


Trader Joe's tiene un nuevo queso Vegan y no es Daiya. Trader Joes's Vegan Mozzarella Estilo Shreds son básicamente Vegan Vegan Vegetal Shreds estilo. Que nunca he tenido antes. Ya que es Mozzarella, pensé que lo pondría a la verdadera prueba y probarlo en una pizza. Pizza perezosa cualquiera.

Mantengo mis pizzas bastante simples. En primer lugar, me procuró algunos Whole Foods pre-hizo masa y salsa marinara. Ambos son súper sabroso y obviamente muy fácil de trabajar. Para coberturas, tomé Tofurky Pepperoni rebanadas y algunas aceitunas negras. Las rebanadas de Pepperoni de Tofurky son grandes si usted falta ese sabor viejo del pepperoni. Yo normalmente haría pimiento verde con las aceitunas pero me olvidé totalmente. Ahora vamos a ver cómo el queso y la pizza resultó!

La mozzarella de Trader Joe era realmente interesante. Si lo comes crudo, honestamente no sabe muy bien. Pero cuando me derretido en la pizza, me pareció que era bastante bueno! Cuando se derrite (y se derrite), la mozzarella obtiene un poco gloopy casi como un esmalte. Definitivamente es una bestia diferente a Daiya. Así que si el amor Daiya y creo que no tiene ningún tipo de fallas, esto probablemente no es el queso para usted. Me gusta Daiya también, pero creo que es demasiado rico en grandes cantidades, el sabor toma sobre lo que usted lo pone. Es agradable tener otra opción. Este queso es bastante suave y no abrumar los otros sabores. La pizza en sí era genial y me encanta aquellos Tofurky Pepperonis.

Para terminar, siempre estoy contento de ver nuevos productos Veganos, especialmente el queso. Me pareció que el Trader Joe Mozzarella sabía muy bien cuando se derritió y tenía un sabor agradable neutral. Es casi un queso anti-Daiya, que siento que el mundo necesita.

Por Deana Gunn 8 de diciembre de 2015

¡Está aquí! Nos sentimos orgullosos de presentar nuestro libro de cocina más reciente de Trader Joe con ingredientes de nuestra tienda favorita, Trader Joe & # 8217; s. Comenzamos en 2007 con el original Cocinar con todas las cosas comerciante Joe & # 8217; s. Empezamos a vender los libros uno por uno fuera de nuestro garaje y la palabra se difundió orgánicamente y rápidamente; De repente nosotros [& hellip;].

Por Deana Gunn 7 de noviembre de 2013

Una frittata es una quiche sin corteza, lo suficientemente versátil para trabajar para el desayuno, el brunch, el almuerzo o la cena. Haciendo desaparecer la corteza lo hace más ligero, sin gluten y mucho más bajo en calorías y grasa. El ingrediente principal es el huevo, con varias verduras y sabores mezclados, a menudo incluyendo queso rallado o rallado. Esta receta saludable se hace [& hellip;].

Por Deana Gunn 22 de octubre de 2013

¡Halloween está a la vuelta de la esquina! Mi hijo de 11 años ha terminado su traje BMO casero (Beemo & # 8221; de Adventure Time). Mi hija de 9 años es una muy encantadora Lady Galadriel (Vestido comprado en la tienda, pero le hicimos corona y colgante de arcilla de polímero plateado y cinta adhesiva de plata y oro). Me visto todos los años también. El año pasado [& hellip;].

Por Deana Gunn 1 de octubre de 2013

Todo el mes de octubre es el Mes de la Conciencia Vegetariana y hoy es el comienzo. Hay muchas razones para ir vegetariano, pero no importa lo que son los suyos, tenemos un montón de deliciosas, fáciles y saludables recetas vegetarianas para usted. De hecho, ponemos nuestros mejores en nuestra cocina popular con Trader Joe & # 8217; s: Vegetarian & # 8221; [& Hellip;].

Por Deana Gunn 23 de septiembre de 2013

Esta receta puede ganar el premio de Laziest Strawberry Shortcake. Deténgase por Trader Joe, recoja una lata de galletas refrigeradas, fresas, un bote de crema batida, un poco de azúcar si usted ya no tiene, y está preparado para esta noche & # 8217; S postre Puede ser vergonzosamente fácil, pero es bueno y es divertido [& hellip;].

Por Deana Gunn 17 de septiembre de 2013

Los amigos y la familia saben las tres cosas que como casi todos los días. Almendras, manzanas y hinojo crudo. Los amo y son mis cosas para el bocado. Puede que no se sorprenda de las almendras y manzanas, pero la mayoría de la gente levanta una ceja en el hinojo crudo. O nunca han tenido hinojo o nunca han tenido [& hellip;].

Por Deana Gunn 30 de agosto de 2013

Alejarse a un paraíso tropical con este delicioso regalo congelado & # 8230; Y usted tendrá mucho tiempo para pasar en el paraíso una vez que llegue porque esta receta tarda sólo unos minutos! You don’t need an ice cream maker to make ice cream at home –.

by Deana Gunn May 26, 2013

Quiche is deliciously easy. However, most people mistake it for something fancy, complicated, and fussy. It’s not, and it’s especially easy when using shortcuts like frozen pie crust and a ready-made veggie mix to make the filling a snap. Our basic quiche recipe is perfect for experimenting with your own combo of veggies, meats, mushrooms, […].

Welcome to Cooking with Trader Joe's!

As we shopped the aisles of our favorite grocer, Trader Joe's, we overheard people asking, "What do you do with quinoa? How do you use tapenade? What goes well with ricotta-stuffed chicken?" Before we knew it, we were writing a cookbook! - Deana Gunn and Wona Miniati.

Trader Joe’s has really been working on their vegan options, and they are adding to them all the time. In fact, just the other day I saw shredded vegan cheese in the refrigerated section. I don’t often leave work for lunch, but there are those days when I’m running late and can’t make one ahead of time. There aren’t a lot of vegan meal options near my job, so I get really sick of Robek’s and Subway. Trader Joe’s has become my go-to because I can buy a variety of prepared meals there and it doesn’t get old.

Anyway, I recently tried Trader Joe’s Vegetable Panang Curry and found it satisfying, but not spicy enough. I don’t think that’s the fault of Trader Joe’s, I think that I just like my curry hot.

It comes with the rice and the curry in separate compartments, which is really awkward if you don’t have bowls in your desk and you have to try to scoop the vegetables into the rice compartment after cooking. For the record, I usually have bowls, but we recently took them camping to be used for cereal and haven’t brought them back to work yet.

I’m sure I will purchase this again, just for variety’s sake, but I have other Trader Joe’s favoritesl

Trader Joe's has gone pumpkin-crazy this autumn season! They have everything from pumpkin oatmeal to hard pumpkin cider to pumpkin trees out right now! Hey, I'm not complaining, I just wish more of these items were vegan.

However, a large bulk of their seasonal pumpkin items are vegan (or, at least they appeared 99.9% vegan after a quick scan of their ingredients - please correct me if I'm wrong). Here is a small sample of their pumpkin offerings this fall:

Pumpkin Bread and Muffin mix is vegan! Avoid the Pumpkin

Pancake Waffle mix though - it is not vegan!

OMG, Pumpkin Rolls! These are just like Trader Joe's other

Cinnamon Rolls (only better though, cuz pumpkin), and vegan!

Good ol' organic canned pumpkin is back!

Pumpkin bagels! And from what I can tell they are vegan (no

gross L-cysteine, i. e. poultry feathers)!

Gluten-free Pumpkin Pancake Mix - PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT VEGAN! This must have slipped past my veg-dar (vegan radar), because this product contains milk! Ugh, sorry guys!

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Pecan Pumpkin Instant Oatmeal - this stuff is my favorite!

Of course, they had tons of other non-vegan options (and probably other vegan options I missed), including pumpkin pop-tarts, pumpkin ravioli, and much more!

And FYI, their divine Pumpkin Body Butter (review ) is back in-stores on September 29th!

What are your favorite pumpkin items from Trader Joe's?

UPDATE 9/29/2014: Trader Joe's has added several other pumpkin items to their stores this week, including Pumpkin Joe-Joe's, Pumpkin Cornbread Mix, Cranberry and Pumpkin Seed Pita Crisps, and the return of their Pumpkin Body Butter! I went back to the store today and check out the awesome vegan pumpkin items I picked up!

So sad, because it seems the pumpkin bagels are NOT vegan. I had my husband pick some up and besides the absence of the "V" on the package, the sugar is probably not vegan, and though it mentions the mono and di-glycerides are vegetable, it does just say "enzymes" and not vegetable enzymes. So I'll be returning the package :o(

¡Hola! I understand where you are coming from, but for me veganism is more about intent and the bigger picture rather than personal purity. Unfortunately, we don't live in a vegan world and will run into instances where there may or may not be trace amounts of animal ingredients in food and products. This is why I strongly believe in the 99.9% vegan rule and try not to stress too much about the possibility of small traces of animal ingredients. However, it is all about where you want to draw the line, so I totally get if you'd rather avoid these due to the sugar. FYI - enzymes are in reference to the yeast, and are totally vegan, so you're safe there. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

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We sell about a half-a-dozen BBQ sauces. As with most of the other food items we carry that customers use on a regular basis, we offer a number of styles and flavors of BBQ sauce to appeal to a variety of tastes. But flavor isn’t our only concern. We also know a growing number of our customers prefer 100% organic products. Our new Organic Brown Sugar BBQ Sauce and Marinade should appeal to our organic customers, while it also offers a new and attractive.

We’ve got a robust line-up of frozen burger patties at Trader Joe’s, including options for everyone. We’ve got burgers from the pastures ( Ground Buffalo Burgers, Grass Fed Beef Burgers ); burgers from the sea ( Simply Seasoned Tuna Burger s, Mahi Mahi Burgers ); burgers for the birds ( Turkey Burgers . Chile Lime Chicken Burgers ); and even several “meat-less” options ( Vegetable Masala Burgers . Pizza Veggie Burgers . Quinoa Cowboy Veggie Burgers ). Is there room for one more? ¡Siempre! Our new.

Pickled things are surging in food culture. We’ve seen evidence of this in the popularity of our Sauerkraut with Pickled Persian Cucumbers . Now, we’re adding to our pickled deli items with Trader Joe’s Spicy Pickled Vegetables . It’s our own version of Jalapeños en Escabeche . with a twist. Jalapeños en Escabeche is traditionally a mix of pickled peppers, carrots, and onions. We’ve given this Mexican condiment a twist, adding.

Tastes like a brownie and crunches like a cookie . Do we need to continue? Oh, yes, we can continue. You see, we took months to perfect this particular product—because if we were going to go here, we really wanted to get it right. When our tasting panel tried the original incarnation, the reaction was a universal “Ooh, I want to love these, but right now I just kind of like them.” We knew there was something there, but it wasn’t complete. So we kept trying. And this is not something about which we can complain. After all, these are.

It’s not salsa. It’s not a smoothie. It may technically be “soup”—but it’s a far cry from chicken noodle. What it is . is Gazpacho . This chilled bowl of blended vegetables has a fresh and simple, yet exotic appeal. Trader Joe’s Organic Roasted Tomatillo Gazpacho is a grand example of this refreshing, flavorful meal. Originally from Andalusia in southern Spain (with roots possibly going back to Roman times), the best Gazpacho present itself as a.

Lately, some interesting natural drink alternatives have been appearing on the scene. Some of these can be found on our shelves, including an Aloe beverage, and Coconut Water . Our newest unconventional beverage offering is Maple Water . though historically speaking, this is not new . at all. It’s likely that Native Americans in the Northeast discovered tree sap as they went about their daily lives, inhabiting the forests of Maple trees. And, that’s exactly what our Maple Water is— tree sap . culled from.

Creamy soup tastes creamy . and that’s because of the cream. Or, one would think. We’ve discovered that creamy soup doesn’t need cream to be creamy. This we know through the development of our Organic Creamy Asparagus Soup . In this soup, heavy cream (or any kind of dairy) is replaced with organic potatoes and fresh organic spinach . puréed together to a “creamy” consistencia. This silken soup texture is.


Okay so I usually try not to be this name brand specific but I have a list of wines and beers that Trader Joe’s carries. For those of you not familiar, Trader Joe’s is a chain of grocery stores found in many of the states of the United States. They have good buys on beers and wines and I was rather surprised at how many vegan options they carry.

Why aren’t wines vegan? I found a great explanation for you here .

Why aren’t beers vegan? I found a great explanation for you here.

Keep in mind at Trader Joe’s many of their products are regional so you may not find the all the varieties listed below. Also their selection changes depending on demand or availability. Some of the wines they carry may only be found at Trader Joe’s but others are sold at many retail establishments.

Beers Oranjeboom Pilsner Chimay Josephsbrau Dunkelweizen Stockyard Oatmeal Stout TJ’s Bavarian Hefeweizen TJ’s Bohemian Lager TJ’s Hofbrau Bock TJ’s Josephsbrau Winterfest TJ’s Vienna Lager Simpler Times Lager & Pilsner Red Oval Lager Black Toad Ale Fat Weasel Ale Frugal Joe’s Ordinary Beer Gila Monster Amber Lager Jumping Cow Amber Ale Mission St. IPA Mission St. Pale Ale Mission St. Blonde Ale Mission St. Hefeweizen Mission St. Brown Ale

Wines (Trader Joe’s may not have all varietals) Yellowtail (Australia) – reds only Baron Herzog (California) – whites including White Zin Bonterra (California) – whites only Cambria (California) – whites only Castle Rock (California) – all wines Charles Shaw (California) – reds only Cline Cellars (California) – all wines Fetzer (California) – white only Green Fin (California) – all wines Hahn Estates (California) – all wines Kendall Jackson (California) – whites only Mumm Napa (California) – Cuvee Brut Rosenblum (California) – all wines Sterling (California) – white wines TJ Coastal (California) – all wines Well Read (California) – red only George Dubeouf (France) – all wines Louis Jadot (France) – Beaujolais Village Moet & Chandon (France) – Imperial Sparkling Mouton Cadet (France) – Rouge Piper Heidseck (France) – Brut Sparkling Veuve Cliquot (France) – Yellow Brut NV and Rose

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Trader Joe’s has the ability (at least at my TJ’s wine shop in NYC) to look up the fining agent, if any, used to process the wine, for pretty much all the wines they are selling. This is almost always the only item to be concerned about in determining if a wine is vegan or not. Go to the customer service desk, ask them if you can see the technical info for the wine. At the bottom of the technical info sheet it discloses the fining agent!

Yes, they are pretty helpful. They gave me the list. )

So what I was suggesting is, don’t restrict yourself to the very helpful list posted here. Pick a wine that looks interesting, take it up to the help desk and ask them what the fining agent is. I very rarely run into a wine that uses a non-vegan fining agent.

Mumm Napa isn’t vegan. I think Barnivore may have had it incorrectly labelled as vegan in the past.

Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Foods

As expected, nearly all of Trader Joe’s produce, breads, cereals, dairy, snack foods, desserts and beverages are vegetarian. Trader Joe’s publishes a vegan product list.

The vegetarian and vegan products of most interest and usefulness are the fresh, frozen and grocery (shelf-stable cans, jars and boxes) items since these are the basis for real meals.

We’ve highlighted some favorite products in each of the categories below. Also check out the dozens of product reviews you’ll find through out this site.

Chilled Prepared Foods

Dairy and Dairy Alternatives

whole grain pita bread (vegan)

vanilla almond granola (vegan)

organic black beans (vegan)

organic garbanzo beans (vegan)

lentil and vegetable soup (vegan)

black bean soup (can) (vegan)

chana masala (vegan)

palak paneer

blue corn tortilla chips (vegan)

peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets (vegan)

chocolate chip chewy coated granola bars

jalapeno pepper hot sauce (vegan)

salsa de caramelo

organic maple syrup (vegan)

soyaki marinade (vegan)

all natural barbecue sauce (vegan)

organic extra virgin olive oil (vegan)

white balsamic vinegar (vegan)

organic balsamic vinegar (vegan)

organic sliced sandwich pickles (vegan)

pitted kalamata olives (vegan)

double roll toilet paper

50/50 shampoo

all purpose cleaner

pet food

Veg TJ’s Favorites!

This is one of my go-to comfort foods. It's good as-is, but benefits from some added salt, ground … [Read More. ]

TJ's macaroni and cheese is delicious (very creamy and satisfying), but as expected high in calories … [Read More. ]

The taste, appearance and texture of this frozen Palak Paneer is so much better than the shelf … [Read More. ]

This is a spicy tea blend that smells and tastes primarily of cinnamon and ginger. It's a great hot … [Read More. ]

TJ's Roasted Garlic Hummus was my favorite until I discovered this Edamame Hummus. Not only is the … [Read More. ]

This quinoa dish is super easy to cook and quite tasty and satisfying. Colorful vegetable pieces … [Read More. ]

This seasonal vegetable side dish is a delicious, cheesy, calorie bomb! The container technically … [Read More. ]

I'm not a huge pie fan, but I am a sucker for bite-sized desserts. Fun and I can have more than one. … [Read More. ]

Trader Joe's carries good quality olive oil for much less than health food stores. Go for the extra … [Read More. ]

Trader Joe's asparagus risotto is one of my favorite items and a go-to comfort food when I'm craving … [Read More. ]

Mensaje de navegación

Trader Joe’s Grocery List for Vegans

If you’ve never taken a look at the Trader Joe’s Vegan Product list. you probably should! This is one of the first things I searched for when I started my vegan journey. I was astounded by how well Trader Joe’s caters to vegans – may be one reason why I am obsessed with this place!!

They have a TON of options in all departments, making it pretty tough to choose. I have to admit, it is SO hard to not buy everything all at once. To stay within budget, Joe and I will only try 2 or 3 new things per week. Spacing it out doesn’t break the bank, and it allows us to try and test everything. Some items we pass on, and some items become regulars. It all balances out!

I thought it might be fun to share a list of my favorite Trader Joe’s staples. Keep in mind, this is a long list! We don’t buy all of these items weekly, of course. These are just some of our favorites.

Unsweetened almond milk

Unsweetened soy milk

Organic tea & limonada

Very green juice

Bread, Cereal & Granola:

Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grain bread in wheat or cinnamon raisin

Joe’s O’s

Habanero tortilla wraps

Israeli or whole wheat couscous

White or red quinoa

Red, brown, or green lentils

Brown rice pasta penne

Brown jasmine rice

Negro & amp; white beans

Refried black beans with jalapeño peppers

Unsalted creamy peanut butter

Unsalted almond butter

Organic 3-grain tempeh

Soy yogurt

Whatever is in season (as of lately: kale, spinach, corn on the cob, zucchini, yellow squash, portobello mushrooms, colorful peppers)

Whatever is in season (as of lately: cherries, nectarines, avocado, apricots, watermelon)

Roasted corn

Petite peas

Fire roasted bell peppers & cebolla

Dr. Praeger’s California Veggie Burgers

Frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mango chunks)

Black mission figs

Dried cranberries

Dry-roasted almonds

Roasted coconut chips

Ginger chews

Raw sunflower seeds

Italian Olive Oil Spray

Soyaki or Island Soyaki

Balsamic vinegar

Aceite de coco

Olive oil

Pure vanilla

Turbinado raw cane sugar

Earth Balance butter spread

Grade A maple syrup

Raw agave sweetener

Corn & chile salsa

You may have noticed that I omitted snacks. Shame on me, right? Don’t worry, I’m just as big of a snack monster as the next person. We’re going to tackle my top 10 Trader Joe’s snacks later in the week. You won’t want to miss it!

What are some of your favorite Trader Joe’s staples? Share with me in the comment section! xx Bianca

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Best Trader Joe's Snacks

Trader Joe's is my happy place. Aside from all the healthy ingredients like fresh fruits and veggies and some of the tastiest (and cheapest!) vegan options. they are also bursting with unique good-for-you snacks. The next time you're shopping, pick up some of these noshables — all 150 calories or less.


Fruit Bar (apple and mango ): one bar; 90 calories, two grams fiber, 20 grams sugar, zero grams protein

Fruit Bar With Flax and Chia Seeds: one bar; 140 calories, three grams fiber, 26 grams sugar, one gram protein

Fruit Wrap (apple strawberry): one bar; 50 calories, less than one gram fiber, 11 grams sugar, zero grams protein

Granola Bar (sweet, savory, and tart trail mix): one bar; 150 calories, one gram fiber, nine grams sugar, three grams protein

Chips, Crackers, Pretzels, and Other Crunchy Snacks

Animal Crackers: 17 crackers; 120 calories, less than one gram fiber, six grams sugar, two grams protein

Baked Lentil Chips: 22 chips; 120 calories, two grams fiber, 0.5 gram sugar, four grams protein

Blue Corn Chips (with sprouted amaranth, quinoa, and chia seeds): eight chips; 130 calories, two grams fiber, zero grams sugar, three grams protein

Crunchy Curls (lentil and potato snack): 31 curls; 130 calories, four grams fiber, zero grams sugar, three grams protein

Inner Bean (baked black bean snack): 22 pieces; 130 calories, five grams fiber, one gram sugar, five grams protein

Inner Peas (baked green bean snack): 22 pieces, 130 calories, four grams fiber, less than one gram sugar, five grams protein

Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels (salted): 11 pieces; 140 calories, two grams fiber, two grams sugar, five grams protein

Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers: 12 crackers, less than one gram fiber, three grams sugar, two grams protein

Popcorn Chips (with chia seeds, flaxseeds, quinoa, and sunflower seeds): 17 chips; 110 calories, one gram fiber, two grams sugar, two grams protein

Popcorn With Olive Oil: two cups; 130 calories, three grams fiber, zero grams sugar, three grams protein

Sesame Sticks: 25 pieces; 152 calories, 0.9 grams fiber, zero grams sugar, 2.7 grams protein

Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips: nine chips; 130 calories, two grams fiber, two grams sugar, one gram protein

Wheat Crisps: 14 crackers; 130 calories, two grams fiber, four grams sugar, three grams protein

Woven Wheats Wafers: eight crackers; 130 calories, three grams fiber, zero grams sugar, three grams protein

Pretzel Slims (everything): 23 pieces; 110 calories, one gram fiber, two grams sugar, three grams protein

Fruit and Nuts

Freeze Dried Bananas: 1/2 bag, 150 calories, three grams fiber, 30 grams sugar, two grams protein

Freeze Dried Fuji Apple Slices: one bag, 130 calories, four grams fiber, 22 grams sugar, one gram protein

Fruit Crushers (apple banana): one pouch; 50 calories, one gram fiber, 11 grams sugar, zero grams protein

Fruit Crushers (apple carrot): one pouch; 50 calories, one gram fiber, 11 grams sugar, zero grams protein

Just Mango (unsulfered and unsweetened): four pieces; 120 calories, two grams fiber, 20 grams sugar, two grams protein

Raw Almonds: 21; 145 calories, three grams fiber, 1.2 grams sugar, 5.4 grams protein

Raw Cashews: 17; 147 calories, 0.9 grams fiber, 1.6 grams sugar, 4.9 grams protein

Tamari Roasted Almonds: 1/8 cup; 85 calories, two grams fiber, zero grams sugar, 2.5 grams protein

Trail Mix (Nuts About Raspberries and Chocolate Trek Mix): 1/4 cup; 150 calories, three grams fiber, six grams sugar, five grams protein


Cage-Free Fresh Hard-Cooked Peeled Eggs: two eggs; 120 calories, zero grams fiber, zero grams sugar, 12 grams

Cold Pressed Juice (green): 15.2-ounce bottle; 100 calories, one gram fiber, 11 grams sugar, five grams protein

Cultured Coconut Milk Yogurt (vanilla): six-ounce container; 140 calories, two grams fiber, 19 grams sugar, one gram protein

Guacamole: two tablespoons; 60 calories, two grams fiber, zero grams sugar, one gram protein

Hummus: two tablespoons; 80 calories, two grams fiber, one gram sugar, two grams protein

Muhammara (spread similar to hummus made with walnuts, roasted red pepper, and pomegranate juice): two tablespoons; 110 calories, two grams fiber, one gram sugar, two grams protein

Organic Nonfat Vanilla Greek Yogurt: 5.3-ounce container; 120 calories, 10 grams sugar, zero grams fiber, 13 grams protein

Organic Soy Yogurt (strawberry): six-ounce container; 160 calories, two grams fiber, 21 grams sugar, six grams protein


Fruit Frenzy Bar (raspberry, lemon, strawberry): one bar; 130 calories, one gram fiber, 30 grams sugar, zero grams protein

Gone Bananas (chocolate-covered banana slices): four pieces; 130 calories, one gram fiber, 12 grams sugar, two grams protein


Corn & Chile Tomato-Less Salsa: two tablespoons; 45 calories, one gram fiber, six grams sugar, one gram protein

Cowboy Caviar (corn, black bean, and pepper salsa): two tablespoons; 25 calories, one gram fiber, two grams sugar, one gram protein

Salsa Authentica: two tablespoons; 10 calories, zero grams fiber, zero grams sugar, zero grams protein

I practically live at Trader Joe’s. I do 90% of my grocery shopping there—they have the best prices, it’s super chill and low-key, and they have a ton of amazing vegan options (food, beverages, skin care, hair care, errthang)! Today, I wanted to focus on their SNACKIE TREATS (one of my favorite major food groups)!

Before we delve into their list of yummy vegan snacks, here’s a quick note from TJ’s:

“For the love of wit (and a few other reasons), we’ve identified products free of all animal products and/or by-products including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, gelatin, lanolin and confectioner’s glaze with the “V” (for Vegan). Please note, this list is not all-inclusive. We do our best to keep the information as up to date and as accurate as possible, but we do introduce and discontinue products all the time, so keep your eyes open and always read product labels.”

Vegan Snacks from Trader Joe’s:

Chips, Crackers, Pretzels & Popcorn

12 Grain Mini Snack Crackers

Bagel Chips

Corn Chip Dippers

Crunchy Curls

Fat Free Caramel Popcorn

Italian Breadsticks with Olive Oil

Kale Chips

Kettle Corn

Lundberg Organic Brown Rice Cakes

Multigrain Tortilla Chips

Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

Oriental Rice Crackers

Pane Guttiau

Pita Chips (Cinnamon & Sugar, Sea


Reduced Guilt Lightly Salted Kettle Cooked

Potato Chips

Reduced Guilt Pita Chips w/ Sea Salt

Reduced Guilt Wheat Crisps

Restaurant Style White Corn Tortilla Chips egan 6 Edited 5/2/14

Rice Cakes Light Salt

Ridge Cut Potato Chips (Lightly Salted,

Salt & Pepper, Sweet Potato)

Roasted Seaweed Snack

Savory Thin Mini Crackers (Regular,

Multiseed with Soy Sauce)

Salt & Pepper Crisps

Soy & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips

Stone Ground Wheat Crackers

Tortilla Chips (White, Yellow)

Tortilla Longboard Chips

Vegetable Root Chips

Veggie & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips

Veggie Chips Potato Snacks

Chipotle Salsa

Corn & Chile Tomato-less Salsa

Double Roasted Salsa

Fire Roasted Tomato Salsa

Habanero and Lime Salsa

Pineapple Salsa

Roasted Garlic Salsa

Salsa Verde

Spicy Smoked Peach Salsa

What’s your favorite vegan snack from Trader Joe’s?

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They sound great !

Dude, I live there too. That’s probably why we ran into each other. Huggies. Miss you.

Love the corn chip dippers! And well, just love TJ’s as well – the staff is always a blast and helpful too! And the selection and prices cannot be beat!

While I’d been in a Trader Joe’s before, I guess I hadn’t ever really paid attention until I worked there. The store has been quite the buzz, what with the article about it in Fortune Magazine and all. After working there for a couple months, I decided to take a break from recipe-makin’ and highlight some of my favorite items for you all with the prices from my store (YMMV). Plus, I still have tons of leftovers from my past posts in the fridge and need time to eat them!

Peanut Satay Noodle Box with sauce (11 oz.) – 1,99 €

Frozen Vegetable Fried Rice (16 oz.) – $2.29

No picture, sorry!

TJ’s Goddess Dressing (8 fl. oz.) – 1,99 €

And last but not least…OMG vegan ice cream mochi! I do not have a picture because I ate an entire box at work as soon as I found them, oops. There are six in the package in coconut, chocolate and mango flavor (2 of each) made with coconut milk…$3.69.

About vegannomnoms

Textured soy protein in a spherical shape

We return again to the strange shores of vegan cuisine to take a look at Trader Joe’s Meatless Meatballs. We’ve looked at a good number of vegetarian and vegan alternatives to this meaty world we live in – from soy “ice cream” to chicken free chicken nuggets.

In general, I find that vegetarian food really shines when it’s not getting hung up on trying to be the doppleganger of meat products, as with Trader Joe’s Vegetable Masala Burgers, and just does it’s own thing. The worst sins of vegan cusine seem to occur when somebody decides that, goddammit, yes, I need to make a turkey out of tofu. Vegetable dishes are good as vegetables, and meat dishes are good as meat – there’s no need for vegetables to be all things to all people. Nevertheless, I’m always excited to be proved wrong in novel ways, hence the acquisition of these “meat”balls.

TJ’s comes straight out and calls their meatless meatballs, “a delicious meat-free substitute for any meal” right there on the package, without even a hint of modesty. I wouldn’t go that far, but the meatballs do delivery a surprisingly rich and full, if not exactly meaty, flavor. The meatlessballs, for lack of a better word, replicate the texture and mouthfeel of a standard party meatball pretty closely. The bite of the ball is moist and a little chewy – holding together well, and breaking up much as a bit of ground beef would. Coated with a heavy sauce, or mixed into a plate of pasta you wouldn’t notice much of a difference. Taken by itself, however, the meatlessball tastes, and more importantly, smells very dissimilar.

A good job was done to season the meatlessballs in such a way that they are roughly approximate to a normal meatball, but there’s no hiding the sort of soybean-y aftertaste when eaten straight off the plate. There’s nothing here of the fatty, visceral taste of the meatball – instead there’s a thinner, somewhat vegetable blandness. This difference in taste is rather mild, however, which means it can be hidden very effectively under a good marinera or similar sauce. More problematic, for those seeking a true meat substitute, is the smell wich has nothing of the savory, fatty scent of a simmering meatball. Instead, it smells like what it is – a bunch of hot soy. It’s a strong enough scent that it might make you think twice about digging in.

When you pop this bag open, the first thing you should realize is that you

This, by itself, not so good. Through on a heavy sauce though…

are getting a ton of these guys. These are cocktail meatballs, not the big honking ones you get in Trader Joe’s regular bag of frozen meatballs. The move feels like it may be a practical one, as even at their smaller size the meatless meatballs have a certain tendency to break up if played around with too much. On the plus side, they’re down right healthy compared to Trader Joe’s ordinary beef variety meatballs. Each six meatball serving has only 140 calories, 45 from fat, and 13 whopping grams of protein.

How do such meatless balls manage such a feat? Through the magic of textured soy protein, of course.

To level with you, I generally react to this sort of psuedo-meat like a horse being lead up to Frakenstein’s castle. There’s something strange and unnatural about it that makes me balk. Meat I get. It’s easy to get answers out of meat. “Hey, what’s this meatball made out of?” “A bunch of dead cow.” That’s a straight foward answer. The answers are harder with meatless meat products, because all the sudden I’m being tricked, right from the start. Nothing is what it appears, but instead a complex masquerade of strange technical processes meant to fool me into thinking I’m eating meat. That’s vaguely sinister – and such weird yet innocuous phrases as “textured soy protein” only make me nervous.

Textured soy protein or “TSP” is, in fact, kind of weird and sinister stuff. It’s basically the styrofoam of the food world, used since the 1960’s by the Archer Dale Midland company to pad out meat with filler material. It’s what happens when you heat soy bean flour to high temperatures that it melts, then is extruded from a nozzle as “a fibrous, insoluble, porous network that can soak up as much as three times its weight in liquids ” (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Textured_vegetable_protein ). Does that sound amazing? Not really, but they tell you not to ask about how sausage is made either.

That may sound like I’m being harsh, but I’m just trying to be accurate. In terms of texture and even, to a fair degree, taste these “meat”balls really are good substitutes for real meatballs. But to say, as Trader Joe’s does, that they’re a substitute for “any recipe” isn’t one I’d stand behind. Taken as a small asset in a larger dish, in a sloppy meatball sandwich say, they work beautifully, as they would for any vegetarian just looking to get a little variety in their diet. However, in a dish where the meatballs are showcased instead of hidden behind other, stronger flavors they’re unlikely to please the table.

The Breakdown

Would I Recommend It: Not to meat eaters, possibly to vegetarians.

Would I Buy It Again: Not I, I’ll stick to TJ’s lean turkey variety.

Final Synopsis: Fake meatballs suitable for pasta but not soup.

Trader Joe’s Meatless Meatballs – información nutricional

I'm an absolute falafel connoisseur. I eat it a lot . I was introduced to falafel later in life, so I guess I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. The best part about falafel love, is that any falafel worth its chickpea will already be Vegan. My first falafel sandwich was from Sultan's Market in Chicago and I have to admit, it's still my favorite. So the bar is set pretty high.

I've never been gaga over pre-packaged falafel. It's ok, but it's usually dry or just not tasty. However, on my last trip to Trader Joe's. I noticed they had some frozen falafel. It's Trader Joe's, it's falafel and it's Vegan, what the hell, I guess I'll try it. You only live once!

So right off the bat I notice the direction stating that the preferred method of cooking is the microwave. ¿Qué? You almost never see that. The preference is usually the stove or toaster oven, but never the microwave. Well, I was smart about it. I put half of the falafels in the microwave and the other half in the toaster oven. That way I could determine MY preferred cooking method.

Well, I hate to say it, but the falafels were pretty uninspired. The texture reminded me of a reheated tater tot. Absolutely no moisture, no crisp, no crunch. I think the only thing that might have saved them is deep fat frying. Neither cooking method yielded great results. Yes, the microwave was quicker, but that's about it. And I thought the toaster over would make the falafels crispier but that wasn't the case. I'm so bummed!

The taste left much to be desired. Not very flavorful, you would definitely need hummus or something to spice it up. The only saving grace is that maybe I've had so much good falafel that the Trader Joe's Frozen Falafel never stood a chance. Whatever the case, buy at your own risk. I hope you have better luck than me!

Trader Joe’s Vegan Mozzarella Cheese Review + Gourmet Grilled Cheese Recipe

Tonight we decided to try Trader Joe’s Vegan Mozzarella shredded cheese. Up until recently, we never lived anywhere near a Trader Joe’s, so we never had a chance to try any of their vegan products. We had a lot to choose from, but we figured we’d be bold and go straight for the cheese. As you probably know from your own experiences, vegan cheeses are really hit or miss. Typically, they’re either terrific or terrible with no in between. That being said, I’m pleased to say Trader Joe’s vegan cheese was terrific.

Trader Joe’s Vegan Mozzarella Cheese Review

The cheese was surprisingly realistic but in no way too realistic, if you know what I mean. The first thing we noticed when we opened the bag was that it smelled like real cheese, however, it did not repel us like the smell of real cheese does. I quickly tasted a piece and it also tasted very much like real mozzarella. All in all, it passed Phase I, but now we had to find out if it could pass Phase II: The melt & stretch test.

We figured a grilled cheese sandwich would be the perfect test subject for Phase II. First and foremost, if the cheese on your grilled cheese doesn’t melt, it’s a failure. Secondly, if the cheese does not stretch when you separate the halves, it might not be a bad grilled cheese, but it’s certainly not a great grilled cheese. Thankfully, the Trader Joe’s cheese both melted and stretched!

In summary, we were very impressed with Trader Joe’s Vegan Mozzarella, and would recommend it.

Gourmet Vegan Mozzarella Grilled Cheese with Caramelized Onion, Peach and Arugula on Ciabatta Bread

This sandwich was obviously very easy to make and it tasted fantastic. GUAU. As soon as I was done with it I wanted to turn around and make another one.

Freshly Baked Bread

Trader Joe’s Vegan Mozzarella (shredded)

Peach (thinly sliced)



Sea Salt

Add onion to a pan with about 1 tsp of oil and slowly sauté over low-med heat for 15 to 20 min. After they are soft and golden brown, add a pinch of course sea salt – I used some rosemary sea salt I had and it was awesome.

Layer the ingredients on the bread in the order above. Place the assembled sandwich in the same pant that you cooked your onions in and cook over low-med heat until it’s golden brown on both sides.

Vegan Food Lover

My Top 10 Favorite Trader Joe’s Products

December 23, 2013 / By Carrie Forrest, MBA/MPH / 69 Comments

Hiya and Merry (almost) Christmas to those of you who celebrate! Like my Santa hat? I stole the idea from Suzanne over at Hello Veggy who is obviously having as much fun as I am with the holiday photo edits in PicMonkey. She makes a super cute Santa, especially with the beard.

Today, I thought it might be fun today to show you some of my favorite vegan-friendly and healthy food products from the retailer Trader Joe’s. For those of you who don’t have access to this store, I’m sorry . You probably won’t get much out of this post and you might will probably just get annoyed if you read it.

But, for those of us who are lucky enough to be able to shop at this fantastic store, maybe you’ll see some things you didn’t know were there or leave me a comment with your faves.

Note: this is NOT a sponsored post and, in fact, I contacted the corporate office of Trader Joe’s to see if management would like to do a giveaway tied to this post and they said no because they don’t do that type of thing. No worries, I still love them enough to give them some free marketing, ha ha.

I should also say that since I live in California, I’m uber-spoiled to have farmers’ markets or produce stands available to me nearly every day. Supporting my local farmers and getting the freshest produce is my first choice my far, but, of course, farm stands don’t carry everything. So, I find I shop at stores like TJ’s or Costco about once a week for frozen, bulk, or packaged goods, and then I order from Vitacost. com (use this link for $10 off if you’re a new customer) about once every two weeks for my cruelty-free beauty and personal care items and even some food products.

Anyway, without further ado, here are my top 10 favorite items from Trader Joe’s:

1. Unsweetened soy milk. The ingredient label for this version of soy milk reads filtered water and organic whole soybeans. So, apart from making my own fresh at home (I bought a soy milk maker recently that I will write about in a future post), this is my favorite brand:

2. Frozen organic, wild blueberries. These most often go into my green smoothies. but I also used a bag of them in my Slow-Cooker Winter Breakfast Stew. There is research on wild blueberries that shows them having superior health properties even over cultivated ones (though either version is great to eat regularly in my opinion):

3. No-salt Added Roasted Tomato Salsa. There is sugar in this product, but only 2 grams per serving which amounts to about 1/2 teaspoon. The flavor is excellent and I use it quite often to make guacamole or with steamed vegetables:

I specifically love the organic walnuts (unpictured), organic raisins, and organic unsulfured apricots. Nuts and seeds are the base of most of my vegetable and salad dressings and sauces. and the dried fruit goes into desserts as the sweetener, or sometimes chopped into a green salad:

5. Low Sodium Vegetable Broth. I also love making my own in the slow-cooker. but sometimes I forget to defrost it from the freezer or I just don’t have time to bother. I like using some of the broth as an alternative to water-sauteeing vegetables, too:

You just can’t beat the price and convenience of these bagged lettuces. My three favorite “flavors” are the romaine, arugula, and herb salads:

8. The sulfur shelf, as I have dubbed it. Garlic, shallots, and the newly available fermented black garlic are staples in my kitchen:

9. Mushrooms. It’s hard to find organic mushrooms at TJ’s, but I think it’s great that they have a variety to choose from and they are in reasonable quantities so they don’t go bad before I can use them up:

Shiitakes are my favorite:

10. Unsalted, crunchy almond butter. Since organic versions at the health food store run about $20 a jar, I relish in buying this version at TJ’s that runs about $7 and go through about a jar a week, between putting it into dressings or mixing it with vinegar into a simple stir-fry sauce over cooked vegetables. YUM.

That’s my top 10 list of favorite food products. I snapped this picture of my basket that included all of the above mentioned items, plus a lot more. I am routinely shocked that my total bill is almost always under $100, and this particular cart full of groceries was about $89.

Many thanks to the TJ’s employees for always being so helpful and, on this day, for not kicking me out of the store when I was obviously taking pictures when I probably most definitely shouldn’t have been.

And, if you have an iPhone or iPad, be sure to download my recipe app, Vegan Delish. featuring over 150 healthy, whole food recipes.


Since you seem to read and answer comments on your blog (Thank you very much, not all do!) Tell me about the Black Garlic…..I saw this other day at T’J’s but when I squeezed it seemed very soft, like garlic that has spoiled and gone soft or dried out. Since this packaged in plastic is it “soft” because it’s been roasted or. and supposed to be soft. Thanks, Karen

Karen, yes, that is how it is supposed to be…kind of like “jelly.” I’ve been using it in dishes just like I would use regular garlic. I like it because it doesn’t give me icky garlic breath and is a lot less spicy than regular garlic.

I love this list! Gracias por la publicacion. I live in LA and am really hoping I can make it to your cooking demo next month! You’re the best. ¡Felices vacaciones!

I noticed in your blog that you like the frozen organic wild blueberries from TJ. I too have been purchasing these and have heard and read that they are more healthy than the cultivated version. However, recently I went to TJ to purchase more, and they said they were instructed to remove them from the shelf. I WONDER WHY.

I guess I did not finish reading all the comments in the blog. It sounds like they pulled it off to reduce some inventory. That was one of my favorites. Bad mistake TJ.

I work for Trader Joe’s. Every once in a whole there is a problem with an item and it is removed from the shelf until the problem is fixed. Generally, quality not up to standards for whatever reason. That type of thing. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Also, there are items that are discontinued for whatever reason. The stores are small and cannot keep everything. A lot of my favorites are now gone, but always new ones coming around the bend. I will offer this up. We recently got in a ground cashew meal. A woman who works with me took the tahini sauce and folded in the cashew meal and made the most delicious hummus! Seriamente. easy and out of this world. We did add more lemon juice. You can do this to taste. The cashew meal has a wonderful sweet, but hearty flavor.

Just discovered this blog and so happy I did! I have a traders joes 2mins. Away from me and never heard much of it and never thought to shop there until a friend of mine bought my kids the organic and preserve free animal crackers and have yet to see their store and selection. Now I am really excited to go and even took note what to keep my eye open for! ¡Hurra!

Vegetarian Rennet

Vegetarian rennet is a non-animal product used in the making of vegetarian cheeses to aid in the coagulation process.

What Is Rennet?

Before we talk about vegetarian rennet, let's take a look at what rennet is and why vegetarians should avoid products made with it. Rennet is the ingredient used to make cheese coagulate quicker. It sounds harmless enough, but it's not. The problem lies in the fact that the primary enzyme (chymosin ) found in rennet is most often collected from the lining of the fourth stomach of a newborn calf where the enzyme is produced to help baby cows digest milk. A secondary source of rennet is piglets, which also use the enzyme in the digestion process. With that said, you can see the need for a vegetarian option.

How Vegetarian Rennet is Made

As stated above, vegetarian rennet serves the same purpose as "regular" rennet, to aid coagulation in the making of vegetarian cheeses. The difference is that the two main sources from which vegetarian rennet comes are vegetable or microbial in origin.

Vegetable Rennet

Enzymes collected from vegetable sources are harvested from plants in the making of vegetable rennet. These plants include:

Microbial Rennet

In the case of microbial rennet, the enzymes most often come from fungi or bacteria and are then fermented.

Genetically Engineered Rennet

It's important to note that in some cases the enzymes labeled vegetarian rennet are manufactured by using genetically altered rennet. In this case, the chymosin DNA is taken from a calf's stomach cells and altered. However, this is not always the case with manufactured enzymes . They can also be bio-synthesized without the cells of an animal. The key is to check with the manufacturer to know what brands are safe to buy.

What You May Not Know

The real kicker is that you may be eating vegetarian cheese that uses vegetarian rennet manufactured with genetically altered rennet that still uses DNA from the calf's stomach cells. This manufactured rennet is not widely used, but for most vegetarians it makes a difference, and it's worth a little research. You want to know the source of the rennet used in the cheese you're eating. The problem is that in the U. S. the labels don't really explain the vegetarian rennet source. The best solution is to buy vegetarian cheese through markets that understand the difference and are willing to disclose the source of the vegetarian rennet.

Trader Joes

Trader Joes is known for its large selection of healthy foods. Its vegetarian line does not contain ingredients or sub-ingredients that come from animal, meat, poultry or fish. Their line of vegetarian products include vegetarian options like:

Grated Parmesan and Romano Cheese

Soy Cheese

Toffuti Better Than Cream Cheese

Cheesecake Bites

New York Deli Style Baked Cheesecake

Jalapeno Cheese Crunchies

For a complete list of their products and locations visit their website .

Soy Cheese Alternatives

Soy cheeses offer a number of alternatives for the vegetarian menu. Éstos son algunos:

Better than Cream Cheese

Follow Your Heart - a soy-based: casein-free Vegan Gourmet Cheese Alternative available in a number of flavors

Galaxy Nutritional Foods - offers a wide selection of vegetarian cheese flavors including:


Yellow American

Pepper Jack




Soya Kaas - another favorite of many vegetarians is available in a variety of flavors and even a couple of fat-free versions

La línea de fondo

As with many vegetarian topics, the use of rennet in making cheese stirs up controversy because it is an animal biproduct. If you are a strict vegetarian, it is wise to contact the manufacturer to find out what type of vegetarian rennet they use in making their vegetarian cheese.

Temas relacionados


Information on this site is compiled by the author and contributors. The author and contributors are not responsible for how this information is used or any allergic reactions that may occur from using information provided on this site. The content on this blog should not be considered medical advice. Please note that despite the utmost care in research and follow up, miscommunication can still occur and ingredients may change without notification from sources. If you have different information on a menu item or product please send an email to administrator@goeggless. com. All posts are © 2008, Go Eggless. Todos los derechos reservados.

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You are here: Home / Reviews / Books / The Vegetarian’s Guide to Trader Joe’s Cookbook Review

The Vegetarian’s Guide to Trader Joe’s Cookbook Review

October 31, 2012 by Naomi ·

Despite my other cookbook reviews that would communicate the contrary – my husband and I actually try to eat pretty healthy. Which is why I was excited to get this book to review – because it has been WAY too long since I had been able to make it to Trader Joe’s. The “I (heart) Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Cookbook by Kris Holechek Peters has 150 recipes that are all vegetarian with options to make them vegan as well. Product received for review. Post contains affiliate links.

Even if you are not vegetarian or vegan, this book has great recipes – the recipes that qualify are marked as gluten free. From Banana Cinnamon Rolls to Pumpkin Spice Cobbler – I was excited to try just about every single one of the recipes in the book! Most of the recipes have less than 10 ingredients, so even if you do not have all the ingredients, it is not too hard on the pocketbook to pick them (and of course, you don’t HAVE to purchase them from Trader Joe’s). I think the book has recipes that look really yummy (and even without meat in them!) and I cannot wait to cook my way through this book.

Recipe from the Cookbook

For those of you getting ready for family gatherings coming up this holiday season – I am excited to share with you a recipe for Gingered Bread Pudding.

Bread pudding tends to divide people into two camps: the lovers and the haters. This particular bread pudding, with its moist composition student with chocolate and ginger is sure to break down the walls that divide.

Makes: 10-12 slices

4 to 5 cups torn French bread

3 eggs

1/2 cup Trader Joe’s Organize Evaporated Cane Juice Sugar

2 1/4 cups milk

2 inches fresh ginger, peeled and finely gated

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped Trader Joe’s candied Ginger

Vegan Option: Replace the eggs with 1/2 cup pureed tofu and replace the milk with non-dairy substitute, increasing the amount to 2 1/3 cups.

Preheat the oven to 375F and lightly grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan. Place the torn bread into a large bowl. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar until the yolks are broken and the mixture is creamy. Add the milk, fresh ginger, vanilla and cinnamon, and whisk until combined. Pour the egg mixture over the bread and mix well to combine. You want the bread to be soaked through with the liquids. Add the chocolate chips and ginger and gently incorporate. Spread the bread mixture into the prepared pan, pouring any leftover egg mixture from the bowl over the top. Bake until a knife inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean, 55 to 60 minutes Let cool on a cooling rack for at least 30 minutes before serving.

If you are interested in the book, you can purchase on Amazon. SRP $17.95 – but Amazon is cheaper than that as of right now. You can find out more about the cookbooks from Kris Holechek Peters on the Amazon authors page.

Trader Joe’s is a registered trademark of Trader Joe’s Company and is used here for informational purposes only. The book is independently authored and published and is not affiliated or associated with Trader Joe’s Company in any way.

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I practically live at Trader Joe’s. I do 90% of my grocery shopping there—they have the best prices, it’s super chill and low-key, and they have a ton of amazing vegan options (food, beverages, skin care, hair care, errthang)! Today, I wanted to focus on their SNACKIE TREATS (one of my favorite major food groups)!

Before we delve into their list of yummy vegan snacks, here’s a quick note from TJ’s:

“For the love of wit (and a few other reasons), we’ve identified products free of all animal products and/or by-products including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, gelatin, lanolin and confectioner’s glaze with the “V” (for Vegan). Please note, this list is not all-inclusive. We do our best to keep the information as up to date and as accurate as possible, but we do introduce and discontinue products all the time, so keep your eyes open and always read product labels.”

Vegan Snacks from Trader Joe’s:

Chips, Crackers, Pretzels & Popcorn

12 Grain Mini Snack Crackers

Bagel Chips

Corn Chip Dippers

Crunchy Curls

Fat Free Caramel Popcorn

Italian Breadsticks with Olive Oil

Kale Chips

Kettle Corn

Lundberg Organic Brown Rice Cakes

Multigrain Tortilla Chips

Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

Oriental Rice Crackers

Pane Guttiau

Pita Chips (Cinnamon & Sugar, Sea


Reduced Guilt Lightly Salted Kettle Cooked

Potato Chips

Reduced Guilt Pita Chips w/ Sea Salt

Reduced Guilt Wheat Crisps

Restaurant Style White Corn Tortilla Chips egan 6 Edited 5/2/14

Rice Cakes Light Salt

Ridge Cut Potato Chips (Lightly Salted,

Salt & Pepper, Sweet Potato)

Roasted Seaweed Snack

Savory Thin Mini Crackers (Regular,

Multiseed with Soy Sauce)

Salt & Pepper Crisps

Soy & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips

Stone Ground Wheat Crackers

Tortilla Chips (White, Yellow)

Tortilla Longboard Chips

Vegetable Root Chips

Veggie & Flaxseed Tortilla Chips

Veggie Chips Potato Snacks

Chipotle Salsa

Corn & Chile Tomato-less Salsa

Double Roasted Salsa

Fire Roasted Tomato Salsa

Habanero and Lime Salsa

Pineapple Salsa

Roasted Garlic Salsa

Salsa Verde

Spicy Smoked Peach Salsa

What’s your favorite vegan snack from Trader Joe’s?

Happy Freitag, my lieblings! Take a peek at some of the ish that went down at Casa de Sunbuns this week. (←EeeEee, it’s like I’m trilingual) 😉

LVX 2013 Fall Collection – Okay, I recently painted my digits, and I have to not-so-humbly say they look pretty damn DOPE! I’ll be posting a full review next week on the entire LVX fall collection. but I will say (sneak peaky-style) that it includes some sultry, moody, must-have shades (all vegan & cruelty-free!).

PINES Wheat Grass – I’ve been on a smoothie kick lately. Every morning I whip up a delicious blend of tropical fruits (banana, mango, pineapple, papaya), chia seeds, coconut water, and my beloved PINES Wheat Grass powder. ←Just one teaspoonful of this has the same amount of nutrition as a serving of deep-green, leafy vegetables. It’s mega rich in vitamins, chlorophyll, iron, protein, and it contains 20 amino acids. SO GOOD (and good for you!).

September Vegan Swap – This is the second vegan swap I’ve organized, and it’s been a blast so far. See all the fun and yummy goodies I got this week from my vegan swap partner, Carissa? If you missed out on the fun, be sure to sign up for the next vegan swap in November. I’ll be posting the deets within the next few weeks on VBR, so stay tuned.

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spice Rooibos Tea – I went to TJ’s this week, and they had a TON of new pumpkin-y products fo’ sale. I go gaga for all things fall, so you betta believe I snagged like 80 tins of Pumpkin Spice Rooibos tea! It’s naturally sweet and delicious, and it totally sets the mood for the most magical and romantic time of year. ♥

Which vegan goodies did you discover this week?

Hey, Lovies! I know this isn’t news (although it may be for a few), but Trader Joe’s has a LOT of vegan beauty products and household goods. I wrote about some of my fave vegan TJ’s goodies here. but I just wanted to remind y’all to check their beauty aisle often because they’re always adding new and awesome ( and affordable) vegan ish!

That is all! *smoochies* xx

Ready for another roundup of vegan must-have goodies? ¡Yo también! Let’s DO this! And my faves this week are…

Mama-to-be product: Honest Body Oil – This is from Jessica Alba’s baby line—how cool is that. It’s completely natural, organic, vegan, and super safe for mommy and baby. This body oil, which I’ve been slathering all over myself (especially over my ripe preggo tum-tum) after nightly baths, is light, soothing fast-absorbing and it leaves my skin feeling silky smooth. It’s made with sustainably grown & certified organic olive oil, jojoba oil, tamanu oil, and sunflower oil.

Anti-aging product: Marula Oil from The Leakey Collection – First of all, this East African marula oil has higher levels of antioxidants and omega 9 than argan or grape seed oil (. ). This mega potent anti-aging miracle oil is fast absorbing, light, non-greasy, and straight-up luxurious! There have been proven results with continued use—see for yourself. Bonus: The packaging and bottle the oil comes in gets an A++—gorgeous!!

Foodie find: Frozen Dried Persimmons from Trader Joe’s – Persimmons are nature’s candy, and I don’t say that lightly… I am NOT one of those people who turns to fruit when I want dessert, so take my word on this. Talk about a healthy treat—this handy-dandy box of yum-yums is like cold, sweet, fruity pudding—and it only has one ingredient—persimmons. SO good! Fingers crossed that TJ’s keeps this on their shelves forevah!

Book: Vegan Junk Food by Lane Gold – This gem is for kids, omnies, vegheads and all peeps in between! The 225 recipes in this book are guaranteed to make ya drool and go gaga for insanely delish pizzas, burgers, pasta, tacos, mac and cheese, you name it! I do wish the book had yummy food pics for every single recipe (I realize that’s pretty costly, though), but all is forgiven considering there are recipes for frickin’ Cinnamon Roll French Toast and corn dogs! 😉 SCORE!

What are your current favorite vegan things?

I’ve come across soooooo many kick-ass vegan goodies this past week that I’ve decided to do a quick li’l roundup! We’re talkin’ food, beauty products, cookbooks and more! My heart literally pitter patters with joy knowing that there’s a mega heaptitude of vegan awesomeness everywhere I go!

Without further ado, my fave vegan goodies of the week:

Healthy Snack: Navitas Naturals Blueberry Hemp Superfood Raw snacks—These bite-sized health nuggets are vegan and gluten-free, high in fiber and Vitamin C, contain super food ingredients like chia, hemp, maca, camu-camu and maqui, and are muy delicioso!

Vegan Food Find: Trader Joe’s Chicken less Crispy Tenders—These tasty finger foods are available at my fave grocery store, they’re affordable, and hella tasty! Dunk these bad boys in a vat of BBQ sauce and you’re golden! Psst… the soy in this product is non-GMO (in case you were wonderin’).

Hair Care Product: Salon Grafix’s Healthy Hair Nutrition Intensive Hair Repair Masque — This hair masque is mega thick and rich and does an excellent job at infusing moisture back into dry, crusty, chemically processed hair. It’s also sulfate-free, paraben-free, it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or artificial colors, and it’s full of natural botanical extracts.

Skin Care Product: Hugo Naturals Brown Sugar Body Polish (Kumquat) — Spa session at home? Yes, please! Buff away dry skin flakies and enjoy the softest skin ev-ah with this nourishing and yummy sweet-smelling scrub. Kumquats are not only one of the cutest fruits on the planet, their citrusy scent inspires cheerful, happy vibes! Indulge!

Accessory: Jamberry Nail Shields – These nail decals last longer than nail polish (up to 2 weeks!) and they come in all sorts of funky designs. I like to just use ’em on my thumbs as accent pieces (they last longer this way too). There are over 170 colorfully fun designs to choose from, however, the blue and red argyle ones kinda stole my heart! ♥

What are some of your favorite recent vegan finds?

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Trader Joe's

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If you prefer your wine free of long histories, complicated chemistries and up-turned noses, Trader Joe’s happily invites you to browse the aisles of their Wine Shop, conveniently attached to the main Trader Joe’s store in Gramercy Park. You’ll find both new and old world bottles on offer, each conveniently laid out by country and region, and many bottles fall below the $10 price point. That means fuss-free, approachable wines that are perfect for young oenophiles, or for grabbing quickly while doing a bit of shopping next door. Colorful and cartoonish notecards and encouraging signs like “Our Product Rocks!” add a goofy, yet down-to-earth vibe to the store, and the cheerful staff is always willing to point you in the right direction, though their overall wine experience may not match up to the most stringent wine stores in New York City.

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Things I Buy At Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s is a 20 minute ride from my home, so I don’t shop there often. Yesterday, I just happened to be in the neighborhood of Trader Joe’s so I decided to stop in. I forgot how much I liked this quirky little market. They have so many specialty items and many are clearly marked “vegan.” Every time I shop there, I find myself leaving with the same items. Yesterday, they did not have my favorite “microgreens” which I love to put on salads and in wraps, but here are a few of the other things I bought…

1. Trader Joe’s Brand Soy Chorizo…This is the absolute tastiest faux meat I have ever tasted. Just remove the casing, break into crumbles and heat on the stove top. I love to use it in the Trader Joe’s brand Organic Taco Shells with diced tomatoes, onions, shredded lettuce, vegan “sour cream” and Daiya shredded cheddar cheese for a very tasty taco.

2. Trader Joe’s Brand Taco Shells…These taco shells are made with organic stoneground yellow corn. The box is marked “vegan.” I love to fill them with the sauteed soy chorizo and other “veggie” items as listed above.

3. Fully Cooked Falafel…These ready made frozen falafels are great in a pinch. You can heat them up, cut them into smaller pieces and serve them over a salad or place them in a toasty pita pocket with hummus or tahini and lettuce shreds.

4. Reduced Carb Whole Wheat Flour Tortillas…These tortillas are great for preparing a quick meal or snack. You can fill them with anything you desire including the soy chorizo, falafel, hummus, avocado or any other combination of vegetables.

5. Trader Joe’s “Healthy 8 Chopped Veggie Mix” (see photo below)…Although I usually try to stick with organic vegetables, sometimes it is easier to buy pre-chopped veggie mixes. This is a great one for salads, wraps, sautés or any other time you want a quick assortment of veggies.

6. Trader Joe’s Southern Greens Blend (see photo below)…As previously stated, I usually like to buy organic greens but when I’m too tired or lazy to chop, these ready to cook greens are great. They are a combination of mustard, turnip, collards and spinach. I would saute them in vegetable broth with white beans and garlic for a very quick meal.

7. Trader Joe’s “Soyaki”…This is a great marinade for veggies, tofu or tempeh. I would use it in stir-fries too!

8. Just Mango Slices (Unsulfured and Unsweetened)…This is one of my favorite snacks! It is high in Vitamins A & C and Iron.

9. “Panda” Soft Black Licorice…Another easy snack which satisfies my sweet tooth. The box is marked with a “V” for “vegan.”

10. Trader Joe’s Brand Organic Stevia Extract…I like Stevia in my tea and smoothies. The Trader Joe’s brand comes with a cute, little scoop.

11. Vintage Root Beer…I usually don’t keep sodas in my home; but yesterday was Memorial Day and my younger son likes root beer so I thought it would be a nice treat. My son liked the vintage inspired bottles.

All in all, I think Trader Joe’s is a great place to buy quick vegan foods. It’s fun to shop there too. They have raffles for people who shop there with their own shopping bags. I’m still waiting to hear if I won a gift card.

Trader Joe’s

I am assuming you already know what Trader Joe's is. No need to elaborate or write a lengthy description, right?

Having spent time living on… Read More

I am assuming you already know what Trader Joe's is. No need to elaborate or write a lengthy description, right?

Having spent time living on the West coast, I can honestly say that I am intimately familiar with Trader Joe's. Buffalo currently has this single location, jammed in a plaza off the busy Niagara Falls Blvd. Getting to this location can be a challenge during peak driving hours because of the amount of traffic in this area, which doesn't seem to clear up until after 7 pm. The parking lot is rather large but feels tight for some reason. Even though it is usually packed, you can often find a spot right in front if you look.

This location offers about 95% of the products I expect to find at a TJ's. I can't find everything here I could on the West coast, but they do their best to offer a lot of the same products. You'll find healthy alternatives to all types of things here (cereal, snacks, pop, cheese, meats, etc). The beer section carries a lot of the same stuff I found out West, it's neat to see them sold here. I love the breads, bags of veggies, breakfast bars, and snacks! I've never tried to do all of my shopping here. Instead I subsidize my normal list with healthy (quick) alternatives from here. This usually works out great (when stuff is in stock, see below).

The store can get busy. Isles are wide enough for 2 carts to pass. I actually bring my own reusable bags and shop with those so that I can not only help the environment, but also move more quickly among cart shoppers. The staff here is rather friendly and helpful, but they don't go out of their way to greet or ask if they can be of some assistance. I always found this strange because every West coast location I've been in was the exact opposite. Maybe this is just a WNY thing, I don't know. The checkers, however, are extremely friendly. They will ask you about your day and offer small talk while they scan your purchases. They always remember to say goodbye and have a nice day!

Really, my only complaint for this location is the stock. I can come here with a list of the 5-10 things I need, things only they sell, and almost every visit 1 or 2 things are either not on the shelves or out of stock. By comparison, every TJ's I've been in outside of Buffalo has continuous stockers on the floor filling shelves, greeting customers, and answering questions. I've always felt that this location could do a much better job when it comes to that corporate image. It can be a pain to navigate through local traffic to come to this location and then find that some of what you want isn't even available on that day. They really need to step it up in this area.

I hope the future brings another location that is easier to access during rush hour. Overall this is a 4/5 star experience for me. I've had better, but what other choice do we have right now?

I'm giving Trader Joe's a 3 star right now because the last 3-4 times i have gone there the berries have had mold on them. I come here on my… Read More

I'm giving Trader Joe's a 3 star right now because the last 3-4 times i have gone there the berries have had mold on them. I come here on my lunch breaks normally and grab some little things i need here and there.

They normally have new products too that i like to scope out from time to time. I love the idea of Trader Joes and i do like a lot of their products such as: Cold press juice, inexpensive flowers, coconut creamer, cookie butter, cookie butter cream cheese, cheeses, tortilla wraps, quinoa pastas, rice crackers, hard cider & Más.

The staff is friendly and helpful when needed. They also have a shelf that they use to specifically display new products that are now stocked, super helpful and neat when i come across something that looks yummy!

Overall i do continue to come here, I'm always sampling new products they offer as well when i'm in the store. It's quick and easy, the kind of place you can get in and out quickly.

I love Trader Joe's! I do not know why it took me so long to visit this location. I had previously only been to one in Boston when I lived… Read More

I love Trader Joe's! I do not know why it took me so long to visit this location. I had previously only been to one in Boston when I lived there, and I only went for wine.

On this visit, I was on a mission to find pizzas and frozen meals that I could bring to work. My mother frequents here, and I have tried a lot of the things she had brought home, so I figured it was time to make a trip of my own.

I always feel odd walking into a place for the first time, because I do not know where anything is and I hate looking like a space cadet looking around for things. However, I was quickly able to find the frozen foods, and was quite pleased with the available selection.

I ended up purchasing 2 pizzas, 3 frozen pasta meals, and 1 frozen risotto meal. The ones I recommend and will be purchasing more of include the french thin crust brie/tomato pizza, the penne pepperonata, and the fettuccine alfredo (I purchased the plain kind and added tomato and garlic at home). For everything I purchased, I spent less than $30! I love the "weird" foods that they have available, compared to the frozen foods that you can find at other supermarkets. I am also not a fan of DiGiorno pizzas and other pizzas found at local supermarkets, so I am glad that Trader Joe's has such a selection.

The Spiced apple cider is the greatest drink of all time. I crave it. Try the roasted red pepper soup its delicious. I've been very happy… Read More

The Spiced apple cider is the greatest drink of all time. I crave it. Try the roasted red pepper soup its delicious. I've been very happy with the products at this store. The service has been fine. I've tried the tea tree oil face wash and it's been great on my very allergic skin. I hated this place when it first opened but wow did they get it together.

The only thing that could make this Trader Joe's better would be if NY didn't have such stupid liquor sale laws and they could sell the "2… Read More

The only thing that could make this Trader Joe's better would be if NY didn't have such stupid liquor sale laws and they could sell the "2 buck Chuck" aquí. Seriously, NY, get with the F-ing program! Let the grocery stores sell liquor and wine like the rest of the free world.

I got hooked on Trader Joe's back in Washington state. I always go in thinking I'm going to get one thing but end up with a cart full. Lately, it's been their organic blueberries. My toddler son will only eat Trader Joe's blueberries and I'll do pretty much anything to get him to eat "real" food so I end up driving over here frequently for these. I've tried doing a taste test myself on the blueberries commonly sold at Wegmans and Tops vs. Trader Joe's and TJ's are supreme. Same with avocados. I will only buy avocados here.

They sell really tasty cheeses and their produce is always good. They sell like 17 types of honey (okay, not really but they have a BIG honey selection). My Dad is what you would commonly call "crazy" and he only likes the Trader Joe's honeys. I'll tell you what I am absolutely hooked on if you promise to never buy it so they always have it in stock for me. ¿promesa? The frozen chocolate lava cakes. Dear sweet Lord, thank you for having Trader Joe's sell those little cakes of heaven. I love chocolate souffle but I'm too lazy to make it myself. Those frozen chocolate lava cakes are a lot like a chocolate souffle. I have yet to find an area restaurant that has a good chocolate souffle, so this is my fix until that happens. I like to make myself a prawn and avocado flatbread, a blueberry champagne drink and eat one of these delicious desserts. It's my perfect meal at home, my go-to meal of happiness.

Everyone seems to like the cookie butter, it's not my thing. But they have plenty here that does keep me interested.

Now that Trader Joe's has settled in nicely to the Consumer Square area, I have to say that it's one of my favorite places to shop. Parking… Read More

Now that Trader Joe's has settled in nicely to the Consumer Square area, I have to say that it's one of my favorite places to shop. Parking and traffic flow are no longer issues at any given time, save for perhaps the Black Friday/Christmas season.

Many (most) of the items here are trendy and exciting. I like that kind of stuff. Bacon flavored popcorn? Uh yeah! Watermelon and Cucumber Cooler? Fill me up! I LOVE their frozen Chinese food. The Kung Pao Chicken being my favorite. The Mandarin Chicken is good too, as is every variety of gyoza. The scallion pancakes too! Sometimes their Chinese is better than the food at some of the Chinese places I've frequented.

I also adore their produce. They have such thoughtful blends of veggies or fruit in their packaged items. Makes cooking a breeze on nights when you don't feel like chopping things. I am also addicted to their coconut oil, in both solid and spray form. It's amazing and super affordable.

My cats LOVE the canned food here. My dogs LOVE some of the treats and chews.

I adore the fresh flowers and rarely leave here without a fresh bouquet. SUPER inexpensive too!

This store is simply awesome. The prices are amazing. Most products are great. Plus the employees are always super nice and seem excited to be there!

Love you TJs! So happy you're Buffaloving!

I absolutely love Trader Joes. It doesn't hurt that they always have samples too!

Trader Joes doesn't have everything but it does have a lot… Read More

I absolutely love Trader Joes. It doesn't hurt that they always have samples too!

Trader Joes doesn't have everything but it does have a lot of healthy and tasty items that you normally cannot find in a regular grocery store. I love the variety of crunchy options such as veggie sticks, multigrain chips, crunchy broccoli chips and more.

If you go around fall time you have to buy the spiced apple cider. Bring it home, heat it up, and snuggle up. It is so good! Buy two. They are seasonal.

Their cheeses are great too. Their caramelized onion cheese is to die for. Sometimes they sample it. It's amazing.

When you cash out, grab a Trader Joes PB&J chocolate bar. They are amazing.

Oh and grab flowers. They are always fresh and beautiful and not expensive.

Overall, service is fantastic. It's a speciality store so you won't find it all. But it's a great stop on your way to Wegmans.

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Alexa H.

I loved this business. The service was courteous, professional, and the experience was overall a pleasant one.

Brittany C.

Fantastic service! Wouldn't hesitate to come back again. The only reason I'm not giving this a 5 star rating is because it was a bit expensive.

Deep P.

There are a few times in life when a meal is so expertly crafted and planned that it is nothing short of genius. Anoche, tuve una de esas comidas - el Mahi Mahi.

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Ejemplo: Hay unas pocas veces en la vida cuando una comida es tan expertamente elaborado y planeado que no es nada menos que genio. Anoche, tuve una de esas comidas - el Mahi Mahi.

El plato estaba excelentemente preparado. A la parrilla, jugosa y fresca sin un toque de pescado. Un esmalte de salsa de mandarina trajo un toque de dulzura. El pescado se colocó en un montículo de arroz dulce de plátano. The combination of the fish and rice alone was to die for!

However, as only expert chefs can achieve, additional garnishes provided even bolder, beautiful tastes. Pickled onions topping the fish made for an even finer taste experience, while green beans hidden under the fish added freshness and completed each bite

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I’ve seen so many pins for brownies made with just a can of pumpkin puree, no eggs, milk, oil….just a can of pumpkin. I wanted to see how it would work. So I picked up a box of brownie mix the other day at Trader Joe’s .

I’ve heard you can substitute the egg and water in a cake for canned beans but I’ve never tried Pumpkin puree so this was a fun experiment for me.

It worked out great.

Just replace the Eggs, Oil and Water with 1 (15 oz.) can of pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie filling, just puree. Stir the pumpkin into the batter until all the dry ingredients are mixed. Pour into an 8 X 8 pan and bake per the boxed brownie directions.

This change in recipe also makes the dessert into a Vegan option.

Never leaving good enough alone, I added Sugar Free Chocolate Chips onto the top of the brownies when they were still warm. Then I sprinkled the melting chocolate chips with flaked coconut. It turned out to be just too much sweet for me. But, the pumpkin brownies worked out great. Very moist, very spongy and fully cooked.

If I made these again, I would just add the coconut flakes. The chocolate chips really put the ‘sweet’ factor too high.

But then… each their own!

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Cooking the Book: Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Cookbook (Gnocchi)

Welcome to Cooking the Book, a new feature I’ve been wanting to start since beginning the blog. I love reading cookbooks, and I love trying new recipes that I find. I hope to share a cookbook review monthly, where I talk about the cookbook in general, and give the results of trying one recipe from it.

I love Trader Joe’s. That’s why I requested this cookbook from the library. Trader Joe’s and vegetarian ideas? Yes please. If it were just a little bit more convenient, I’d probably make it my regular shopping location, instead of the monthly excursion it currently is.

If you’re a super creative cook, many of these ideas may disappoint you – they’re fairly obvious. However, when I need help with dinner ideas is when I’m not feeling creative, and having some normally obvious ideas in front of me is a HUGE help. So the simple salads, soups, and sandwiches didn’t bother me at all. There are also vegan options for every recipe, although that usually just means swapping out vegan milk and cheese options for the regular ones.

I’ve tried several of the recipes listed, and liked to loved them all. Sadly, I’ve forgotten to take a photograph of any of them, remembering only after everything was devoured. My favorite recipe, the one that had me planning to remake it as soon as possible? Super simple, nothing special required, requiring only pantry ingredients. Love love love. No-Nonsense Gnocchi . I will be revisiting you often.

How to Make No-Nonsense Gnocchi:

1 package dried gnocchi (about a pound, depending on the brand. I did not use TJ’s brand.) 3 Tablespoons olive oil (I eyeballed it – enough to cover the pan generously) 6 – 7 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped (I do not chop garlic, so I added a big spoonful of preminced garlic.) 1 Tablespoon dried basil. (Yes, I used dried. I didn’t have fresh, and the recipe even called for dried. It worked just fine.) 1/4 cup drained and chopped sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil (I used the TJ’s brand, but any sun dried tomatoes in oil would work.) 3 Roma tomatoes, cored and chopped (I had no fresh tomatoes, so I used a 16 ounce can of diced.)

Cook the gnocchi according to package directions.

In a large saute pan, heat the oil and then add the garlic and cook for a couple of minutes. Add basil and both types of tomatoes. Stir together and let simmer.

Once the gnocchi is cooked, add it to the saute pan and stir it all together, and let it cook 5 – 10 minutes more, stirring often. (The book says the edges of the gnocchi will begin to brown. That never happened for me, but I was perhaps too impatient.)

I added Parmesan cheese to the top, because, yum, cheese.

It makes just enough for two generous servings, at least when one of those diners is a pasta fiend.

My verdict:

Super quick and easy. Pantry ingredients only, assuming you don’t mind making it with canned tomatoes. And I absolutely loved the taste of the sauce – the pieces of sun-dried tomatoes were fabulous.

My husband, not a huge pasta fan like I am, liked it, and has eaten it twice now without complaints. Win!

The kids’ verdict:

They think gnocchi is a torture device and clearly I hate them by serving it. Not a winner for them.

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Tagged with trader joe’s rennet free mozzarella

I usually don’t buy pre shredded cheese because I actually don’t mind shredding cheese plus they tend to charge a lot more for the shredded joints. These days I simply take what I can get, whatever is rennet free works for me ;) Lately I have been using Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods 365 Brand Shredded Mozzarella. Both are made without rennet and from cows who are not treated with cruel growth hormone injections.

I only use cheese in a melting caliber so when it comes to the melting abilities of these cheeses they both get an A+. Both come in resealable plastic bags, are low moisture and part skim. These rennet-free vegetarian options can be found scattered amongst their rennet-full counterparts. The 365 specifically says ‘Vegetarian’ on the front of the package, the Trader Joe’s one does not. When in doubt read the ingredients and if it says ‘Microbial Rennet’, ‘Vegetable Rennet’ or ‘Vegetable Enzymes’ you are good to go.

Keep Your Cheese, Lose The Rennet.

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Trader Joe's

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Подсказок и отзывов: 44

Mike If you want to sample a product, let an employee know. For Children: Find the Trader Joe's stuffed animal dog hiding somewhere around the store. Let the cashier know and they get a free treat! Апрель 22, 2010

Rebecca Morrison Resist the temptation to smack people with your cart as they constantly are in your way. Love TJ's but saturday and Sunday afternoons are a claustrophobe's worst nightmare. Январь 14, 2013

Lauren Bacon Staff friendly. Budget friendly shopping with gluten free and vegan options! Don't forget the cookie butter! Сентябрь 4, 2014

Cat Thomas Great cheeses at great prices! brie, smoked gouda, pepperjack and mozzarella balls in herb infused olive oil! Октябрь 23, 2011

The Flats at West Broad Village Fresh flowers? A great wine variety? Gourmet cheeses? Healthy salads, wraps and snacks for on the go? Trader Joe's is a great place! Август 28, 2014

Daulton West, Jr. Small rack of lamb comes pre-rubbed with Rosemary, just heat & serve with red wine. ¡increíble! Май 25, 2011

A Rose Ross Great people, great prices, fabulous cheese department. The service level here is beyond compare. Июль 19, 2012

Brittanie 🌺 Dont come during the day on your lunch too many stay at home Moms to get in and out quickly. Сентябрь 13, 2012

Kelsey G Cheap. College-budget friendly. Just wish they had more organic foods and produce Декабрь 25, 2014

Kathy 🎉 Lin Great finds: Dark Chocolate "nibs", Chipotle Red Pepper Hummus, and bananas that are 19 cents each. Сентябрь 26, 2010

Alan Don't leave the store without getting some cookie butter. Créeme. Ноябрь 9, 2013

Mike Peck Great selection. Great prices. Fantastic staff! 2 недели(-ль) назад

Cherra Hampton-Mitchell Great price on good quality olive oil. $4.99 for a 1L bottle of Spanish or Italian. Май 3, 2012

Mina Mundaca They have the best frozen meals ever! Too tired to cook but still want great food? Come to TJs! Сентябрь 5, 2012

Steve Eldridge The burgers made with Swiss cheese, peppers and onions are the best. Апрель 26, 2010

tricia traugott Like the Napa River Merlot, going to give the Chard a try! Июнь 18, 2010

Daulton West, Jr. Ask for Tom Fairmont for help with wine. Very knowledgable Ноябрь 19, 2011

Trevor Dickerson As far as cheap wine goes, their Two Buck Chuck is where it's at! Октябрь 12, 2010

The Flats at West Broad Village Great store to shop! Walking distance to The Flats! Март 7, 2014

Suvi Mohan The pistachio roasted dark chocolate toffee is one of the best I've had. Май 18, 2014

What’s In My Vegan Cart Today At Trader Joe’s?

Although I always strive to eat a whole foods no-oil vegan diet, I do love to stray every so often with packaged items from Trader Joe’s. As you may know, Trader Joe’s is extremely vegan-friendly . They carry a wide assortment of clearly marked “vegan” items, including frozen foods, cookies, and other goodies. I’ve blogged in the past about things I like to buy at Trader Joe’s, but I thought it would be fun to talk about today’s purchases.

Today I spent a total of $37.37 for my vegan items. I made these particular purchases because I was feeling lazy, and I wanted quick and easy meals and snacks on hand. So, what did I buy?



I felt a bit “under the weather” this week, so I made some fresh ginger tea with lemon. This always seems to make me feel better. I think it worked!


Trader Joe’s was offering free samples of their Vegan Tikka Masala today, and it was surprisingly very good! I bought a box to have on hand for a speedy meal when needed.


I really don’t believe in buying bottled water, but I did it anyway. I don’t know why!


If you are vegan, do you ever leave a supermarket without hummus? Neither do I.


Tahini sauce always comes in handy!


I never leave Trader Joe’s without buying their Healthy 8 Chopped Veggie Mix . I use it in salads, sautés, sandwiches, and wraps.


3 minutes in the microwave and voilà! Tonight I made the Rice Medley and mixed it with Trader Joe’s Healthy 8 Chopped Veggie Mix and Tahini Sauce. It was really good!




Although I believe that the low carb craze is way overrated, I’ve been eating Trader Joe’s Reduced Carb Tortillas for years. I like them and they’re vegan. You can make cute little wraps filling them with hummus, Healthy 8 Chopped Veggie Mix and Baby Romaine. How easy is that?


I’ve been buying these frozen falafels for years too! Just heat & comer. Need I say more?


Another handy frozen foods item which is great as a side dish to any vegan meal.


I’ve been enjoying these crisp caramelized cinnamon spiced Belgian cookies with my tea for quite some time. And yes, they’re vegan!

And since we’re talking about tea, I’m now hooked on this tea after it was recommended to me by my good friend, Helen. However, this recommendation has nothing to do with Trader Joe’s. Just a little bonus for you, you lucky devils!

Trader Joe’s Beef-less Strips (Vegan)

I have been exploring vegan-food options because I am trying to limit the amount of meat I consume. I know I cannot completely rid meat from my diet because I need the protein to sustain my appetite and keep me energized for the day. However there is much research that having a vegetarian life-style is healthier! Whatever your diet preference is, its cool to explore your options!

A few weeks ago, I did a Trader Joe’s run, and pigged out all new vegan goodies, such as their Beef-less Strips (which I would go over in depth here), their Vegetable Masala Burgers (veggie-burger with Indian spices) and Tofurkey (Italian Sausage Flavor). This entry is a Double Recipe & ¡Revisión! ( Insert applause here. ) As of now, I’ve tried all of them, and even though I didn’t enjoy them all, I am still glad I tried it. Hope ya’ll enjoy this recipe and try it out if you’re brave!

Full course meal right here!

Trader Joe’s Beef-less Strips



Garlic and Onion

Olive Oil

Soy Sauce

Optional : Served with Rice and Cabbage, Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow - Love them all!)

Instructions Step 1: I wanted to add more veggies to my dish, so I threw in a carrot. Because carrots are hard and take a while to soften, I first like to boil it before stir-frying with the other ingredients. I add a cup of water to a frying pan, and while waiting for it to boil, chop up the carrot in small cubes. Once the water boils, I throw in the carrots to cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the size of the cut (bigger it is, longer it will take to cook).

Step 2: Before letting the carrots go too numb, I drained the water and set it aside for now. In another pan, I add the olive oil and when warm, add the minced garlic. I really do love the sound and smell of garlic sizzling in the pan! I continue to toss some sliced onions into the mix and begin to caramelize it (which basically means stir in with sugar and salt). Caramelizing onions will be a technique I mention over and over in my blog, because it adds a delicious touch!

Step 3: Now you can add back the carrots to stir-fry it with the onions. Since the beef-less stripes were already conveniently cut, all I did was cut open the package and threw in the soy chunks to the pan. Kept stirring the pot and even added a hint of soy sauce for taste. You can lower the heat to medium to avoid overcooking. You can also add in the mushrooms (washed beforehand, of course) into the pan now.

Step 4: I boiled water to cook the cabbage and prepare rice with my suite-mate’s rice cooker. I have never really used a rice cooker before coming to college, but its actually very convenient! All you need to do is wash the grain and plug in the cooker.

Step 5: Now that you’ve completed all the parts, you can serve your dish! Stir-fried beef-less stripes with carrots, onions, rice and cabbage - What a complete meal. )

Seriously, that’s not beef?

What’s in it: Made from Gluten Wheat, Soy Protein, Canola/sunflower oil, and whole lotta other spices Price: $2.99 Other Food Options: Beef-less Ground Beef, Chicken-less Strips

What is it?: It is imitation beef, mainly consisting of Soy and Wheat. According to the description on the box, its nutritious because its packed with protein, low in fat, and cholesterol free. There’s many different way you can cook it, whether in stir-fry with veggies, in wraps, salads, and etc.

Review: It is not bad for a vegan dish. When cooked together in the pan, it looks like it can almost pass as regular beef. Obviously it tastes different, but not in a bad way. I had some of my suite-mates tried it, and they described the texture similar to a mushroom. Its does feel a little ‘spongy’ but I do like eating mushrooms! The spices are there, although you may need to add a bit more when cooking. (Like the soy sauce which added some more flavor to the dish.) The cover does look super yummy though, right? You can see why I bought it!

Stars: 3.5/5 (But if I am hungry, it will become a 4/5!)

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Speculoos Cookie Butter FAQ

Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is this magical concoction you’ve been hearing so much about latetly? I am here to tell you!

It all started with a lowly cookie that was popular in parts of Holland and Belgium called Speculoos or Speculaas depending on if you spoke Dutch or French. It’s a type of spiced biscuit traditionally eaten before St. Nicolas’ Feast on either Dec. 5th or 6th depending again on if you are from Holland or Belgium and Northern France. These cookies have been around for a very long time, maybe hundreds of years.

The cookies are very thin, very crunchy and browned. Traditionally they were made in the images from traditional stories of St. Nicholas. The cookies have spices of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cardamom and white pepper. Most are made from flour, brown sugar and the aforementioned spices.

The creation of Biscoff spread happened because of a TV contest in 2007 in Belgium on a show named “De Bedenkers” or The Inventors. Els Scheppers was on to something when she created this sweet, creamy spread using the famous Lotus Speculoos cookies. Lotus Bakeries got in touch with Els and they worked together to perfect her creation. Just three hours after its initial release in Belgium, the product sold out and a culinary phenomenon was born. The spread was first introduced to the U. S. in 2011. Then shortly after that Trader Joe’s came up with Speculoos Cookie Butter. Then in 2012 they came out with Speculoos Crunchy Butter. In October 2013 they came out with the Speculoos Cookie and Cocoa Swirl. Trader Joe’s also sells Speculoos cookies and chocolate bars filled with Speculoos.

First time I heard about the rage for cookie butter was when David Lebovitz mentioned it on his blog, but he was talking about Bischof Spread and not the Trader Joe’s product. It’s still going crazy as you can see by my Facebook page dedicated to the product: https://www. facebook. com/speculooscookiebutter

If you want Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter, you can only buy it at Trader Joe’s in the USA. Having said that, there are many people on eBay and Amazon reselling it, especially for the overseas market. If you don’t see it on the shelf at your local Trader Joe’s, ask the manager and they might be keeping behind the counter and rationing out.

What is up with the shortage?

Demand for Cookie Butter was always high, but didn’t get really bad until it became some sort of crazy in Asia. (if someone knows why, please email me) Especially in the Phillippines and Singapore. People were coming in and buying every jar on the shelves as soon as they were stocked and reselling it on ebay, Amazon or shipping it straight to the Phillippines and reselling it there. Demand is at an all time high as of October 2013. Trader Joe’s responded by rationing it out at the stores to one jar per customer, but the rationing seemed to have eased and people started seeing it on the shelves of some stores again.

Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter is really just ground up Speculoos cookies mixed with sugar and oil. Here are the ingredients list:

Serving Size: 1 Tbsp (15g)

Nutrition facts: 90 calories, 50 calories from fat, 6g fat, 1.5g saturated fat, 0g trans fat, 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 8g total carbs, 0g fiber, 5g sugar, <1g sugar


Is Speculoos Cookie Butter good for you:

Realmente no. It’s basically sugar, flour and oil. Really no redeeming value nutritionally BUT it does taste oh so good!

What does it taste like?

It tastes great! Really it just tastes like Speculoos cookies with more sugar and oil. It has hints of the spices added, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Is Speculoos Cookie Butter Vegan/Vegetarian

Yes and Yes and it is also nut free. Unfortunately, it’s not Gluten Free. Maybe that will be the next thing from Trader Joe’s a Vegan, Kosher, Gluten Free Speculoos Cookie Butter!

What are the different Speculoos Cookie Butter products from Trader Joe’s:

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I noticed that there is Palm oil listed twice in the ingredient list. Do you know if it is from a sustainably harvested, environmentally friendly source? I would like to continue to buy this product and promote it but with the damage the palm oil industry does to the environment, I can’t ethically buy it without knowing the source. Gracias de antemano.

Does anyone know how much caffeine is in Trader Joe’s cookie & cocoa swirl?

Does not sound like this cookie butter is to good for people with sugar problems.

Also why does it say 5g sugar and then says <1g sugar

Uh duh! The stuff is loaded with sugar…

Please try to make a gluten free cookie butter! I’ve never been able to try it because of celiac disease and now I found out I have a peanut allergy so no more peanut butter. I need a yummy gf, peanut free spread!

Why can’t cookie butter be refrigerated? I just now noticed on the label it says “don’t refrigerate” but I have had it in there for a couple months already. Is it unedabel now?

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Welcome to Club Trader Joe’s!

Trader Joe’s Vegan Top Fifteen for 2011

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m practically synonymous with Trader Joe’s. Their no-middleman chain offers fresh, healthy foods with whole ingredients (read: I know what is in my food) at reasonable prices. Better yet, there’s a myriad of vegetarian and vegan options to be had. And all products sold at Trader Joe's under their own personal label also boast the following: no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, no MSG, no genetically modified ingredients, and no added trans fats. If you don’t like a product you purchase from them, you can bring it back and they’ll refund you in full. I can’t sing their praises loud enough. So whether you’re a frequent flyer or have never stepped foot into a TJ’s, check out this list of my favorite vegan products from their store over the past year (and feel free to try them all too!) Prices vary from store to store but they are always reasonable.

15. Manzanilla Olives

I know, I know, all olives are vegan. But these little olives are super tasty and always fresh. Best of all is the price - and honestly, it’s the reason they made the cut. At my local store, it's $2.99 for a jar of high quality olives.

I love homemade fresh bruschetta, but let’s get real, you don’t always have the time. I keep a couple jars of this in my pantry at all times - perfect for a quick snack for last-minute guests, spread over whole wheat baguette.

13. Organic Olive Oil

Organic olive oil at a cheap price? Unheard of! But not at Trader Joe’s. High quality oil with a great taste. I only buy this here, for quality and cost reasons. I get it for $5.99 for a 16 oz. bottle.

12. Raw Whole Cashews

Yum, delicious cashews. Have you ever had raw ones before? Just like any nut, cashews are wonderful raw - there's nothing added in, and no extra salt. If you've never tried a raw cashew, now is the time.

11. Roasted Seaweed Snack

These little seaweed snacks are certainly different, but try them. Incredibly high in iron, they are an amazingly great snack to add to a vegan diet.

10. Corn & Chile Tomato-less Salsa

A little sweet, a little spicy, this very different kind of salsa is great with their organic corn chips or blue corn tortilla chips.

9. Organic Ketchup

The first time I tried TJ's ketchup, I was hooked. It's made from real ingredients, tastes better than whatever you are normally eating at home, and most importantly, no high fructose corn syrup.

8. Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a ton of health benefits, but is typically very expensive. At my Trader Joe's, I pay $5.99 for a jar - normally one would expect to pay at least another five. And at TJ's it is organic.

7. Almond Smooth Non-Dairy Beverage (Original)

Non-gmo, unsweetened, and tasty - with no added junk. I like the Trader Joe's brand better than any other almond milk I've tried.

6. Organic Chili Vegetarian

A quick, delicious meal full of soy protein. Serve it over whole-grain rice for a complete meal. It is spicy and quite filling, and tastes like you would expect chili to.

5. Vegetable Fried Rice

Vegan, low-fat, and low-calorie, I always have this in my freezer. I tend to add a few extra chopped veggies, beans, garlic, black pepper, and a smidgen of sesame oil. Easy side dish that is healthy and fast to make.

4. Peach Pops/Strawberry Pops

At a mere 45 calories a pop (no pun intended) these are packed with flavor and goodness. They are made with fresh fruit and are a sparkling taste of summertime during the off season (although I frequently indulge during the hotter months as well).

3. Non Dairy Frozen Dessert Made with Coconut Milk (Chocolate, Strawberry)

Ice cream lovers, rejoice! Totally vegan ice cream made from coconut milk. I love both types and as an added bonus, they have a hint of coconut flavor. Creamy and smooth, tastes just like old-fashioned dairy ice cream.

2. Sweet Potato Fries

I love sweet potato fries. And by love, I mean am obsessed with. If they are on a menu, I just have to get them. But of all the sweet potato fries I’ve had in my life (and believe me, that’s a lot), I have never had better ones than the frozen ones from Trader Joe’s. Cooked by the directions, they are crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside, and packed full of sweet potato taste.

1. Meatless Meatballs

By and large, Trader Joe's Meatless Meatballs are not only my favorite TJ's vegan product, but my favorite product in the whole darn store. Four meatballs add up to only 90 calories! The taste is staggeringly close to a real meatball. They are also incredibly versatile. Not only do I have them with pasta or meatball sub sandwiches, but pulsing them in a food processor gives you ground beef, which I use for lasagna, tacos, and chili to name a few. Try these, they will not disappoint.

Interested in a vegetarian lifestyle? Subscribe to my blog, or follow me on Twitter @glpetruzzi!

It's that time of year again, when millions of turkeys will be eaten for tradition. If you are one of the people looking for meatless options besides the usual Tofurky, Trader Joe's has you covered.

Trader Joe's is again bringing back their popular Turkey-less Stuffed Roast with Gravy. This year Trader Joe's strived to improve on a great product and in doing so convincing more people to try it. They believe the 2012 version of the Turkey-less roast tastes better than ever. It combines soy, peas, wheat, and grains to create a wonderful taste and texture. Along with stuffing and gravy this dish is all vegan.

Trader Joe's Turkey-less Stuffed Roast with Gravy is available for only $9.99.

John Himmelberger | Blog | Facebook | @johnhimm Maryland John lives in Maryland where he works as a sales manager. John and his wife Eileen’s pursuit to achieve optimum health combined with a desire to send a strong message to factory farming, inspired them to examine what they put into their bodies. Now a vegan, John has great admiration for groups like Farm Sanctuary and hopes to influence others by sharing his positive experiences.

Photo credits: cc:flickr. com/photos/46097950@N02 and Trader Joe's

Vegan Coffee Creamer

People who enjoy cream in their coffee have many vegan options. Popular vegan milk brands such as Silk and So Delicious offer rich, flavored creamers formulated specifically to be added to coffee. These products are sold in the dairy case, typically in small pint-sized cartons.

Keep in mind that many coffee creamer brands contain milk derivatives or other animal products. Be sure to check the ingredients or, better yet, stick with brands that are labeled vegan.

Vegan Coffee Creamer Brands

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Vegetarian Lentil Sloppy Joes + Mom Update

Yesterday I had a great conversation with a coworker about health and the challenges of eating whole, real food that benefits your body while still enjoying life and social events, AND without feeling deprived! This coworker of mine has had some life changes in the past few years and her schedule is very different these days, working full-time, than it was before when she had a little more flexibility in her day to manage healthy eating and exercise.

I think its fair to say that most of us feel like time and busy schedules is one of the leading factors keeping us from managing or obtaining good health. It definitely takes effort and being intentional. My coworker shared with me her desire for good health, but the difficulty of it, with limited time for exercise, limited food options at times and just the sheer overwhelmingness of it all. “Eat this”, “don’t eat that”, “a little of this”, “not too much of that”…it can be easy to just say forget it.

Conversations like these energize me. I want to find a way to encourage and help people implement daily habits that are manageable, affordable and obtainable. I want to share that doing these things, finding a way to eat right and get in a bit of exercise is providing your body with a little self-care. That taking this time for yourself is not at all selfish, but rather the first step in improving your health, which then hopefully begins to positively impact your family and loved ones.

Speaking of time, I’ve already taken up plenty of yours and I haven’t even gotten to the food. But let me quickly encourage you, as I hope I did to my coworker yesterday, that eating clean is a life style. It’s about balance. If you mess up or make some concessions today, no big deal. Tomorrow is a new day and all you have to do is pick back up where you left off. Get back on track. That’s the difference between a diet and a life style, a diet is temporary, and often feels full of “off-limit” items. But a life-style focused on clean eating is about being intentional in what goes in your body and enjoying the benefits of fueling your body with the nourishment it not only needs, but craves!

SO stick with it, and don’t beat yourself up if you slip. In fact, I’ve eaten a small piece of caramel apple cake at work the past two days. But I kept the pieces small and I made sure the rest of my food throughout the day was made up of fresh fruits and vegetables along with some protein, healthy fats, and whole grains. Again, it’s about balance.

Aside from cooking the lentils, the rest of this dish comes together incredibly quick and is the perfect fare for vegetarians and meat-lovers alike. Try toppings your lentil sloppy joes with some fresh avocado and caramelized onions. I also baked some matchstick Sweet Potato Fries and used them not only as a tasty side, but even threw a few on top. DELISH!

Also, for those of you who have kept up with the latest on my Mom’s health, I posted a recent update here .

As always, I hope you’ll give this one a try! Enjoy and Happy Friday!

Vegetarian Lentil Sloppy Joes

1 cup dry lentils, cooked according to package

½ tbsp organic coconut oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

½ cup onion, finely chopped

½ cup red bell pepper, finely chopped

1 cup unsalted diced tomatoes

½ cup tomato Paste

1½ tbsp chili powder

½ tbsp cumin

1 tsp smoked paprika

¼ tsp sea salt

½-1 tsp black pepper

¼ tsp onion powder

½ tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tsp mustard

1 tbsp honey

6 hamburger buns

Suggested Toppings:

Cebollas caramelizadas


Rinse and sort the lentils then cook according to package (I used Trader Joe's Green Lentils and just added water and lentils to pan, brought water to a boil, then simmered 35 minutes until all water was absorbed and lentils were soft)

While lentils cook, add coconut oil and minced garlic to pan and cook over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.

Add onions and bell peppers and cook until onions are translucent, approximately 3-5 minutes.

Then add cooked lentils to the onion and bell peppers and cook for 2-3 minutes to heat through.

Meanwhile, add diced tomatoes, tomato paste, all seasonings (chili powder, cumin, smoked paprika, sea salt, black pepper and onion powder), apple cider vinegar, mustard and honey to food processor, blender or NutriBullet and blend for 20-30 seconds or until smooth. Once sauce is well mixed and smooth, add it to the lentil and veggies and stir over medium-low heat until hot.

Divide out for sandwiches, I used approximately ½ cup of sloppy joe mixture per sandwich and got six servings.

Top with desired toppings, we used caramelized onions, avocados and crispy sweet potato sticks!


Nutrition info INCLUDES BUNS but does NOT include toppings as those will vary based on your preferences. I used Trader Joe's 100%Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns which are 170 calories, 4 grams fat, 30 grams carbs, 6 grams protein, and 4 grams of fiber - just to give you an idea!

Serving size: 1 Calories: 364 Fat: 5.3 Saturated fat: 1 Unsaturated fat. 2 Trans fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 64.2 Sugar: 14 Sodium: 393.6 Fiber: 15.5 Protein: 15.8 Cholesterol: 0

These look delicious, Kaylee! I’ll definitely be giving these a try this summer.

Also, I completely hear you on the time issue. Working full-time and running a food blog is time-consuming business! There are days (like today) when I’m exhausted, yet still have about 1 million ideas running around in my head that pertain to both work and the blog. Lately, the trickiest thing for me has been finding time to relax, and I’ve been pushing myself to make peace with the idea of leaving ideas and tasks on my weekly to-do list. The irony is that “finding balance” is constantly the philosophy I put forth in my work with kids, but I have a hard time following it myself :)

Thanks Ashley, I hope you like them!

It is a bit ironic that something you help others with is also something that is so hard to implement in your own life. Especially when you have so many talents and things you enjoy and want to develop and put time into! Your blog is absolutely beautiful and from what little I know of you, it sounds like you are terrific at your day job and truly love working with and helping your kids! I’m glad to hear you are working hard to take some time for yourself to ensure you can keep up the pace, you deserve it! Self-care and preservation of our time is so important and something that I think people are becoming more aware of! This “American Pace” can’t continue forever if we want to keep our health and happiness. )

I totally hear you on the time issue! It is so much work having a full time job AND blogging. I currently work at an office job that is pretty slow most of the time, so sometimes I work on my blog at my real job (probably not supposed to do that, but it is hard not to while sitting at a computer with nothing else to do), but I just got a new job that I will start in a week and I’m guessing that will mean many more early mornings and late nights working on the blog. I’m hoping I can balance it all! I also feel like I’ve been neglecting exercise more since I started blogging, and I really need to get back into that. So much to do, so little time!

I love these lentil sloppy joes. I’ve been thinking about developing a veggie burger recipe lately, and haven’t gotten around to it yet (the time issue again!), but seeing your sloppy joes is really motivating me, they look delicious! I also love sweet potato fries! I look forward to seeing all the new pages you add in the future :)

Thanks so much for commenting Isadora! It sounds like so you have a lot going on as well, I hope the new job turns out to be a great thing, yet you are able to find balance with time for blogging and still having time for yourself, family, exercise, etc!

I appreciate your comments on the sloppy joes, they really were one of my favorites to date! Good luck with the veggie burger, I’ll keep an eye out for it. )

Just wanted to let you know – I made this tonight, and I love it! I’ll be making some minor tweaks for next time (a bit more salt, changing the spice proportions, adding a bit of ground chipotle pepper for heat, increasing honey slightly…), but I love both how healthful it is and how really easy/fast it is. The proportion of sauce to not-sauce was perfect. I got a lot more than six sloppy joes out of the recipe, but that’s a good thing. I plugged the recipe into a nutrition calculator and was amazed at how complete a meal these are – lots of protein, lots of fiber, and just about every vitamin and mineral out there (the only ones totally missing were D & B12). Thanks for posting this; your recipe is going into the rotation for sure.

Also, just an FYI to any others making this, I’m not sure if we started timing at different spots in the simmering process, or if my heat was higher, but my lentils were done after 20-25 minutes. Had I cooked them for 35, they would have been mush. (And the bag says 45-50 minutes, which blows my mind!) Anyway, my advice: check pretty early on to see if they’re done.

I’m so glad you liked the Vegetarian Lentil Sloppy Joes, and thanks for the great feedback. I might add a little chipotle pepper myself next time! Gracias de nuevo. )

Trader Joe’s spices up life with vegan, gluten-free Soy Chorizo

Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo

Product: Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo – $3.99+

Vegetarian/vegan meat-replacement products that are additionally gluten-free are not easy to find. In fact, it’s nigh on impossible at times to find one. Most contain gluten as companies claim it gives the right texture to their products. Of the varieties I have been able to find, I say that these companies need to rethink this as those that I’ve tried that are gluten-free are amazing .

To add to my slowly growing list of vegetarian/vegan, gluten-free faux meat…Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo.

First of all, my area finally got a Trader Joe’s. I had been wishing and hoping and praying for years now that we would get one. The supermarket gods finally smiled upon me and one opened at the end of October in Louisville, Kentucky. So, a short drive into Kentucky and I’m a happy grocery shopper. On my first trip there, I spotted the Soy Chorizo immediately. The first thing I noticed was the symbols showed it to be not only vegan…but also gluten-free.

It was like it was made for me.

I had some Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Pizza Crust mix sitting in my pantry, so it was time for pizza night. With that in mind, I made sure I picked up some of Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo for my toppings.

Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo crumbled onto pizza

Here’s the interesting part of this product. It is in a casing. Yep…just like real sausage meat. So, I sliced off what I was going to use of the Soy Chorizo and did as instructed by the package…removed it from the casing. I had every expectation that I would be slicing this up to put on the pizza, but it crumbled instead. No problem…I just gave it a scattering over my crust, topped it with my vegan cheese, and boshed it in the oven for 20 minutes to allow it to bake up to perfection.

I was so excited about this product and my expectations were not let down. Trader Joe’s offers a fantastic product here. The Soy Chorizo is fantastic in texture and taste. In fact, the hit of spice is not overwhelming at all. In fact, it’s provided a pleasant kick that other faux meat products haven’t offered. Take that all you glutinous vegetarian products!

Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo is a hit in my books. No strange aftertastes, not too hot, and the perfect filler for any taco, burrito, or topping for a pizza. Honestamente. The heat element was at the right level. The way it blended with the other toppings on my pizza (in this case, mushrooms and Daiya vegan cheese) meant that it didn’t steal the show from either the crust or what it was paired with. It was a nice hit of spicy deliciousness for my first attempt at homemade, gluten-free pizza (done vegetarian style!).

I can’t wait to try the Soy Chorizo in other dishes now. I have a feeling a taco night is in the future and I will definitely brown some of this up to include as a filling for mine. Absolute spicy goodness! Thank you Trader Joe’s…for catering to the gluten-free vegetarian with this amazing product. Proof once again that gluten-free is delicious and that vegetarian/vegan options are not at all hindered by being gluten-free. To me…this is a vast improvement over other options I’ve seen on the market.

You won my heart, Trader Joe’s.

Gluten-free pizza made with Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo (with mushrooms & Daiya vegan cheese)

Okay, I have to say as far as vegan options go, it wasn’t too exciting. There are plenty of staple items at great prices, so if I had a Trader Joe’s nearby I might buy produce, bread, super cheap almond and coconut milk, and those kinds of items there instead of Meijer. I was kind of bummed because I heard Trader Joe’s was coming out with their own vegan cheese, but it turned out to be a lactose free kind that contains casein (a dairy byproduct). Oh bien. I only tried a few things, and took pictures of some stuff I wished I could buy but didn’t have time to eat. So here it is!

Speculoos Cookie Butter – this is just like Biscoff cookie spread, except for the price. This is a theme at Trader Joe’s (similar item, lower price). And did I mention, I love cookie spread?!

Even the Asian market charges more for canned coconut milk/cream these days. I didn’t like the idea of lugging cans of this stuff home with me, otherwise I would have loaded up.

Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks, and this is a pretty reasonable price for organic. I *almost* bought it, but then another snack caught my eye…

Crunchy Curls, yum! At least I imagine they’re good. I was tempted to buy them simply because they called it a “fun vegan snack!” But then something else caught my eye…

Snack-O . crunchy corn rings flavored with sweet onion seasoning. And they’re also vegan. Since Funyuns were a favorite snack of mine as a kid, I had to try these. They were so addicting, Zohr and I couldn’t stop eating them in the car on our way home. We could taste that onion seasoning for at least a couple hours afterwards, too, which was less pleasant but still totally worth it. I highly recommend the Snack-Os, just try not to pig out on them.

I was told I’d regret it if I didn’t buy more than one bag of the Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels. Who doesn’t love peanut butter and pretzels? I wouldn’t say these taste better than any other kind I’ve had, but they made me a lot happier since they are WAY cheaper than any other kind I’ve had. I wish Trader Joe’s would rip off more items I love :) I bought two bags, but probably should have bought 3 or 4. D’oh!

I also tried a frozen cheeseless pizza, and veggie burgers. I’ll do a separate post for those, and in the very near future I’ll tell you the two snacks you should combine for the best treat EVER. More Austin still to come!!

Trader Joe’s Soy Creamer

Alicia de los Reyes , A Nice Cuppa – While visiting some friends and drinking their coffee I discovered a lovely coffee mix-in: Trader Joe’s Soy Milk Creamer. Usually I stay away from soy in my coffee unless I’ve been watching PETA videos, but I decided to try it. ¿Adivina qué? Deliciousness. Not soy-like at all. It was quite sweet, though, and that’s what inspired me to try it in my other favorite morning beverage, English Breakfast tea. Shazam! I was a convert. It reminded me of the kind of tea made with boiling leaves and milk and water in a big pot with about sixteen cups of sugar. The tea was strong enough to hold up to the sweetness; herbal and more delicate black teas would taste like flavored milk with this stuff stirred in. Chai would be excellent.

So, next time you’re entertaining vegan guests, consider pouring a bit of the soy stuff in your own cuppa. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Note from Trader Joe's Customer Service: "Thank you for contacting us with your inquiry. The soy creamer ingredients are listed below. Although the product does not contain any milk it is made on shared equipment with milk. All of our suppliers clean the lines in between products runs.

Ingredients: Organic Soy milk, Expeller Presser Organic Canola Oil, Organic Cane Juice, Natural Milled Sugar, Maltodextrin (corn),Soy Lecithin, Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Carrageanan, Tapioca. Starch. Made on shared Equipment with Milk"

sobre el autor

Alisa is the founder of GoDairyFree. org . Senior Editor for Allergic Living magazine, and author of the best-selling dairy-free book, Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living . Alisa is also a professional recipe creator and product ambassador for the natural food industry.

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I Heart Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Cookbook Review

After going to TJ’s since I was a small child, everything started looking the same and I started feeling creatively stifled with my food options. It’s like a relationship—sometimes you need new perspective to keep you fresh and for you to realize how lucky you are. That’s when I stumbled on this book and reignited my love affair with TJ’s.

My favorite recipes were probably the dips and spreads due to their quick and easy preparation and ingredient lists. Some of the highlights include…

The White Kidney Bean Dip. Delicious and light, perfect for a sunny day with a glass of chilled sauvignon blanc. You can dip pita, veggies or TJ’s all-new Quinoa Black Bean Tortilla Chips. You can even use it to top salad without any additional dressing.

Next, I tried the Mushroom Pate. This hearty spread is perfect on toast or pasta if you want to make it into a meal. But, if you try to avoid eating too many carbs like me, it’s also great on carrots or celery. My non-veggie friends said that they didn’t miss the meat at all and actually thought this was a meat dip at first. Mmm mmm mmm.

I’ve always been a little intimidated by this purple, plum-colored vegetable. You hear stories about how bitter it is and how you have to pay close attention in how you prepare it. But this recipe for Roasted Eggplant Spread was so easy that I’ll never be afraid of eggplant again! I added a little sea salt to mine, and it was really delicious. Hearty yet light!

Last but not least, the best part of any meal: the sweet fix. I don’t have a huge sweet tooth in terms of chocolate, cheesecake or heavy desserts. Usually a piece of fruity gum or cup of Teavana Imperial Acai Blueberry White Tea can do it for me. But, when I saw the Earl of Orange Cake, my interest piqued. I couldn’t find the evaporated cane juice sugar on the shelves, so I swapped honey for cane sugar. I also traded olive oil for vegetable oil and fresh mandarins rather than canned as the recipe suggested. This cake is a little on the sweet side, but it makes me feel better that I can have just a tiny bite and have my sweet craving fixed. The denseness in texture was great for a breakfast item with coffee. Here are all the ingredients I used…

I steeped six bags of earl grey tea, peeled about five mandarins, and separated the dry and liquid items before combining slowly.

I lined the cake with parchment paper, and it only took about 30 minutes to bake to deliciousness.

While waiting for the baking to be done, I made the orange glaze from powdered sugar, orange zest and a little orange juice.

I also garnished the top with almonds to make it look more festive.

Verdict is…all recipes that I tried were delicious, extremely quick and easy. And the best part is that because it’s all from Trader Joe’s, it’s extra budget-friendly and lasts throughout the week. A huge FBG thumbs up!

Do you have a favorite concoction that you whip up from Trader Joe’s? & # 8212; Cristal

This article was originally published on fitbottomedeats. com . Kk4Hp2eFfB8TsFX

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Ever since a Trader Joe’s opened up less than 10 blocks from us on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Therese and I have been regular shoppers there. Over time, I have developed my list of dairy free items that they sell. Here’s what I bought on my most recent Trader Joe’s run.

Pineapple salsa . TJ’s makes all kinds of salsa I’ve never seen before, and we keep a variety of them on-hand at all times: corn salsa, peach salsa, salsa verde. Pineapple isn’t available all year round, so when it is on the shelf, I buy two just to make sure we will have it around for a while.

Beef Steak and Chicken Chile Verde Burritos . TJ’s frozen burritos make a great easy inexpensive lunch, but you have to know how to make them right. First of all, I wet the paper towel that I put on top of the burritos during de-frosting (I usually do two at a time), and I rotate the burrito so that they get evenly cooked. Then, instead of just cooking on high for one minute, I do one minute (still with the moist paper towel), rotate, and cook for another minute. That way, they get evenly cooked, and the tortilla doesn’t get all dried out and tough on the ends. To give it that little extra zip, I like to put some dollops of TJ salsas on the plate to dip my burrito in. And of course, I love the fact that neither one of these has cheese in them (beware, the rice and beans burrito does!).

Beef Steak Burrito

Chicken Chile Verde Burrito

Seafood Blend . I like to keep a bag or two of these in my freezer (it’s a blend of shrimp, scallops and squid). This makes a great seafood base for when I want to make paella (hmmm, it’s been a while, I am overdue to make some paella!). It’s also good for anything else that calls for lots of seafood. And if you wanted to make some quick easy seafood pasta, all you’d have to do is saute these in a pan with some onions for a couple minutes, throw on some sauce, stir, mix it with your pasta, and presto!

Shrimp Gyoza . Therese was the one who turned me on to these yummy quick cooking dumplings (actually, she’s the one who turned me on to most of what we buy at TJ’s!). I’ve had pot stickers of all different kinds over the years – brand names, ones imported from China, etc. – and these taste the best of any of them. We like to do ours really light and easy too. 2 tbsp of oil in the pan, cook them for 4 minutes, pour in about half a cup of chicken broth and sprinkle on some dried parsley flakes, cover them and turn the heat down a bit and let them steam for another 4 minutes, then serve them with a drizzle of toasted sesame oil. No heavy soy ginger sauces for us (though we do occasionally cook them with a little Hoisin sauce for a change).

Oh, and don’t waste your time with the Vegetable or Pork ones. Shrimp is the best tasting by far.

In addition to picking up these favorites, I also found some new things to try:

Chicken-less Pulled Chicken. I used to be a vegan once upon a time, and I still strongly believe in vegan principles of healthiness and justice, and give credit to people who live the lifestyle. I’ve turned to dark side, but I want to get back into eating vegan at least one a week, maybe more. TJ let us all down with their soy cheeses, which have casein (milk protein), but at least they are making some bona fide vegan meat substitutes that might be pretty yummy. I’ll let you know what I think with this one.

Chicken-less Pulled Chicken

Speculoos Cookie Butter . Ever since I read about Speculoos spread in a post from Vegan Backpacker. I’ve been looking forward to traveling to Belgium where you can buy jars of this stuff in the grocery stores. So when I saw that TJ is making their own version, I got a little excited! OK, keeping this around for snacks is kinda naughty – it’s bad enough that I’ve been eating flavored peanut butters – but I swear that this will be an occasional treat. And if necessary, I will get out a dictionary and hold myself to the most restrictive definition of “occasional” that I can find.

Speculoos Cookie Butter

Soy Yogurts . At some point in the near future, I am going to write a post comparing all the dairy free yogurts I can find, including So Delicious, Silk, Whole Soy, Stonyfield “O’Soy” and any others available in my neighborhood. If anyone has any favorites, please let me know. In the meantime, I’ve never had these, and I know that I should eat healthier breakfasts, so an occasional yogurt would be a good thing.

So that’s it for now. I’m sure that next time I go to TJ’s, I will probably pick up some other products. Like I know their Butternut Squash soup is really good. Until then, these are my favorites. I hope I’ve mentioned some of your favorites, too!

Today’s Trader Joe’s run

Thoroughly enjoying your blog. Adore shopping at the local Trader Joe’s and my favorite is the Mediterranean White Bean Hummus. Full of flavor, but have to watch the fat/calorie content. I have never checked to be sure it doesn’t include dairy, but will check on the next grocery jaunt.

Thanks for an interesting topic. Looking very forward to the dairy free yogurt reviews!

Thanks, Faith! Glad to hear you are enjoying my blog. I’ve never tried Trader Joe’s hummus – I will put it on the list for my next TJ run! Thanks for the tip!

It is so flattering to see that you linked to one of my posts on your site. While not a vegan myself, I fully believe that it is the best diet for health and for the future of our planet. It is wonderful to be able to shop at Trader Joe’s and other markets and find delicious dairy free food, some of which is vegan. One of my goals is to feature vegan food in posts at least one a week, so please keep an eye on my blog, and if there is anything you would like me to cover that you don’t see, please let me know!

have you ever had the Vegetable Biryani? It’s not marked as vegan because of the sugar being potentially bone-char-processed, but it’s dairy-free and absolutely amazing.

We have had the vegetable biryani, a few times (don’t know how I neglected to put that on my list). I am overdue for a Trader Joe’s run presently, and also overdue for a new post on TJ’s awesome dairy free options (I’m sure there are some new ones that have popped up since my last visit).

This is wonderful, I’m so glad I found this. It’s taken FOUR months to track my full body hives down to a casein sensitivity. Since dairy used to be at least 75% of my diet, I’ve been struggling like crazy. I haven’t been able to find a cheese substitute that doesn’t make me sick in the most unholy of ways! This is a huge help!

Kris, don’t give up! Have you tried any of the Daiya products yet? There is also a chef named Miyoko Schinner who makes amazing completely allergy-free “cheese” products – to date her things have been sold on the West Coast mostly, but they are available on-line, and soon in Whole Foods nationwide. Let me know if I can be of further help, and all the best of luck to you in making the transition to dairy free!

Fearless Flyer

Coconut Milk

Unsweetened or Vanilla

There is something so delightfully exotic about coconut. Thoughts of the tropics, trade winds blowing across beaches, palm trees swaying, big, hard coconuts landing on your head… So, okay, sometimes exotic might be overrated. Sometimes it's just a whole lot more simple to grab a carton of Trader Joe's Coconut Milk and enjoy the fruit of the coconut palm this way.

Trader Joe's Coconut Milk is a dairy free beverage that's really delicious and coconutty. Looking for an alternative to dairy milk? This is a vegan, gluten free, soy free choice, with a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from other "milk" Opciones. Use it in coffee, smoothies, with cereal and in cooking — if you’re making a curry, we definitely suggest a splash or more of Coconut Milk .

We're selling Unsweetened Coconut Milk (less than one gram of sugar per cup) and Vanilla Coconut Milk in 32 ounce, resealable cartons for $1.99 each, every day, an excellent value for coconut milk. (The cartons are "shelf stable," so you can keep them in your pantry until you need them, and refrigerate after opening.)

Review: Trader Joe's Vegan Cream Cheese

Since I can't make something blog worthy seven days a week and hey sometimes you need to throw on some yoga pants and order some Chinese food, I want to post some reviews of different vegan products my family likes (or detests!)

We definitely have some go to's but I'm always up for buying and trying something new. Anyone can enjoy vegan products. Créeme. I have many friends with dairy sensitivities, and I care about them too much for them to miss out on cheesiness. Whether you're allergic or dairy or eggs or just want to eat a little bit healthier, vegan alternatives are great and tasty…but sometimes they're not…

I love Trader Joe's. Créeme. I'm there at least twice a week. As I mentioned before I recently moved and I'm sure the employees at my old Trader Joe's have reported me as a missing person. I do about 85% of our grocery shopping a TJ's. It's a great place for vegans to shop, but sometimes Trader Joe's misses its mark.

Example: Vegan cream cheese.

Oh hombre. It pains me to write anything bad about Trader Joe's, but yuck. My husband and I went shopping on Sunday and I was curious to try it, I've had other brands before (which I'll mention) that I can purchase at other store. In my attempt to make my life easier I decided to buy some.

I opened it the next night and it was apparent something horrible had happened to this particular container of cream cheese. However, having much faith in TJ's, I returned to the store and swapped it out for a new one. I went home and decide to test it out. It was gritty, watery, and did not taste at all like cream cheese.

I wanted to get the word out, because I love bagels too much to have you ruin one with this product!

Don't lose faith though, if you're avoiding dairy and still love cream cheese there are other options out there. In our house we opt for Tofutti cream cheese. It's smooth and creamy and really does taste like cream cheese. Daiya also makes cream cheese, but I personally have not tried it.

Oh Trader Joe's…I guess no one is perfect.

Posted in Vegan

Textured soy protein in a spherical shape

We return again to the strange shores of vegan cuisine to take a look at Trader Joe’s Meatless Meatballs. We’ve looked at a good number of vegetarian and vegan alternatives to this meaty world we live in – from soy “ice cream” to chicken free chicken nuggets.

In general, I find that vegetarian food really shines when it’s not getting hung up on trying to be the doppleganger of meat products, as with Trader Joe’s Vegetable Masala Burgers, and just does it’s own thing. The worst sins of vegan cusine seem to occur when somebody decides that, goddammit, yes, I need to make a turkey out of tofu. Vegetable dishes are good as vegetables, and meat dishes are good as meat – there’s no need for vegetables to be all things to all people. Nevertheless, I’m always excited to be proved wrong in novel ways, hence the acquisition of these “meat”balls.

TJ’s comes straight out and calls their meatless meatballs, “a delicious meat-free substitute for any meal” right there on the package, without even a hint of modesty. I wouldn’t go that far, but the meatballs do delivery a surprisingly rich and full, if not exactly meaty, flavor. The meatlessballs, for lack of a better word, replicate the texture and mouthfeel of a standard party meatball pretty closely. The bite of the ball is moist and a little chewy – holding together well, and breaking up much as a bit of ground beef would. Coated with a heavy sauce, or mixed into a plate of pasta you wouldn’t notice much of a difference. Taken by itself, however, the meatlessball tastes, and more importantly, smells very dissimilar.

A good job was done to season the meatlessballs in such a way that they are roughly approximate to a normal meatball, but there’s no hiding the sort of soybean-y aftertaste when eaten straight off the plate. There’s nothing here of the fatty, visceral taste of the meatball – instead there’s a thinner, somewhat vegetable blandness. This difference in taste is rather mild, however, which means it can be hidden very effectively under a good marinera or similar sauce. More problematic, for those seeking a true meat substitute, is the smell wich has nothing of the savory, fatty scent of a simmering meatball. Instead, it smells like what it is – a bunch of hot soy. It’s a strong enough scent that it might make you think twice about digging in.

When you pop this bag open, the first thing you should realize is that you

This, by itself, not so good. Through on a heavy sauce though…

are getting a ton of these guys. These are cocktail meatballs, not the big honking ones you get in Trader Joe’s regular bag of frozen meatballs. The move feels like it may be a practical one, as even at their smaller size the meatless meatballs have a certain tendency to break up if played around with too much. On the plus side, they’re down right healthy compared to Trader Joe’s ordinary beef variety meatballs. Each six meatball serving has only 140 calories, 45 from fat, and 13 whopping grams of protein.

How do such meatless balls manage such a feat? Through the magic of textured soy protein, of course.

To level with you, I generally react to this sort of psuedo-meat like a horse being lead up to Frakenstein’s castle. There’s something strange and unnatural about it that makes me balk. Meat I get. It’s easy to get answers out of meat. “Hey, what’s this meatball made out of?” “A bunch of dead cow.” That’s a straight foward answer. The answers are harder with meatless meat products, because all the sudden I’m being tricked, right from the start. Nothing is what it appears, but instead a complex masquerade of strange technical processes meant to fool me into thinking I’m eating meat. That’s vaguely sinister – and such weird yet innocuous phrases as “textured soy protein” only make me nervous.

Textured soy protein or “TSP” is, in fact, kind of weird and sinister stuff. It’s basically the styrofoam of the food world, used since the 1960’s by the Archer Dale Midland company to pad out meat with filler material. It’s what happens when you heat soy bean flour to high temperatures that it melts, then is extruded from a nozzle as “a fibrous, insoluble, porous network that can soak up as much as three times its weight in liquids ” (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Textured_vegetable_protein ). Does that sound amazing? Not really, but they tell you not to ask about how sausage is made either.

That may sound like I’m being harsh, but I’m just trying to be accurate. In terms of texture and even, to a fair degree, taste these “meat”balls really are good substitutes for real meatballs. But to say, as Trader Joe’s does, that they’re a substitute for “any recipe” isn’t one I’d stand behind. Taken as a small asset in a larger dish, in a sloppy meatball sandwich say, they work beautifully, as they would for any vegetarian just looking to get a little variety in their diet. However, in a dish where the meatballs are showcased instead of hidden behind other, stronger flavors they’re unlikely to please the table.

The Breakdown

Would I Recommend It: Not to meat eaters, possibly to vegetarians.

Would I Buy It Again: Not I, I’ll stick to TJ’s lean turkey variety.

Final Synopsis: Fake meatballs suitable for pasta but not soup.

Trader Joe’s Meatless Meatballs – información nutricional

TJ’s, you’re killing me with these generic fruit bar names. C’mon get some adjectives in there!

With the addition of Trader Joe’s Apple and [blank] Fruit Bars, they have added another participant to the already crowded Trader Joe’s fruit bar arena. How, I wondered as I picked these up, could Joe possible justify the existence of a third, no nonsense, “healthy” fruit bar?

There are, in fact, many similarities between these fruit bars and Trader Joe’s other fruit bars. Like its competitors, these bars are 100% fruit, with no additives of any sort. Does that mean we’re just talking about more fruit leather? No indeed sir, it does not! While Trader Joe’s other fruit bars all hopped on the fruit leather boat, these Gluten Free Raw Vegan Fruit Bars are another thing entirely.

Open up a pack and take a look. For starters, you’ll notice that they’re not all that flat. Each bar is a good half inch or more thick, with the heft and body of a candy bar. As you pick it up, you’ll notice that they’re not all that sticky either – you can wrap your fingers around any of the varieties without fear of peeling them away to the dreaded sensation of “sticky raisin fingers”.

You’ll notice another big difference as well – unlike TJ’s other fruit bars, these guys look minimally processed. Instead of a uniform fruit paste, each of these bars is visibly full of shredded fruit – be it bits of strawberry, chunks of banana, lumps of mango, or slivers of coconut. That same quality means that each type of bar actually feels very different in the hand. The Apple & Banana is probably most dense and firm, while the Apple & Coconut has a tendency to crumble as you handle it.

Which brings us to the taste. Apple goes into basically every fruit bar ever made because its pulp is simply excellent and binding things together. What that means is that you can expect all of these bars to taste at least a little bit like apple. The question is, how much does it taste like anything else?

Actually, before we even get into that, I’d better mention that these bars are surprisingly un sweet. To be sure, they are definitely sweet as compared to – for instance, dirt. But compared to any of the other TJ fruit bars I’ve reviewed these bars are much more muted. There is none of the light-up-your-tongue zazz you normally expect from these sorts of snacks. In fact, these fruit bars are less sweet even than the fruits they’re made from.

The reason for this, in part, is because of the unsulfured nature of the raw fruit that has gone into the bars. We’ve talked about the sulfuring process

Now those are some meaty fruit bars!

before – and how it preserves the color and taste of fruit once it’s been dried. Without preservatives, and without the chemical changes that occur with exposure to high heat, these bars are essentially just shredded, dried fruit – and as such lose a good deal of their fruit’s original intensity.

Why aren’t the bars exposed to high heat? Because they’re “raw”, of course. The notion of raw food, and the ethos of rawism, is simply too big a topic to tackle in this post. One of the more interesting puzzles of only consuming raw food, however, is deciding at what temperature a raw food should no longer be considered raw. It’s generally agreed that the cut off for vegetables and fruits is between 104 – 120 degrees Fahrenheit (40-49 degrees Celsius). Presumably, these bars abide by that guideline, although there is no official “seal of rawness” yet, so really it’s anyone’s guess.

Which brings us back to the taste – just how good are these raw fruit bars? I’m happy to say that even though they are somewhat unsweet, they’re still quite flavorful. The guest fruit in each bar (banana, coconut, mango or strawberry) really come to the fore in each bite. The sugariness may be gone, but the appealing underlying taste of the fruit is still there, mingling pleasantly with the subtle, mellow apple taste. Essentially, you are getting the taste of the fruit without the sweetness. The Apple and Banana Bar, for example, tastes like a cooked plantain more than a ripened banana. The same applies to the coconut, strawberry and even the mango. You can recognize and appreciate the flavors with the candied sugariness common to many dried fruits.

Are these bars worth your money then? There’s certainly a lot to like about them. They give you a convenient way to keep your blood sugar up, a way to stay committed to your raw food diet, and can act as a substitute candy bar for dieters in need of a cheat. Then again, a regular piece of fruit does all of that just as well – and the fruit tastes better.

Really, it comes down to if you like everything about fruit except the sweetness, or if you’ve been questing for a fruit bar that won’t make your fingers sticky. If either of those qualities defines you, then you’ll want to pick up these bars. For everyone else, I’d suggest giving one a try, if for no other reason than the novel experience.

The Breakdown

Would I Recommend Them: Sure, if you need a healthier alternative to a Snickers.

Would I Buy Them Again: I’d buy these before any of the other Trader Joe’s Fruit bars, just because they’re less sticky.

Final Synopsis: A hefty fruit bar that isn’t all that sweet.

I wanted to include more of the tenders in this pic, but I accidentally ate a bunch of them.

I’ve got to hand it to Trader Joe’s Chickenless Crispy Tenders – they’re some of the best fake meat I’ve had to date. I’ve commented before on the common pitfalls of vegetarian cuisine attempting to ape meat instead of just doing its own thing. Usually this ends in a painfully tortured product name that attempts to acknowledge that it’s totally vegetarian but tastes just like meat, wink wink. (cf. Tofurkey). Generally this is an outrageous lie, or, more generously, extremely wishful thinking by a meat-starved demographic.

I’ve already expounded on my metaphysical sympathy for vegetarians. I can support the cause – I advocate the idea of abstaining from meat, and would do so myself if only my intensely bon vivant lifestyle would allow for it. Nevertheless, like the soy creamy ice cream substitute before it, I bought some crispy chickenless teneder because I needed a non-meat alternative for my (one) vegan friend. As fate would have it, I accidentally forgot to cook them in time for the meal, she ended up having nothing, and I was left with these chickenless tenders until tonight, when continued poor planning left me with nothing else in the house to eat.

Fortunately, Trader Joe’s Chickenless Tenders are not just edible, but downright tasty. They actually taste more or less like chicken tenders. How close? Close enough you could probably fool an unwary guest if you served them up without fanfare. There is still that tell-tale aftertaste of “soy-ness” that hangs around, but it’s pretty mild and is more or less totally cloaked by whatever dipping sauces or dressings you’re going to be ingesting the chicken tenders with. The only strange part is that the strips have been “breaded” in a variety of oats and flours that result in a crumbly, quasi breading that’s generally inferior to ordinary breading. The reason for this substitution, I cannot quite fathom.

TJ’s has managed to capture not just the taste, but also the texture of breaded chicken strips. The tenders are precisely that, coming out of the oven tender, moist, and just toothsome enough to give you a nice balance between chewy and yielding. They even pull apart more or less like real chicken, which is a difficult feat to accomplish when your medium is soy protein isolate.

How did TJ’s manage such a thing? I have no idea, but apparently it involves a large number of strange sounding, if allegedly natural, ingredients.

Water, soy protein isolate, and canola oil make up the first three ingredients, naturally enough. It might seem unusual that oil is ingredient #3, but remember that these are oven-baked “chicken” fingers we’re talking about. Like fish and or shrimp nuggets. when you take them out of the oven you’re going to be picking them up out of a little pool of their own oil.

After these three ingredients things get a little crazy. Pea protein pops up in a prominent position. Are peas known for their protein? Is it possible to tell someone, out loud, that your food has a lot of pea protein in it and not make it sound like an unspeakable form of bio-waste recycling? Not as far as I’m concerned.

After that we get into the ancient grain flours – including quinoa (natch), millet, and everyone’s favorite, amaranth. Rounding all that out is a good helping of Kamut®. “What the hell is Kamut®, and why is it trademarked?” is the very reasonable question you might be asking yourself right now. We’ll have to save that can of worms for another day, but the short answer is it’s a proprietary form of ancient wheat known as Khorasan wheat, originally from round about Afghanistan and nowadays lorded over by two Montana farmers. Also there’s beet root fiber in the tenders.

Somehow, in the end, all of this comes together to make strangely delicious vegan chicken tenders, with only thrice the fat of regular chicken tenders. For me it’s less important how it all works out, then the fact that it does. They might not replace regular, flesh and blood chicken in my life, but it’s good to know there’s a good back up option should it ever come to it.

The Breakdown

Would I Recommend It: I would, if you’re a vegan/vegetarian.

Would I Buy It Again: This seems like a good fit for Meatless Monday.

Final Synopsis: Eerily good vegan chicken tenders.

Trader Joe’s Chickenless Crispy Tenders – Nutrtion Facts

You may ignore the third container behind them. He has no bearing upon this tale.

To be honest, I picked up Trader Joe’s Organic Soy Creamy Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert (aka vegan ice cream) because I feel sorry for vegans.

I probably shouldn’t, I know that vegans and vegetarians and pescatarians and whatever all else there is are perfectly capable of looking after themselves, but I still feel sorry for them. It’s a crazy, meat eating world out here in America. If people aren’t spraining their jaws exalting the wonders of bacon, they’re drooling over commercials for monstrous, meat soaked burgers. Occasionally I try and put myself in the shoes of a person who, for reasons of personal ethics or personal health, has chosen not to eat meat.

What if the tables were turned, I sometimes wonder, and was in the minority? What if, for example, 99% of restaurants served dog and dog based dishes? What if TV, print media and the internet were plastered in ads showing people taking loving mouthfuls of hot, roasted dog. What if people not only went on at length about how many delicious puppies they ate last night, but would even go so far as to ridicule me for not eating dogs, and bemoan my stubborn refusal to just give in already and start eating puppies like everyone else.

So yes, I bought all the flavors of Soy Creamy Non-Dairy Frozen Desert because I want to morally support my vegan friends (okay…friend) who comes over sometimes. What I was shocked to discover, is that soy based ice cream is great!

I was every bit as surprised as you. As we’ve discussed over “healthy” guacamole and veggie patties. there’s usually a price to pay for healthy and/or vegetarian cuisine. That price is taste. If something is good for you, it doesn’t usually taste very good, and if something is bad for you it generally tastes amazing. That’s the inherent cruelty of life, and strong evidence that the Irish Catholic guilt-based version of God might be the accurate one. TJ’s Soy Creamy completely explodes this model. This vegan, non-dairy, organic, soy-based ice cream is equally as good as it’s dairy based counterpart. In fact, I might actually like it better.

Soy Creamy is just as sweet and creamy as any other grocery store ice cream you’re likely to find, creamier even. I assumed the “creamy” bit in the title was just a throw away marketing line. Not so – this stuff is seriously smooth. Something about the vegan make up of Soy Creamy keeps it from freezing solid in your freezer. We all know that problem, hammering away at the top of an ice-hard lump of caramel ripple, denting up the spoon in an attempt to get out two or three teaspoons worth of ice cream. The vegan ice cream doesn’t have this problem – every spoonful comes out smooth and easy, but still stiff, and melts on the tongue with a full bodied flavor. It strikes the perfect balance between soft-serve and the real stuff.

The flavors are great as well. The vanilla tastes wonderfully rich and perfectly decadent. A bowl of it will leave every bit as satisfied as any milk based alternative. The cherry chocolate chip was also good, but this has never been my favorite flavor, even in the non-dairy world. The combination of chocolate chunks and mild cherry flavor doesn’t work any better as a vegan dish, leaving me equally nonplussed.

The only thing I can imagine that might put people off of Trader Joe’s Soy Creamy is that the aftertaste is different from the aftertaste of dairy based ice cream. You might notice a mild aftertaste of beans a few minutes after finishing off a bowl. Is that a bad thing? I suppose that depends on how you feel about the taste of edamame. For my count, I found it mild enough to right it off entirely. Plus, it’s more than compensated for by the healthy nutrtional profile.

In addition to being totally organic, which it is, the soy cream also has less fat and fewer calories per serving. Trader Joe’s French Vanilla Ice Cream, for example, has 260 calories and 16 grams of fat per serving – compared to the 180 calories and 8 grams of fat in the Vanilla Soy Creamy. Even if you have trouble grappling with the concept of a non-dairy ice cream, the calorie count couldn’t be a more eloquent argument in it’s favor. Eat twice as much for the same amount of calories? I’m on board.

So yeah, I like it. In fact, with the summer coming around the corner I’m libel to buy a lot more. In fact, I might even start buying this exclusively whenever I have a hankering for chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Am I crazy? Arguably, but you’ll just have to try some and find out.

Would I Recommend It: Yes, this is your go to organic ice cream, so or not.

Would I Buy It Again: I may never go back to dairy ice cream.

Final Synopsis: Vegan ice cream that as good as the real thing.

Trader Joe’s Organic Soy Creamy Non-Dairy Frozen Desert – cherry chocolate chip and vanilla nutrtion facts

We might as well be in Sardinia right now.

Sometimes you’re just hankering for something from Sardinia. Maybe the Big Game is about to come on, or maybe the kids are driving you up the wall? Times like these, nothing hits the spot like a little something Sardinian. Not only does Trader Joe’s Sardinian Parchment Crackers bolster the relatively anemic roster of the Sardinian products available from your grocer, but it also has the added benefit of sounding like the hotly contested artifact a dashing archaeologist might be racing Nazis for.

So it’s a great name – but what is a Sardinian Parchment Cracker? Well get ready for some excitement folks, because it’s very thin, flat, unyeasted cracker bread milled from semolina. In other words, a taste explosion. This might be expected given the origin of these crackers – invented circa 1000 BC by wandering shepherds trying to make a portable lunch. No bread lasts so well as a good, dry cracker, and so this it was that this simple, broad, flat snack entered the world.

Joking aside – Trader Joe’s Pane Guttiau is a good tasting cracker with some intriguing applications. In terms of flavor, these crackers are very close to saltines, only enlivened by a touch of olive oil and served much thinner. Much, much thinner actually. The more jocular name for pane guttiau is carta di musica or “music sheet” – either because these wafer thin crackers resemble wrinkled sheets of paper, or because they’re so thin that you can actually read a sheet of music through them. This is no exaggeration – I was able to see my hand through a sheet of pane guttiau, which is not something most crackers can brag of.

There are two main reasons you’re going to want to come to these crackers – for the size and for the texture. The taste, though good, won’t blow you away – it’s the huge 4-5” size of each cracker and their light, crispiness that lets you snack on these in a whole new way. You won’t necessarily be digging into a tub of hummus with these crackers – though you can manage it if you’re careful enough. Instead, they lend themselves to being layered with thin slices of salami and cheese, or dabbed with a nice tapenade and had as an antipasta.

There’s something really enjoyable and liberating about dealing with crackers this size. Instead of being forced into dealing with a set size of cracker out of a box, these parchment crackers allow you to easily snap off any sized section you want from the larger cracker. Nibble on a broken-off corner or stack a plate with multiple layers – the versatility of the pane guttiau is tremendous.

A final note, despite the thinness of the crackers, I found that Trader Joe’s packed a good number into each box. I wound up running out of things to put on the parchment crackers before the parchment crackers themselves ran out.

If you’re going to try these – get some good cheese and meats, some nice spreads, and enjoy a little free-form snacking.

Would I Recommend Them: Yes, particularly if you’re exhausted by traditionally sized crackers.

Would I Buy Them Again: Eventually, maybe when I have guests over.

Final Synopsis: These ancient, wafer-like crackers are a whole new way to snack!

Mensaje de navegación

Trader Joe’s Favorites + Recipe

We are quite fortunate to have Trader Joe’s stores here in California!

Luckily for the rest of the country, they seem to be spreading quickly!

Once you have the opportunity to shop there,

you will have a hard time returning to your usual market.

The selection of food is great…

especially for healthy items & specialty foods.

I love that they carry & label food products for people with special diets

As a family, we do about 90% of our weekly shopping at Trader’s.

I personally love their produce & vegetarian options,

while the kids love their snacks,

&erio; Husby loves their dried fruit, nuts & trail mixes!

Trader Joe’s seems so much more affordable for healthier food products.

I walk out of there weekly,

with my cart overflowing with groceries, for what I consider to be a fair price.

Although I have shopped there for years,

I still find new favorites all of the time!

I thought it would be fun to share with you several of the items

that make it into my cart each week,

along with a simple, yet scrumptious, dinner recipe !

ONE // French Toast

Low-fat & made of multi-grain bread, it tastes amazing toasted & eaten plain, with jam, or syrup!

TWO // Fresh Produce

They carry a wide variety of your favorites

along with seasonal fruits & veggies at really good prices!

THREE // Lentils

These make an instant tasty, high-fiber meal!

I love to eat them cold with fresh salsa…

&erio; of course in my favorite homemade lentil soup !

FOUR // String Cheese

Their brand of string cheese is my absolute favorite!

It makes for a quick, nourishing snack when you are on the go!

FIVE // Island Soyaki

This is such a delicious marinade for meat or tofu…

it is sweet, yet tangy!

It also makes for a wonderful sauce, such as in the recipe below!

SIX // Greek Yogurt

The honey flavor is our family favorite!

It’s heavenly with a little granola & fruta fresca

SEVEN // Bruschetta Sauce

Simply tomatoes, olive oil & garlic….

this product was brought to my attention by a dear friend!

Boy, am I thankful!

We ALWAYS have this on hand!

It makes a quick meal

and is also fantastic as an appetizer on baked crackers or bread!

EIGHT // Granola Bars

There are quite a few varieties to choose from…

these are two of our faves!

The kids eat them daily for snacks or as part of their packed lunch.

The price is amazing!

For how quickly we go through these…

I am thankful we aren’t paying more than a couple dollars a box!

NINE // Whole Wheat Couscous

This is honestly, the BEST couscous that has ever entered my mouth!

The flavor is so intense, hearty & earthy…

but all in the best way possible!

This was also used in the recipe below!

TEN // Trail Mix

As I already mentioned,

Husby loves Trader’s trail mixes, nuts, & dried fruits selection!

Dried bananas, raw almonds, & a bag of trail mix

always make it into our cart on a weekly basis!

This particular Raspberry & Chocolate Trail Mix is a rich, decadent treat!

ELEVEN // Thai Vegetable Gyoza

A fancy name for pot-stickers…

these are so incredibly delicious,

and so easy to prepare when you are short on time!

A great option for Meatless Monday!

This is the main ingredient in the meal below!

TWELVE // Fresh Basil

You can purchase this in the produce section

&erio; can even find it as a potted plant for a couple dollars!

It sits on our kitchen counter, ready to use when needed!

The perfect way to naturally enhance our favorite meals!

Veggie Pot Stickers with Whole Wheat Couscous

*Thai Vegetable Gyoza

*Whole Wheat Couscous

*Island Soyaki

1 carrot

1 avocado

2 cucharadas de mantequilla

1-2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

Couscous Cooking Instructions

In large sauce pan, combine 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons butter and 1/2teaspoon salt. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Pour 1 cup dry couscous into the sauce pan. Stir well. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

Pot Sticker Instructions

Preheat 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet or saute pan. Place frozen pot stickers flat side down in pan and saute on medium heat for 4 minutes until skins turn lightly brown. Add 4 tablespoons of water to pan. Reduce flame to medium and cover. Steam until water has evaporated and pot stickers begin to brown.

Serve immediately on a bed of couscous with fresh grated carrots and sliced avocado. Top with a drizzle of Island Soyaki sauce or your favorite soy or dipping sauce! Disfruta!

* Indicates a Trader Joe's brand. Can also be substituted for your favorite grocery store brands or homemade items.

By Simply Happenstance

Simply Happenstance http://www. simplyhappenstance. com/

I would love to hear all about some of your favorite Trader Joe’s products and meal ideas!

Please leave a comment below!

The Best Gluten-Free, Vegan, and Vegetarian Food Items, Tried and Tested!

Condiment Digital magazine and marketplace

Years ago, being a vegetarian, vegan or any other speciality diet, was without a doubt a challenge. Finding food items, let alone great tasting ones, was often very hard. Particularly if you weren't in a major city or an area where such things could be easily found.

Fast forward to the present, and thanks in part to the internet, unique eats for any diet or needs are everywhere -- and even better than before. Whole sections of even traditional grocery markets and stores are now dedicated to all of the above, while a new crop of startups and companies in the speciality diet category have launched.

In fact it goes beyond special needs diets to those electively chosen, such as raw food. Offline stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are incredible sources with a lot of options, and those who may not be in a market or city where its the case, there are plenty of sources now also online.

Some of the items are so good you wouldn't even notice they weren't the real deal, especially vegan and vegetarian. For gluten-free eaters this is particularly exciting, as food options have been limited in the past. Trader Joe's gluten-free granola is a favorite including for those who may not be on the GF diet. It comes in a few flavors and can be eaten with yogurt, as a cereal and all kinds of other ways - including standalone as an awesome snack.

A lot of GF eaters love Udi's breads, which give the bread experience without compromising the diet. 2Brothers2Sister's pizza crust is absolutely incredible. It arrives fresh made - you can cook it as traditional pizza crust, use it with other dishes, freeze it. Just awesome.

For vegan and vegetarian diets, Amy's has a bunch of great tasting options that are frozen to make meals easy (especially for those with hectic schedules). Almost any of the bowls from the brand are great, as well as the Indian and Thai options. You'll also find veggie burgers, meatballs and more. Yves also has some good veggie diet food items. The corn dogs from the brand are a favorite.

Meal replacement shakes are also available, for athletes or others who might use as part of their diet. One of the best we've tried is Kate Farms' Komplete shakes, which are soy-free, dairy-free, GMO-free, organic, vegan and pack 21 superfoods -- all with three flavors that are quite awesome.

Raw eaters are also able to find much more available when it comes to great food. Go Raw lemon cookies are top rated, while Better Oats hot cereal is also well known. Sunfoods olives are notoriously incredible.

What's great is that the good eating doesn't stop here. You can find new great products and brands for low sodium, lactose-free, and food allergy diets as well.

To see all of this week's edition of Condiment, visit GetCondiment. com

Ask Trader Joe's to Sell Abuse-Free Food

Trader Joe's presents itself as a hip, progressive place to shop, full of vegetarian options and free from the plethora of hot-orange processed snacks found elsewhere.

But Trader Joe's refuses to take one very critical progressive step and join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) Campaign for Fair Food. And because of their refusal, you might just be buying tomatoes produced under sweatshop conditions -- or worse -- from those friendly, Hawaiian shirt-wearing joes.

Both everyday 'sweatshop' conditions as well as the extreme of modern-day slavery are reality for many farmworkers right here in the U. S. In Florida, well over 1,000 farmworkers have been freed from forced labor operations in the past 15 years.

The ultimate solution to modern-day slavery in agribusiness lies on the "demand side" of the U. S. produce market -- the major food-buying corporations that profit from the artificially-low cost of U. S. produce picked by workers in sweatshop and, in the worst cases, slavery conditions. Ultimately, those modern mega corporations must leverage their vast resources and market influence as major produce buyers to clean up slavery and other labor abuses in their supply chains once and for all.

This is where you come in. As a consumer, you have the power to ensure the workers who grow and harvest your food are getting fair pay for their work and are being treated with dignity. The CIW's Campaign for Fair Food harnesses the purchasing power of the food industry for the betterment of farm worker wages and working conditions.

Please, ask Trader Joe's to join the campaign.

Эта петиция была доставлена:

Founder Joe Coulumbe

Director, Marketing and Sales Patricia John

SVP, Operations Chuck Pilliter

Art Director, Marketing Sunny Deguzman

Public Relations Director Allison Mochizuki

As a Trader Joe's customer and advocate for fair labor practices, I would like to ask Trader Joe's to join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) Campaign for Fair Food.

Modern-day slavery is a reality for many farm workers right here in the U. S. In Florida, well over 1,000 people have been identified as trafficked in fields and on farms, picking the food we eat every day.

The logic behind the Campaign for Fair Food is simple. Major corporate buyers like Trader Joe's purchase a tremendous volume of fruits and vegetables, leveraging their buying power to demand the lowest possible prices from their suppliers. This, in turn, exerts a powerful downward pressure on wages and working conditions in these suppliers' operations. It's a cycle which sometimes results in human trafficking. But the Campaign for Fair Food aims to reverse this trend by harnessing the purchasing power of the food industry for the betterment of farm worker wages and working conditions. However, they need your company’s participation to do it.

Please, join the Campaign for Fair Food and take a stand in support of farm workers' rights and an end to human trafficking in agriculture in the U. S. Your decision on this issue will affect my choice of grocery store. I hope to continue shopping at a Trader Joe's company that supports fair labor and is actively working to eradicate slavery.

Student Farmworker Alliance started this petition with a single signature, and now has 44 048 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.

5 trader joe’s meals (5 ingredients or less!)

Deep question of the day: where do you guys grocery shop?

I tend to shop based on proximity, but the store has to have the natural and organic selection of foods I’m looking for or it just won’t work. In my current neighborhood (West Hollywood!) there are quite a few options within walking distance. I tend to visit most of them (Whole Foods, Gelson’s and Bristol Farms) on a pretty regular basis to see what new foods are out there, but Trader Joe’s is, without a doubt, a weekly stop for me. I can find most of the things I need – and for a pretty reasonable price – but I’ve got to admit that I love the frozen and convenience foods that Trader Joe’s offers. (If you’re ever wondering how something is, just ask. I’ve probably tried it!)

Recently, my friend Lynn and her husband came up with this super-clever buzzfeed video featuring Trader Joe’s mashups:

I loved the video and the premise – it’s absolutely what inspired this post!

I started brainstorming some of my favorite trader joe’s combinations that fit the following criteria:

under five ingredients (all but one are made with three ingredients)

fairly healthy (all of them come in under or around 500 calories)

include a vegetable (because every meal should!)

delicious (again, because every meal should be!)

Here are the 5 Trader Joe’s meals that I came up with:

Classic Southern Dinner :

Let’s start with an easy, classic meal: bbq chicken breast, mac & cheese and collard greens. Prepare the mac & cheese and bbq chicken as directed and lightly steam or saute the collard greens. *I really like their “reduced-guilt” mac & cheese, but have yet to try the gluten-free variety!

Why have I not combined Indian food with eggs before? Ah-mazing. Top cooked palak paneer with a fried or poached egg and serve with hot naan. This will definitely become a regular in our meal rotation – perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Tortilla pizzas are one of my favorite meals and considering that I’ve eaten them on regular basis for years, it was a no-brainer. When topped with sauce, arugula, cheese and turkey meatballs, this is a particularly filling pizza. Simply bake the tortilla until crisp, top with sauce, cheese, arugula and warmed meatballs and bake until cheese has melted. (Brown rice and sprouted tortillas are my favorite to use.)

Chimichurri Rice & Sausage :

Chimichurri rice is a somewhat new item and I’m so glad I finally put it in my cart – it’s delicious (so is the kimchee rice!). When it’s combined with chicken sausage and a vegetable, you’ve got a balanced dinner that comes together in minutes. Slice and saute the sausage and rice as directed while you roast the broccoli in the oven.

Pasta with Mushrooms & Parmesan:

This vegetarian meal is delicious and simple. And absolutely OUTSTANDING if you add a drizzle of truffle oil or sprinkling of truffle salt. Simply prepare the pasta and mushrooms as directed and top with a sprinkling of cheese. Use your favorite pasta variety.

Got any favorite quick meals to share?

PD I’m really sorry if you don’t have access to Trader Joe’s! Come visit and I’ll take you on a tour.

This is awesome! We love making Trader Joes meals. Our favorite is the frozen orange chicken cooked in a pan with olive oil and the frozen veggie fried rice. We pick up their frozen dumplings or go get takeout crab rangoon from a nearby chinese place and call it a meal!

Question for you — how spicy is the palak paneer?

I’ll have to pick up the orange chicken again, it’s been a while! I didn’t think the palak paneer was spicy at all, but I love spicy foods. But I don’t even remember it having much of any spice…not like when you get it at a restaurant!

LOVE this idea and you definitely need to keep doing this more often! I absolutely love the simplicity, budget friendly, and healthy ingredients.

My kids love “chicken soup” which is really just a can of TJ’s chicken heated up with a carton of TJ’s broth. To fancy it up a bit I add a back of TJ’s cheese tortellini. Spinach is great addition too.

Trader Joe’’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips Lose Non-Dairy Kosher Certification

For years I’ve been sharing my love for Trader Joe’s semi-sweet chocolate chips with dairy-free viewers. They are generously sized, delicious (for snacking and baking), and had never been a problem for my family. For that reason, I thought it important to let you know about changes to the dairy-free status of those chocolate chips.

The good news is, for those who aren’t dealing with a severe and/or life-threatening food allergy, the chips will remain dairy-free. The ingredients will still be dairy-free, and they semi-sweet chocolate chips will continue to be made on equipment dedicated to non-dairy chocolate. But, there is some bad news …

Trader Joe’s semi-sweet chocolate chips are losing their kosher pareve status because of a change in the supplier’s packaging process. For the bagging process, the supplier will now use a dry cleaning procedure (Chocolate gets cleaned?!) with a machine that also packages milk chocolate products.

According to a statement from the kosher certifiers, the changes “triggered the need for an FDA regulated, dairy-related allergen statement, and this in turn brought about a change in the Kosher certification for our item — going from ‘Kosher Parve’ to ‘Kosher Dairy.’”

The fear isn’t so much of cross-contamination, but rather that errant milk chocolate pieces might (they say it is unlikely, but possible) make it into the semi-sweet chocolate bags, prompting a recall. They want to avoid the need for a recall by changing the kosher certification and adding a warning.

For those of you who are upset with this change to our beloved Trader Joe’s semi-sweet chocolate chips, I do have some solutions.

Go to the source . Contact Trader Joe’s and let them know you aren’t happy with the change.

sobre el autor

Alisa is the founder of GoDairyFree. org . Senior Editor for Allergic Living magazine, and author of the best-selling dairy-free book, Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living . Alisa is also a professional recipe creator and product ambassador for the natural food industry.

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This is more an issue of the need to keep our food safe from undeclared allergens and to properly clean equiptment for the safety of all. Most people who have a life threatening allergy to milk are children and it is a shame that Trader Joe’s has so many products that share equiptment and likely contain materials unintended for the product that people with nut or milk allergies cannot risk enjoying these products. I do 99% of my shopping at major grocery stores because they folow the intent of the food labeling laws and I feel that this is a service to keeping the food supply safe for all and gives the many people with severe food allergies a choice in variety of food. If a person is kosher and gets dairy in the food they will not know it so they must assume shared equiptment IS consuming that product because you are.

For kashrus purposes, are we talking DAIRY or DAIRY EQUIPMENT?

I believe dairy equipment – but some do not use the DE designation, only D.

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Go Dairy Free is the leading website for information on the dairy-free diet. We share dairy-free recipes, product reviews, news, recommendations and health guides to aide those with milk allergies, lactose intolerance or a general need or desire to live without dairy. Dairy-free does include milk-free, lactose-free, casein-free and whey-free, too! We also offer ample resources for gluten-free, soy-free, food allergy, vegan and paleo diets. Please note that ingredients, processes and products are subject to change by a manufacturer at any time. All foods and products should be considered at risk for cross-contamination with milk and other allergens. Always contact the manufacturer prior to consumption.

No-Bake Crisp Rice Cereal Treats by Trader Joes (Vegan-Friendly)

This is printed on the side panel of a box of Trader Joe's brand Crisp Rice Cereal (their version of Kellog's Rice Krispies.) Substitute another seed or nut butter of your choice. Although optional, I threw in a scant 1/4 cup of chips: dark chocolate, butterscotch and peanut butter chips and decorated the top with Christmas sprinkles. Note: If you are making this strictly vegan, remember that not all baking chips are dairy-free. For vegan and/or non-chocolate options, 'Sunspire' is a good brand. If you wish dried fruit such as coconut, raisins or cranberries can be added. Toasted nuts and seeds are another delicious addition, too. The amount of brown sugar and agave was cut in half and I would entertain the idea of reducing the sugar even further. Finally, the recipe itself was cut in half and I used an 8-inch Pyrex square baking dish to prep the treats.

Ingredients Nutrition

1 ⁄ 2 cup brown sugar (can substitute cane sugar, like "Sucanat")

1 ⁄ 2 cup agave syrup (I used light, not dark amber agave syrup)

1 cup creamy peanut butter

chocolate chips (optional)

7 cups Rice Krispies

nonpareils (aka sprinkles) (optional)

Product: Trader Joe’s Toaster Waffles (gluten-free, vegan)

Whenever I visit my parents, they always have these Frozen Wheat-Free Toaster Waffles from Trader Joe’s for my brother. When I realized they were not only gluten-free but also vegan, I had to have a bite, and they instantly became one of my favorites. The texture of the gluten-free waffles was much better then the standard waffles I remember eating as a child.

My breakfast usually consists of cereal or toast with peanut butter, but on occasion, I’ll have one of these waffles with peanut butter (if I’m being healthy) or butter & agave nectar.

Vegan Turkey Substitutes for Thanksgiving

By Jolinda Hackett. Vegetarian Food Expert

Contact / Media Inquiries: vegjolinda@gmail. com Due to the popularity of vegetarian. about. com, I receive an extraordinary amount of email. Please note that I will only consider media inquiries related to vegetarian or vegan food/cookbooks/products or lifestyles. I do make an attempt to respond to all reader feedback and questions.

About Jolinda Jolinda has been vegetarian for over 20 years and made the transition to a vegan diet fourteen years ago. Jolinda has traveled, shopped, and lived as a vegetarian all across North America, the Caribbean and most of Asia, and knows how to order tofu in six different languages, including Bahasa, Malay, Thai and Mandarin.

She is the author of six books, including The Everything Vegan Cookbook. The Vegan Pregnancy Cookbook. The Big Book of Vegan Recipes. Cookouts, Veggie Style. the definitive guide to backyard grilling for vegetarians and vegans, and The Daily Vegan Planner for new vegans needing a bit of nutritional advice and inspiration.

You can email Jolinda at vegjolinda@gmail. com or send her a tweet @vegjolinda

Updated November 24, 2015.

Vegetarian and vegan turkey substitutes for your vegetarian Thanksgiving: Reviewed, listed and pictured. A complete guide for a turkey-free meatless Thanksgiving celebration for vegetarians and vegans. They're not all made from tofu, don't worry!

It used to be that if you wanted a vegan turkey substitute for your Thanksgiving dinner, you turned to Tofurky. Now, there's plenty of options, but Tofurky is still a popular choice - and with good reason. Read on to find out more about the best meatless Thanksgiving turkey substitutes and which one you should choose.

Looking for vegetarian Thanksgiving menu ideas for dinner, including vegetarian and vegan sides. gravies, stuffing and dessert? Visit my complete guide to vegetarian Thanksgivings here .

Learn more about the name that revolutionized Thanksgiving and mock meats forever. Sold alone, as just the mock turkey, or with stuffing as part of a complete vegetarian Thanksgiving meal (the Tofurky "feast"), which includes the Tofurky roast, stuffing, gravy, dessert, a "wishbone" and even a "Happy Tofurky Day" tarjeta. What's not to love?

Learn more about Tofurky here. including vegetarian and vegan Tofurky recipes and pros and cons of this mock turkey product. More »

Seguir leyendo abajo

From the makers of Gardein brand mock meats (the stuff Whole Foods uses at their deli) comes this seasonal product, Stuffed Savory Turk' y, and now, gardein has added a full holiday roast (pictured), complete with a cranberry rice stuffing. Look in the frozen foods aisle to find this veggie turkey or try your natural foods store or Whole Foods. Want to get more details about the Gardein turkey options?

If you're not vegan. Quorn's holiday products are another option for a meatless Thanksgiving centerpiece. The turk'y roast is a soy-free loaf that serves five and can be roasted in the oven, much like a regular turkey. Their cranberry and goat cheese cutlets are also quite popular during the holidays. Read on for a full review of Quorn's turk'y roast, including where to find it, how it tastes, costs, and nutritional information. More »

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Rumor has it that the Trader Joe's brand stuffed turkey is the same as the gardein brand holiday roast. Try them both and decide for yourself. Here's what you need to know about the Trader Joe's vegan turkey. Also, how great is it that Trader Joe's has their own house-brand vegan turkey? More »

Pros: Shaped like a turkey! Comes with stuffing which you can place inside the bird, or, use your own homemade stuffing. Vegan

Cons: You won't be able to stop laughing at how it's shaped like a turkey! A bit pricier than other options, but it is a full 6 pounds, and should feed 12 - 16 people. Plenty of leftovers!

More »

A homemade turkey alternative can be a fun and healthy addition to your meatless Thanksgiving table. Not quite ready to try stuffed tofu? How about a vegetarian lentil loaf or nut loaf as the centerpiece? Perhaps not as traditional, but goes great with mashed potatoes and gravy. Or, keep it simple and just try some turkey-flavored baked tofu.

Pros: Healthier and less processed. You control the spices. ¡Divertido!

Cons: More work. Likely to be less aesthetically pleasing than the store bought turkey substitutes.

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Pros: Pre-spiced, no basting or spice rub needed. About one pound and less than $10, so good for smaller Thanksgivings. Like the Gardein brand, this roast is made from all-natural ingredients that you'll be able to recognize, and is also soy-free. Check out the buyers guide to find out where to buy a Field Roast on their website. or, it's quite easy to order one online .

Cons: Might not be for everyone. Some people rave about it, while others find it simply mediocre.

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Pros: People that like ham say that vegan ham is really darn tasty. Makes a nice substitute for the turkey, and might also be nice for Easter or Christmas, not just Thanksgiving. Looks quite real.

Cons: I never liked real ham, so the thought of vegan ham is a bit much for me, but plenty of other people like it.

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Can you believe there's even more turkey-free turkeys? Here's a few more less well known options:

Looking for more ideas for your vegetarian or vegan Thanksgiving? Browse through this complete guide to meat-free Thanksgivings. including hundreds of recipes, gourmet Thanksgiving ideas, raw food menus, etiquette tips and more. Here's a small sample of what's included:

Favorite Vegan Trader Joe’s Products

3:46 am By: Sharon Nazarian - Big City Vegan 2 Comments

I love getting nutty in Trader Joe’s. They have a great selection of nuts and seeds from raw to roasted, conventional to organic, whole to pieces. We are talking walnuts cashews, peanuts, pecans, roasted pecan pieces I make these yummy vegan Geneva cookies with roasted pecan pieces), pepitas, candied walnuts, raw almonds (great for making almond milk ) etc. etc. Then they have the dried fruit and dried fruit and nut mixes.

Coconut bits are the latest find a Trader Joe’s. They make great toppings for desserts or vegan yogurt, garnish your smoothie or just straight up eat them or dunk them in melted chocolate. You can’t go wrong! If you are a coconut lover these babies are right up your ally.

Their fresh produce is awesome with lots of organic options and the price is right. Most stores price by the weight but Trader Joe’s doesn’t. It is whatever it says it is like $.17 bananas. You can’t get anything for $.17 anymore, that’s, well, bananas!

Vegan salad dressing plus an abundant selection of vegan condiments as well.

Tofu, tempeh, vegan hotdogs and everything in the refrigerated vegan section.

Lots of frozen veggies – organic corn, green beans, artichokes to name a few.

Great frozen fruit for smoothies like mango, pineapple and berries.

For your super sweet tooth there are vegan ice cream sandwiches and this strawberry coconut ice cream was insanely delicious. Comes in chocolate too.

Almond milk and lots of other nondairy milks.

Maybe the best thing about Trader Joe’s, the labels. Everything that is vegan is labeled vegan.


trader joe’s vegan roast, yeah, i tried it.

Trader Joe’s has a vegan roast! Trader Joe’s has a vegan roast! Like a friggin’ ringing in my ears—if my ears were eyes and the ringing was a bunch of posts on Facebook. Evvvverybody ‘s excited about it.

Of course I bought one. (The things I do for you!)

I don’t really do a Thanksgiving thing. My family is all in Chicago, and I simply do not travel for the holidays. So I’m not really looking for that roast replacement. But it’s food and I like food, so I decided to give it a whirl. By the by, it’s in the refrigerator section. I stumbled upon it by accident after scouring the freezer cases for it.

Turns out, it’s probably a Gardein co-production, or maybe it just tastes and feels like Gardein. Very fluffy and juicy. A bit much for me; it tastes and feels like what I remember turkey breast to taste and feel like. I’d probably prefer cold leftovers, like I do Tofurky roasts.

The stuffing in the center is very soft but had some decent flavor. I’m a stuffing snob, and this just didn’t do it for me. I like little bits of carrot and celery and chunks of bread, and as you can see in the photo, there’s not really much definition. Not pictured is the gravy. It comes in a little pouch, and Tom ate it up, pleasantly surprised it wasn’t a mushroom gravy.

If this is all sounding kind of “meh,” I guess it is. THAT SAID, if I were going to a family dinner for Thanksgiving and a relative presented this, I would be delighted. It’s totally edible, and if you like big pieces of fake meat, you might super love this.

I have two further reservations about it. The first is that it’s $9.99. I expected it to be less, considering I can usually get a Tofurky for that or cheaper…and Trader Joe’s is almost always about super bargains. Lo que sea. It’s a bunch of food for ten bucks.

The second is that I’ve only just learned about hexane-processed soy meats. There’s a bit of a question mark as to whether Gardein supports this practice. They said they do not use hexane in their processing, but at least in this article. it’s suggested that they might purchase hexane-extracted soy from a supplier. I don’t know—like I said, I just saw this, so I need to do some more research. I’d just feel bad for not mentioning it. Even if a product is safe for my consumption, I’d rather not support something that is harmful to the people who produce it. I don’t only care about animal welfare! (Again, not sure if this is even Gardein, but if anyone has more info on this subject, please comment away or email me.)

Whatever you do, I hope y’all have a good holiday with family, friends, or yourself. If you’re looking for the perfect turkey alternative and don’t want a grocery-store roast, check out your local vegan bakeries and restaurants. I’ve seen a bunch of them posting about their holiday offerings, and some sound amazing.

Spread the good word!

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread…Made Vegan!

With pumpkin season coming to a close and peppermint season beginning, I’m trying to get as many pumpkin treats in as possible. But with a toddler, I don’t always have time to make everything from scratch. I try to keep everything as close to whole foods as possible, but sometimes a box of a premade mix is a yummy quick fix. Luckily, Trader Joe’s offers some of the healthier premade food that I have found.

I love, love, love Trader Joe’s. It’s cheap, has the yummiest premade foods, super friendly staff, and did I mention cheap? By shopping at Trader Joe’s and Sprouts Farmer’s Market, I have saved soooooo much money on groceries. It’s also fairly simple to find vegan premade options, such as the Japanese Style Fried Rice or Orange Chickenless Bites. And, around the holidays, they start offering pumpkin filled goodness. However, much of it has milk. Their bread mix may not be the healthiest option (it has sugar and soybean oil…) but it’s a lot better than some of the alternatives I found. Sometimes a bit of indulgence is necessary. But this tempting box of Pumpkin Bread and Muffin Mix? It called for egg! What’s a vegan girl to do? Just replace the eggs and make it even better!

So as I was thinking about ingredients that could replace eggs, I realized the pureed pumpkin is an egg replacer, as well as an oil replacer! So instead of two eggs and 1/2 cup (that’s so much) of oil, I could use 2/3 cup pureed pumpkin for the eggs and 1/3 cup pumpkin + 2 tablespoons of oil. I ended up with super moist, very pumpkin-y goodness. This veganizing thing isn’t too hard, perhaps Julia Child’s cookbooks are next? unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread…Veganized

-1 box Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread and Muffin Mix

-1 cup pumpkin puree

-2 Tbsp coconut oil

-Optional: chocolate chips 😉

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Mix ingredients thoroughly.

3. Pour into bread pan (about 9×5)

4. Bake for 60 minutes. When cooked through, let cool for 10 minutes and serve!

How Do Vegans Get Protein?

How Do Vegans Get Enough Protein?

By: Giacomo Marchese, Vegan Bodybuilder

Really, you’re a vegan? ¡Guauu! But where do you get your protein? And a bodybuilder on top of that… that’s really amazing – I can’t believe it…

Is the idea really that far fetched that a vegan can partake in bodybuilding just as efficiently as a typical bodybuilder who eats exorbitant amounts of protein from meat and dairy products? Hardly! We’re living proof!

Consider that the most powerful animals on the planet: the bull, elephant, giraffe, rhino, hippo, etc. are all herbivores. Also consider that the biggest dinosaurs, the ones who outlived the others, were herbivores.

Have you ever heard of a person who is protein deficient . other than in third world countries where they do not have access to nutrient rich foods – or food in general – on a daily basis? No. Vegans are in no way threatened by protein deficiency. If we ate nothing but wheat, oatmeal, or potatoes, we would easily take in more than enough protein.

Nutritional facts from the USDA National Nutritional Database:

(Amount of calories from protein.)

Watercress 84%, Mushrooms 56%, Spinach 50%, Sprouts 35+

Kidney Beans, Navy Beans Soybeans 20-25%

Wheat Germ 26%, Rye 18%, Oatmeal 17%, Peanuts 18%

Pumpkin Seeds 18%, Sunflower Seeds 16%, Cantaloupes 10%, Peaches 9%, Oranges 8%

WOW – that’s just from straight up WHOLE FOODS! Could mother nature actually have satisfied our needs for survival without having to instill suffering on our furry, feathered, and finned friends? Can’t be.

Now that that’s settled, let’s take this one step further: What if one were to feel compelled to take in a presumably much larger than required amount of protein for a healthy functioning body and did not care to consume it in a supplementary fashion? The average Joe, for example, who just wants to go to his local grocer and pick up something, perhaps processed, to enjoy and whip up right quick?

There’s soy and gluten products. You can easily purchase these as viable substitutes for any animal product out there. Faux meat, wheat meat, or grain meat is easily found at many regular grocery stores and health food stores around the country.

Wheat Gluten, Tofu, and other soy or grain products can pack a mean punch when it comes to protein content. Tempeh (fermented soy beans) isn’t even processed, it’s cultured!

(Amount of calories from protein.)

Hi Protein Tofu (Wildwood / Trader Joes, etc): 28%

Tofurky Italian ‘sausage’: 41%

Seitan (wheat gluten): 41%

Tempeh: 38.5%

From the point of view of an amateur bodybuilder, I’m trying my best to get my protein in convenient form, without carrying around full meals. I’m talking about supplementation with protein powders. With the mass appeal of ‘whey’ and ‘casein’ powders, which are derived from dairy, you’d think that they are the only true sources of high protein shakes. People are amazed to learn that so many other options exist. That’s because Vegan Protein Powders are simply overshadowed by the insurmountable figures spent on blanketing the entire market with advertising, marketing, research, and promotion of whey and casein based protein powders.

As a matter of fact, whey, casein, and egg protein powders are the only three options if you choose to stick with animal protein powders exclusively, and all three pale in comparison, on a micronutrient level, to the majority of the Vegan protein powders listed below:

(Amount of calories from protein.)

Animal Based Protein Powders:

Whey, Casein, Egg: 95 – 100%

Vegan Protein Powders:

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Trader Joe's

4500 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park. Minnesota 55416


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Trader Joe's carries a unique line of products including its own brand of veggie burgers and nuggets. Vegan items here are reasonably priced, and you can pick many of the basics here. The store has its own code of ethics that you can see on their website, which reveals an interest in animal welfare that's unique to other grocery stores.

Added by Amy on May 29 06 (last updated Aug 8 06)

Most Recent Reviews

conde. kedar Dec 3 08

Ah, Trader Joe's. Since moving to Minneapolis, a city with so many co-ops, I don't need Trader Joe's the way I used to, when I lived in the suburbs of Chicago.

But I can still always rely on Trader Joe's to offer low prices on soy and rice milks, as well as make unusual and tasty pre-packaged goods like their artichoke dips.

I also really love their store-brand mango-vanilla soy ice cream, which is dirt cheap and arguably better than brands you find elsewhere.

Most of all, I just like the vibe in Trader Joe's. It's casual, fun and sort of post-hippie, but still earthy enough to keep you interested.

Old'n Bald Aug 28 08

I'm not a big fan of this place. With the GARGANTUAN selection of Organic Foods Co-ops as well as Independent natural foods stores in the Twin Cities, I see very few reasons to ever shop at Trader Joe's. Their organic options are pitiful, they're extremely wasteful in the way they package foods, the prices aren't that great, and I've even seen organic foods mixed in with conventional foods at their stores. that's not cool.

Avoid this place like the plague.


Located at the NW corner of Excelsior Blvd and 38th Ave/Monterey Dr (just West of France Ave) in St Louis Park at the Excelsior and Grand Plaza.

Images for Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's Beef-less and Chicken-less Strips

In 2006, wine sales totaled $26 billion and liquor sales totaled $17 billion. That same year, the average American drank 2.3 gallons of wine and 21.6 gallons of beer. That's a lot of alcohol. In 2005, 14785 tons of pesticides were used on wine grapes in California. It is also estimated that farmers spray hops (one of the primary ingredients in most beers) with pesticides 14 times per year. That's a lot of pesticide. In 2006, more than 208 million barrels (there are 31 gallons in one barrel) of beer, 673 million gallons of wine, and 425 million gallons of liquor were shipped across state lines. And that's a lot of transportation. So why go organic? Protect yourself and your family from pesticide residues; protect farmworkers from.

Americans really do have it made when it comes to eating out. Whether it’s grabbing a burger at Wendy’s or sitting down to enjoy seafood and pasta at Red Lobster, people will always have a place to spend money during their lunch break. But did you ever think about how much waste the burger wrappers, napkins and excess food create? Or about the greenhouse gas emissions that are produced when you drive to a restaurant? You should because all of these factors have a negative impact on the environment. That’s why it’s important to learn how to green your lunch. Greening your lunch will not only reduce your carbon footprint, it will also save you some cash. Here are a few easy ways that you can green your lunch: Pack It.

The holidays are a great time. Families come together. Old friends come into town. If you're into gift giving, here are some tips on how to give eco-friendly, local, and fair trade gifts. For a great resource on the local v. fair trade dilemma, check out An Ethical Shopper's Dilemma from Global Exchange. If you're looking to green the rest of your holiday season, check out this Huddler wiki on cutting down on waste during the holidays. Green Gift Recommendations Homemade coupons for low-impact activities (like hikes, bike rides, or back rubs) are always a good option. For other coupon options, check out the offerings from Organic Coupons. If you (or your giftee) live in the San Francisco Bay Area, check out.

Veg-Friendly Restaurants and Grocers

This section contains a list of restaurants that I have eaten at while traveling the country on the lecture tour. Obviously, there are other restaurants with vegan food but I have not had the pleasure of eating at every veg restaurant in America. For an extensive list of veg-friendly restaurants check out Happy Cow.

Shopping for vegan and vegetarian items is easy nowadays. Groceries like Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Ralph's, Kroger, Albertson's, Acme, Publix, Giant, Harris Teeter and Bigg's carry a variety of cruelty-free items. Great selections can also be found at local health food stores and Asian markets.

When dining out, don't forget about all the ethnic foods like Indian, Middle Eastern, Ethiopian, Mexican and Italian. They have tons of veggie options. There's Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese foods, too. Ask them to cook it WITHOUT fish/oyster sauce and just substitute tofu for the meat.

You'd be surprised at how many "mainstream" restaurants have vegan items on their menus; click any of the links below to find a restaurant near you. Johnny Rockets. Red Robin. White Castle and Denny's all have vegan burgers! Just order them without cheese, mayo or butter on the bun (if sauces are offered, check the ingredients because only one sauce at White Castle is vegan). Moe's Southwest Grill and Chipotle have tofu and lard-free beans for their Mexican dishes. Loving Hut has a chain of more than 40 vegan restaurants in more than a dozen states. Yard House and bd’s Mongolian Grill —with more than 60 restaurants in nearly a dozen states—have GARDEIN products on the menu, too (the sauces at Yard House are NOT vegan). Avoid the vegetarian burgers at Burger King, Fuddrucker's, Ruby Tuesday's, National Coney Island, Chili's and Subway; they contain eggs or dairy.

And P. F. Chang's Chinese restaurants have about 10 vegan selections on the menu. In fact, their tofu is the best tofu I've ever eaten anywhere. And you MUST order the tofu lettuce wraps as an appetizer to get the evening started.

Plus, cheese-less pizzas (or pizzas with vegan cheese) are awesome! Just make sure the crust and sauce are made without dairy products and dairy by-products like whey or casein. The original pizza crust, regular pizza sauce, garlic dipping sauce and breadsticks at Papa John's are vegan. The pizza marinara, vegetarian black beans or spicy marinara sauces with any crust at California Pizza Kitchen are vegan. The crust and red pizza sauce at CiCi's are vegan. The red and brown BBQ sauces, red pizza sauce and thin crust at Domino's are vegan. The crust, crazy sauce and crazy bread at Little Caesar's are vegan. The thin & crispy crust, pizza mia crust, hand-tossed crust, XL full house dough, 4ForAll dough, regular pizza sauce and sweet pizza sauce at Pizza Hut are vegan. Finally, the thin or flatbread crust and pizza sauce at Uno Chicago Grill are vegan.

If you need fast food, you can veganize the bean burrito and Mexican pizza at Taco Bell. Just order them without meat and cheese. You can order the veggie sub at Subway on Italian bread without cheese, or at Quizno's on white or wheat bread with guacamole but minus the cheese and vinaigrette dressing. A little trick I do when traveling is stopping at a grocery store and buying a package of vegan deli meat, and putting it on the sub when I get back to the hotel.

Vegan Dining in Israel

The Israeli animal liberation movement is growing by leaps and bounds, which means the veg restaurant scene is expanding. The following three sites will help you locate the best places for Israeli vegan food: GARY-TV. Vegan-Friendly. and Vegan-Friendly's Facebook page.

V-Cards. When You're Not Near a Veg-Friendly Restaurant

Mike Weinberg, former professor at Grossmont College near San Diego, California, has come up with an ingenious idea: V-Cards, helping to ensure that you get a cruelty-free meal while educating restaurants for the next vegan who walks through the door! Says Mike, "Vegan restaurants are fantastic, but eating vegan at other restaurants can be challenging, especially in foreign countries. Call beforehand to see what options are available. Many chefs relish the challenge of preparing a special vegan meal just for you. At the restaurant, hand a V-Card to your waiter to ensure your meal is completely free of animal products. (V-Cards are available in 60+ languages.)" Great for traveling in other countries. Get V-Cards here.

Navigating This Page

To jump quickly to restaurants and grocers in a particular U. S. state, just click on the appropriate postal abbreviation within the gray bars. If you roll your mouse over the abbreviation(s), you'll see a tooltip that shows the full state name(s).


Whole Foods Grocery (Vegan Options) 3100 Cahaba Village Plaza Birmingham 205-912-8400

Manna Grocery & Deli (Vegan Options) 2300 McFarland Blvd. East Tuscaloosa 205-752-9955

Moe's Southwest Grille (Vegan Options) 2330 McFarland Blvd. East Tuscaloosa 205-342-1487 www. moes. com *Order the Homewrecker with pinto beans, tofu, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, guac, cucumbers



San Francisco Area

Cha Ya (Vegan Japanese - 2 locations) 762 Valencia St. (between 18th & 19th) San Francisco 415-252-7825

1686 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley 510-981-1213

Good Karma (Vegan) 37 S. 1st Street San Jose 408-294-2694

Gracias Madre (Vegan Mexican) 2211 Mission St. San Francisco 415-683-1346 www. Gracias-Madre. com

New World Vegan (formerly New World Vegetarian in Oakland) 199 Park Place Richmond 510-236-2118

The Plant Café Organic (Vegan Options) 3352 Steiner St. (between Lombard St. & 101) San Francisco 415-931-2777 www. theplantcafe. com

Rainbow Grocery (Vegan Options) 1745 Folsom St. San Francisco 415-863-0620 www. rainbowgrocery. org

Vegetarian House (Vegan) 520 East Santa Clara St. San Jose 408-292-3798 www. vegetarianhouse. us

Los Angeles Area

Au Lac (Vegan Options) 16563 Brookhurst Street Fountain Valley 714-418-0658 www. aulac. com *MUST ORDER the Clay Pot Sensation and Donut Holes

A Votre Santé (Vegan Options) 13016 San Vicente Blvd. Los Angeles 310-451-1813

Bright Star (Vegan Thai) 9819 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga 909-980-9797 www. brightstarvegan. com

Bulan Thai (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 7168 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles 323-857-1882

4114 Santa Monica Blvd. Silver Lake 323-913-1488 www. bulanthai. com **MUST ORDER Rad Nah w/ Double Tofu

Café Gratitude (Vegan Options – Raw – 4 locations) 639 Larchmont Blvd. Los Angeles 323-580-6383

512 Rose Ave Venice 424-231-8000

103 Lincoln St Santa Cruz 831-427-9583

Cru (Vegan Options - Raw) 1521 Griffith Park Blvd. Los Angeles 323-667-1551

Follow Your Heart (Vegan Options) 21825 Sherman Way Canoga Park 818-348-3240 **MUST ORDER the Eggless Omelette, Club Sandwich, Italian salad with wheat meat, avocado and tandoori chicken. There is a grocery connected to the restaurant! They have nearly every veg item on the market.

Garden Wok (Vegan Chinese) 6117 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana 818-881-8886

Native Foods (Vegan - 6 locations) 1110 1/2 Gayley Avenue Los Angeles 310-209-1055

2937 Bristol Street Costa Mesa 714-751-2151

73-890 El Paseo Palm Desert 760-836-9396

1775 E. Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs 760-416-0070

26705 Aliso Creek Rd. Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 949-831-1926

Nature's Express (Vegan) 34175 Monterey Ave. Rancho Mirage 760-324-4694 www. natures-express. com

Newsroom / Interim Café (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 120 N. Robertson Blvd. Los Angeles 310-652-4444

530 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica 310-319-9100 **MUST ORDER the Vegan Spinadillas, Artichoke w/ Tofunaise and Vegan Chicken

One World Veg (Vegan) 178 South Glendora Avenue West Covina 626-917-2727 www. OneVegWorld. net

Peking Chinese (Vegan Options) 5960 Telegraph Rd. (at N. Victoria) Ventura 805-644-7777

Rawvolution (Vegan Options - Raw) 2301 Main Street Santa Monica 310-392-9501 www. rawvolution. com *Must order a dish with the coconut jerky

Real Food Daily (Vegan - 3 locations) 514 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica 310-451-7544

414 N. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles 310-289-99100

Red Brick Pizza (Vegan Options) 4990 Telephone Rd. (at Portola) Ventura 805-658-2828

Soul Vegetarian (Vegan) 4067 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles 877-206-1550

Vegan Express (Vegan Options) 3217 Cahuenga West Hollywood 323-851-8837

Veggie Grill (Vegan - 7 locations) 8000 W Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles 323-822-7575

110 S. Fairfax Ave. Los Angeles 323-933-3997

2025 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica 310-829-1155

720 Allied Way Plaza El Segundo El Segundo 310-535-0025

2533 Pacific Coast Highway Rolling Hills Plaza Torrance 310-325-6689

4213 Campus Drive University Center Irvine 949-509-0003

81 Fortune Drive Irvine Spectrum Center Irvine 949-727-9900 www. VeggieGrill. com

Viva La Vegan Express (Grocery - 2 locations) 9456 Roberds St. Rancho Cucamonga

2723 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica 909-941-4495 www. vivalavegangrocery. com *All vegans in the vicinity of these locations should never go anywhere else!

Wheel of Life (Vegan) 14370 Culver Dr. Irvine 949-551-8222 www. wheelofliferestaurant. com **MUST ORDER the Vege Chicken Drumsticks, Vege BBQ Chicken, Satay

San Diego

Evolution Fast Food (Vegan) 2949 5th Ave. (at Quince St.) San Diego 619-550-1818 www. evolutionfastfood. com

Fairouz Cafe and Gallery (Vegan Options) 3166 Midway Drive, Suite 102 San Diego 619-225-0308 www. alnashashibi. com/cafe. htm

Muzita Bistro (Vegan Options - Ethiopian) 4651 Park Blvd. San Diego 619-546-7900

Native Foods (Vegan - 3 locations) 127 North El Camino Real Encinitas 760-634-7607

5604 Balboa Avenue San Diego 858-278-2855

Ocean Beach People's Organic Foods Market (Vegan Options) 4765 Voltaire St. San Diego 619-224-1387 http://obpeoplesfood. coop/

Plumeria Vegetarian Restaurant (Vegan Options) 4661 Park Blvd. San Diego 619-269-9989 www. myplumeria. com

Rancho's (Vegan Options - 3 locations) 1830 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Ocean Beach 619-226-7619

4705 Point Loma Ave. San Diego 619-224-9815

3910 30th St. San Diego 619-574-1288

Sipz Fusion Café (Vegan Options) 5501 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego 858-279-3747 www. sipz. com

Soltan Banoo (Vegan Options - Persian) 4645 Park Blvd. San Diego 619-298-2801 www. soltanbanoo. com *Try the Baba Ghanoush appetizer, and the Veggie Kabob with brown rice and Shirazi salad

Veggie Grill (Vegan - 2 locations) 965 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad 760-458-0034

South Lake Tahoe

Orchid's Authentic Thai (Vegan Options) 2180 Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe 530-544-5541

Sprouts (Vegan Options) 3123 Harrison Ave. South Lake Tahoe 530-541-6969

Taj Mahal Indian (Vegan Options) 3838 Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe 530-541-6495


Au Lac Café (Vegan) 1495 N Van Ness Ave. Fresno 559-237-4052

Little Peking (Vegan Options) 7975 N Cedar Ave. Fresno 559-438-4202

Luby Chinese (Vegan Options) 1075 E Bullard (at First) Fresno 559-439-8357

New Stars Vegetarian (Vegan Options) 1134 E Champlain Dr. Fresno 559-434-6363

Sweet Ginger Thai Cuisine (Vegan Options) 3050 West Shaw Ave. Fresno 559-275-7422


Home Grown Café (Vegan Options) 126 E. Main St. Newark 302-266-6993 www. homegrowncafe. com

Newark Natural Foods Co-op (Vegan Options) 280 E. Main St. Newark 302-368-5894 www. newarknaturalfoods. com


Gainesville Area

Book Lover's Cafe (Vegan Options) 505 NW 13th Street Gainesville 352-374-4241 or 352-384-0090

Chop Stix Cafe (Vegan Options) 3500 SW 13th Street Gainesville 352-367-0003 www. chopstixcafe. com

Leonardo's (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 706 West University Avenue Gainesville 352-378-2001

Top Dinner (Vegan Options) 30 N. Main Street Gainesville 352-337-1188

Miami Area

Beehive (Vegan Options) 5750 Bird Rd. Miami (at SW 40 St. and Red Rd./SW 57 Ave.) 305-663-1300

Galerie Gourmet (Vegan) 138 NW 37th Street Miami 305-640-8383

Garden Of Eatin' (Vegan Options) 136 NW 62nd St. Miami (at Martin Luther King Blvd.) 305-754-8050

Green Bar & Kitchen (Vegan) 1075 SE 17th St. Fort Lauderdale 954-533-7507 http://greenbarkitchen. com

Green Bites Natural Bistro (Vegan Options) 19 N. E. 2nd Ave. (downtown) Miami 786-280-9082 http://greenbitesmiami. com

Green Wave Cafe (Vegan Options - Raw) 5221 West Broward Boulevard Plantation 954-701-9993 www. greenwavecafe. org

The Honey Tree (Vegan Options) 5138 Biscayne Blvd. Miami 305-759-1696

Lifefood Gourmet (Vegan Options - Raw) 377 SW 15th Rd. Miami (at Broadway) 786-587-2223 www. lifefoodgourmet. com

Shing Wang (Vegan Chinese) 237 NE 167 St. North Miami Beach (at NE 2nd Ave.) 305-654-4008 www. shingwangrestaurant. com

Vegetarian Restaurant by Hakin (Vegan Options) 73 NE 167 St. Miami 786-210-8787 www. vegetarianrestaurantbyhakin. com

Yard House (Vegan menu of Gardein Products - 3 locations) 320 San Lorenzo Ave. Coral Gables 305-447-9273

11701 Lake Victoria Gardens Ave. Palm Beach Gardens 561-691-6901

Orlando Area

Artichoke Red Grocer (Vegan) 2808 Edgewater Dr. Orlando 407-898-3353 www. artichokered. com

Café 118° (Vegan Options - Raw) 153 East Morse Blvd. Winter Park 407-389-2233 www.

Chamberlin's Natural Foods (Vegan Options - 6 locations) 430 N. Orlando Avenue Winter Park 407-647-6661

1170 Oviedo Market Place Blvd. Oviedo 407-359-7028

7600 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Orlando 407-352-2130

1086 Montgomery Road Altamonte Springs 407-774-8866

1529 U. S. Hwy. 98 S. Lakeland 863-687-8413

Dandelion Communitea Café (Vegan) 618 N. Thornton Ave. Orlando 407-362-1864 www. dandelioncommunitea. com

Drunken Monkey Coffee Bar (Vegan Options) 444 N. Bumby Ave. Orlando 407-893-4994 www. drunkenmonkeycoffee. com

Earth Origins Grocer (Vegan Options) 6651 Central Avenue St. Petersburg 727-347-5682 www. NaturalRetail. com

Ethos Vegan Kitchen (Vegan) 601 New York Ave. Winter Park 407-228-3898 www. ethosvegankitchen. com

Falafel Café (Vegan Options) 12140 Collegiate Way Orlando 407-382-6600 www. falafelcafe. com

The Garden Café (Vegan Chinese) 810 W. Colonial Dr. Orlando 407-999-9799 www. gardencafevege. com **BEST VEGAN CHINESE in USA ***MUST ORDER the House Chicken, House Steak, Tuna in Blackbean Sauce or Salt & Pepper Ribs (but do not get the ribs for a carry-out because it loses its texture after 15 minutes)

Leafy Greens Café (Vegan Options - Raw) 1431 Central Avenue St. Petersburg 727-289-7087 www. leafygreenscafe. com

Lotus Vietnamese Vegetarian Restaurant (Vegan) 6575 Park Blvd. Pinellas Park 727-549-1688 http://www. lotusvegetarianrestaurant. com/

Meze 119 (Vegan Options) 119 2nd Street North St. Petersburg 727-498-8627

Mi Pueblo (Vegan Options - 3 locations) Brick Yard Plaza 530 US 41 ByPass South 2-A Venice 941-486-0005

Palm Plaza 4436 Bee Ridge Road Sarasota 941-379-2880

Raphsodic Bakery (Vegan) 710 N. Mills Ave. Orlando 407-704-8615 www. raphsodic. com

Vegan Hot Dog Stand Orange Ave. and Washington (near Tabu & I Bar) Orlando

Viva De Cafe (Vegan Options - Raw) 120 - 8 Avenue St. Pete Beach 727-289-7164 www. vidadecafe. com


Café Sunflower (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 2140 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta 404-352-8859

Chinese Buddha (Vegan Options) 100 10th Street NW Atlanta 404-874-5158

Healthful Essence (Vegan Options - Carribean) 875 York Avenue Atlanta 404-806-0830 www. HealthfulEssence. com

Lov'n It Live (Vegan Options - Raw) 2796 East Point Street East Point (10 minutes from Atlanta) 404-765-9220 www. LovingItLive. com/

Soul Vegetarian (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 879 Ralph David Abernathy SW Atlanta 404-752-5194

652 North Highland Ave. NE Atlanta 404-875-0145 **MUST ORDER everything on the menu. It's all good.


Blind Faith Café (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 525 Dempster St. Evanston 847-328-6875

Bonne Sante Health Foods (Vegan Options) 1512 E. 53rd Hyde Park 773-667-5700 www.2gethealthy. biz

Chicago Diner (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 3411 N. Halsted Chicago 773-935-6696

2333 N. Milwaukee Ave. (Logan Square) Chicago 773-252-3211 www. veggiediner. com *MUST ORDER the Dagwood Sandwich!

Heritage Health Foods (Vegan Options) 4031 W. 183rd Country Club Hills 708-957-0595 www.2gethealthy. biz

Karyn's Raw Café (Vegan Options) 1901 N. Halsted St. Chicago 312-255-1590 www. karynraw. com/Raw-Cafe

Karyn's on Green (Vegan Options) 130 S. Green St. Chicago 312-226-6155 www. karynsongreen. com

Kramer's Health Foods - Café &erio; Juice Bar (Vegan Options) 230 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago 312-922-0077 www.2gethealthy. biz

Native Foods (Vegan - 3 locations) 1023 West Belmont Avenue Chicago-Lakeview 773-549-4904

218 South Clark Street Chicago-Loop 312-332-6332

1484 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago-Wicker Park 773-489-8480 www. NativeFoods. com

Soul Vegetarian East (Vegan Options) 205 E. 75th Street Chicago 773-224-0104

Veggie Bites (Vegan) 3031 W. 111th Street Chicago 773-239-4367


Elbert's Natural Food Market (Vegan Options) 5614 E. Virginia St. Evansville 812-471-5071 www. elbertsnaturalfoods. com

Janbo (Vegan Options - Asian) 4500 W. Lloyd Expressway Evansville 812-422-8289

Kanpai Asian (Vegan Options) 4593 Washington Ave Evansville 812-471-7076 www. mykanpai. com

Paradise Organics Grocer (Vegan Options) 2700 State Rd. 261 Newburgh 812-842-0821 www. paradiseorganics. net

Penny Lane Coffeehouse (Vegan Options) 600 SE Second Street (corner of 2nd & Mulberry) Evansville 812-421-8741 www. pennylanecoffee. com

River City Food Co-Op Grocer (Vegan Options) 116 Washington Evansville 812-401-7301 www. rivercityfoodcoop. org

Taj Mahal (Vegan Options) 900 Tutor Lane Evansville 812-476-5000 *Order Mushroom Saag or Saag Cholay WITHOUT dairy/cream in it. They will veganize for you. It is AMAZING!

Thai Papaya Cuisine (Vegan Options) 6240 E. Virginia St. Evansville 812-477-8424


Liquid Earth (Vegan Options) 1626 Aliceanna St. (@ Broadway) Baltimore 410-276-6606 www. LiquidEarth. com

Martin's Food Markets (Vegan Options) 40 Rising Sun Town Center Rising Sun 410-658-7900 www. martinsfoods. com


Grasshopper (Vegan Options) 1 North Beacon St. Boston 617-254-8883


Ann Arbor Area

The Blue Nile (Vegan Options - Ethiopian) 221 E. Washington Ann Arbor 734-998-4746 www. bluenilemi. com **ORDER the Vegetarian Feast which is vegan!

The Cupcake Station (Vegan Options) 116 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor 734-222-1801 www. CupcakeStation. com

Moe's Southwest Grille (Vegan Options) 857 W. Eisenhower Pkwy. Ann Arbor 734-998-0900 www. moes. com *Order the Homewrecker with pinto beans, tofu, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, guac, cucumbers

Schakolad Chocolate Factory (Vegan Options) 110 E. Washington St. Ann Arbor 734-213-1700 www. schakolad. com

Zingerman's Deli (Vegan Options) 422 Detroit St. Ann Arbor 734-663-3354 www. zingermans. com **Must order the mushroom & asparagus sandwich! Most of the bakery breads are vegan, too!

Detroit Area

Amici's Pizza (Vegan Options) 3249 W. 12 Mile Rd. Berkley 248-544-4100 www. amicispizza. com **Menu items #8, #9 and #11 are vegan. Vegan cheese is available

Ashoka Indian Cuisine (Vegan Options – 2 locations) 2100 Haggerty Rd. Canton 734-844-3100

3462 Rochester Rd. Troy 248-689-7060 www. ashokaindiancuisine. com *The mushroom and eggplant dishes are superb!

Avalon International Breads (Vegan Options) 422 W. Willis Detroit 313-832-0008

Blaze Pizza (Vegan Options) 112 South Main St. Royal Oak 248-591-4321 www. blazepizza. com

The Blue Nile (Vegan Options - Ethiopian) 545 West Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale 248-547-6699 www. bluenilemi. com **ORDER the Vegetarian Feast which is vegan!

Cacao Tree CafГ© (Vegan Options) 204 W. 4th St. Royal Oak 248-336-9043 www. cacaotreecafe. com

Chive Kitchen (Vegan Options) 33043 Grand River Ave. Farmington 248-516-7144 www. chivekitchen. com

The Clean Plate (Vegan Options) 45629 Hayes Rd. Shelby Twp. 586-580-3293 www. cleanplate4u. com

The Cupcake Station (Vegan Options – 4 locations) 136 N. Old Woodward Ave. Birmingham 248-593-1903

301 West 9 Mile Rd. Ferndale 248-336-8668

205 S. Main Street. Rochester 248-651-5401

Drought Raw Juices (Organic Vegan – 7 locations) 28822 Woodward Royal Oak 248-850-7528

211 West 9 Mile Rd. Ferndale

4078 West Maple Rd. Bloomfield Hills 248-220-4330

470 Forest Ave. Plymouth 734-459-6383

441 West Canfield Detroit 313-285-1880

1814 Parker St. Detroit 313-458-8867

Grape Leaves Middle Eastern Cuisine (Vegan Options - 3 locations) 2850 West Maple Troy 248-816-2000

29181 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield 248-359-0000

Hippies Pizza (Vegan Options) 121 E. 13 Mile Rd. (East of Main St.) Royal Oak 248-733-1111 www. HippiesPizza. com

Innate Healing Arts Center (Vegan Options) 18700 Woodward (between 6 & 7 Mile Rds.) Detroit 313-366-2247 www. innatehealingartscenter. com/vegetarian-food-detroit/

Inn Season (Vegan Options) 500 East 4th St. Royal Oak 248-547-7916 www. theinnseasoncafe. com **MUST ORDER the Big Brapawski Burger and Budapest Mushroom Soup!

Jerusalem Pizza (Vegan Options) 26025 Greenfield Road (Sherwood Square Shopping Plaza at 10 Mile Rd.) Southfield 248-552-0088 www. JPizza. com

Krishna Catering and Restaurant (Vegan Options - Indian) 28636 Ford Rd. Garden City 734-513-3663 www. krishnacatering. com

Lei Ting (Vegan Options) 525 North Main St. Milford 248-684-0321

Moe's Southwest Grille (Vegan Options) 32867 Woodward Avenue Royal Oak 248-268-4369 www. moes. com *Order the Homewrecker with pinto beans, tofu, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, guac, cucumbers

Natural Food Patch Grocer (Vegan Options) 221 W. 9 Mile Rd. Ferndale 248-546-5908 www. naturalfoodpatch. com

Nutri Foods Grocer (Vegan Options) 120 S. Main Royal Oak 248-541-6820

Om CafГ© (Vegan Options) 23136 Woodward Ferndale 248-548-1941 www. omcafe. com

Red Star Chinese (Vegan Options) 13944 Michigan Ave. Dearborn 313-581-1451

Sahara Restaurant (Vegan Options) 23133 Coolidge Hwy. Oak Park 248-399-7744

Schakolad Chocolate Factory (Vegan Options – 2 locations) 1728 West Maple Road Birmingham 248-723-8008

Sweet Earth (Vegan Soft-serve Options) 141 W. Maple Rd. Birmingham 248-792-6285 www. mysweetearth. com

Sweet Lorraine's (Vegan Options - 3 locations) 29101 Greenfield Rd. Southfield 248-559-5985

333 East Jefferson Detroit 313-223-3933

17100 N. Laurel Park Dr. Livonia (in The Livonia Marriott) 734-953-7480 www. sweetlorraines. com **One of the best vegan burgers in the USA

Szechuan Empire Restaurant (Vegan Options) 39470 Haggerty (at 14 Mile Rd.) Commerce Township 248-960-7666

Taste of Ethiopia (Vegan Options) 29702 Southfield Rd. Southfield 248-905-5560

Topsoil (Vegan Options - Located in the Detroit Modern Art Museum) 4454 Woodward (at Garfield) Detroit 313-832-6622 www. mocadetroit. org

Try It Raw (Vegan Options - Raw) 213 East Maple Rd. Birmingham 248-593-6994 Visit their Facebook page

Udipi (Vegan Options - Indian) 29210 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills 248-626-6021

Zerbo's Health Foods Grocer (Vegan Options) 34164 Plymouth Rd. Livonia 734-427-3144 www. zerbos. com

Grand Rapids Area

Brick Road Pizza Co. (Vegan Options) 1017 Wealthy St. Grand Rapids 616-719-2409 www. brickroadpizza. com *Must try Philly Steak and Buffalo Tofu Pizza w/ Daiya cheese


Cham Thai (Vegan Options) 2916 1st Avenue North Billings 406-256-1812

Community Food Co-op Grocer (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 908 W. Main Street Bozeman 406-587-4039

Good Earth Market (Vegan Options) 3024 2nd Avenue North Billings 406-259-2622 www. goodearthmarket. coop

Real Food Market (Vegan Options) 1096 Helena Avenue Helena 406-443-5150 www. realfoodstore. com


Laico's (Vegan Options - Italian) 67 Terhune Avenue Jersey City 201-434-4115 *The linguine pasta is vegan. Order it with white beans & spinach.

Veggie Heaven (Vegan – 3 locations) 57 Bloomfield Ave. Denville 973-586-7800 www. VeggieHeavenNJ. com

Zen Palate (Vegan Options) 301 N. Harrison Princeton 609-279-9888 www. zenpalate. com


Blossom (Vegan) 187 9th Avenue Manhattan 212-627-1144

Candle Café (Vegan) 1307 Third Ave @ 75th St. Manhattan 212-472-0970 www. candlecafe. com

Caravan of Dreams (Vegan Options) 405 East 6th St. Manhattan 212-254-1613 www. caravanofdreams. net

Gobo (Vegan Options) 401 Ave. of Americas Manhattan 212-255-3242 www. goborestaurant. com **MUST ORDER one of their Seitan dishes!

Peace Food Cafe (Vegan) 460 Amsterdam Ave New York 212-362-2266 www. PeaceFoodCafe. com

Queens Heath Emporium Grocer (Vegan Options) 15901 Horace Harding Expressway Flushing, NY 718-358-6500 www. queenshealthemporium. com

Quintessence (Vegan Options - Raw) 263 E 10th St. Manhattan 646-654-1823 www. raw-q. com *Must order Stuffed Fofu, Crepes, Bagel w/ cream cheese

Stogo (Vegan Ice Cream Parlor) 159 2nd Avenue Manhattan 212-677-2301 www. stogonyc. com/about-us/

Veggie Castle (Vegan) 2242 Church Lane (Flatbush & Bedford) Brooklyn 718-703-1275

Westerly Market & Deli (Vegan Options) 911 8th Ave. Manhattan 212-586-5262 *MUST ORDER the raw mock salmon sandwich

Zen Palate (Vegan) 663 9th Ave @ 46th St. Manhattan 212-582-1669

115 East 18 St. Manhattan 212-387-8885


Luna’s Living Kitchen (Raw Vegan) 2102 South Blvd. Charlotte 704-333-0008 www. lunaslivingkitchen. com

Moe’s Southwest Grille-EpiCentre (Vegan Options) 210 East Trade St Charlotte 704-971-3393 www. moes. com *Order the Homewrecker with pinto beans, tofu, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, guac, cucumbers

Moe’s Southwest Grill (Vegan Options) 610 Red Banks Rd Greenville 252-353-6637 www. moes. com *Order the Homewrecker with pinto beans, tofu, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, guac, cucumbers

Kasturi Indian Cuisine (Vegan Options) 2205 W. Arlington Blvd. Greenville 252-215-0215 *Order the Okra and Dal Fry dishes with Roti bread

Mellow Mushroom (Vegan Options) 2020 Charles Blvd. Greenville 252-565-8220 www. mellowmushroom. com *Order the Mega Veggie with Daiya cheese


Akron/Cleveland Area

Flaming Ice Cube (Vegan – 2 locations) 140 Public Square Cleveland 216-263-1111

1449 Boardman-Canfield Road Boardman (in Creekside Place) 330-726-4766 www. flamingice. com

Mustard Seed Market & CafГ© (Vegan Options) 3885 W. Market St. (West Market Plaza) Akron 330-666-7333 www. MustardSeedMarket. com

Ms. Julie’s Kitchen (Vegan) 1809 S. Main St. Akron 330-819-3834

The West Side Bakery (Vegan Options) 2303 West Market St. (Pilgrim Square) Akron 330-836-4101 www. thewestsidebakery. com

Cincinnati Area

Clifton Natural Foods Grocer (Vegan Options) 169 W. McMillan St. Cincinnati 513-961-6111

The Loving CafГ© (Vegan) 6227 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati 513-731-2233 www. thelovingcafe. com

Melt (Vegan Options) 4165 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati 513-681-6358 www. meltnorthside. com **MUST ORDER the Vegan Southern Sausage Melt

Olives (Vegan Options) 342 Ludlow Ave. Cincinnati 513-221-4200 www. olivesonludlow. com *MUST ORDER the tofu artichoke sandwich

Park + Vine (Vegan General Store) 1109 Vine St. Cincinnati 513-721-7275 www. parkandvine. com *Small grocery plus sprinklings of all the best vegan products including soaps, steel straws, shoes, organic cotton pillows, paint, home furnishings, clothing and baby supplies

Columbus Area

Dragonfly (Vegan) 247 King Ave. Columbus 614-298-9986

Hal and Al's (Vegan) 1297 Parsons Ave. Columbus 614-375-4812 www. halandals. com

Northstar CafГ© (Vegan Options) 951 N. High St. Columbus 614-298-9999 **MUST ORDER vegan beet burger

Whole World Natural Restaurant & Bakery (Vegan Options) 3269 N. High St. Columbus 614-268-5751


Blackbird Pizzeria (Vegan) 507 South 6th Street Philadelphia 215-625-6660 www. blackbirdpizzeria. com

Cafe 210 West (Vegan Options) 210 W. College Avenue State College 814-237-3449

Govinda's Café (Vegan Options) 1408 South St. Philadelphia 215-985-9303 www. govindasvegetarian. com **MUST ORDER the Vegan Cheesecakes. They are to die for!

Green Bowl (Vegan Options) 131 W. Beaver Avenue State College 814-238-0600 www. thegreenbowl. com

Guo's Garden (Vegan Chinese) 569 West Uwchlan - Plaza 113 Exton 610-524-7178

Kingdom of Vegetarians (Vegan Chinese) 129 N. 9th St. Philadelphia 215-413-2290

New Harmony Vegetarian (Vegan Chinese) 125 N. 9th St. Philadelphia 215-627-4520

Singapore (Vegan Chinese) 1006 Race St. Philadelphia 215-922-3288

Vegan Treats (Desserts to Die For!) 1444 Linden Street Bethlehem 610-861-7660 www. VeganTreats. com


Alternative Food Co-Op Grocer (Vegan Options) 357 Main Street Wakefield 401-789-2240 www. alternativefoodcoop. com

Garden Grille Café (Vegan Options) 727 East Ave. Pawtucket 401-726-2826 www. gardengrillecafe. com


The Tomato Head (Vegan Options - 2 locations) 12 Market Sq. Knoxville 865-637-4067


Corpus Christi Area

Bamboo Garden (Vegan Options) 1220 Airline Rd. Corpus Christi* 361-993-7993 *Great tofu. Order the C1 or B3

Sprouts Grocer (Vegan Options) 1440 Airline Rd. Corpus Christi 361-993-2850 www. sprouts. com

Yin Yang Fandango (Vegan Options) 505 S. Water St. (behind Memorial Coliseum) Corpus Christi 361-883-9123 www. tangofandango. com

Dallas Area

Mr. Chopsticks (Vegan Options) 1633 Scripture St. (1 minute from UNT) Denton 940-382-5437 www. mrchopsticks. com **Best Tofu & Broccoli dish in the USA

El Paso Area

India Palace (Vegan Options) 5380 N. Mesa St. (5 minutes from UTEP) El Paso 915-833-2245

Sprouts Grocer (Vegan Options) 6100 N. Mesa St. El Paso 915-833-3380 www. sprouts. com

Houston Area

Green Vegetarian Cuisine (Vegan Options) 6720 Chimney Rock Houston 832-649-4184 www. eatatgreen. com

Red Bowl Mongolian BBQ (Vegan Options) 12312 Barker Cypress Rd. Cypress 281-256-1888 **Try the fresh veggies & tofu—great!


Bella Pizzeria (Vegan Options) 1308 Colley Ave. Norfolk 757-625-3525

Cora (Vegan Options) 723 W. 21st St. Norfolk 757-625-6100


Basics Grocer (Vegan Options) 1221 Woodman Rd. (off of Milton Ave.) Janesville 608-754-3925 www. basicshealth. com

The Trader Joe’s Project: Day 5

This is fifth and final day of The Trader Joe’s Project, where I’ve chosen five fabulous frozen meals from Trader Joe’s to show just how easy it is to eat great lunches as a busy working vegan. Today’s lunch features Vegetable Gyoza. If you were ever a fan of pot stickers, this is definitely the choice for you.

Not only is Vegetable Gyoza great for lunch, but it’s also a great frozen food to keep stocked in your freezer for anytime you get the munchies. There are three servings per package, so you’ll have leftovers to save or enough to share with friends. ¡YUM!

So this raps up our five day Trader Joe’s Project–thanks for tuning in, and I hope you found it helpful! If you don’t have a Trader Joe’s near you, hopefully you have a Whole Foods, as they have equally yummy options, many of which are also labeled vegan. If you don’t have either, you can always order many vegan grocery items with free shipping over at Amazon. com .

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One Response to "The Trader Joe’s Project: Day 5"

By Chris Graber February 21, 2011 - 8:25 pm

people might like this list on the trader joe’s site!

Vegan Beauty Box

Vegan Snack Box

Vegan Videos Categories

How To Go Vegan (Video)

Cruelty Free & Vegan Brand List

Whether you want to buy all vegan products, or just start incorporating more cruelty free makeup products into your life, it’s always great to go animal friendly. You’ll also be surprised at how many large companies still test on animals. However, it’s very easy to find animal friendly alternatives to any products you’re currently using! Show brands who do test on animals that you only want to support them if they change their ways. You can do this by purchasing from cruelty free makeup brands, skincare brands, hair care brands, and household brands. These are brands who do not test on animals and offer items that do not use animal ingredients. You’ll end up finding a lot of great items that you can feel good about buying.

As we hear back from brands about their stance on animal testing and animal ingredients, they will be added below. At Logical Harmony, there is a very thorough process for finding out if a brand can be included in this list or not. It is much more complex than looking at an FAQ page, another website, or simply asking, “are you cruelty free?” through email or social media.

Only brands that have completed the documents to be listed on Logical Harmony will be included in this list.

It’s not an aggregation of information from other sites. Logical Harmony does all it’s own brand research and includes only brands that we can be sure are cruelty free with vegan options. These brands are also contacted on regular basis so that this list can stay fresh and up to date.

This list includes brands that are cruelty free but owned by a parent company who is not. Everyone should decide for themselves what they are comfortable purchasing. At Logical Harmony, we would rather people support these brands than a non-cruelty free option. For those who are just getting started with transitioning to animal friendly products, this can be a great place to start! However, please keep in mind that purchasing from these brands is still going to financially benefit the parent company.

Is a brand you love not included on this list?

Please use the Brand List Submission form to suggest them. and let us know. We want to make this list as expansive as possible.

Looking for a quick way to check if a brand is on this list?

Make sure none of the lists are collapsed (the Brands to Avoid and Pending Brands lists are by default), then use Ctrl + F on Windows or Command + F on a Mac to open a search box. Type in the brand and hit “Enter”. If the brand is listed, your browser should scroll to it automatically.

Cruelty Free Brands

All brands on this list are cruelty free with some vegan items. Brands listed in bold offer only vegan items. It’s noted next to a brand if they have a parent company that is not cruelty free, but they have remained a cruelty free brand.

If you have any questions about any of the brands listed above, please let us know. They are all brands that the Logical Harmony team has written confirmation from. All of the brands listed above have great customer service departments. If you have questions about if specific items they carry are vegan, don’t hesitate to e-mail them and ask.

Grey Area Brands

The following brands are ones that Logical Harmony has reached out to but these brands have given an unclear response about if their products are completely cruelty free or not. In all cases, clarification has been asked for multiple times but has not been received. Because of this, these brands will not be promoted on Logical Harmony. However, choose what is best for yourself.

Alpha Hydrox



Bdellium Tools (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

BH Cosmetics (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Bite Beauty – It should be noted that their parent company is not cruelty free.

Chi Chi Cosmetics

Coastal Scents


Deep Steep

Dinair Airbrush Makeup


Essence (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Girlactik Beauty

Hard Candy (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Harry’s (will only provide a generic statement on animal testing and will not start the process to be added on Logical Harmony)

Holika Holika

It Cosmetics

Jane Scrivner

Julep (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Kardashian Beauty (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Kate Spade (unclear response about animal testing practices as required by law and through 3rd parties, reaching out for more clarification)

Kirkland Signature (have received multiple responses that are unclear, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Klorane – It should be noted that their parent company is not cruelty free.

Kryolan Professional Make-up (Had a very clear stance on animal testing. Some readers have reported that they have been told the brand is testing when required by law, working to try and get a clear response on this.)

L. A. Girl


Lise Watier

Makeup Revolution


Marc Anthony (used to provide a very clear stance but will no longer do so, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Melaleuca (was unable to provide a clear statement on animal testing practices, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Montagne Jeunesse (have heard rumors that they are selling in China, the brand used to provide a clear stance on animal testing, they have been unresponsive to recent communication)

Motives Cosmetics

Neoteric Cosmetics


NYM – Not Your Mother’s

Ocean Potion (was unable to provide a clear statement on animal testing practices, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Organic Surge

Ren Skincare – It should be noted that their parent company is not cruelty free.

Rock Your Hair (used to provide a very clear stance but will no longer do so, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Saint Francis Organics

Sei Bella (was unable to provide a clear statement on animal testing practices, requests for clarification have not been responded to)

Taya Beauty

Three Cosmetics


Brands to Avoid

The following brands are not cruelty free or vegan. This could mean that they engage in testing themselves, through a 3rd party, as required by law, or use ingredients that are tested on animals. Brands will also be added to this list if they state that they do not verify or check with their suppliers or affiliates about animal testing. Please avoid purchasing these brands and support animal friendly brands instead.

Acqua Di Parma

Aesop (Only able to confirm that their finished products are not tested on animals, but they are unable to ensure their items are not tested during production or that the ingredients they use are not tested.)




Amazing Cosmetics


Anna Sui


Arm & Martillo


Artistry Cosmetics








Banana Boat


Bath & Body Works

Be a Bombshell Cosmetics

Bed Head







Bobbi Brown



Bumble & Bumble





Calvin Klein


Chapstick Brand





Clean & Claro

Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy




Collection Cosmetics


Colors in Mood


Condensé Paris





Crabtree & Evelyn




La licenciatura

Demeter Fragrance Library





Dolce & Gabanna


Dr. Brandt

Dr. Jart

Dry Idea


Edge Shave Gel

Elie Saab


Elizabeth Arden

Elle Girl


EOS (Evolution of Smooth)



Estee Lauder







For Beloved One

Forever Living

Freeman Beauty





Giorgio Armani Beauty



Goddess Garden Organics


Green Works





Hawaiian Tropic

Head & Shoulders

Herbal Essences


Hello Kitty by Sephora Collection


Henri Bendel


Hugo Boss

Inglot (Does not ask or require that their suppliers be cruelty free.)


Ion Professional



Jet Dry

Jimmy Choo

Jo Malone

John Frieda

Johnson & Johnson


Juicy Couture


K. Y.

KAO Brands


Keraskin Esthetics







La Mer

La Prarie

La Senza



Lady’s Choice




LaRoche Posay

Laura Mercier

Lever 2000


LORAC (Do not verify that their suppliers do not test on animals and are unsure if raw ingredients used are tested on animals or not.)



Makeup For Ever

Manhattan Cosmetics

Marc Jacobs Beauty


Mary Kay



Max Factor


Miss Sporty


Mont Blanc



New York Color (NYC)


Nicole by OPI

Nina Ricci


Organics/OGX Beauty





Orange Glo




Paco Robanne



Pet Head

Peter Thomas Roth














Right Gaurd


Roberto Cavalli


Sally Hansen





Scrub Free


Sebastian Professional



Sephora Collection

Shea Moisture (Was told that they do not regulate their distributors from selling in required by law markets and would not/do not prevent them from doing so even if it meant animal testing.)


Shu Uemura

Simple Skincare

Simply Beauty

Simply Saline

Sinful Colors





Soft & Dri


St. Ives

Stella McCartney







Tarina Tarantino by Sephora Collection

Tattoo Beauty

Thierry Mugler


Tokidoki Cosmetics by Sephora Collection

Tony Moly





TYRA Beauty

Ultima II







Vera Wang


Victoria’s Secret

Victoria’s Secret Pink

Vidal Sasson



Wei To Go

Weleda (Sells products in Mainland China.)

Wella Professionals



Younique (Do not verify nor require that their suppliers of ingredients or companies that they work with in manufacturing their products are cruelty free.)


Yves Rocher


Zotos Professionals

Pending Brands

These are brands that Logical Harmony has reached out to about their stance on animal testing and is waiting to receive a response or is wating for the brand to finish completing the documents to be listed on Logical Harmony. Once a response is received, the brand will be moved to the appropriate list.

19 Candles

1001 Remedies

7th Heaven

A England

Absolute New York


ADEN Cosmetics

Adonia Organics

African Botanics

Agave Oil (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

AHAVA (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Albeit by Anthropologie

Alchemy Du Corps

Alex Cosmetic

Alexandria Professional

Alexis Vogel



Alorée Chlorocosmétic


Alter Ego Italy

Alterna (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Amazing Shine

Amber Blue Skincare

Ambre Blends

American Crew

Amie Skincare


Amore Pacific (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Andre Walker Hair

Annick Goutal

ANNY Cosmetics

Antonia Burrell

Appeal Cosmetics

Aqua Reveal

Arctic Fox

Ardency Inn


Armour Beauty





Artistic Colour Gloss

Art Naturals

ASAP Skin Products

Attitude/Bio Spectra

Aura Cacia

Aurelia Probiotic Skincare

Australis Cosmetics

Ava Anderson


segundo. liv

Babe Scrub

Babo Botanicals


Bach Flower

Bali Body

Bar Soap Brooklyn


Bare English & Co.

Bare Naturals

BareFaced Beauty


Bassam Fattouh Cosmetics

Bath Buzz

Batiste (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Beauti Control

Beautiful Curls

Beauty Bioscience


Beleza Continente



Better Essentials

Better Shea Butter

Bettina Cosmetics


Beyond the Nail

Bio Seaweed Gel

Bio-Oil USA


Bioten Cosmetics


Bitch Slap Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

black|Up Cosmetics

Black Opal

Black Pearl

Black Radiance

Blank Canvas Cosmetics

Bliss Kiss


Blue Q

Body Time

Bodycology (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Bohemian Beauty Co

Bomb Cosmetics

Bon Bliss Beauty (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Bondi Sands


Booty Parlor (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Bourjois (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Verde brillante


Brite Organix


Bronze Buffer


Buckler’s Remedy

Buddha Nose

Bulldog Skincare for Men

Butter Toki

By Rosie Jane

BYS Cosmetics

C. O. Bigelow (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Cake Beauty


Calia Natural

Camille Rose Naturals

Cane + Austin


CAO Cosmetics


Caribou Cosmetics

Cargo (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Carmex (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Carol’s Daughter



CATTIVA Cosmetics

Carven Parfums

Ceela Naturals


CeraVe (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Cetaphil (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Chantecaille Beauté

Chambor Geneva


CHI (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

China Glaze (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Chirp Cosmetics

Christian Louboutin Beauty

Christophe Robin



Cinema Secrets

CIRCA Beauty

City Color Cosmetics

CK One Color

Clean Line

Clear Conscience



Colleen Rothschild Beautyko

Color Secrets


Coloured Raine (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Commodity Goods

Comptoir des Lys

Comptoir Sud Pacifique

Confident Skincare

Consonant Skincare

CORE Cosmetics

Corine de Farme



Crack Hair Care

Crazy Paintz

Creative Nail Design (CND)

Crown Brush




Daniel Sandler Makeup

Day Soft

De Fabulous

Del Sol

Delicious Skin

Depend Cosmetics

Dermal Korea



Dermarche Labs


Designer Brands Cosmetics

dfi Aging

DGJ Organics


Diana NYC

Dirty Works Beauty

DM Drogerie Markt

Dollar Shave Club

Dollup Beauty


Doucce Cosmetics

Dr. Brite

Dr. Dennis Gross (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Dr. George’s

Dr. Jessica Wu Skincare

Dr. Lewinns

Dr. Organic

Dr. Scheller

Drunk Elephant Skincare

Echo France

Earth Friendly Products

Earth’s Nectar

Earth Science Naturals

Earth Theraputics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)



Eden Perfumes

Elate Cosmetics

Elcie Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Elizabeth and James Nirvana (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Em Michelle Phan (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)



Eminence Organic Skincare

Emma Hardie




Ere Perez

Escentric Molecules


Estelle & Thild

Etude House




Eve Lom

Eve Pearl

Eveline Cosmetics EU

Eveline Cosmetics USA

Evelyn Iona

Everyday Coconut

Everyday Shea

Evolve Skin

Ex1 Cosmetics


Face of Australia

Faces Cosmetics

Fake Bake

Farmacy Beauty

FarmHouse Fresh


Fashion Fair

Ferro Cosmetics

Fiona Stiles Beauty

Fit Organic

Fitglow Beauty


Floss Gloss (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Flutter Beauty

Forest Balsam

Forever 21 (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Form + Matter

Fortune Cookie Soap



Formula 10.0.6

Frisky Fish

Froggy Ecológico

Fudge Hair Products


Gaia Creams


Gallany Cosmetics

Ganassini Corporate

Gelish (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

GI Soap

GIA Minerals

Gilty Girl

Ginger + Liz


Glitter Injections

Glo Professional/Glo Minerals (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Glo Turmeric Scrub



Go Smile (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Gold Bond

Golden Rose (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Good Things

Gorgeous Cosmetics

Green People

Greenfrog Botanic


Grow Gorgeous

Grown Alchemist


H&M (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Helen É Cosmetics



Henné Organics


Herbivore Botanicals

Himalaya Herbals

Hippy Paste

Histoires de Parfums

Honest Beauty

Hot Makeup

HSI Professional

Huda Beauty

Hum Nutrition

Hush & Dotti

Hynt Beauty

I Smell Great

I’m Fabulous

ILUKA Skincare

Illamasqua (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

ILIA Beauty


Image Skincare

Iman Cosmetics


Infusium 23 (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

INGRID Cosmetics



Isvara Organics

It Works

It’s a 10 (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

J. Cat Beauty


Jamberry (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Jan Marini

Jane Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Jay Manuel Beauty

Jeffree Star Cosmetics

Jellen Products

Jenna Hipp

Jeunesse Global

Jesse’s Girl (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Jessica Cosmetics



John Masters Organics


Josh Rosebrook



Juliette Has a Gun

Just For Redheads

Just Natural Products

K. Hall Designs

Kahina Giving Beauty



Karma Organic

Kate Sommerville (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)



Kevin Murphy

Kevyn Aucoin


Kiko Milano/Kiko Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Kinky Curly

Kjaer Weis


KMS California

Koh Gen Do


KOCO by Beauty Brands

Kopari Beauty

KORA Organics


Kristofer Buckle Collection

Kylie Cosmetics

L’artisan Parfumeur



LA Colors

La Riche Directions

LAB 2 Beauty (Live and Breath Beauty)

Ladybug Jane


Lamik Beauty

Larenim Mineral


LASplash Cosmetics

Laura Geller (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Le Chat

Le Labo Fragrances




Lip Smacker


Lipstick Queen

Lira Clinical

Lit Cosmetics

Live Clean (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Living Proof (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Liz Earle



Lonely Planet Cosmetics

Love & Toast (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Love Luxe Beauty



Lucy Minerals


Luminance Skincare

Luna Bronze

Lux Skin Oils


Macadamia Professional

Madara Organic Skincare

MAHALO Skin Care

Mahya Cosmetics

Make-Up Atelire

MAKE Beauty

Make up Factory

Make Up Store

Makeup Eraser

Makeup by DNA

Makeup Monsters

Mai Couture

Malaya Organics

Malie Organics

Mango Madness Skin Care


Marks & Spencer

Mario Badescu (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Marula by John Paul Selects

MaskerAide (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Mayfair Soap Foundry

MDSolar Sciences



Merle Norman

Mica Beauty (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Milk Makeup


Mio Skincare


Miss Jessie’s


Mixed Chicks

Model in a Bottle

Modern Apothecary

Molton Brown


Montale Paris


MOOV Cosmetics

Morgan Taylor

Morphe (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)



MSC Skin Care

MUA Makeup Academy



My Pretty Zombie




Nails Inc

Naked Chick Organics

Narynda Skincare

Natasha Denona


Natura Brasil

Natura Siberica

Natural Dermis

Nature’s Nutraceuticals



Nerd Skincare

NEST Fragrances (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Neve Cosmetics

Nicka K

Nip + Fab






NP Set Cosmetics


Nu Skin

Nuance by Selma Hayek (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Nubian Heritage

NUDE Skincare

Nude by Nature




Number 4



O Boticário


Obliphica Professional

Oil of Angels Vegan Skin Care

Olio E Osso


Olo Fragrance



One ‘n Only


Organic Color Systems/Organic Colour Systems

Organic Shop

Organix South

Orlando Pita Haircare Collection

Oscar Blandi

Oscar de la Renta Beauty

OSKIA London

Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare



Original Sprout

OUAI Haircare


Our Own Candle Company


Oyin Handmade

Oxy Skin Care (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

OZ Naturals

p2 Cosmetics

Pai Skincare

Paint Nail Lacquer

Palmer’s (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Panama Jack

Pandora’s Makeup Box

Parlux Fragrances


Pati Dubroff Beauty

Paul & Joe

Paula Dorf

PCA Skin

Peggy Sage


Percy & Caña

Perfectly Posh (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Perfumania/Perfumania Holdings (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Petal + Clay Organics

Petunia Skincare

PHB Ethical Beauty

Phil Smith

Phytomer Group Brands

Pierre René

Pin Up Cosmetics

Pinky Rose Cosmetics

Piper Wai

Pittsburgh Street Soapworks

Pixel Cosmetics

Pnk Digger (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Pony Huetchen

Port Products

Portland General Store

Prai (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

PRAVANA (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Premae Skincare

Prestige Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Pretty Serious Cosmetics

Pretty Zombie Cosmetics

Primal Elements

Primal Pit Paste (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Primary Cosmetics

Proactiv (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Promise Organic

Prophetics Cosmetics

Prtty Peaushun (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)




Pure Ice

Pure Life Soap Co

Purity of Elements

PurMinerals/Pur Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Que Bella

Queen Helene

Quem disse Berenice

Quo Cosmetics


Red Carpet Manicure (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Red Earth

Red Flower

Renee Rouleau


Rescue Beauty Lounge (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Revision Skincare


Rocky Mountain Oils



Rhonda Allison


Rodan + Fields (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


Ruby Kisses Cosmetics



Safeway Care

Sage & Row


Sally Hershberger (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Salon Selectives

Salt of the Earth

Sans Ceuticals



Sappho Organics

Saucebox Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Sea Scape


Sedona Lace (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

SeneGence International

Serge Normant

Seri Naturals

Serum No.5

Seventeen Cosmetics

Sexy Hair (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)


SHANY (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Shea Radiance

Shea Terra Organics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)




Silky Hands

Sisley Paris

Skin & Bones

Skin Authority

Skin by Ann Webb

Skin Essence Organics

Skin Milk

Skin Soap Junkie




Skindinavia (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)



Sleek Makeup

Smart Beauty

Smith & Cult

So Susan Cosmetics

Soap and Glory (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Soda & Co

Soleil Toujours


Soothing Touch

Sorme Treatment Cosmetics


Southern Magnolia Mineral Cosmetics

Spectrum Collections


Sprouts (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

St. Ives (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

St. Moritz

St. Tropez (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Star Crushed Minerals

Stargazer Cosmetics

Stark Skincare

Stewart & Claire

Stowaway Cosmetics

Studio 78



Sun and Earth

Sun Bum

Sun Laboratories/Sun Labs



Supergoop! (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)



Surratt Beauty

Suva Beauty

Suvana Beauty

Suzanne Organics by Suzanne Sommers (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Sweet LeiLani Cosmetics

Tabitha James Kraan

Tammy Fender

Tan Towel

Tanya Burr Cosmetics

Tara Smith

Tarina Tarantino (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Tattoo Junkee

Technic Cosmetics

Ted Baker by Boots (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Teeez Cosmetics


Terre Mere Cosmetics

The Body Deli

The Burlap Bag

The Face Shop

The Honest Company (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

The Library of Fragrance

The Merry Hempsters

The Purist Company

The Seaweed Bath Co

Thera Wise

Think Baby

This Works


Thrive Causemedics





Tom Ford Cosmetics (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Too Cool for School

Topshop (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Tory Burch Beauty

TOULON Skincare

Toyo Life

TOYO Net Japan

Treat Collection

Treat Beauty

Tree Hut

Trilogy Natural Skincare

Trilogy Products

Trind Cosmetics

Trish McEvoy

Tropic Skincare

TRUE by Isaac Mizrahi

True Glue

True Organic of Sweden

Udderly Smooth

Uichy Skin Careichy Skin Carema Oils


Umberto Beverly Hills

UNE Natural Beauty



Up & Up (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Velvet 59 (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)

Velvet Hands


VERED Organic Botanicals

Verita Skin


Vichy Skin Care

Victor & Rolf Fragrance

Vince Camuto

Vincent Longo

Vintner’s Daugher

Violet Voss



Vita Liberata

Viva La Diva


W3ll People

w7 Cosmetics





Westmore Beauty


WoodWick Candles

Whish Body


Winky Lux


WYCON Cosmetics

Wylde Ivy



Yankee Candle

Yardley London

YARI Cosmetics

YBF Beauty

¡Sí! Nurse

Yin Yang Skincare

Yoanna Skin Care


Young Living

Yummy Skin

Za Cosmetics

Zabana Essentials (have reached out multiple times, but have not received a response)





Zion Health

Zoe Organics

Zuii Organic

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Fearless Flyer

10 Minute Farro & Barley

Ancient Grains, Newfangled

As we look for interesting foods to continually please and provoke our palates, an astonishing thing is happening—ancient grains, some as old as civilization itself, are getting a fresh look. Suddenly everything old is new again!

At Trader Joe's we're not just bringing back ancient grains, we're making them faster and easier to prepare, too. Trader Joe's 10 Minute Farro and 10 Minute Barley are two of the quick-cooking ancient grain options you'll find on our grocery shelves. Both of these grains are Italian grown ( Barley comes from Lazio, Umbria, and Tuscany; Farro comes from Marche & Umbria) and packed for us by an Italian supplier who's perfected the art & science of par-cooking these grains without compromising their nutritional value, flavor or texture.

The grains are cleaned, then cooked with steam, then dried, then cooked a bit more with hot air, then cleaned again and packed. This process preserves the nutritive values of the grains, while cutting their cooking time from 30-50 minutes down to 10. That's right—10 minutes! Enjoy them as you'd enjoy rice or quinoa—salads, soups, sides come to mind. Both Farro and Barley are slightly nutty, with a pleasant chewiness. You can cook them with water, or ante up the flavor a bit by using chicken or vegetable broth.

We're selling each 8.8 ounce bag of 10 Minute Farro or 10 Minute Barley for $1.79 . a very modern value for these newfangled ancient grains. They're in our grocery aisle.

Trader Joe’s Meatless Italian Style Sausage and Cheese Flatbread Pizza

Trader Joe’s Meatless Italian Style Sausage and Cheese Flatbread Pizza. Ok, I put the Pizza in there as part of the name because you know what, this is a pizza! I see this trend around me all the time. We want to be more upscale, so the name pizza is to pedestrian for us so now it’s Flatbread . Don’t be fooled because this is all pizza!

Then there is the other trend that Trader Joe’s is foisting on us, the meatless fake meat trend. Do we need any more of it? There are so many good options for vegetarian pizzas why fake it? Vegetarians get enough protein from the cheese that the addition of meatless meat just seems forced.

As I always say, the proof is in the pudding (or at least the pizza, I mean, flatbread) Again with most of these smaller pizzas. It too much for one person to eat it but not enough for two people to share without a side dish unless you are tiny, tiny. A serving size is 1/2 a pizza but that’s only 320 calories. Normally, I would just eat the whole thing for a meal.

I cranked up the oven and put it in after it heated up. Needs to bake for about 15 minutes. Just looking at it you can’t tell that the fake meat is not soy protein. Looks like a decent amount of veggies sprinkled on top to give it some interesting flavors. Looks like a decent amount of cheese too. While it’s baking it smells like pizza, so things are looking up. BTW, I have zero confidence that this pizza is going to be edible, but I do these things for my loyal readers…

I pulled the pizza out of the oven and it looks just like a Red Barron or DiGiorno’s. You can hardly tell the difference between this and any other frozen pizza you get from the grocery store, except our little secret which is the fake meat thing. I suppose if you hid the box you could get your kids to eat it and they would be none the wiser. I took a couple of bites and it actually tasted pretty darn good. It smells great. The crust is rather thin and cracker-like. But there is a decent amount of toppings and cheese to fill you up. I could only eat 3 out of the four pieces. Now the downer, I was curious how the fake sausage tasted on it’s own because I couldn’t really taste anything when I ate the pizza and I could pick up some mild sausage seasonings flavors. I plucked a fake piece of sausage from the top and popped it in my mouth. Nada. Hmmm…. cardboard? I thought maybe I got a bad piece. Tried it again. Same thing, Cardboard. I expected nuggets of flavor not cardboard. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to degrade the overall experience. I wished they had just left the faux sausage off at this point though…

Hopefully this trend doesn’t continue with Trader Joe’s. I can see a meatless, soy cheese, gluten free flatbread pizza. ¡Yuck! If I take the pizza as a whole, I would give it 7 bells. It was good, but nothing I can’t get up at the local grocery store. I would get the fake sausage like 2 Bells if it was a product in it’s own right, but it’s blandness doesn’t distract from the flavor the pizza as a whole. If you are vegetarian and don’t mind fake meat, give this pizza a whirl!

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Hope you can have more posts about TJ cheeses, especially if your wife is a serious cheese head.

To me TJ cheese are a benchmark for all other stores and shoppers as well. It doesn’t have a huge selection, nor many artisan ones. But the cheeses there represent what anyone who is serious (and have the means) to get. TJ has a staple selection of rather high quality, not to mention price/quality ratio, and many imported. There is no reason to go to a supermarket for one’s cheeses.

The Ham and Gruyere Pizza at Trader Joe’s is to die for. It’s a perfect zise to split with someone else ( or eat on your own for that matter) and it’s thin crust almost melts in your mouth. Trader Joes pizzas are really something else and I am glad that others are recognizing this as well!

I don’t typically eat/like pizza (please don’t ban me from your page). too many carbs and fat. but I really like this meatless flatbread option. I also am not a vegetarian. I went back and bought 3 of these. They are so good in my easy to please opinion. Just the right size for single person home. Going to read the rest of your blog for further suggestions! Gracias.

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Pepperoni Pizza Quesadillas

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Kale Pesto Pizza

Cookie and Kate

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Hearty Beef Stew

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basil leaves, garlic, sea salt, roma tomatoes, olive oil, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves, garlic, sea salt, roma tomatoes, olive oil, mozzarella cheese and pizza doughs "> 1 MORE

Veggie Stir-fry - Trader Joe Easy Meal

vegetables, vegetable oil, garlic, soy sauce and sliced mushrooms

Cranberry Apple Butter Chicken

chicken broth, garlic, apple butter, chicken breasts and olive oil

Favorite Trail Mix

Family Food on the Table

raisins, cheerios, mini chocolate chips, chopped walnuts, dried blueberries and raisins, cheerios, mini chocolate chips, chopped walnuts, dried blueberries and dried cranberries "> 1 MORE

Trader Joe’s Cookies and Cream Cookie Butter Copycat

unsalted butter, heavy cream, OREO® Cookies, powdered sugar and unsalted butter, heavy cream, OREO® Cookies, powdered sugar, pure vanilla extract, vegetable shortening and vegetable oil "> 3 MORE

Bran Muffins.

sugar, buttermilk, orange juice, whole wheat pastry flour, eggs, vegetable oil and sugar, buttermilk, orange juice, whole wheat pastry flour, eggs, vegetable oil, salt, baking soda, bran cereal, raisins and wheat bran "> 5 MORE

Wasabi Deviled Eggs

This Mama Cooks!

seasoned rice wine vinegar, white miso, hard-boiled egg, seaweed, wasabi paste and seasoned rice wine vinegar, white miso, hard-boiled egg, seaweed, wasabi paste, wasabi, wasabi mayonnaise and black sesame seeds "> 3 MORE

Grilled Burger

salt, eggs, lettuce, burger buns, ground beef, onions, mayonnaise and salt, eggs, lettuce, burger buns, ground beef, onions, mayonnaise, freshly ground black pepper, cheese, bread crumbs, bacon, paprika, garlic powder and sugar "> 7 MORE

Cowboy Caviar - Trader Joe's Copycat

Best of Long Island and Central Florida

red pepper flakes, fire roasted diced tomatoes, corn, black beans, salsa verde and red pepper flakes, fire roasted diced tomatoes, corn, black beans, salsa verde, lime and chili powder "> 2 MORE

Balsamic salmon and Brussels sprouts with farro

Family Food on the Table

black pepper, salmon fillets, balsamic vinegar, salt, red pepper flakes and black pepper, salmon fillets, balsamic vinegar, salt, red pepper flakes, brussels sprouts, farro and olive oil "> 3 MORE

Trader Joe’s Cowboy Bark Copycat

sea salt, peanuts, chocolate sandwich cookies, toffee bits, pretzels and sea salt, peanuts, chocolate sandwich cookies, toffee bits, pretzels and dark chocolate "> 1 MORE

Layered Lemon Curd Cheesecake

kosher salt, lemon curd, heavy cream, blueberries, graham crackers and kosher salt, lemon curd, heavy cream, blueberries, graham crackers and low-fat cream cheese "> 1 MORE

Trader Joe’s Copycat

chopped almonds, sea salt, toffee bits, mini pretzel twists, dark chocolate and chopped almonds, sea salt, toffee bits, mini pretzel twists, dark chocolate, chocolate and peanuts "> 2 MORE

How to Make Coconut Whipped Cream

icing, vanilla extract and coconut cream

Caramelized Honey Dijon Chicken

How Sweet It Is

dijon mustard, honey, olive oil, salt, mustard, pepper and dijon mustard, honey, olive oil, salt, mustard, pepper and boneless skinless chicken breasts "> 1 MORE

Cashew Cauliflower in the Slow Cooker

In Johnna's Kitchen

coconut sugar, garlic, sweet chili sauce, freshly ground black pepper and coconut sugar, garlic, sweet chili sauce, freshly ground black pepper, raw cashews, green onions, grapeseed oil, ginger root, tomato sauce, brown rice, tamari soy sauce, rice vinegar, corn starch and cauliflower "> 10 MORE

Spicy and Cheesy Kale Chips

chili pepper, cashew nuts, red bell pepper, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and chili pepper, cashew nuts, red bell pepper, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, sea salt and kale "> 3 MORE

Baked Penne

penne pasta, marinara sauce, fresh basil leaves and shredded mozzarella cheese

Sriracha BBQ Party Pretzels

The Domestic Geek Wisconsin

pretzel sticks, Sriracha, accent, garlic powder, onion powder and sunflower oil

Sweet Balls of Fire

sweet chili sauce, turkey meatballs and cranberry sauce

Lemon-Mustard Vinaigrette

olive oil, rice vinegar, dijon mustard, sea salt, shallots, ground black pepper and olive oil, rice vinegar, dijon mustard, sea salt, shallots, ground black pepper, clover honey and lemon juice "> 2 MORE

Spinach Unstuffed Shells

frozen chopped spinach, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, marinara sauce, dried basil and frozen chopped spinach, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, marinara sauce, dried basil, pasta, onions, mozzarella cheese, freshly ground black pepper and Italian cheese blend "> 5 MORE

INCREDIBLE Pepperoni Pizza Puffs

dried parsley, grated parmesan cheese, fresh basil, pepperoni, dough and dried parsley, grated parmesan cheese, fresh basil, pepperoni, dough, shredded mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce "> 2 MORE

Cookie Butter Popcorn

I Heart Nap Time

M&M's Candy, butter, candy, popcorn and sprinkles

Pepperoni Pizza Quesadillas

cremini mushrooms, pizza sauce, flour tortillas, sliced black olives, pepperoni and cremini mushrooms, pizza sauce, flour tortillas, sliced black olives, pepperoni and shredded mozzarella cheese "> 1 MORE

1 Minute Lentil Salad

feta cheese crumbles, lentils and sauce

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats with Trader Joe's Mini Peanut Butter Cups

mini marshmallows, creamy peanut butter, Rice Krispies Cereal and mini marshmallows, creamy peanut butter, Rice Krispies Cereal, miniature peanut butter cups, unsalted butter and chocolate "> 3 MORE

Easy Cheezy Pizza

Keepin' It Kind

mozzarella cheese, pizza doughs, sugar, warm water, marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese, pizza doughs, sugar, warm water, marinara sauce, active dry yeast, kosher salt, bread flour and olive oil "> 4 MORE

Clean Chicken Artichoke Lasagna Roll Ups

spinach, onions, freshly ground black pepper, flour, tomato sauce and spinach, onions, freshly ground black pepper, flour, tomato sauce, shredded cheese, milk, pasta sheets, garlic cloves, cooking spray, boneless skinless chicken breasts and oil "> 7 MORE

Copycat Trader Joe’s Mediterranean Hummus

crushed red pepper, cumin, tahini, lemon, garlic cloves, extra-virgin olive oil and crushed red pepper, cumin, tahini, lemon, garlic cloves, extra-virgin olive oil, hot water, salt and garbanzo beans "> 3 MORE

Copycat Trader Joe's Gone Bananas!

The View from Great Island

coconut oil, bananas and dark chocolate chips

Dark & Stormy Cocktail

ginger beer, lime, lime juice and dark rum

Shiitake Mushroom Soba Salad

salt, honey, toasted sesame oil, sauce, rice vinegar, shredded carrots, noodles and salt, honey, toasted sesame oil, sauce, rice vinegar, shredded carrots, noodles, garlic, lemon pepper, shiitake, lime, olive oil, fresh green beans, microgreens, creamy peanut butter and ginger "> 9 MORE

Frozen Margarita Lime Pie

Grand Marnier, sugar, tequila, whipped cream, lime juice, lime slices and Grand Marnier, sugar, tequila, whipped cream, lime juice, lime slices, low-fat cream cheese, graham cracker crumbs, lemon juice, lime zest and butter "> 5 MORE

Trader Joe's Broccoli Slaw Breakfast

garlic powder, extra-virgin olive oil, broccoli slaw, canola oil cooking spray and garlic powder, extra-virgin olive oil, broccoli slaw, canola oil cooking spray, mushrooms, zucchini, eggs and hot sauce "> 4 MORE

Blood Orange, 'Ricotta' and Almond Upside Down Cake

coconut cream, water, cashew nuts and lemon

Slow Cooker Melt-in-your-mouth Corned Beef And Cabbage

The Perfect Pantry

pickling spices, carrots, agave nectar, black pepper, kosher salt and pickling spices, carrots, agave nectar, black pepper, kosher salt, yukon gold potatoes, shredded cabbage, Balsamico Bianco, freshly ground black pepper, black peppercorns, extra-virgin olive oil, corned beef and dijon mustard "> 8 MORE

Trader Joe’s Sweet Sriracha Uncured Bacon Jerky

Club Trader Joe's

raw sugar, bacon and Sriracha

Simple Crab Salad

kosher salt, mayonnaise, ground black pepper, lump crab meat, scallions and kosher salt, mayonnaise, ground black pepper, lump crab meat, scallions, lemon juice and flat leaf parsley "> 2 MORE

Christina's “Better than Trader Joe's” Buttermilk Pancakes

melted butter, sugar, salt, baking powder, mild olive oil, flour, buttermilk and melted butter, sugar, salt, baking powder, mild olive oil, flour, buttermilk, eggs and water "> 2 MORE

Making Pho - Delicious Paleo Pho

garlic, fresh ginger, chopped fresh cilantro, coconut oil, greens and garlic, fresh ginger, chopped fresh cilantro, coconut oil, greens, fresh basil leaves, jalapeno chilies, spaghetti squash, green onions, ghee, pork belly, beef broth, chicken broth, fresh lime juice and hard-boiled egg "> 10 MORE

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars

Peanut Butter Runner

semi-sweet chocolate morsels, sugar, all-purpose flour, vanilla, sea salt and semi-sweet chocolate morsels, sugar, all-purpose flour, vanilla, sea salt, natural peanut butter, large eggs, baking powder, unsalted butter and light brown sugar "> 5 MORE

Trader Joes Asian Beef with Cabbage

soy sauce, shredded cabbage, portabello mushroom, beef and red pepper flakes

What's for Dinner? Baked Chicken w/ Mango Chutney & Curry

curry powder, mango chutney, kosher salt, dried thyme, chicken, dijon mustard and curry powder, mango chutney, kosher salt, dried thyme, chicken, dijon mustard, pepper, unsalted butter, juice and white wine "> 4 MORE

Beer Chicken

onions, garlic cloves, chicken and beer

Your recipes are waiting.

Personalizing your experience.

Is chocolate vegan? Where can I find vegan chocolate?

By Jolinda Hackett. Vegetarian Food Expert

Contact / Media Inquiries: vegjolinda@gmail. com Due to the popularity of vegetarian. about. com, I receive an extraordinary amount of email. Please note that I will only consider media inquiries related to vegetarian or vegan food/cookbooks/products or lifestyles. I do make an attempt to respond to all reader feedback and questions.

About Jolinda Jolinda has been vegetarian for over 20 years and made the transition to a vegan diet fourteen years ago. Jolinda has traveled, shopped, and lived as a vegetarian all across North America, the Caribbean and most of Asia, and knows how to order tofu in six different languages, including Bahasa, Malay, Thai and Mandarin.

She is the author of six books, including The Everything Vegan Cookbook. The Vegan Pregnancy Cookbook. The Big Book of Vegan Recipes. Cookouts, Veggie Style. the definitive guide to backyard grilling for vegetarians and vegans, and The Daily Vegan Planner for new vegans needing a bit of nutritional advice and inspiration.

You can email Jolinda at vegjolinda@gmail. com or send her a tweet @vegjolinda

Updated February 13, 2016.

Question: Is chocolate vegan? Where can I find vegan chocolate?

Wondering if chocolate is vegan and if you can still eat chocolate on a vegan diet? Read onto find the answer to this very important question!

Is chocolate vegan?

After "Where do you get your protein from?". one of the most common question asked of vegans is "What about chocolate? Is chocolate vegan?". Being somewhat of a smart talker, I always respond to this with, "Sure!

Seguir leyendo abajo

Chocolate comes from beans!". Which is of course, true. Chocolate comes from the pod of the cocoa tree . making it, of course, vegan. But then the omnivorous questioner just gives me a blank stare, as this is clearly not the answer they expected! Having got my sarcasm out of the way, I manage to come up with a serious response, which goes something like this:

Chocolate itself comes from a plant, making it vegan. yes, but in the process of going from the tree to the grocery store, a variety of additives are added, including sugar and milk or milkfat.

A good quality chocolate . however, will have a higher chocolate content, pure ingredients and no additives. The ingredients will be simple: cocoa, cocoa butter. lecithin, sugar and sometimes vanilla. And that's it.

Lesser quality chocolates have a long ingredients list, which, along with cheap fillers such as food starch and artificial flavorings, will often contain milk, milk solids or milk fat.

So while most chocolate is not vegan simply due to the additives, the good news is that there are plenty of vegan chocolate options available.

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Anything labeled "milk chocolate" usually does in fact contain milk, and is therefore not vegan, but many chocolates labeled "dark chocolate" also contain milk, particularly lower quality and cheaper brands. A few producers have also started making "milk" chocolates from non-dairy milk substitutes such as almond milk or rice milk. Whole Foods and other specialty grocers should carry a few of these.

Where can I find vegan chocolate?

If you're looking for vegan chocolate, here are a few brands of chocolate that are dairy-free, whey-free and casein-free . You can find these chocolates just about anywhere, including at your regular grocery store. These are what I call "accidentally vegan", that is, they aren't marketed as vegan or labeled as such, but they contain no animal ingredients and are vegan because they are high-quality chocolate with no additives or fillers.

"Accidentally" Vegan Chocolate brands:

Chocolove Dark Chocolate and Orange Peel

Trader Joe's brand chocolate chips

Newman's Own Chocolate Bars: Sweet Dark Espresso and Sweet Dark Orange, regular and organic)

Ritter Sport - Chocolate Mint (the light blue ones) and Marzipan (the red one)

Green and Blacks Organic Chocolate - Dark Chocolate

Organic Equal Exchange Chocolate All flavors except for milk chocolate

Fanny May's Dark 70% chocolate bars

More Vegan Chocolate Brands

Here are a few brands of vegan chocolate that are specifically made to be vegan and are marketed and labeled as such. Most of these vegan chocolate brands are organic and fair-trade as well.

Endangered Species Dark Chocolate (most, but not all flavors)

Sunspire and Tropical Source (chocolate chips and chocolate bars)

Whole Foods Brand Chocolate Chips

Whole Foods Brand Dark Chocolate, and Dark Chocolate with Almonds


Plamil Organic Vegan Chocolate (fair trade)

Terra Nostra Rice Milk Vegan Choco Bars


Bug Bites

Other vegan chocolate treats:

If it's not just chocolate chips and chocolate bars that you love, try some of these other vegan chocolate treats to satisfy even the most ardent of vegan chocoholics:

Chocolate Creme flavored Oreo cookies

Vegan Ice Cream (I like Purely Decadent brand Chocolate Peanut Butter Zig-Zag and Temptation Brand Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavour)

Peanut Chews candy

Wax Orchards brand Fat Free Fudge Sauces (these are seriously good - and guilt-free!)

Luna Bars (I like the chocolate peppermint flavor-yum!)

Reese's Cereal

Cocoa powder, any brand, as long as its 100% cocoa

Chocolatey Chip and Chocolate flavor Teddy Grahams

Trader Joe's brand vegan chocolate chip cookies

Shop for vegan chocolate online:

Vegan? Chocoholic? Try some of these vegan chocolate recipes:

As of October, 2013, SuperVegan is no longer under active development . The site content remains online in the interest of history.

Via Gothamist and The Brooklyn Eagle . the word’s been leaked that Trader Joe’s will take over the vacant Independence Savings Bank building at the corner of Court and Atlantic in Downtown Brooklyn – at the juncture of Brooklyn Heights, Boerum Hill, and Cobble Hill.

It’s in my neck of the woods – about 6 blocks away from my apt! (The first Whole Foods in Brooklyn will be in Park Slope – sadly, 15 blocks away from me; opening date has not been announced.)

But TJ’s arrogance over battery cage eggs still leaves a bad taste in my mouth – it took over 4 months of campaigning by the Humane Society of the United States before they stopped purchasing battery cage eggs for their store brand. And they STILL carry and sell battery cage eggs from other distributors, urgh.

Though I would prefer they don’t sell any eggs at all, both Whole Foods and Wild Oats have policies where they only sell cage-free eggs, for all of their in-store brands and other distributors. It’s about time TJ does the same!


on June 29, 2007 at 11:40 am #

I’m still massively disappointed by Trader Joe’s lack of vegan selections. They really aren’t much better than your average grocery store (although at least the prices are better).

When I was at a Trader Joe’s in California, it seemed like the selection was MUCH better when it came to vegan products. I wonder if we’re getting gypped out here on the East Coast…


on June 29, 2007 at 1:40 pm #

I think TJ’s has way better vegan selections than any average grocery store…

FYI “gypped” is a completely derogatory term, which is derived from gypsies (Roma) all being charaterized as thieves…

on June 29, 2007 at 1:53 pm #

I prefer TJs to most other shopping experiences; I’m definitely too niggardly for Whole Foods. But Laura, you’re right: WC TJ is certainly better than EC TJ.


on June 29, 2007 at 2:10 pm #

FYI “gypped” is a completely derogatory term, which is derived from gypsies (Roma) all being charaterized as thieves…

You know this is why people hate vegans, right?


on June 29, 2007 at 4:43 pm #

i guess supervegan is all about inside racist jokes, cool.


on June 29, 2007 at 5:03 pm #

“FYI “gypped” is a completely derogatory term, which is derived from gypsies (Roma) all being charaterized as thieves…

You know this is why people hate vegans, right?

Well, it IS derived from “Gypsy.” As someone of Roma descent, I don’t strongly object to hearing in it common use, but there’s nothing wrong with knowing it’s etymology. It’s linguistically comparable to using the word “jewed.” As in, “it was only worth $15 but he jewed me up to $15.”


on June 29, 2007 at 5:05 pm #

Shoot. $20, not $15. Otherwise it makes no sense. Lo siento. )


on June 29, 2007 at 6:31 pm #

You do realize that the origins of much of our language are based in offensive/non-politically correct ideas, right?

The entire gendered system of language, with the default male, is grotesquely offensive. But I’m still going to going to point and laugh at anyone pretentious enough to use “ze”.

In other words: get over yourself. This is WHY people roll their eyes and dismiss all vegans as crackpots–because too many vegans can’t separate the real issues (things that cause actual harm to living beings) from a bunch of whiny, over-sensitive, politically correct nonsense.


on June 29, 2007 at 6:51 pm #

What part of “I don’t strongly object to hearing it in common use” did you not understand? I was just pointing out that danielle is correct about the origin of the word “gypped.” Language is just something I find very interesting and if you think I needed a lecture on the nature of gendered language, you obviously don’t know me.

“whiny, oversenstive… .” “In other words: get over yourself.”

Hello, pot? This is the kettle. Sheesh.


on June 29, 2007 at 7:13 pm #

whoa, is vegansrock serious? there is nothing to get over here. i think YOU are why people roll their eyes and dismiss vegans because you care about animals (and probably don’t call your cat “it”) while in the same breath using completley overtly racist and derogatory language about human animals. I’m not starting a fucking campaign here, I’m just trying to inform people who may not know they are being offensive.

on July 1, 2007 at 1:04 pm #

Just for the record, I’d like to state that one of my favorite books is The Handbook of Nonsexist Writing. I’m PC like woah. Though what’s annoying about the book is that the authors write that it’s ok to refer to animals as “it” even when the sex of the animal is known.


on July 1, 2007 at 1:16 pm #

I’m just trying to inform people who may not know they are being offensive

Someone makes a harmless comment about Trader Joe’s and you appoint yourself the PC Police. This kind of self-righteous rudeness is exactly why no one can stand vegans. The word “vegan” causes 90% of people to roll their eyes and dismiss us without ever listening to our valid points–because holier-than-thou people like you set such an unpleasant example.

frank language

on July 1, 2007 at 8:08 pm #

Well, let’s examine the word “niggardly” while we’re at it! The origin is not what you think; “niggard” actually comes from the Old Norse “nigla,” meaning “to fuss about small matters.”

In 1999, David Howard, a White House staffer, was forced to resign after having uttered the word at a private staff meeting. The ensuing furor made it impossible for him to keep his job, and the mayor Anthony Williams gladly let him go.


on July 2, 2007 at 12:30 am #

Sí. In other words, people are fucking retarded.


on July 2, 2007 at 1:18 am #

Vegansrock told someone she was whiny and oversensitive after she’d specifically said she wasn’t very offended by the word in question, ignored her when she called vegansrock on it, swore a blue streak, and then pressed the anti-PC platform by using the patently offensive slur “retard.”

I can see why vegansrock needs to believe that people don’t like vegans because some of us are “overly PC.” That way vegansrock doesn’t have to admit that people don’t like vegansrock because vegansrock is ill-tempered and discourteous.

Excuse me for the excessive use of the proper noun vegansrock. I don’t know which appropriate pronoun to use and don’t want to fuel vegansrock’s fire by being so polite as to use him/her and s/he.

Good night everyone. I’m done here.


on July 2, 2007 at 10:29 am #

quietgrrrl, I called “i guess supervegan is all about inside racist jokes, cool” danielle oversensitive, not you.


on July 22, 2007 at 8:21 am #

Thank you, Danielle, for the “fyi” on “gypped.” I didn’t know that and appreciate the info.

Once upon a time, before Charlotte had its first Earth Fare (and waaay before Whole Foods), Trader Joe’s was a cause for much vegan and vegetarian excitement. Lots of veg products! Inexpensive veg products! Tasty veg products!

At least we thought they were tasty – maybe we just didn’t know any better.

Or maybe anything tastes good if you’ve had enough two-buck Chuck.

So, even though I am a Gardein girl, I was intrigued by the Chicken-Less strips.

My plan was simple – a basic stir-fry. First, I browned the “chicken” in a little oil, then removed from heat.

Appearance: Definitely looks like chicken!

I nibbled a piece, and was surprised how bland it was. It didn’t taste like chicken. It didn’t taste like anything at all! Surprising, since the ingredients included “…spices, sea salt, garlic powder, onion powder, red bell pepper flakes, parsley flakes …”

Not a big deal, though, since I was going to be adding my own spices – including garlic and ginger pastes, and fresh onion.

I stir-fried the veggies and spices, then added the “chicken” back into the mix for a few minutes at the end of cooking. It certainly looked pretty!

Unfortunately, while the veggies were flavorful, the “chicken” STILL had no taste!

Taste: Bland, very bland. The strips absorbed very little flavor from the spices and, in fact, almost seemed to be repelling flavors!

Worse than that was the texture – tough, rubbery. The smaller pieces even got hard! It reminded me of trying to stir-fry with Beyond Meat Chicken Strips (which also get, erm, “extra chewy” very, very quickly). The two products share some common ingredients – pea protein, carrot fiber – which makes me wonder if there’s a connection to all this rubberiness.

Texture: Don’t serve it to Great Grandma and Grandad unless you have lots of Poligrip handy!

Pass on this one. There’s better options – such as Gardein. Yes, the Trader Joe’s brand is cheap, but so is extra-firm tofu – and the tofu will do a beautiful job of absorbing the flavors and spices.

Nutritional Information: 110 Calories per serving, 1.5g Fat, 330mg Sodium, 20g Protein, 35% RDA Iron. Contains soy and wheat gluten.

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Healthy Vegan Life

We moved to Los Angeles to escape a toxic food environment. When we got here, we were overwhelmed with the vegan options and began to put back on all the weight we worked so hard to lose. We work every day with restaurants to ensure there are healthy options in our community. This healthy eating guide represents nearly 15 years of experience dining out as a healthy vegan. Restaurants come and go; menus and ingredients change. So please let us know if an update is needed. We are happy to add new healthy spots or menu items. All the selections are vegan, no added oil and low fat.

Dining out is an important part of life. In many European countries, it IS life. By mastering our healthy menu-hacking skills, you'll be able to communicate with chefs and restaurant workers to ensure your health and their restaurant goals are hand in hand. We encourage everyone to make healthy guides in your area to help others navigate the current toxic food environment!

Simply submit a valid email & our West LA Healthy Eating Guide Will be available for download on the next page!

Lazy Vegan Friday: Breaded Turkey-Less Stuffed Roasts from Trader Joes

Lazy Vegan Friday is where I talk about a prepared vegan product I’ve found somewhere in the world. Today it’s time to talk (not) turkey.

On a recent trip to the USA we stopped into the new Trader Joe ‘s in Buffalo, NY (1565 Niagara Falls Blvd) and saw these Turkey-Less Stuffed Roasts in the freezer section. Since it was the first day of our weekend road trip, we opted to leave it and pick it up on the way back. We never did. But some kind soul at JC’s work independently brought a package back for us that very same weekend. It’s good to have friends (especially ones that visit the USA occasionally and bring us treats.)

Where do I begin with these stuffed turkey-less roasts? First of all I’d like to point out that on the back of the package it says it’s a product of CANADA. Why am I not eating this everyday? Why can’t I buy them and stuff my freezer with them and have nice little pods of not-turkey, stuffed with cranberry and other stuff? In short, I liked this whole bunch, and I would eat it again, and will buy it the next time I find myself at a Trader Joe’s (or find out who their Canadian source is – anyone have any hot tips?) (EDIT: Hot Tip has been received from Nicole – check out the Gardein Savory Stuffed Turkey in Canada – it looks very much like the same product.)

This is what the two turkey-less pods looked like right out of the package. Not pictured are the two packs of frozen gravy. Because no one wants to see frozen pucks of gravy.

I followed package instructions for a conventional oven to make this. You’ll need to allow for about 30 minutes for the roasts to cook up, so it’s not a fast meal, but it was deliciously lazy. In the last 5-10 minutes that the roasts are cooking, you can start boiling water and toss in the frozen gravy bags so everything finishes at the same time. (Dinner pro-tip: you might want to dice up some potatoes and boil them for mashed potatoes to serve with your meal – it works great if you start the potatoes at the same time as baking your turkey-less roasts.)

Putting the roasts on parchment paper made for easy clean up and easy plating.

The outside texture is denser than typical Gardein chicken pieces, and the nicely crisped/breaded outside makes the whole stuffed roast very toothsome. It’s full of stuffing – I was conscious of pieces of cranberry and celery, but otherwise it was mostly just an amorphous stuffing, and a delicious easy to eat item that has an immediate “holiday” sensación.


Nutritional Information Ingredients

I’ve transcribed the ingredients from the package I had – you can see the image here. But of course, all of this is subject to change, and typos, even though I try to avoid them, can and will happen.

Turkey-Less Roasts: Water, soy protein isolate, vital wheat gluten, expeller pressed/canola oil, modified cellulose, organic ancient grain flour (KAMUT khorasan wheat, amaranth, millet, quinoa), yeast extract, natural flavours, sea salt, potato starch, organic cane sugar, colour added, onion powder, garlic powder, pea protein, carrot fiber, beet root fiber, extractives of paprika and turmeric, smoke flavour.

Stuffing: Stuffing Crumbs (wheat flour, wheat gluten, sugar, salt, yeast, ascorbic acid), onions, celery, cranberries, water, yeast extract, modified cellulose, natural flavours, garlic powder, onion powder, extractives of turmeric.

Breading: Wheat flour, water, sugar, wheat gluten, rosemary, sage, thyme, red bell pepper flakes, salt, baking powder, yeast, onion powder, modified cellulose, canola oil, citric acid, extractives of paprika.

Gravy . Water, canola oil, corn starch, soy sauce (water, wheat, soybeans, salt, alcohol, vinegar), natural flavours, vital wheat gluten, miso past, soy protein isolate, rosemary, thyme, white and black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, soy lecithin.

palabra final

For flavour alone, I would eat this again.

Please note that there is soy and wheat in this, so this product may not be for you if you have allergies or intolerances.

Have you ever tried this product? What did you think?

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Two Weeks of Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe’s

So, I think this week’s grocery shopping was a success? I created a meal plan and headed to Trader Joe’s with my list in hand. I tried to stick to it, but I veered off track a little bit here and there. I just can’t help myself at TJ’s. They have so many fun foods!

Mid-way through my shopping, I remember that I will be out-of-town for a blog trip Monday through Wednesday next week, so I bought a few extra items to make Mal’s life easier while I am away. I know he’s a big boy and totally capable of cooking his own meals, but I figured he’d appreciate some quick and easy options come dinnertime. Anyway, I started loading up my cart with all sorts of stuff and sort of went overboard (like I always do at Trader Joe’s).

I ended up buying all sorts of good stuff—definitely more than I originally planned—but I think it’ll all work out in the end, especially if these groceries, plus what we already have in our kitchen, gets us through 2 weeks. Even if I need to do a small shopping mid-week next week, I still think we’ll be in good shape.

This week’s grocery shopping, which will hopefully get us through 2 weeks:

Frozen Shepherd’s Pie Entrée – $3.99

Frozen sweet potato gnocchi – $2.99

Frozen broccoli florets – $2.49

Frozen chocolate croissants – $3.99

Nitrite-free bacon – $4.99

Two dozen eggs – $3.98

Frozen pizza crusts – $2.49

10 ounces bagged kale – $1.99

2 pounds bagged gala apples – $2.29

Assorted Greek yogurts (5) – $4.95

Frozen brown rice – $2.99

Tofu Edamame Nuggets – $2.99

32 ounces plain Greek yogurt – $4.99

Sliced mushrooms – $1.99

Frozen vanilla Greek yogurt ice cream – $3.99

12 ounces cauliflower florets – $2.49

Almond meal – $4.99

Mint Chip Ice Cream – $3.99

10 ounces shaved Brussels sprouts – $2.79

Organic ketchup – $1.99

3 pounds bagged tangelos – $2.99

Creamy almond butter – $6.99

Crushed garlic – $1.99

Half gallon unsweetened almond milk – $2.99

1 liter extra virgin olive oil – $6.49

Olive oil cooking spray – $2.99

1 pound organic carrots – $0.89

Roasted garlic chicken sausage – $3.99

Extra sharp Wisconsin cheddar – $2.65

Flank steak – $14.92

White bean hummus – $3.99

Organic maple syrup – $7.99

Pecans – $3.99

Soft 10 grain bread – $2.49

English muffins – $1.69

Seedless green grapes – $3.49

Bananas – $1.14

English cucumber – $1.69

Green bell pepper – $0.79

Pears (3) – $2.07

Lemon – $0.49

Sweet potatoes (2) – $0.98

Onion – $0.89

A few notes on this week’s grocery shopping:

We ran out of so many things last week that we don’t normally buy on a regular basis (olive oil, maple syrup, ketchup, cooking spray, crushed garlic, almond meal), so this shopping includes those items.

This grocery shopping includes fresh produce for juice, which always increases our grocery budget a little bit.

I bought a bunch of treats (ice cream, frozen yogurt, chocolate croissants) this week. No reason really… I just wanted them. And, ok, one treat, in particular, was intended to make Mal laugh.

Let me preface this story by reminding you that Mal and I act like 5-year-olds a lot of the time.

So, the other night, Mal and I were laying in bed in chatting like we normally do, and Murphy was curled up in between us like a croissant (one of his many pug positions ). I guess the croissant visual triggered a craving for one because I announced to Mal that I could really go for a chocolate croissant right then. Maybe it was a pregnancy craving? I dunno, but I would have loved a chocolate croissant at that very moment.

Mal being the comedian that he is replied: “You have a chocolate croissant right here (referring to Murphy). There’s chocolate on both ends!” Haha!

We both thought this was pretty funny and had a good laugh about it, so when I was at Trader Joe’s and saw boxed frozen chocolate croissants, I just had to buy them for Mal.

I told you, we’re like 5 years old. Anyway…

This week’s meal plan:

Next week’s meal plan:

Sunday . Baked pasta with chicken sausage and veggies

Monday . Mac & cheese with TJ’s turkey meatballs + broccoli

Tuesday . Trader Joe’s Shepard’s Pie

Wednesday . Homemade pizzas

Thursday . Trader Joe’s sweet potato gnocchi + steamed broccoli

Friday . Tuna melts with Trader Joe’s garlic French fries

Saturday . Wing it

It would be awesome if we could make it through the next two weeks with just these groceries, but even if we need to do a small mid-week shopping, we’ll still be looking good budget-wise.

Some notes on my meal planning this week:

A number of these meals are built around what we already had in our kitchen . When I had really bad morning sickness, I just bought whatever when it came to groceries, so now I am really trying to use up what is already in our kitchen and incorporate these items into our meals. So, instead of buying all new food, I assessed what we had in our cabinets, freezer, and refrigerator before I went shopping. I even physically pulled things out of our cabinets and freezer to get a really good look at what we had in there. Even though I know a lot of this stuff isn’t immediately perishable, I’d rather use it up sooner than later and not spend more money. Personally, I don’t see the point of having cabinets and a freezer overflowing with food, especially if you eventually forget about it and it spoils. Wasted food = wasted money!

I prioritized perishable food and made sure to use it up immediately . I knew I wasn’t going grocery shopping until Tuesday, so Mal and I mostly ate from the freezer on Sunday night as well as Monday. I actually had some leftover sweet potatoes and broccoli from the week before, so I made sure to prioritize these two foods and eat them up, so they didn’t go to waste.

Along the same lines, if food does spoil before you have a chance to eat it, take note and be sure to buy less of whatever it is next time .

I cleaned my refrigerator . Truthfully, our refrigerator is always pretty clean. Every week before I go grocery shopping, I take stock of what is inside and typically wipe down the shelves if there’s spots or spills. (This takes me less than 5 minutes to do.) I’m also kind of neurotic about my food being stored in a clean space. I mean, eating food that is right next to spoiled or rotting food? Eww. And, of course, having a clean fridge makes it easier to see what I have inside, so food isn’t pushed to the back and forgotten about forever. I also think having a clean fridge helps me eat better because I can see all of my options before I select what to eat.

Be sure to pay attention to unit price . When shopping for ingredient staples, such as extra virgin olive oil, I typically buy the biggest size container (unless it’s ridiculously large) because it’s usually a better value. I’m sure a lot of us do this, but be sure to still pay attention to the unit price. Yesterday at Trader Joe’s, the medium size bottle of extra virgin olive oil, which was on sale, was actually a better deal than the big boy bottle. Just a friendly reminder, so you can get the most bang for your buck!

So, there’s week 2 (and possible week 3) of my food budget intervention and grocery shopping experiment. We’ll see how shopping for two weeks at a time works for us!

Question of the Day

How many days/weeks do you typically shop for when you go grocery shopping?

Previous posts in this series:

Wow, that’s a clean fridge! Mine never looks like that! I’m pretty impressed that you can go two weeks without shopping. I feel like I’m at the grocery store every other day. That’s partly because I buy different things from different stores. There’s not usually any one store that has everything I need

We don’t live anywhere near a TJ’s! It makes me so sad. In fact, my mom and I are planning a girls trip to St. Louis to specifically go to Trader Joe’s and Crate and Barrel. It’s the little things right? I love TJ’s coconut oil spray and I really want to try the chocolate croissants. I have heard such good things!

I usually aim for menu planning and one big trip for everything. We normally have to make a milk, eggs or bread run in the middle, but we save so much money by planning out our meals.

If you think you act 5 now just wait! You’ll be singing kids songs, talking about poop and farts, and using alternatives to swear words like it’s your job. Oh wait, it will be your job.

oh my gosh i adore the chocolate croissant story! that absolutely sounds like something my husband and i would say AND do. totally worth the mini splurge, you can’t overvalue a good laugh <3

Love Trader Joe’s – it’s hard not to get carried away! I love the white ceramic double tray – it’s perfect for fruits and veggies! I have been looking for something like that, mind if I ask where you got it? Congratulations on Baby H!

Ask my sister – I have not yet mastered soup making. I made a huge pot of soup earlier this week with a beautiful array of colored beans, but I over used the rosemary, creating something you could handle a bite of, but you knew it wasn’t going to go beyond that. “Please enjoy this soup, Garbage Disposal.” I can always count on him to take what I make, regardless of how good or not good, rather, it is. Yes, it was wasteful and sad, but it was over. I will say, however, that I can make a mean tortilla soup (thanks to a modified chicken tortilla soup recipe from my friend, Tammy), and I can chowder with the best of them, but chowders are typically not the most figure-friendly meals. So, I guess, really, I just have yet to master a delicious healthy soup.

The good news is there are many ready-made options. The grocery store has yummy hot soups you can ladle into a bowl, but the calorie counts are absurd, and the vegetarian choices are limited. Lots of, “Oh this looks vegetarian….wait, wait, bacon bits…” Consequently, I am on a perpetual search for healthy and scrumptious and vegetarian soups. I also need meals to be quick (hence the appeal of the ready-made hot soups) because as much as I love to cook, I don’t want to spend every night when I get home cooking and doing dishes.

One recent night, I made a lovely salad and planned on a soup accompaniment. Without the inclination to make it myself, I went to Trader Joe’s, and I found these boxed soups. There was a generous variety of them, actually, with plenty of organic vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free choices (like twenty). I went with creamy tomato, black bean, and butternut squash. That night, I had the black bean, and at this point, I’ve tried them all.

The black bean is my favorite. It’s spicy, silky, and vegan. I added some actual black beans to it myself, giving it some extra heartiness, which helped it feel more like a complete meal, especially when eaten with a salad. You could easily sprinkle some cheese, chives, and a dollop of sour cream on it, pass it out in brightly colored bowls, and make people think you are a master of soup making yourself.

The butternut squash and the tomato were also good, but I’ve had better. The butternut squash was a little too sweet for my taste, but the texture was like velvet-lite, and despite it not being the best I’ve ever had, it was still good. The tomato soup was a touch bland, but I know I have a particular fondness for strong tomato flavor. It poured out thick, but tasted watered down. Perhaps that is why it was healthy. With some additions, like light sour cream, you can amp up the flavor without adding many calories.

Despite not being a complete win, I intend to try the other flavors. I especially like what I know about Trader Joe’s private label products: no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, no MSG, no genetically modified ingredients, and no added trans fats. For me, knowing my food is pretty pure makes it taste better!

Cooks Illustrated (www. cooksillustrated. com) has a wonderfully easy and tasty creamless cream of tomato soup that you could make vegetarian by swapping out the chicken broth for vegetable broth. Unfortunately, you have to either have the magazine with the recipe or pay for access to Cooks Illustrated. I HIGHLY recommend Cooks Illustrated, though, and paying their annual subscription is well worth it. Their recipes are reliable and tasty.

Anything that has this – http://www. cooksillustrated. com/recipes/detail. asp? docid=31959 – on its homepage DEFINITELY looks like something I should be a part of ;) .

Oh, yeah! That looks yummy! I have tried a lot of their recipes, some that are a bit complicated, and they have all worked out well for me. One of the things that I enjoy with their recipes is they explain why the changes that they make work so well. Oh, and their magazine is a great read, tons of good and interesting information.

This soup in a box is NOT vegan or vegetarian. I just left Trader Joe’s and if you read the ingredients carefully you will see that the soups have “shellfish”. In whose world does that mean vegan? Very disappointed as I was looking forward to the black bean soup and the butternut squash… really have to read the entire list of ingredients. Organic doesn’t always mean healthy!

Chocolate Almond Granola Cereal brings on the bliss.

I still eat big gigantic bowls of cereal like my Saturday morning childhood self and feel ever thankful that I no longer have to race to get the first taste. When living and sharing with four other siblings, often times the best cereal would be long gone and the less sugary offerings would be available - the ones nobody wanted. So I browsed through Trader Joes selection and they had Chocolate Almond all by itself in a large section, prompting heavy alert to any chocoholic's wandering eye. I checked the ingredients and bought a box immediately. Inside of my large purple royalty bowl (a thrift shop buy for $1.50 at Philly's Circle Thrift!), I poured in Chocolate Almond cereal and 8th Continent Soy Milk, took a hefty bite and then another. Very sweet and crisp with just the right amount of chocolate goodness that makes the milk an instant certain brown goodness (unladylike, but yes I drink the cereal milk ya'll - can't let yumminess go to waste!). Cereal stayed crunchy throughout the end - a definite plus. The almond pieces counteract the chocolaty clusters, giving balance from the sugar, but I must say the flavor and texture reads more like a Cocoa Pebbles meets sliced nuts and not so much as granola. I had to look at the box again - granola? ¿Estás seguro? It's nothing at all like Love Crunch - which of course is an unfair comparison because that contains delicious dried fruit pieces. To me, Trader Joes shouldn't have slapped granola on this one. It's Chocolate Almond Crunch and that's all. Still, a great little dessert treat to eat straight out of the box or with dairy free milk (maybe I'll try a less sweeter one). Don't be like me and eat a big girl portion - unless you like that sort of thing. One could have this for breakfast and be uber hyper at school/work or eat after dinner or during Saturday morning marathons of Jem and the Holograms psyched over not having to fight or cry over cereal with siblings. This Chocolate Almond whatchamacallit is all mine.

It's just the clusters alright.

Giant almond slices act as lifeboats from the amazing chocolate heaven.

Warning: may become addicted!


I gotta say, that looks seriously delicious. but I think for me it would me more of a snack than breakfast. We were never allowed to have sugar cereals when I was a kid, so somehow I never developed much of a taste for it. But, as an after-dinner dessert treat, hell yeah!

Yes Amey, definitely a dessert kind of cereal! It was sooooo good, I ran out! Such a delicious treat for chocolate lovers. re

Hello and welcome to AfroVeganChick! My name is Janyce Denise Glasper - artist, writer, poet, feminist, chocoholic, lifelong soap opera fan, sometime belly dancer, obsessive rubber duck collector, thrift shop/book/music lover, and foodie addict. I decided to switch from 13 years of vegetarianism to full-fledged vegan as a New Year's Resolution in 2012. This blog chronicles my journeys into cooking experimentation, reviewing eating out options, and vegan products as well as creating homemade beauty products and letting my natural African roots be free! Just relax, laugh a little bit, and enjoy the ride!

Product: Roasted Seaweed Snack from Trader Joe’s (vegan, gluten-free)

I am addicted to these roasted seaweed snack packets from Trader Joe’s!

I absolutely love sushi, but was never really a huge fan of snacking on plain nori. My brother first introduced them to me when he came home with a huge case of nori snack packets from Costco. He insisted I take a few of the packets home because they were pretty healthy, and soon I found myself craving that salty, slightly nutty, light, crunchy flavor that melted in my mouth!

My only problem with the nori from Costco was that they were a little too salty and oily. That’s when I came across these roasted seaweed snack packets from Trader Joe’s! They are roasted with only a touch of oil (canola & sesame) and sea salt. They are also thinner and c runchier in texture than the Costco brand! At $0.99 a package, they are the perfect healthy snack to take wherever you go! I found that they satisfied my craving for that afternoon snack or when I have the munchies! My 18 month old daughter even loves them, and I think I got my husband hooked as well. As I was writing this post, my husband came down with my daughter and said “I need a snack…it’s time for some seaweed!” =)

Trader Joe’s Low Calorie Queso Cheese Dip – 0 Points Plus

Man, I love Trader Joe’s….what did I ever do before this store existed? Just recently, I was spotted their Trader Joe’s Queso Cheese Dip on the shelf, and was REALLY craving some. I almost walked away, assuming that it’d be super fattening and way too many Points Plus, but I decided to pick it up and just have a look. Well I’m sure glad I did. I was BLOWN AWAY by what I saw on the nutritional label…each 2 tbsp serving has 0 Points Plus. That’s right, people…ZERO POINTS PLUS. And it tastes really good! So if you’ve got a craving for some cheesy nachos made with Queso Dip, Trader Joe’s, once again, is the place to go. I just bought about 10 jars of this stuff! Perfect for a quick and easy low calorie game day dip too…no one will have any idea that it’s low calorie. PD Check out the nutritional stats…

Trader Joe’s Low Calorie Queso Cheese Dip

With a bold cheesy flavor and a spicy kick, it’s hard to believe this queso dip has 0 Points Plus. But joy to the world…it does. And by the way, did I mention that you can eat the WHOLE JAR for 5 Points Plus. Oh Em Gee. I’m in love. The nutritional information on this dip is beyond amazing….take a look….

Entire package has 11 servings Serving size is 2 tbsp Each serving = 0 Points Plus

PER SERVING: 15 calories; 0.5 g fat; 3 g carbohydrates; 0 g protein; 0 g fiber

So run…don’t walk to your nearest Trader Joe’s and pick some up, ASAP!



So, here’s the thing about 0+ point foods… you have to be careful that you only have ONE serving because if you add up the values on more than one serving, then you accumulate points. I’ve made this mistake with other foods and let’s be honest – I don’t think I could be happy with just 2 Tbsp of Queso – I’m a total cheese head! But good to know that there is still a low point queso available out there! ¡Gracias por compartir!

it’s five points for the whole jar.

We don’t have a Trader Joe’s in my area. Can you order this online?

BillieJo, I don’t think there’s anywhere you can order Trader Joe’s products online :(. But maybe you have a friend or family member near a Trader Joe’s who can pick some up and mail it to you? Good luck!

Love queso, so thank you. But can you suggest exactly what we can dip into it that’s not soooooo bad for us? Other than tiny tiny tiny bits of the tortilla chips, or is there something else out there you can suggest to get our queso fix. LOVE you site, by the way, and thank you for it and all the great recipes!

Helena, try some veggies like bell peppers, cucumbers or sugar snap peas!

I hear they are good – but, I’ve yet to make them! (I just printed off a recipe) But, maybe Kale Chips would be good to dip. I got a recipe off Laaloosh! Maybe they will be good to dip? Sorta like a potato chip. Baked Kale Chip – serving is 1 cup and they are 1pt+ …just a thought! unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Buy some of those high fiber whole wheat La Tortilla factory tortillas, bake them in the oven to make your own chips.

I just went to Trader Joes for the first time to get this 0 point cheese dip. I haven’t opened it yet, but I am loving trader joes.

¡DIOS MIO! I did pass it up on my last trip to TJ’s. I saw it and almost picked it up, but decided to pass…thinking it wouldn’t be points friendly. I’m so going back, HAHA!

So bummed. Went to Trader Joe’s specifically to buy the Queso dip. Got it home; unloaded my grocery bag (of course while there had to buy lots of other great things…like frozen grilled asparagus and those skinny green beans). The Queso dip was on the table as was the Trader Joe bag. My cat, Dexter, jumped up on the table, pushed the grocery bag out of his way and in the process pushed the Queso off the table too! Needless to say, I then had a broken jar of Queso on my kitchen floor :(

I did put my finger in to at least get a taste (hoping to not ingest glass bits). Seemed delicious.

Now have to try and get back to the store; unfortunately, not real convenient. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR darn cat.

Food Intolerance? We've Got Your Back With These 25 Trader Joe's Products

Jan 14, 2016 3:40 PM

Zoe Bain

We can wax poetic all we want about our favorite Trader Joe's products. but due to dietary restrictions (whether it's a food allergy or a lifestyle choice) not everyone is able to buy the snacks, treats, and eats so many of us purchase without thinking twice.

Luckily our go-to supermarket has options for everyone. Ahead, we named our fave TJ's products that shoppers who are gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, vegetarian, or vegan can still enjoy.

*Note: Trader Joe's product ingredients can vary depending on the region/store. If you suffer from a food allergy please check double check the label before consuming these products.


Vegetable Masala Burgers are one of my favorite Trader Joe’s Products. If you don’t have Trader Joe’s where you live here are two other options: homemade or Tandoor Chef .

I usually like them without a bun but since I was trying to get rid of food this week I had some sourdough bread and I made a burger out of it. It came out really good so I thought I would share. I ate it with the Indian Potato Salad .

Ingredients: Veggie Masala Patty 2 slices sweet onion 1 tsp olive oil 1/8 tsp garlic powder 1/8 tsp cumin lettuce/spinach or leafy green of your choice cilantro slice of tomato Papaya Mango Salsa ( I used Trader Joe’s but here is a recipe ) Bun or bread of choice toasted

Directions: Cook patties according to directions on box.

While the are cooking heat oil in a small skillet. Add onion, garlic and cumin. Saute until onions are translucent.

Once onions and patties are done put leafy green and cilantro on bun. Top with patty, onions, tomato and salsa.

Put the top half of the bun on and eat. Watch out, it’s on the messy side, but completely worth it!

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Vege Food on Vege Bun, Vegetarian Bun, Veggie Bun, Vegan Bun, Vege Life Products, Vege Baking Buns, Vege Pastry Buns

This seriously looks too yummy. Who cares about being messy when its something delicious like this. re

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Trader Joe's Organic Tomato & Roasted Red Pepper Soup

On a cold winter's day, what's better for lunch or dinner than some delicious tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, or parmesan toast, or garlic bread, or even just some yummy saltine.

This is a boxed soup available at Trader Joe's - certified USDA Organic. Buen material. Just pour into a bowl or cup and heat. The box is the type that can be snapped shut. My only improvement recommendation to this product would be a more recycleable container. There is also a "Low Sodium" variety of this same soup available.

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Here are some additions: • Protein Bars – full of non-organic flavors, sugar and soy. &toro; White Bread • Refined WhiteSugar • Skim Milk • Farmed Chicken • Non-organic Yogurt

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Check out my website www. cheapernuggets. com. It is all about obtaining sustainable local food for less than fast food. )

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Hello, I think that there is not just ONE or THE answer. - If you turn off some lights that are not in use - If you unplugged your laptop when sleeping. - If you put the cooking oil.

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How To Green Your Lunch

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The Dirty Dozen Must Have Organic Fruits And Veggies

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In 2006, wine sales totaled $26 billion and liquor sales totaled $17 billion. That same year, the average American drank 2.3 gallons of wine and 21.6 gallons of beer. That's a lot of alcohol. In 2005, 14785 tons of pesticides were used on wine grapes in California. It is also estimated that farmers spray hops (one of the primary ingredients in most beers) with pesticides 14 times per year. That's a lot of pesticide. In 2006, more than 208 million barrels (there are 31 gallons in one barrel) of beer, 673 million gallons of wine, and 425 million gallons of liquor were shipped across state lines. And that's a lot of transportation. So why go organic? Protect yourself and your family from pesticide residues; protect farmworkers from.

Americans really do have it made when it comes to eating out. Whether it’s grabbing a burger at Wendy’s or sitting down to enjoy seafood and pasta at Red Lobster, people will always have a place to spend money during their lunch break. But did you ever think about how much waste the burger wrappers, napkins and excess food create? Or about the greenhouse gas emissions that are produced when you drive to a restaurant? You should because all of these factors have a negative impact on the environment. That’s why it’s important to learn how to green your lunch. Greening your lunch will not only reduce your carbon footprint, it will also save you some cash. Here are a few easy ways that you can green your lunch: Pack It.

The holidays are a great time. Families come together. Old friends come into town. If you're into gift giving, here are some tips on how to give eco-friendly, local, and fair trade gifts. For a great resource on the local v. fair trade dilemma, check out An Ethical Shopper's Dilemma from Global Exchange. If you're looking to green the rest of your holiday season, check out this Huddler wiki on cutting down on waste during the holidays. Green Gift Recommendations Homemade coupons for low-impact activities (like hikes, bike rides, or back rubs) are always a good option. For other coupon options, check out the offerings from Organic Coupons. If you (or your giftee) live in the San Francisco Bay Area, check out.

My Favorite Vegan Pizza

Ahh, pizza night. A thing to be cherished.

Around our house we eat pizza at least once a week. And if something horrific happens mid-week (say, we run out of Netflix shows), it’s pizza night on Wednesday, too. Because life is short and we love our pizza and we intend to eat it. A menudo.

One of my greatest struggles since going completely dairy-free has been giving up my beloved veggie pie.

I’m not even that big of a cheese fan, but pizza just wasn’t pizza if there wasn’t a thick layer of mozzarella and a little parmesan on top. Ya know?

But, the constant feelings of discomfort it would bring made it not worth it to me. So we reassessed our weekly pizza routine and decided to start making all of our pizzas at home – one without cheese for me and one with cheese for John.

Thank goodness for me there is a 1-minute, homemade alternative to parmesan cheese. Vegan parmesan. Have you tried it?

If not, you must. Even if you’re not vegan you’ll love it – it’s that good. You better believe I go through about 1 shaker-full every couple weeks now. It’s like gold around this house!

Even though I’ve been making a variation of this pizza for a while now, a recent discovery has made it 10x better.

My friend Lisa – who shared the genius 5-minute Microwave Hummus idea with me – used this method for a pizza she made recently and it kind of blew my mind how good it was.

I was using raw veggies before that never entirely get cooked while the crust is baking. Plus, sauteeing them allows for another wave of flavor as I add a sprinkle of pizza seasoning, garlic powder and sea salt. So soft, mega flavorful and delicious.

In our 4+ years of marriage, John and I have eaten a lot of pizza together. At least 208 pizzas, if not more. So I’d like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert. This really is – in my opinion – the best pizza I’ve had – vegan or not! Big claims around here, but I know my stuff.

I hope you enjoy this pie! If you make it, be sure to snap a pic and tag it #minimalistbaker on Instagram or Twitter. Do it! I love seeing what you lovelies cook up. ¡Aclamaciones!

5.0 from 36 reviews

1/2 of one Trader Joe’s garlic-herb pizza crust (or half of this homemade recipe or this gluten free recipe )

1/2 cup each Red, Green and Orange bell pepper, loosely chopped

1/3 cup red onion, chopped

1 cup button mushrooms, chopped

1/2 tsp each dried or fresh basil, oregano and garlic powder

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 15-ounce can tomato sauce OR 6-ounce can tomato paste (organic when possible)

1/2 tsp each dried or fresh basil, oregano, garlic powder, granulated sugar

Sea salt to taste (

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F and position a rack in the middle of the oven.

Bring large skillet to medium heat. Once hot, add 1 Tbsp olive oil, onion and peppers. Season with salt, herbs and stir. Cook until soft and slightly charred – 10-15 minutes, adding the mushrooms in the last few minutes. Dejar de lado.

Prepare sauce by adding tomato sauce to a mixing bowl and adding seasonings and salt to taste. Adjust seasonings as needed. Dejar de lado. Note: If using tomato paste, add water to thin until desired consistency is reached.

Prepare vegan parmesan if you haven’t already by blitzing raw cashes, sea salt, nutritional yeast and garlic powder in a food processor until a fine meal is reached. Transfer to jar and refrigerate to keep fresh.

Roll out dough onto a floured surface and transfer to a parchment-lined round baking sheet. You’re going to add the pizza WITH the parchment directly to the oven to properly crisp the crust, so any round object will do as it’s not actually going into the oven (I use a wood board).

Top with desired amount of tomato sauce (you’ll have leftovers, which you can store in a jar for later use), a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and the sautéed veggies.

Use the baking sheet to gently slide the pizza directly onto the oven rack WITH the parchment underneath. Otherwise it will fall through.

Bake for 17-20 minutes or until crisp and golden brown.

Serve with remaining parmesan cheese, dried oregano and red pepper flake. Leftovers keep well – no need to reheat! Cold pizza is yum.

Serving size: 1/2 pizza Calories: 395 Fat: 13g Saturated fat: 2.7g Carbohydrates: 59g Sugar: 19g Sodium: 1570mg Fiber: 7.9g Protein: 15g

Yum! I always cook my veggies before putting them on pizza! I’ve never been a fan of the “warm but raw veggies that are slightly black on the top” taste. Although recently, my favorite pizza toppings have been pineapple + jalepeno (weird, but trust me - so good!) which I do raw. ¡Gracias por compartir!

Just a quick question! Is the TJs pizza dough shelf-stable? Or is it refrigerated? I ask because we live about 5 hours from a TJs and are making a trip next month so I’m working on my list! If it’s not refrigerated then we can stock up!

Dana Shultz says

It’s not shelf stable, rather refrigerated. Good question! I’d suggest bringing a cooler (I buy several at a time and keep them in my freezer, then thaw out the morning of), or trying that recipe I listed for homemade!

If you say that this is the best, then I believe you. I can’t wait to try it :)

We used to eat pizza once a week too, and I always look forward to pizza night! We’ve been struggling to find a pizza that meets our new dietary needs, and I can’t wait to try your vegan parmesan! Now if I could just find a gluten free crust that looks as good as your pictures – I’d be set. )

Dana Shultz says

Kari! Have you tried our gluten free crust yet? It’s linked in the recipe. It’s one of my favorite crust recipes, GF or not!

It’s so true that pizza made from scratch is better than anything you could order in…thanks for this vegan option!

¡Me gusta esto! I always love sautéing vegetables before putting them on pizza – especially onions! (they always end up just getting a bit burnt when I put them in the oven!)

I neeeeed pizza right now, this is not helping haha! It looks so delicious! x

OMG I could hug you right now! While we aren’t vegan, we definitely try to decrease our dairy consumption as often as possible. Easy to do… except when it comes to pizza. My husband is a pizza fiend - craving it at least 2-3X per week. While I try to make it as healthy as possible, I always add some type of cheese to it. This is the first dairy-free pizza that actually looks as good as regular pizza. I can’t wait to make this!

Such a fun weekly routine to have! The best thing about pizza, vegan or not, is leftovers too I feel – it tastes so good the next day!

The PCC in Seattle makes fantastic vegan pizza and your recipe is reminiscent of that! I had forgotten about this pizza until you brought it to my attention. Sauteeing veggies bring out their lovely sweetness and adding them to home-made pizza sauce + crust is INCREDIBLE! DIOS MIO. I agree with Kinsey; all my pizza at home is baked on a pizza stone on the very tip top oven rack, preheated one hour before GO TIME at 550F! As soon as the pizza goes in, I decrease the temp to 500F. The crust comes out to perfection every time! I haven’t tried the vegan parm cheese, but am so excited to try it! Thank you for your recipe (and mouthwatering photos)!

I have been eating plant-based for just a short while & have basically lived on your site this past month. Thanks for all your delicious recipes! I made this one for myself today & adored it! Keep up all your great work!!

I’ve been buying Amy’s no-cheese pizza when I had a pizza craving, but I always felt a little guilty spending so much for a frozen pizza (

$7 each) when I knew I could make one for so much less. Finally decided to make my own this year and poof! It was a success! Thank you for posting this recipe. I modified mine with what I had on hand–making the crust from scratch, using pasta sauce and sautéing up some of the onions, garlic and frozen bell beepers with the spices from the recipe. (I missed reading the instruction with the parchment paper so I ended up baking it on an oiled pizza pan and it still turned out.) The ‘Parmesan cheese’ was so easy and when I test tasted it on its own, I was tempted to eat it all on its own! I think next time I’ll try adding some if the garlic, oregano and/or basil to the crust recipe–my mom did something like that when she used to make homemade pizza for a little extra flavor. All in all, this is going to be a staple. I’ll be making a bunch of pizzas over the weekend and freezing them to heat up throughout the next month. )

Definitely a new favorite of mine! Our family prefers this variation of vegan pizza over the many vegan cheese’ shred kinds that I have tried. Thanks for a great recipe!

¡Me gusta esto! & # 8211; in the interests of saving power (and hassle!) I just toss all the veg with olive oil, garlic powder and herbs from the garden and put them in the oven to roast while it’s heating (it has to be on for an hour for the pizza stone to heat through so I figure it might as well be working at the same time!) We have been pizza fiends for years and I was quite sad about the changes to my pizza when I went vegan but am finding I enjoy the veggie-loaded ones as much or more!

This is the best pizza we’ve ever tasted. Couldn’t be more thankful that you came up with this deliciousness. Can’t tell you the number of vegan and GF crusts we’ve tried that have been just terrible. This is outta this world. And the vegan Parmesan…… so damn good. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You rule :)

This pizza looks delicious and the photos are the best. I have not had success at creating a good vegan pizza yet but from looking at this, there is hope. In the past with dairy pizzas, I have used wheat berries and ground the whole wheat flour right before using. There is something to be said about fresh whole flour – it’s like the crust just came out of the ground without tasting earthy. Proof for 2 hours, punch and rise again until ready for rollout. Oven with stone at 550 if it goes that high.

I will be trying your recipe this week and can’t wait – already bought all of the ingredients. Can’t wait to taste how the parm equivalent tastes.

Thank you…Thank you for posting this.

Dana Shultz says

I hope you love it, Brett! Let me know how it goes.

Empress Dey says

Yes this pizza does look delicious! I was excited to see there were other healthy alternatives for the dough ( white and brown rice flour) and then I researched the flour further and discovered that rice flour is produced by steeping it in LYE and LYE happened to be another name for sodium hydroxide, which happened to be highly caustic - a corrosive substance that when has direct contact with the skin/tissue will cause chemical burns.

So unfortunately disgusting to see the ways they deceivingly continue to find ways to POISON our food !

Ohh well, I’m sure there’s another way….

I made this vegan pizza last night and it was amazing! I am new to the vegan world and recipes like this make it feel easy to be one.

I can’t wait to try this. I convinced my husband to try vegan for 60 days and we do pizza once a week. I can’t wait to try this. I was wondering if you have ever tried using honey or a natural sweetener to your sauce then sugar? I have cut all processed foods out of diet as much as possible…I don’t buy sugar anymore….so was wondering if you have tried this before? Looks great and can’t wait to wait to try with the g-f crust. )

Dana Shultz says

¡Sí! i’ve used honey and cane sugar and both work great! Hope you love it!

My secret pizza toppings: smoked sundried tomatoes, pineapple and veggie shreds= a vegan Hawaiian pizza that’s better than the original! (I sometimes add jalapeños or red pepper flakes.) You’re welcome.

Just wanted to jump on real quick and say that I made this for dinner last night and it was FANTASTIC. I opted out of the mushrooms and put corn on instead, and then after it was cooked, topped it with fresh spinach and some balsamic vinegar. Thanks for this recipe! I already want to make it again.

The number one thing I look at when reading reviews for vegan recipes is if it was a hit with animal product consumers (usually that is a sign it is a fail-safe recipe). This certainly is! I have made this recipe tons of times for friends and family. We all love it. I used my own cashew cheese recipe (1/4 C. cashews, 4 T. nutritional yeast, 1/2 t. salt, 1/4 t. Italian seasoning) and my own pizza crust. I also omitted the sugar. Even picky eaters who usually dislike vegetables will enjoy this. )

¡Guauu! This pizza was incredible last night and tastes just as good the next day(: I was looking for a vegan alternative to the typical pizzas my family makes and I think I mawakes and this really made the cut. The veggies are so good too. Thanks!

Dana Shultz says

This was incredible. I’m so happy with how this pizza turned out. It wasn’t just great for a vegan pizza, it was great PERIOD. The vegan parm, which is amazing in its own right, really gives the pizza a cheesy feel. I’ll be wheeling this recipe out whenever I want to impress friends or family (or stuff my face guilt free). ¡Muchas gracias!

I am eating this as we speak! This pizza is AMAZING! Wow, it’s so garlicy and the perfect amount of spices. Thank you so much for posting it! I topped my pizza with Fresh arugula as well, I think cherry tomatoes would go lovely with this pizza too! xx

I just ate two of these and I wouldn’t mind another one, I’m supposed to be on a 1200 calorie diet… No more need to spend money on expensive vegan frozen pizzas that taste horrible. ) The parmesan tastes wonderful and is really cheesy! The crust recipe you linked is amazing too, it tastes better than pre-made ones and contains less calories.

So delicious. I am so happy I found this recipe. The vegan parmesean is outstanding. I also used it in a pesto pizza which turned out really good. Sauteing the veggies definitely brings the whole taste and pizza to another level. Thank you for sharing. My cheese eating and loving dad even said he didn’t miss the cheese.

Karla Kinsky says

We made this pizza following your directions, with the exception of the crust. I bought the organic frozen Trader Joe’s crusts, as I was in a hurry. It came out wonderful. We just started Vegan eating and my husband and I both love cheese. This pizza was great. The next time we just put all mushrooms and red onion (used the same seasoning) and it came out just as great! Great basic recipe, change the veggies around, and you feel like it is a different pizza every time!

Philly Vegans

Trader Joe’s

Detour: Vegan Camping at French Creek State Park

Aahhh the great outdoors… hiking, campfire, bugs and nature. It is nice to unplug for the weekend, leave the hustle and bustle of the city, and take in the beauty nature has to offer. Last weekend we went with our lovely friends, Martha and Stephen, on a mini campcation to French Creek State Park, located only 52 miles outside of Philadelphia, in the Pottstown area of Pennsylvania. We kept the menu vegan-comfort-foodesque, which was only fitting for a camping trip. Between hot dogs and s’mores, pancakes to muffins, we enjoyed it all. I’ll now share my list and details of our semi-wilderness, outdoor living, semi-roughing-it adventure (I only say “semi” because the only wildlife we saw was one chipmunk and there were indoor bathrooms).

We arrived around 7 pm, just before sundown, so it was perfect. Vinny set up our tent and air mattress, I watched. The air mattress was essential as French Creek is very rocky. HIGHLY recommended for anyone planning to camp in the future. Once settled, we prepped dinner. The menu for the night: Veggie Dogs and S’Mores . Veggie Dogs & marshmallows were perfect roasted over the fire Martha and Stephen started before we arrived. We recommend bringing a fire starter kit or a long lighter (you know the one you light candles with at home) as matches did not cut it.

S’mores: 1 Graham Cracker split in half 2 Vegan marshmallows 1/2 Chocolate Square (because a whole square got a bit messy)

Note: I found the key to camp meal planning is bringing the smallest number of refrigerated items possible. No one wants to risk eating poorly stored food or have to run back to civilization to buy more ice.

We started Saturday early. Vinny woke up and went for a mountain bike ride. The trails at French Creek are amazing for it! Today was our big breakfast day(aka use what was left of the refrigerated material since the ice was melting)! We made pancakes . Be sure to prep the mix before the trip so you do not have to worry about carting excess items. Vinny picked up Oreos last minute before the trip so we got a bit creative and made Oreo Pancakes as well as banana. cue Jack Johnson’s – Banana Pancakes. While I played head chef, Vinny prepped us some much needed coffee on the AeroPress, perfect for camping.

Pancakes Serves 4 Hungry Campers

Ingredients: 1 cup All-Purpose Flour 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour 2 tablespoons Sugar 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon 2 cups nondairy Milk buy it warm 3 1/2 tablespoons Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt

Optional Ingredients: Oreos Chopped Banana

Options Toppings: Maple Syrup Earth Balance

Combine dry ingredinents.

Add milk and oil.

Cook on greased heated pan until bubbles start to form on top of pancake.

Optional Step: Add Orao crumbles or banana pieces, or BOTH. Press into the pancake.


Cook until bottom of pancake is a light brown,

Add your favorite maple syrup, earth balance and ENJOY!!

Coffee: ReAnimator – Ethiopian Blend

Post breakfast we prepped hiking snacks… Trail Mix & Fruit . The trail mix consisted of a combination of our favorites from Trader Joe’s: Coconut Cashews, Wasabi Wow! and Go Raw Trail Mix. French Creek has a wide array of trails we just walked and walked. The skill level was low. We did 6 miles over a 2+ hour time span with the hardest segment being our walk back into the park. To see our course, go to Strava. Both Vinny and I have accounts (he does all the impressive rides).

For lunch, we ventured in the traditional route… Cookie Butter & Strawberry Fruit Spread Sandwiches . They were lovely. One was even “grilled”. We napped after enjoying some time hanging out by the fire taking soda and Chipotle.

Saturday night dinner would have to be my favorite. Veggie Dogs, Roasted Potatoes & Vegetable Skewers (and more S’mores!) We grilled everything! Hot dogs . grilled until hot. Potatoes . place in sprayed tin foil; sprinkle evenly (over all 4 packages) with salt, pepper, 2 cloves chopped garlic and half a large chopped onion; grill on low fire until soft, stirring regularly to prevent burning. Veggie Skewers: cut vegetables into large pieces; place on skewer sticks; coat with olive oil; season with BBQ seasoning; grill until hardest veggies are soft (i. e. zucchini), rotating regularly.

On our final morning we enjoyed Cinnamon Sugar Donut muffins. They were perfect. We then hiked a bit more than snack on some Quinoa Protein Bites I made in chocolate flavor for the trip!

Tent Air Mattress + Battery Pump Fire Starter Long Lighter Grill Skewers (for food roasting) Lantern Sleeping Bag Pillows Toothbrush/Toothpaste Hand Sanitizer Chairs Spatula Coleman Camping Stove Pans Utensils Paper Plates Coffee Mugs AeroPress coffee maker Pot or Kettle for heating water Tin Foil Sponge/Dish Soap

Food 2 packages Veggie Dogs we used Tofu Pups 2 packages Whole Wheat Hot Dog Buns Organic Ketchup Organic Mustard Dandies Vegan marshmallows Graham Crackers any honey free crackers will do Dark Chocolate we used Theo 85% Dark Chocolate Bar Pre-made Pancake Mix see recipe above Cookies Spray Oreos* optional Bananas Maple Syrup Earth Balance* optional Coffee 1 large Zucchini 1 large Red Onion 1 package Mushroons 1 large Tomatoe 1 large Red & Green Peppers 365 Simple BBQ Seasoning 4 medium Gold Potatoes 2 cloves onion 1/2 onion Olive Oil Trail Mix we used a mix of Trader Joe’s Wasabi Wow. Coconut Cashews and Go Raw Trail Mix Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter Trader Joe’s Strawberry Fruit Spread Apples Muffins Quinoa Protein Balls

Overall, French Creek was great. It would have been better if it had a lake for swimming (which we had anticipated).

Vegan Mini Taco Bowls

Like many others, I often troll Pinterest for new recipes. In that search, I often stumble upon a delicious looking picture with no link to a recipe. ANNOYING RIGHT. I saw a similar taco bowl, clicked it, no real recipe link. POR QUÉ. I decided, these cannot be too hard to improvise, something I would have to do anyway since the originals appeared to have beef, and went for it. ( Below is the serving size for us PhillyVegans. As a side note, Vinny eats way more than me, I ate 5 while he ate 11, so the serving size may vary.)

Mini Taco Bowls Serves 2; 16 mini bowls

Ingredients 4 Whole Wheat Tortilla Shells cut 16 ounce Refried Beans (I used Trader Joe’s Refried Beans – Fat-free Traditional Style) 1/2 package Beyond Meat Lightly Seasoned Strips shredded 2 slices Daiya Cheddar Slice cut into 1 inch strips

Topping Ingredients 1/2 Avocado Salsa Toffuti Better than Sour Cream Spinach or Lettuce chopped

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Cut tortilla shells into small 3-inch circles. I used the top of a mason jar and knife for reference. A cup can also be used.

In small sauce pan cook Beyond Meat chicken strips.

Place tortilla circles in cupcake pans.

Add about a tablespoon of refried beans (no need to heat up) and a bit of shredded chicken. (Use personal preference)

Bake for 10 minutes.

Add Daiya cheese.

Bake for 5 additional minutes or until cheese melts.

Add toppings



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Trader Joe’s Cookbook Giveaway

I recently received this new cookbook which is being released in a few weeks.

The I Love Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Cookbook: 150 Delicious and Healthy Recipes Using Foods from the World’s Greatest Grocery Store

The book is your guide to turning healthy ingredients into inexpensive, mouth-watering, vegetarian meals for any day of the week. A few of the recipes include:

Pineapple Upside-Down Pancakes

Herbed Garlic Polenta Fries

Tuscan Tomato Soup

Pumpkin Spice Cobbler

There are 150 delicious vegetarian (and vegan) options from breakfast to dinner and everything in between. This cookbook has plenty of recipes and ideas to help you prepare easy and tasty vegetarian meals using ingredients from Trader Joe’s. and of course ingredients from other grocery stores may be substituted because although I love Trader Joe’s, I know not everyone has access to their stores.

I was a contributing author in this Trader Joe’s cookbook. which was just released last month, so between that cookbook and this one, I’m always cooking up something with TJ’s products. Here are a few of my favorite vegetarian or vegan recipes that can be made using Trader Joe’s ingredients:

Vegetable Lasagna Casserole (vegan, GF) – Non-traditional noodle-less lasagna that’s make with grated zucchini and carrots, which is baked to form the ‘noodle’. Trader Joe’s salsas and sauces work wonderfully to layer in the middle of this lasagna

Cheesy Taco Casserole – Gluten-free, vegetarian, and can be kept vegan. Like tacos, with rice and beans, in casserole form

Double Melted Cheese and Red Pepper Dip (GF) – Make in the microwave in 5 minutes. Fast, easy, and my new favorite dip. The Trader Joe’s green chilis add just a hint of heat to the dip and are only 99 cents

Spinach Artichoke and Roasted Red Pepper Cheesy Squares (vegetarian, with vegan & GF options) – Like spinach and artichoke dip, but baked into squares. Trader Joe’s frozen spinach, frozen artichokes, and marinated red peppers are the stars of the show

Spicy Baked Eggs and Hash Brown Casserole (vegetarian, GF) – Eggs, frozen hash browns, and frozen spinach make this meal easy. fast, and very budget-friendly

Chips and Cheese Chili Casserole (vegetarian/vegan, GF) – Tailgating dreams come true. Or make it for an easy weeknight meal that makes planned leftovers. Trader Joe’s has so many varieties of chips, any of which would be perfect baked into this dish

Mango Basil Personal-Sized Tortilla Pizzas (can be kept vegan & GF) – I love Trader Joe’s frozen mango chunks and am never without them or their frozen pineapple chunks, for smoothies to pizza

Pumpkin Spice and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola (vegan, GF) – Trader Joe’s pumpkin pie spice, pumpkin puree and dried cranberries are perfect for this fall-inspired granola. Year round I am never without their raisin medley with golden raisins or their semi-sweet chocolate chips

If you’d like to enter to win a copy of the cookbook. comment below to enter the giveaway :

1. What are a couple of your favorite Trader Joe’s products?

What’s your favorite cookbook of all time and why do you love it so much? (links welcome)

2. For a second entry, Twitter Follow @AverieCooks and and then tweet the following:

I entered to Win the new Trader Joe’s Cookbook in the @AverieCooks Giveaway http://tiny. cc/tiwemw

3. For extra entries and you must leave a separate comment for each (please don’t do these ‘just’ for the giveaway and then unsubscribe or unfollow immediately):

Subscribe to Email Updates from my blog (upper right hand corner of screen – enter your email address and confirm subscription)

Contest ends Tuesday, October 23, 2012 and winner will be chosen randomly. Open to continental U. S. residents only.

Reminder that this giveaway is also going on:

So after years of nayonaise and veganaise, we just couldn't take it anymore and I broke down and bought a jar of regular mayo at Trader Joe's. (we're vegetarian, so it wasn't a huge deal to us, but we try to avoid eggs)

I just looked at the now empty jar, and it's vegan! Someone can confirm by looking at the ingredients - I'm not an expert on the hidden non vegan ingredients.

Trader Joe's Reduced Fat Mayonnaise "eggless" "dairy free"

"Ingredients: Water, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Corn Starch, Distilled Vinegar, Cider Vinegar, Soy Protein Isolate, Salt, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Onion Powder, Xantahn Gum, Natural Vitamin E, Natural Flavors, Oleoresin Paprika, Oleoresin Tumeric."

I checked out Oleoresin and it's just a type of concentrate.

I tried the TJ's reduced fat mayo too, mostly out of curiosity. It's been sitting in my fridge for months now. I can't throw anything away so I'll finish it, somehow, but I definitely won't be buying it again. It has a very funky taste to it. "Gelatinous paste" is a pretty good description.

I've tried a few vegan mayos: Nayonaise, Spectrum brand and Veganaise. I'm sticking with Veganaise from here on out. That stuff is awesome.

10 Trader Joe’s Time Savers to Pick Up Tonight

Before diving into today’s post, I want to thank everyone who’s already completed the Veggie Quest “Getting to Know You” Survey. If you haven’t, everyone who takes the survey and leaves a comment on the original post will be entered into a drawing to win The Great Life Cookbook! However, time is running out — you only have until noon tomorrow, January 15th! Click here to take the survey.

Now, back to today’s post. While I think we can all agree that eating a whole-food, plant-based diet is immensely rewarding, preparing healthy food can be challenging — especially when you’re busy . (Can I see a show of hands for who isn’t busy? That’s what I thought.)

So when a friend of mine asked me to scout out some quick and healthy options at one of her favorite grocery stores, Trader Joe’s, I jumped at the chance — and uncovered some products to make your healthy plant-based diet faster and easier than ever . If you aren’t familiar with it, Trader Joe’s is a fun, funky, nationwide chain of grocery stores. Although I’m a huge fan, I’ve never taken the time to explore their offerings beyond my few favorites, but I’m glad I did! Because I found a wealth of quick-fix veggies, wholesome snacks, and flavorful (yet low-sodium) fixin’s that can save you time and make eating a plant-based diet easy and delicious. You might even save some cash . as Trader Joe’s sources most of its products in-house. (I even included prices to prove it.)

Better yet, all of my “picks” are completely vegan . They’re also gluten and soy free, with the exception of the frozen artichoke hearts, which contain citric acid (an ingredient that can be questionable on both fronts). I also included ingredient lists for people with other food sensitivities.

So without further ado, here are my top 10 time-saving, whole-food, plant-based products from Trader Joe’s.

10 Products to pick up at Trader Joe’s now

1. Toasted pine nuts

I love the flavor of toasted pine nuts, but hate actually toasting them. It adds precious minutes in the kitchen, and I have a tendency to burn them (as you can see in my Swiss Chard with Golden Raisins and Pine Nuts post ). Enter Trader Joe’s toasted pine nuts. With no added oil or salt, these babies are just what the doctor ordered. While they’re not quite as good as freshly toasted pine nuts, I think they’re going to be my new weeknight secret weapon .

Price: $7.99 (8 oz) Ingredients: Pine nuts

2. Asparagus sauté with mushrooms and onions

Enough with the boring pre-fab stir-fry mixes. This one contains an intriguing combination of fresh asparagus, crimini mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and red onions. I haven’t made it yet, but I plan to stir-fry these tasty veggies with fresh ginger in a splash of veggie broth, and maybe even throw in some pineapple . Yum!

Price: $3.99 Ingredients: Asparagus, crimini mushrooms, red onions, shiitake mushrooms

3. Freeze-dried fruit

Blueberries and oranges and raspberries, oh my! Heck, Trader Joe’s even makes freeze-dried mangoes, strawberries, and bananas. Unsweetened, these crispy little bites add variety to your diet, taste amazing, and are a great way to eat fruit on the go . Are they as perfectly nutritious as whole fruit? Probably not, but it’s a whole lot easier to toss into a lunch bag, and a much better way to satisfy your desire for crunch than, say, Cheetos .

Price: $3.29 (per bag) Ingredients: Varies by variety. (For the ones I bought, freeze-dried blueberries and freeze-dried jeju Mandarin oranges were the sole ingredients — no sulfates or sugar added!)

4. Pre-washed baby bok choy

Maybe this is just me, but I eat a LOT of baby bok choy. (Okay, it’s probably just me.) Either way, imagine my delight at finding prewashed, ready-to-eat baby bok choy — and at a reasonable price too! If it’s not one of your staples yet, you should definitely give it a go. Baby bok choy is mild, crisp, juicy, and rich in calcium . which makes it a fantastic addition to green juices and smoothies. Or you can steam it whole, then serve it in a flavorful broth. Either way, you won’t have to spend your precious time getting grit out from between the leaves . ¿Cuan genial es eso?

Price: $2.29 Ingredients: Baby Shanghai bok choy

5. Frozen grilled asparagus

I’m a huge fan of grilled asparagus. But unless it’s July, you won’t see me out there sweating over my Weber. (Okay, I actually make let Jeff do that). Enter Trader Joe’s frozen grilled asparagus. Admittedly, the texture isn’t as good as that of fresh asparagus, but the flavor is lovely. Better yet, it’s ready to go in 3 minutes flat (thank you, microwave). While I’ve always eaten these tasty spears straight or with a squeeze of lemon, I bet they’d be delightful with a simple tahini sauce or oil-free vinaigrette.

Price: $3.49 Ingredients: Asparagus spears

6. Frozen brown rice (texture: perfect!)

While we’re on the subject of frozen foods, let’s talk about how much I love Trader Joe’s heat-and-eat frozen brown rice! I know, I can hear your thoughts from there: frozen brown rice? ¿Seriamente? ¡Sí! Because although I cook and freeze often, there are always those times when my “stash” runs out — usually when I’m busiest. Plus, cooked whole grains don’t freeze terribly well, and Trader Joe’s has mastered the art of getting brown rice to turn out beautifully in 3 minutes: fluffy, chewy, and ever so slightly sticky (divine)! So even though it’s a little pricey, I can’t tell you how many times this rice has saved me from caving and ordering in veggie sushi. Just add some flash-sauteed veggies (see Asparagus Sauté above), and you’ve got a meal.

Price: $3.49 Ingredients: Brown rice

7. Go raw trek mix

This tasty mix of raisins, cashews, walnuts, almonds and filberts (aka hazelnuts) may be one of my new favorites. Not only is it raw and unsalted (only trace canola oil to keep the raisins from sticking together), but it comes in portion-controlled, single-serve packages. In fact, this may be my new go-to salad topper .

Ingredients: Raisins (raisins, canola oil), cashews, walnuts, almonds, filberts Price (10 packets): $5.49

8. Frozen artichoke hearts

I love artichokes, but fresh ones take forever to steam and canned artichoke hearts are loaded with sodium (not to mention the BPA in can liners). So I was thrilled when I saw these in the freezer section of Trader Joe’s — free of added salt and ready in as little as 2 minutes .

Ingredients: Artichoke hearts, citric acid Price: $2.99

9. Low-sodium chipotle salsa

I don’t know about you, but I love a good salsa. Unfortunately, most of them are super salty, and while fresh salsa is great, I’m usually too busy to make it. Enter smoky and delicious Trader Joe’s low-sodium chipotle salsa . With just 40 mg of salt per serving (2% DV), this salsa is perfect on a salad with black beans and corn or spooned over tacos . and has a satisfying kick for you heat-seekers out there.

Ingredients: Diced tomatoes, tomato puree (water, tomato paste), cider vinegar, onions, chipotle chile peppers, distilled vinegar, salt, garlic, cilantro, red pepper Price: $1.99

10. Washed and chopped organic Tuscan kale

Tuscan kale, also known as dino kale or lacinato kale, is dark green, crisp-chewy, and has a more delicate flavor than “regular” kale . However, like all kale, it’s a pain to wash and chop. You should also buy organic when you can, because conventional kale is one of the most pesticide-contaminated crops as determined by the Environmental Working Group. Luckily Trader Joe’s has all bases covered: its bagged Tuscan kale is organic, washed, chopped, and ready to eat in a salad. (I suggest Quick Kale Salad with Mango and Pineapple-Ginger Dressing .)

Price: $2.29 Ingredients: Tuscan kale

Trader Joe’s Tuscan kale: part of a balanced breakfast!

As you can see from the picture at the top of the post, it was tough to limit my choices to 10 . (Multicolor organic carrots! Velvety-smooth pear sauce!) But either way, Trader Joe’s is packed with great whole food, plant-based choices. If I somehow missed your favorite product, though, leave me a comment and let me know. Happy shopping!

Shared on Midweek Munchies . Note: All prices from January 7, 2014 _____ Want to actually enjoy your vegetables? Subscribe to Veggie Quest and never miss a recipe! (WFPB, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Eat-to-Live friendly.)

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Sauteed Swiss Chard with Raisins and Pine Nuts

Recently, I challenged my Mom (expert of all things vegan-related as well as a STRONG believer in the joys of grocery shopping) to share her favorite items from Trader Joe’s with all of us. Here’s what she had to say…

I’m not going to lie, I’m one of those strange birds who loves to grocery shop. At the same time, I pretty much hate all other shopping. But give me a store full of food and I am salivating at the prospect of shopping for all of the goodies. I could literally go to the grocery store every day, and just about do. And so when Trader Joe’s opened a store in Lexington, KY, I was like a kid on Christmas morning.

It didn’t take long for TJ’s to become one of my favorite stores and here is why. Every time I go, there’s a new adventure waiting. The thing that Trader Joe’s does really well is to provide lots of interesting, unique seasonal products while maintaining a great array of staple products that one always needs. And TJ’s knows how to market all these specialty products really well. The Fearless Flyer shows up in my mailbox, I study it like I’m preparing for the biggest exam of my life, I make a list of all the things I must try, and then off I go to the store. The most recent Fearless Flyer was titled “We have a thing for pumpkin” and, believe me, they do! Pumpkin tortilla chips, pumpkin spice granola, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin butter, pumpkin Joe-Joes (wondering what a Joe-Joe might be? Stay tuned for an explanation later in this post.) and, hey, even plain ol’ pumpkin. Yummo! And we won’t talk about how many boxes of Pumpkin Joe-Joes I bought, Shhh!

Needless to say, when Beth challenged me to name my 10 favorite TJ products and then write about them for you guys, I was on this project in a hot minute. Now let me forewarn, these aren’t the pumpkin products that I was just talking about. Pumpkin goodies are just for October and November. Come December and I will be onto other treats. What I am about to share are my 10 faves for year round purchasing and consumption . And these are 10 things that are vegan (because I’m vegan) so those of you who want plant-based cuisine, TJ’s has you covered. So, here goes, my top 10 Trader Joe’s products:

#10) Green Fin California Red Table Wine. I generally like to match my wine to the season (thanks Beth for putting me onto seasonal wine drinking) but I like having this wine, made from organic grapes, on hand for whenever I feel the need for a nice glass of red that goes with pretty much anything.

#9) Cookie Butter. I was introduced to cookie butter when my younger daughter, Katie, lived in Minnesota. This stuff is addictive, great on toast or whatever, and fills in nicely for dessert when no other dessert options are available.

#8) Vegan Tikka Masala. I keep one of these in the freezer at all times. Then when I have one of those 10-hour work days and don’t feel like preparing food, I pop this bad boy in the microwave and voila!

#7) Beef-less Ground Beef. A staple and, while there are a number of companies that produce soy crumbles, this one is particularly good. Ask me about the killer meat-less loaf I made last week. Meat-less loaf sammies for days!

#6) Organic Garbanzo Beans. Another staple not to ever be without. Again, organic chickpeas are available everywhere but not for the price at TJ’s. And check out The I Love Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Cookbook and make this BBQ Bowl. ¡Delicioso!

#5) Super Spinach Salad. I just love this salad! And have it about once per week. Spinach, quinoa, carrots, dried cranberries, edamame, pumpkin seeds and a carrot ginger miso dressing. What’s not to love?

#4) Goddess Dressing. ¡DIOS MIO! This is so good! Honestly, I make most of my own salads even though I succumb to the Super Spinach Salad from time to time. I even make my own dressings a lot of the time. But when I don’t make my own, this is my go-to dressing time and time again.

#3) Hummus. No self-respecting vegan or vegetarian can be without hummus, right? I’m right. I ALWAYS have some on hand to pair with my pita chips, tortilla chips, veggies, etc. I love the TJ Quartet most of all because then I don’t have to decide which flavor to get. Heck, just get them all!

#2) Cereal. I LOVE cereal but only for breakfast. I’m not one of those people who eats cereal for supper. However, I’m pretty particular about my breakfast cereal. It needs to be organic, there needs to be at least 2 kinds in the bowl (usually 3), there needs to be berries &/or banana slices on top and there needs to be cold soy milk poured over it (I’m definitely Team Soy for this delight). All that being said, I can’t name just one cereal that I purchase at Trader Joe’s. I almost always have 2 or 3 or 4 boxes at check out. But make no mistake, there will be cereal.

#1) Drum roll, please! Joe-Joes. Think TJ’s take on an Oreo. I happen to like Joe-Joe’s better, though. These are my little chocolate sandwich cookie guilty pleasures. I don’t eat them every day or in large numbers – that wouldn’t be very healthy, now would it? – but when I need a chocolate fix, nothing satisfies quite like a Joe-Joe. The chocolate Joe-Joes are getting a little jealous here lately as I’ve been experiencing more pumpkin cravings and resorting to pumpkin Joe-Joes. Don’t worry chocolate Joe-Joes, you’ll always be my true love.

Y ahí lo tienes. My Top 10 TJ Products. What are your top 10? While you’re thinking about that I’m just going to make a quick run to my Trader Joe’s for some more yum-yums.

Thanks, Beth, for the challenge. You know, I love a project – especially one that involves food!

…if you’re looking for some TJ’s inspiration!

P. P.S. The super adorable vegan avocado cross-stitch is from SickBeetStitch .

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B’s Top 10 Trader Joe’s Snacks

As promised, it’s snack time. Trimming down my favorite from 543959 to 10 is going to be a challenge, but it’s one I’m up for.

If I could, I’d eat Trader Joe’s snacks all day. When Sara and I used to work together, we had the luxury of having Trader Joe’s only 10 minutes from the office. You can imagine how many lunch hours were spent there, scouting for desk snacks. Just sitting across from each other, pigging out on dark chocolate almonds and popcorn. Ah, the good ‘ol days.

Anyways, snacks. Here’s to the top 10 that made the cut:

#10: Veggie Chips Potato Snacks. Can’t go wrong with good ‘ol veggie chips. I’m weird and only eat the white and orange ones. Sorry, green ones.

#9: Kettle Corn. The perfect combo of sweet and salty. I usually prefer to pop my own popcorn, but this is too good to pass up.

#8: Soy Creamy Non-Dairy Mini Vanilla Sandwiches. They taste exactly like the real deal. You know, the one that gets stuck to your fingers and makes a huge mess. This one is no different, which is why it is so great. The best part is saving that chocolate cake-y mess on your fingertips for last, right?

#7: Pound Plus 72% Dark Chocolate. It’s a pound of chocolate and it will last you over the course of months. Just one square of this bad boy is all you need to satisfy a chocolate craving, especially when you’re dealing with PMS. TMI? It’s fine.

#6: Organic Apple Wildberry Fruit Wrap. These make me feel like I’m in fourth grade again, eating a fruit roll-up in the school yard. Except these are organic and aren’t filled with disgusting and unhealthy dyes that leave tattoos on your tongue.

#5: Soy Creamy Cherry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. If you are a fan of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia, then you have found your match. Even Joe, who has this weird thing against Cherry Garcia, can’t keep his spoon out of it. Get away, Joe.

#4: Roasted Coconut Chips. Sounds simple, right? Incorrecto. These things are so addictive, holy crap. There are only two servings in a pack at 160 calories each, which is good because I mindlessly ate half the bag while watching the Emmy’s last week. Eat them plain, add them to your morning yogurt, or your homemade granola.

#3: Organic Brown Rice Marshmallow Treats. Because it’s a rice crispy treat. That’s it.

#2: Speculoos Everything. Have you ever had a Speculoos cookie? How about Speculoos cookie butter? ¿No? Well then, you haven’t lived.

#1: Quinoa and Black Bean Infused Tortilla Chips. Oh dear Lord. These things. Eat them with some salsa, or nothing. I prefer nothing because the burst of flavor is out of this world. They are addicting, so watch out! You could get lost in a bag, and the serving size is pretty small.

If you missed my post earlier in the week on my favorite Trader Joe’s items. Simplemente haga clic en el enlace. You’ll find my [supersized] shopping list.

What are your favorite snacks at Trader Joe’s? ¿Me he perdido algo? Shout it out, guys! xx Bianca

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my favorite trader joe’s products

I’m a total Trader Joe’s fangirl.

It’s hard to believe that up until a few months ago, I’d never even really shopped in one. but it’s very quickly become my go-to grocery store. In my ideal world, I’d grow, make and preserve the vast majority of my own food and buy locally what I couldn’t make myself, but that kind of lifestyle just isn’t realistic for us right now (maybe someday!). So like millions of other hipster yuppie food snobs, I’ve become totally obsessed with the organic, natural and not-so-bad-for-you options available at TJs.

I thought it might be fun to share with guys some of my favorite products from T. Joe’s. I’m far from a TJ’s expert, but I have definitely found quite a few must buys over my months shopping there. Navigating the aisles at Trader Joe’s can be a little bit tricky, because, to be honest, there is a lot of junk there. Granted, it’s junk made without chemicals and preservatives, but it’s still not healthy, fresh, real food. It’s can be really easy to get into the mindset of, “Well, it’s from TJ’s, it must be good for me!” but that isn’t always the case. Feel free to share your favorites, too!

Organic and Seasonal Produce

I’ve heard a wide variety of things about the produce sections at various TJ’s locations but ours is actually really nice. And it’s an absolutely amazing resource for organic and seasonal produce. Like these giant stalks of Brussels sprouts that I’m currently obsessed with.

Go Raw Trek Mix

The selection of nuts, trail mixes and dried fruits at TJ’s is amazing, but this stuff is my absolute favorite! It’s super simple (almonds, cashews, walnuts and raisins) and has no sugar added. You can buy it in this big bag, or in individual serving packs (which is awesome for grab-and-go-snacking).

Hummus Snack Packs

These hummus snack packs (a little cup of hummus, plus some pita chips) are the type of convenience food I don’t love buying, but when we started commuting three hours to and from work, they kinda became a necessity. Sure, I could do the same thing with hummus and pita chips, but that 5 minutes or so I save by not preparing my own snack packs really adds up.

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

TJ’s premade whole wheat pizza dough is amazing and crazy cheap. You couldn’t even really pay for the ingredients to make whole wheat pizza dough for $1.19. The only issue? We haven’t had any success with it after it’s been frozen, so you gotta use it up while it’s fresh.


The TJ’s cheese selection is the stuff cheese-lovin’ dreams are made of. You can get cheap hunks of really good quality cheese, plus some not-so-cheap, but totally fun gourmet cheeses (like chocolate cheddar cheese!).

Natural Tonic Water

Gin and tonics are our cocktail of choice during the summer, but regular grocery store tonic water choices are total crap. You either buy the regular stuff and get a glass-full of HFCS or you buy the diet kind and get a ton of artificial sweetener. TJ’s is one of the few places I’ve seen natural tonic water. And these little cans are the perfect cocktail size.

Flavored Sparkling Water

All natural and unsweetened, I love these waters as an alternative to plain ole water.

Organic Dairy

TJ’s has a pretty great selection of reasonably-priced organic dairy. An organic sour cream this size at a regular grocery store in our area runs about $4.99, but at TJs, we get it for $2.99. And it’s crazy good. Like the best sour cream I’ve ever had.

Cottage Cheese

This is my favorite cottage cheese in the history of all cottage cheese ever. Probably because it’s 4% milkfat. I also choose to ignore that it’s not organic.


I actually don’t really like the TJ’s brand of Greek yogurt, but I do really love their prices on FAGE 0% and 2%. Cheaper than any other store in our area.

Organic Frozen Pizza

This one is particularly delicious. Perfect for an “OMG I CAN’T COOK TONIGHT” cena.

Frozen Organic Veggies and Fruits

You cannot beat TJ’s prices on frozen organic produce—especially berries. It’s a crazy good deal, and it’s crazy good quality, too.

Dark Chocolate PB Cups

These fall solidly into the “junk” category, but damn, they are good. Like, insanely good. And they come in a variety of sizes. My favorite is the small ones (there are teeny-tiny ones, too).

Dark Chocolate Honey Mints

There are a lot of sweet treats at TJ’s, but this is my favorite of them all. They taste like honey-flavored peppermint patties, and only have three ingredients. We buy these and toss one into our lunch for a nice little mid-day treat.

Multigrain Pita Crackers

Mejor. Crackers. Nunca.

Applesauce Crushers

Again, this is a lunch-packing convenience food, but we’re big fans of the Applesauce Crushers. They come in a few flavors (banana=least favorite, carrot=yummiest). Our cashier once tried to tell us we shouldn’t buy them because they are baby food, but they aren’t! They’re just applesauce.

Canned Salmon

We always have a few cans of this in the pantry. It’s really high quality stuff and much cheaper than we can find it at any other store. It’s great for salmon salads !

Organic Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup

This is my favorite canned/boxed soup ever in the history of ever.

Chicken Breast Wraps Dog Treats

Puppyface freaking loves these dog treats. She gets to nom off the dried chicken layer and then spend quite a while working on the rawhide. They are definitely her favorites.

Sprouted Multi-Grain Bread

Ezekiel sprouted grain bread is awesome (and sugar-free!) but it’s crazy expensive—but thankfully TJ’s has their own version. It’s pretty much exactly the same—except for the price.

Original Turkey Jerky

Obsessed. We get a bag of this every shopping trip and share it on the drive home. It’s super flavorful, low-calorie, packed with protein and the perfect combo of chewy and soft. It’s a little pricey at $4.99 for a small bag. If it was a bit cheaper, I’d eat this stuff everyday.

Flavored Chicken Sausages

The raw chicken sausages at TJs are amazing. There are a few flavors and they are all excellent . Grilled them up and serve them along side a veggie and you’ve got a crazy easy dinner.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds made the list not because of price (I can actually get them much cheaper elsewhere) but because of convenience . Before I always had to make a separate trip to a speciality store to buy chia seeds, but recently TJ’s started carrying them. It’s definitely worth the few extra cents to not need to go to a different store.

The Dark Chocolate Lover’s Chocolate Bar

This is the best Dark Chocolate on the planet.

So you can totally see why I love TJs, right? I don’t know how I lived without it for so long.

What’s your favorite TJ’s product?

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Ah, I so love TJ’s (-: My nearest is 50 mins away so I travel w/ a cooler when I go! But next year when we move, I’ll have one right in my (new) town. Hooray!! Some faves in our house: 12 grain crackers. My 3 yr old LOVES these and they are pretty healthy too. Delish! 100 cal dark chocolate bars. So smooth! Frozen brown rice packets. I am 100% sure I would NEVER mess with actually cooking brown rice myself….these make it so easy. The whole wheat naan bread is awesome for making pita pizzas! I recently discovered this: I made carmelized onion/gorgonzola pitas w/ it and they were SO good! Liberal amount of olive oil as well. New discovery: the Apple Cinnamon Snack Sticks by the chip/snack row. They are tasty! Not necessarily terribly healthy, but not so bad either (-: I could go on & on, obviously….but I will stop there!

Just found your blog recently and wanted to say how wonderful it is!

There are just so many TJ’s products to chose from. The tomato and roasted red pepper soup is just delicious and it makes other soups taste so boring in comparison. Their reduced sodium chicken broth is great. I also pick up granola bars for my bf’s lunches, baby spinach, carrots, etc. I always find new things to try while I’m there. I’m lucky enough to have one 15 minutes from me and another pretty close as well. Otherwise I would have to find one and pack some coolers.

So, dumb question, but is TJ’s really all natural and no preservatives? I always thought that, but when I actually looked around at their site one day I realized I couldn’t actually find anything like that anywhere. I haven’t been in a while, but I seem to remember looking around at labels the last time I was there and being a little unimpressed in that area. I mean, I’ll definitely still shop there, but it seemed to just have more natural/organic options than somewhere like Kroger, not a blanket ban like Whole Foods.

They definitely don’t have a rule like Whole Foods, but if say the vast majority of it is natural. But like I said, even in that naturalness, there is a ton of junk!

They do guarantee if it says Trader Joe’s “no msg or gmo’s”. I tell customers we are more of a “unique” grocery store. I love the company. Great place to work and shop!

Do any of you know where I could find a list of TJ’s products online? I have a disabled friend who would like to shop there and I would love to pick up some things for her, but I don’t know how to tell her what’s there. There’s a very limited list on the TJ’s site, but I’d kind of like to give her a more exhaustive set of options. Any help?

No, I’ve never seen a comprehensive one. ¡Lo siento!

Cassie, Trader Joe’s will provide you with a list of specific products — in my case for vegan foods. You have only to ask and you will be presented with several printed pages of all the vegan products they carry. I am sure they have othe lists as well. Maybe sugar-free, etc. Ask next time you are there! Julie

I think the products that a specific store carries can vary from week to week based on production and whatnot. One time I was looking for a specific product, and a store employee said that they don’t always carry the same products, and he didn’t even know when/if that product would be back in stock. I guess it depends on how much they manufacture and where they are the highest demands. So, long story short, even if they had a list on the website, it wouldn’t be guaranteed to be carried at your store.

That being said, I love TJ’s too! The chicken sausage is a staple in our home, and I also love the Latin black bean soup… I use it as a base for a hearty black bean soup made with ingredients that can all (always) be found at Trader Joes. I also adore their cute little names, like Trader Jose for the Mexican foods.

They have a monthly “Fearless Flyer” that details the seasonal products they are featuring. By no means does it contain all their products but it would give you a decent starting point. Here’s the link…

Say hello to one of my new favorite vegan dishes, Farro Tabouli! And the cool thing is that this takes about 10-minutes to cook because it's an assembly dish.

First, I bought about 1/4 lb. regular pre-made tabouli salad at a local Mediterranean deli. You can find pre-made tabouli in almost any grocery store usually in their deli section.

Trader Joe's has these new 10-minute whole grain bags in Farro, Bulgar, and Barley. The Farro is so easy and fast to cook, and health-wise it is a whole grain packed with protein. Farro has a nutty flavor and if you have never tried it before, please do! If anything, it's something new to try.

Cook the farro and then combine it with the tabouli salad and voila. Disfruta!

10 Allergy-friendly Thanksgiving Dish Ideas

Easy Meal: Salad Bar Tacos

Meatless Monday Idea: Farro, Butternut Squash and Cranberry Pilaf

Happy New Year! I'm still in holiday mode and don't have the motivation to cook anything from scratch, but did want to start off the new year eating healthy things. For dinner, I made these vegan Thai peanut noodles which took 10 minutes to make because everything came from a packet or a bottle.

For the noodles, I used Trader Joe's organic gluten-free, brown rice spaghetti noodles. These noodles are the best gluten-free pasta I've tried. In fact, my folks thought they were eating regular wheat spaghetti noodles. These spaghetti noodles cook in 9 minutes. I made about 2 cooked cups worth.

For the peanut sauce, I used Whole Foods 365 brand organic peanut sauce. This sauce is vegan but not gluten-free. If you can find a bottled peanut sauce that is gluten-free, then you can make this whole dish gluten-free friendly.

While the noodles are cooking, in a wok or medium sauce pan, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat.

Add 1/2 cup creamy organic peanut butter, 1/4 cup of organic peanut sauce, two pinches of organic ginger powder, and 1 cup of organic rice milk. The olive oil helps keep the peanut butter from sticking to the pan. Coconut milk would be best but you can use any dairy-free milk. I had rice milk in the fridge.

Continuously stir all the ingredients together well for about 5 minutes until you have a nice smooth heated sauce. Add more milk in if you want a thinner sauce. 

Toss in the spaghetti noodles and mix well with the peanut sauce.

From the Whole Foods salad bar, I got shredded beets, carrots, green onions, and chopped cashews which I used to top the noodles.

Voila! Ready to eat in 10 minutes. If you want to make this dish from scratch, here is a recipe I did back in April.

Cranberry, Walnut Oatmeal Cookies

10 Allergy-friendly Thanksgiving Dish Ideas

When I took this pizza out of the oven my parents thought the pie was made with real chicken and dairy cheese. Nope, it's vegan! I'm kinda proud of myself for finding a way to make the cheese look like real melted mozzarella. I shall share my secret in a moment.

One of my beefs (no meat pun intended) with most vegan pizza I've tried or seen is that the cheese doesn't look melted or tastes like you would imagine vegan cheese to taste. I've been doing experiments with different vegan cheeses, and this experiment proved successful.

This is only the second time I've ever made pizza at home. The first time was a disaster because the baking pan I used burned the outside of the crust and left the inside a bit gooey. This time I bought a pizza stone, and what a difference. I bought my stone at Cost Plus World Market for $12.99, and what a great investment.

My crust turned out fat because I didn't roll out the dough thin enough, but that's okay. We can be creative and call it fat crust versus thick crust like we did it on purpose. I like my pizza topping heavy, so as you can see I loaded up on the stuff. The crust is a darker brown because it's made with whole wheat.

This entire pizza is made with pre-made ingredients I purchased from two stores: Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.

Kinder's brand Mild BBQ sauce

Trader Joe's brand Vegan Mozzarella Style Shreds

Fresh Basil

1/4 cup Chopped White Mushrooms

1/4 Chopped Red Onion

Daiya also has a Jack Wedge which is another nice looking cheese that is white like mozzarella, but it doesn't have as much flavor as the Havarti. If you like mild, try the Jack. Although the Havarti has Jalapeno, the heat is really mild to almost non-existent, at least to me.

If you don't have a Whole Foods nearby, Trader Joe's also has pre-made pizza dough and vegan chick'n strips. I really like the Beyond Meat Chicken because it shreds like real chicken. With the barbecue sauce, the Beyond Meat Chicken comes very close to the taste and texture of real chicken. Remember my Beyond Meat chicken salads.

I used the coconut flour instead of wheat flour to help roll out the dough and to make shreds with the Daiya Havarti wedge because loose wheat flour can burn. Cornmeal is also recommended.

Here's the secret to making my melty looking vegan cheese. I combined two different vegan cheeses, the Trader Joe's vegan mozzarella and the Daiya Havarti wedge which I turned into shreds. Daiya does make mozzarella shreds. but I do not care for the taste and I don't like how it melts. The Trader Joe's vegan mozzarella by itself doesn't melt that great in my opinion and is not that tasty.

The Daiya Wedges have the best melt I have seen of any vegan cheese on the market to date. My vegan grilled cheese sandwich and cheesey vegan Cheddar Mac & Cheese are classics that I still cannot believe are dairy-free!  

When you mix the Daiya and Trader Joe's cheese together some magic happens!

The trick to making Diaya Havarti shreds

I tried making shreds with the Daiya Havarti wedge straight on a handheld cheese shredder and it was a disaster because the havarti is too soft and clumps so you end up with a sticky ball. What works better is to cut about a 1/4 of the whole wedge, coat it with some coconut flour or cornmeal, and put the wedge into the freezer for about 90 minutes so the cheese hardens but is not rock solid.

The semi-frozen havarti will now make some nice shreds that won't stick together. As you shred, periodically stop and sprinkle some of the coconut flour on the shreds and mix them around so the shreds coat with the flour. This will help prevent the shreds from clumping together. In a bowl, blend the Trader Joe's vegan cheese and Daiya Havarti together.

An important point about the cheese

Save the shredding of the Daiya Havarti until the very end. Rolled out your pizza dough to your desired pizza size, and top your pizza with the BBQ sauce, Beyond Meat Chicken, mushrooms, red onion, and basil. Blend the TJ cheese and Daiya Havarti together and top at the very end because the Havarti will warm up fast and start clumping together. The key is to keep the Daiya as frozen as long as possible.

I baked my pizza on the stone for 15 minutes at 450 degrees rotating the pizza about 90 degrees every five minutes. Another good tip is to pre-heat the stone for about 10 minutes before you put your pizza on top of it.

Now that I have discovered a cool way to make melty looking vegan cheese on pizza, I cannot wait to try other flavor combinations. Are there any tricks you've used to make melty and better tasting vegan cheese for pizza?

Meatless Monday Idea: Eggplant Cannelloni With Vegan Ricotta

Meatless Monday Idea: Semi-homemade Florentine Risotto With Creminis, Sweet Peas, and Pea Shoots

Trader Joe’s has a magical ready-made pizza dough that makes the most delicious home cooked pizzas. I have been making pizza with it since I started shopping at Trader Joe’s over a decade ago, and I have perfected the art of handling their dough. I get asked about it a lot when I am buying at the store, because people are afraid to try cooking with it. It can be very tricky to handle, as some people think it is too sticky to work with, but with a bit of flour and patience you too can be making custom pizzas at home in no time.

My tips for making perfect pizza at home using Trader Joe’s pizza dough are below. And if you’re looking for more inventive ways to dress up your pizza (that your kids will love, too), check out the slideshow for easy and tasty homemade pizza recipes.

Trader Joe's Pizza Dough - How to Make Perfect Pizza at Home

That sticky dough can be hard to master. but not when you're armed with these tips.

Published: January 20, 2016


Trader Joe's pizza dough (It comes in white, wheat, and garlic + herb.). 1 package

flour. 2-3 teaspoons

pizza sauce of choice (pasta sauce, pesto, or just plain olive oil). 8 oz.

shredded cheese (I prefer Trader Joe's light three cheese blend.). 6 onzas.

pizza toppings. anything your heart desires, but my favorites are pepperoni, zucchini, and onions

cookie sheet. 1


Paso 1 . Prep your pizza dough. Timing is everything with this pizza dough. It needs to be refrigerated, but you want to let it sit out for around 15-20 minutes to let it come up closer to room temperature to work with it. Use the time it is sitting out to slice your pizza toppings and prep your other ingredients. Also be sure to preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

Paso 2 . Turn the dough into a crust. This dough can get really sticky, so I start by putting about a teaspoon of flour into the bag and getting the surface of the dough covered. Then I cut away the rest of the bag and make sure the whole surface of the dough has some flour on it. I like to bake my pizza on a cookie sheet, as it keeps the size uniform, and you can get a larger pizza out of it than you would if you were cooking on a pizza pan.

Paso 3 . Work the dough into a rectangle so it fills the full space of your cookie sheet. This is a dough you have to push with your fingertips and work slowly with. Don't try to flip it like you see the guys do at the local pizza parlor; instead, keep it close to the pan and let gravity pull the dough larger as you flip it over in your hands. Be careful not to get it too thin in any places, as you will end up with a hole in the middle of your pizza. It's best to let the natural shape of the dough work for you instead of trying to force it in a new shape. The edges of the cookie sheet are especially helpful as you can get the edges to stick to them a bit and help fill out the pan.

Step 4 . Apply your sauce. I've gone through many variations of sauce in my time making this pizza. My current favorite is to use Trader Joe's olive tapenade spread as a base layer. Other options include the classic tomato sauce, pesto sauce, Trader Joe's bruschetta, or just plain olive oil with sliced tomatoes. Use the back of a large spoon to get even coverage.

Step 5 . Apply a base layer of cheese and your toppings. I like to start with just a bit of cheese, and then load up the toppings and put the majority of the cheese on top. Pizza toppings are one of our nation's great debates, though, and you can customize this part however you like. This could be an especially great way to get the kids involved in making dinner, by letting them choose their own toppings.

Step 6 . I like to add a dash of Italian seasoning on top, and then throw it in the oven. These pizzas cook surprisingly fast and should only need about 8-10 minutes in the oven. It all depends on how crisp you like your crust, so just keep an eye on them and pull them out when you start to see your cheese browning and bubbling.

Step 7 . Once you take it out of the oven, transfer the pizza to a large cutting board and slice. Be sure to let it cool for a few minutes before serving. And voila! A delicious homemade pizza dinner in just about 30 minutes!

More Pizza Recipes:

Tagged: Austin Trader Joe’s

November 16, 2013 Written by Marie

- Austin’s Vegan BBQ has finally arrived! BBQ Revolution celebrated their grand opening last night with much success, selling out of food within an hour. This all-vegan BBQ trailer is the latest addition to the very vegan friendly North Loop neighborhood (parked next to Red Rabbit Cooperative Bakery ). BBQ Revolution offers BBQ sandwiches and BBQ plates featuring your choice of home-smoked tempeh, soy curls or seitan, with sides of mac and cheeze, potato salad, cole slaw and beans, plus pickles and bread (they have some gluten-free options to boot!). We’ve literally eaten there every day since they opened, and are happy to say that the whole menu is delicious! With specials in the works like fried green tomatoes, we’re so happy to welcome the newest addition to the Austin vegan food scene.

- Conscious Cravings officially has a third location, with a storefront in the Dobie Mall Food Court on the University campus. Students now have access to the full menu of wraps, salads and fries.

- Frozen Rickshaw. a small mochi ice cream trailer, has opened on W. 30th. Vegan options are available, including rotating flavors like strawberry, grapefruit and Thai basil. For those who are looking for hot dessert on these cold days, they are offering a Tong Sui special (traditional cantonese sweet soup made with taro, coconut milk and tapioca – which can be made vegan, and is delicious!). They close for the season on December 6th, so head on over there before it’s too late.

- The Soular Food Garden lot has closed, but East siders have nothing to fear, as Capital City Bakery just moved to Cesar Chavez, next to their future storefront, and The Vegan Yacht has moved to The Grackle .

& # 8211; Tough Cookie Bakery has been serving up amazing vegan sausage pretzel brats, sourdough bread and more at the SFC Market at the Triangle on Wednesdays, and at SFC East (MLK and Miriam) on Tuesdays.

- Happy Vegan Baker. an Austin farmer’s market staple, can now be found at Fresh Plus grocery stores around town. They will also be opening their first storefront soon, offering grab and go items such as their delicious mac and cheese!

- Me So Hungry has moved out of Cheer Up Charlie’s. and is currently focusing on catering events. There are a few vegan-friendly trailers that are vying to fill up the vacant spot, and I can’t wait to see who ends up moving in!

- Trader Joe ‘s first Austin location is now open on Bee Cave Rd down south. The store has proved to be incredibly popular with lines that wrap around the whole store during peak hours, and high demand for products like the Speculoos Cookie & Cocoa Swirl has led them to keep limits on the number of jars you can purchase. Let’s hope the planned downtown and northwest stores open soon, so the fervor will die down, and we can all bathe in tubs of Speculoos.

- Fountain of Health, a Mexican vegetarian restaurant on N. Lamar between Braker & Palmer is now open. With many vegan-friendly menu items, this is a great new option for those up north.

- South Austinites have lots to be excited about, including the opening of Wheatsville’s second location on South Lamar. Wheatsville’s new location is very spacious, and includes a large indoor eating area, perfect to enjoy your popcorn tofu po’boys on those hot/cold days.

- Better Bites Bakery has opened a store front down south at 11190 Circle Dr. Suite #350. This gluten-free, mostly vegan bakery has their line of baked goods all around town including Whole Foods, People’s Pharmacy and Taco Deli. As a gluten-loving vegan, I was happily surprised by their delicious gluten-free offerings of cake balls, scones and cupcakes. With a certified gluten-free kitchen, this is a great option to know about for the gluten-free friends in your life.

- The Vegan Nom has moved their trailer to Buzz Mill Coffee down south on Town Creek Drive, and plans to add some new menu items. Their North Loop location will get a new trailer, and should be reopening soon.

- Mister FruitCup has moved to Break Point at The Boardwalk on Lakeshore Blvd. This new location has ample parking and a view of downtown! If you haven’t tried Mister FruitCup yet, now’s the perfect time.

New Vegan Menu Items:

- VERTS Kebap invited us to try their new vegan patties, and to see how they were made behind the scenes, so we can attest that everything is indeed vegan (even cooked on a dedicated grill top). We also learned that you can get a half patty, half grilled mushroom combo, which is our new favorite way to customize our vegan kebap. Try it loaded up with veggies, and topping it with their vinaigrette sauce (currently the only vegan sauce). VERTS prides themselves on providing a light and tasty meal, with their filling vegan kebaps coming in under 500 calories. [ UPDATE . VERTS has reverted to the old non-vegan recipe for the patties. Try the grilled veggies instead, for a vegan kebap. ]

- Chipotle has reformulated their pinto bean recipe to be vegan now, which is pretty neat, as it’s served in over 1500 locations worldwide. Chipotle also announced that they are offering tofu sofritas as a filling option in select locations. Unfortunately, Austin is not on the list yet, but it’s an amazing sign of progress.

- The Dojo has launched a lunch service Tue-Fri with plentiful vegan options. You can go with the Teishoku set and pick a main entree (tofu steak or nasu scramble) and a side dish (gyoza or tomato croquette), that will also come with rice, salad and soup. Or you can build a salad set or a ramen set with your choice of side. It’s a perfect option for a quick work lunch.

- Baton Creole just keeps getting better and better. With delicious vegan jambalaya on a stick, rotating vegan specials, and now vegan beignets! Airy fried nuggets of dough covered in mountains of powdered sugar, these are the perfect warm dessert on a cold Austin night.

- Sea Shepherd Tod Emko and vegan comic book artist Ethan Young. friends of Red Hot Vegans, are collaborating on an awesome new project: “A Piggy’s Tale “, an all-ages comic book series which follows the superhero adventures of a three-legged dog named Piggy and his feline sidekick, Simon. Their kickstarter campaign is ending on Wednesday, and they’re oh so close to being funded! Help them reach their fundraising goal, and you could get great rewards, including signed copies of issues #1 and #2, Piggy swag, and more!

- The Students Against Cruelty Towards Animals group at UT is starting up again. If you’re a UT student and want to get involved, head on over to their first meeting on Wednesday, Novemeber 20, in room 2.304 of the Moffet Molecular Biology Building.

- Cornucopia Popcorn Creations already has tons of amazing deals on their vegan-friendly flavored popcorn, like half off on all tin refills and free kids’ bags with a Go Local card, but did you know they have a free popcorn day every month? This month, it’s Monday, November 25th: come by between 10am and 8pm and leave with a bag of free popcorn!

- Thanksgiving is coming, and Austin vegans have a lot to be thankful for! Lazy Smurf has put together an extensive Thanksgiving guide covering all the different vegan Thanksgiving specials and events around town, from Mr. Natural, Happy Vegan Baker, Wheatsville, and more!

- Speaking of Thanksgiving, Shiva Shakti’s 8th annual Trancegiving at Zilker Park will be on Saturday, November 30th. This annual event offers “plates full of goodness with a bowl of fresh beats”, with vegan Thanksgiving buffet, an extensive music lineup, and plenty of dancing in the great outdoors. The event is free, though donations to help cover costs are appreciated.

Sobre nosotros

Red Hot Vegans is an Austin lifestyle blog dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest vegan news and reviews – because Austin is awesome, vegans are awesome, and because being a vegan in Austin is the best!


Trying new foods at Trader Joe's is always a fun thing for me. I found these pre-made Vegetable Pakoras in the frozen food section.

These Pakoras are vegan, and from the looks of the ingredients list are soy and gluten-free. I say looks only because the box was not specifically labeled gluten-free. Pakoras are made with potatoes, onions, sweet potato, spinach, cilantro, chickpea flour, garlic and spices.

Pakoras are a popular Indian snack served at tea time. A serving of four of these TJ Pakoras is 150 calories which in my book makes for a nice snack. The Pakoras are lightly fried with 5g of fat per serving. There's zero trans fat.

I coupled my Pakoras snack with slices of avocado, and the Trader Joe's sweet chile sauce for a dip. The Pakoras come with a tamarind sauce, but I didn't like it at all. Plus, the Pakoras have a medium spicy heat to them, and so did the tamarind sauce which put together was too much heat for me. The sweet chile sauce mellows things out with cool sweetness.

Have you tried the Trader Joe's Pakoras? What did you think?

The arugula and micro greens in this salad are from Trader Joe's.

I used leftovers from last night's salmon dinner to add protein, and some fixings from the Whole Foods salad bar that included shaved beets, garbanzos, edamame, and shredded zuchini. There is also some walnuts for even more protein.

For the dressing, I sprinkled on some Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette. This salad is free of gluten, dairy, eggs, and soy, and is Paleo friendly.

Talk about protein packed meals. Not only do you get lots of protein in this dish, you also get Omega-3s with the salmon, and nutrient-packed arugula. Quinoa is protein-rich and is a  complete protein . meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. Here are the many health benefits of Quinoa .

At Costco, I found this Red Quinoa + Brown Rice blend by Village Harvest. This blend is great for those who are new to Quinoa yet familiar with brown rice. Cooking is simple. Just pop into microwave, heat, and eat.

For the salmon, I simply baked a 1-1/2 serving size piece (about 5.5 oz) with some Soy Vay Veri Veri Teriyaki sauce at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Next time, I'd like to try Soy Vay's Wasabi Teriyaki. That would be a nice kick!

The arugula is from bagged organic arugula from Trader Joe's. I simply massaged the arugula with some of Brianna's Blush Vinaigrette . 

There you go, a simple, fast protein and nutrient rich meal.

Sheena over at The Little Red House blog in a post about a couple of her favorite brussels sprouts recipes  including an amazing looking Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Avocado, and Lime dish insisted as a public service that we all stop boiling our brussels sprouts because "boiling does nothing for their flavor, it decreases nutritional benefits, and it turns them into a bowl of mush."

I agree with the mush part as I have liquified many a brussels sprouts in my day. No amount of herbs, seasonings or cheese can fix a bland veggie mush.

I have never roasted brussels sprouts before, so because of Sheena, I roasted about a dozen sprouts at 400 degrees for 20 minutes bathed in some olive oil, sea salt and slivers of sweet onion and OMG! I will never go back to boiled brussels ever again.

Once you experience roasted brussels sprouts, you cannot go back to boiled. It's just not possible!

I could eat these awesome roasted brussels sprouts on their own, but I got fancy and made a simple dish which is vegan, gluten-free, and soy-free.

I shredded the brussels sprouts by simply cutting them in strips sideways from head to tip.

In a wok on medium heat, I sauteed a quarter of a sliced sweet onion in one tbsp of Earth Balance Soy-free butter until the onions wilted.

I tossed the sliced brussels sprouts in the wok with the burnt onions from the pan as these crispy bits made for a nice tasty crunch in my dish.

Next, 2 tbsps of pecans were added into the wok, and everything was mixed together for about a minute.

I took the wok off the heat, and quickly mixed in a handful of pea shoots I got from Trader Joe's, then put my brussels sprouts on a nice platter. The pea shoots do not need to be cooked. The shoots are delicate so the heat from the brussels sprouts will cook the shoots a bit. Slightly crunchy pea shoots makes for a fun texture.

My roasted brussels sprouts dish did not make it to leftovers. ¡Tan bueno!

We're heading into summer time which is big for BBQs and picnics. Here is one of my favorite vegan potato salads mainly because it is really easy to make and I love using colorful baby potatoes.

In this recipe, I use Brianna's Poppyseed and Dijon Honey Mustard dressings. Besides using these dressings on my green salads, I use the Poppyseed dressing like it's Miracle Whip in tuna salad, macaroni salad, or sandwich spreads. I add vegenaise to tone down the sweetness of the poppyseed dressing.

I found a 1lb bag of Melissa's Gemstone baby potatoes at Trader Joe's, but you can find these cute potatoes in most of your major supermarkets.

Boil the baby potatoes with a pinch of salt for 18 minutes. 

Cool down the potatoes.

Cut the baby potatoes into bite-sized chunks.

In a small bowl, mix well together the poppyseed dressing, honey mustard dressing, and vegenaise. 

In a big bowl, put in the baby potatoes, onion, celery, dill, and the dressing mix. Mix all the ingredients together until all the potatoes are well coated with dressing.

Chill for 20 minutes and then enjoy!

Need some green salad inspiration, here's what I ate today. This salad has:


col rizada

Snap Peas



Cremini mushrooms


Vine tomatoes

Trader Joe's brand Broccoli slaw mix


I know that's a whole lot to put into one salad but, oh my this meal was fantastic and filling.

I cut the snap peas vertically into small pieces and the designer in me liked how the shapes came out. I also love how the blue color of the blueberries stand out against the leafy greens.

I always put nuts in my salads because it adds protein, healthy fats, and a crunch. Pistahios are one of my favorite nuts.

Such a colorful and yummy salad!

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Nachos are always a must on a day filled with margaritas. Here's a vegan version of a layered nachos dip I enjoy. Most of the ingredients came from Trader Joe's, but you could easily find versions or alternatives in one of your local grocery stores

The dip is easy to make, and could also be used as a taco or burrito filling.

Layers from bottom to top:

TJ's Vegan refried beans (I warm up the beans with a little olive oil in a pan)

TJ's Vegan Black Beans sauteed with cremini mushrooms, red onions, and a pinch of garlic salt in olive oil for 3 minutes until onions and mushrooms are soft.

Spanish rice. Here's an easy rice recipe from Simply Recipes

TJ's Sweet Corn (Bought a bag of organic sweet corn, so I could have extra corn for other dishes)

TJ's Peach Salsa

Diced roma tomato

Avocado mash (half an avocado mashed with fork) with red onion, garlic salt, and 1/2 tsp lemon juice

If you are feeling cheesy, try out Daiya's new Cheddar Wedge which melts better than any vegan cheese I've seen around AND it tastes good. Break up the wedge into chunks and microwave until gooey like traditional nacho cheese.

The tortilla chips are also TJ's own brand of Quinoa and Black Bean infused Tortilla Chips. I like these chips versus regular tortilla chips because the Quinoa and beans add some protein, and the chips are gluten-free.

Now, where's that margarita. )

Doesn't that look pretty? This week for breakfast and even dinner a couple times, I've been eating Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Granola with pumpkin and flax seeds. I like that the cereal is packed with Omega's 3 and 6 so we can get some healthy fats in. With the granola, I used regular rice milk, so this entire meal is vegan.

Raspberries are a happy fruit to me, and so what a better way to start the day off than with happiness on top of your cereal? Good idea me thinks.

To be honest, I've had a renewed respect for Nature's Path as a company when I heard that they have donated $500,000.00 for the Just Label It campaign to require mandatory GMO labeling on foods on a national level. I am very passionate about this GMO Labeling mandate because this type of food legislation will help regulate GMO companies and help educate consumers in what they are eating.

To see Nature's Path contribute that much cash along with support knocks my socks off. They are showing they walk their talk and I'm happy to support businesses that do that. So, every time I eat my granola, my body feels good as well as my spirit :)

PD I bought the box of cereal on my own. Nature's Path is not compensating me financially for this post.

I love crab cakes and wanted to make a vegetarian cake. Inspired by a panko crusted risotto ball appetizer I saw at a Fresh & Easy holiday party last December, I created these crunchy gluten-free sweet potato parmesan risotto cakes.

Now, you're probably wondering how I made a gluten-free crunchy crust. My secret is the new Sweet Potato flavored Pop Chips. Awhile back, I made gluten-free and egg-free baked coconut chicken nuggets using regular flavored Pop Chips as the breading.

Not only do Pop Chips make for awesome snacks, but ground up in a food processor, the Pop Chips (in any flavor) has a texture like panko and remains crunchy when baked. Several of the Pop Chips flavors are gluten-free and vegan like the Sweet Potato flavor. Check the back label. These are exciting times for gluten-free eaters who want to enjoy a crunchy breading-like experience! 

Next, you're probably wondering how I got the cakes to stick together without using egg or soy as a binder. Often in vegetarian recipes, tofu is used as a binder like in veggie burgers. Since I try and eat as little soy as possible outside of organic edamame, I like to get creative.

I took frozen Stahlbush Island Farms sweet potato chunks and blended the potato in a food processor until it was in a semi-chunky paste form and mixed the paste in with the risotto. Also, I cooked the risotto with a less water to make the rice stickier kind of like sushi rice. The risotto and sweet potato paste stick pretty good together.

Ingredients (makes 16-20 cakes):

1 box Gluten-free Lundberg Creamy Parmesan Risotto made using less 1/4 cup less water.

2 cups Stahlbush Island Farms sweet potato chunks

36 Sweet Potato Pop Chips (ground up in a food processor)

1 tsp agave nectar

Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cook the Lundberg Creamy Parmesan Risotto according to the box and use 1/4 cup less water. The risotto will come out a little more on the dryer side which helps in making the cakes stick together better.

Warm up the sweet potato chunks in the microwave for about 30 seconds so they are not frozen solid but only slightly warm. Too much heat and the potato will get mushy and the paste will not work. 

Put the sweet potato chunks in a food processor along with the 1 tsp of agave nectar and blend until you get a semi-chunky paste. The nectar sweetens the sweet potato just a tad.

Put the finished risotto in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes to cool it down and harden the risotto a bit so it's sticky. Mix in the sweet potato paste.

Form the risotto, sweet potato mix into cakes, and then on a plate roll the cakes in the sweet potato Pop Chips breading.

Spray non-stick cooking spray on a baking sheet, and place the sweet potato risotto cakes on the baking sheet.

Bake the cakes on one side for 8 minutes. Turn the cakes over, and bake for another 8 minutes.

Let the cakes cool down. Place some fresh thyme on top of each cake for seasoning. The side sauce I used in the photo is Trader Joe's Sweet Chili sauce.

It’s a low sodium fiesta at Trader Joe’s!

Trader Joe’s has done it again!

I’ve been making tacos a lot lately and have been going through mucho taco shells. During my latest trip to Trader Joe’s I discovered they sell taco shells for a mere $1.99 per package!! They’re everything you want in a taco shell – aka, pure deliciousness – PLUS they’re sodium free, gluten free, vegan, kosher and organic.

And don’t forget the SALSA!

Trader Joe’s Fire Roasted Tomato Salsa contains a mere 30 mg sodium per serving and is a perfect, all-around salsa. Great for dipping and adding to recipes, full of flavor (with NO ADDED SALT!) and mild enough for everyone.

Like spice? Try Trader Jose’s Chipotle Salsa. Fiery and fabulous, with only 40 mg sodium per serving. And did I mention they also sell organic unsalted tortilla chips? Oh yesss.

I’m not a cheapskate, but 4 people + 1 income = Mandatory Budgeting. I walked out of Trader Joe’s with tortilla chips, two different jars of salsa, and a box a taco shells for under 10 bucks. YOU HEARD ME. LESS THAN TEN BUCKS. All low sodium, all delicious, and ALL MINE. Olé, Trader Jose. Olé!

A Week’s Worth of Trader Joe’s Dinners

I usually shop once a week for groceries and I spend a little time before I head out planning 4 or 5 dinners. We rely on the leftovers for lunches, and staples like oatmeal, fruit, and cereal for breakfasts. It actually takes a lot of the stress out of weeknight cooking when you have a list of options to look at and you know all the ingredients are on hand. I figured as long as I was making a menu, it might be helpful to share it.

Normally, I shop at regular grocery stores or our local Co-op, but when Trader Joe’s (TJ’s) came to town it was an event. Bellinghamsters like food and TJ’s has some pretty unique products. I end up there about once a month and I’m impressed with some of their healthier options.

I humbly present to you:

A few of the ingredients will end up getting used in more than one meal like leeks, red pepper, millet bread, and cheddar cheese. This means the price listed for individual recipes would go down if you shopped for and made the full week of meals. For example, added up recipe by recipe, the total cost is $96.40, but when taken all together the total is onlly $82.90. I already had some staples on hand, like olive oil, but I got everything else I needed at TJ’s. And, in case you’re running low, most all of the pantry staples are available at TJ’s, too.

The TJ’s in your neck of the woods might be laid out differently, but I tried to put the ingredients sort of in order of how I found them in my store. This list is for all 5 recipes plus recommended accompaniments:

Week of Trader Joe’s Dinners Shopping List

16 onzas. TJ’s High Protein Organic Tofu Super Firm ($1.99) 8 oz. TJ’s Organic 3-Grain Tempeh ($1.69) 1 1-lb. TJ’s Wheat Pizza Dough ($1.29) 12 oz. TJ’s Mild Salsa ($2.29) 16 oz. TJ’s Brussels Sprouts ($2.29) 4 oz. TJ’s Organics Organic Fresh Basil ($2.79) 2 Count TJ’s Organics Organic Washington Leeks ($2.79) 2 Count TJ’s Red Bell Peppers ($2.29) 12 oz. TJ’s Vegetable Medley (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) ($2.29) 9 oz. TJ’s Snow Peas ($2.29) 12 oz. TJ’s Haricots Verts ($2.99) 15 oz. TJ’s A Complete Salad, Caesar Style ($3.49) 1 bag Fresh Produce Red Potatoes ($1.49) 16 oz. TJ’s Light Sour Cream ($1.79) 16 oz. TJ’s Millet Bread ($3.69) 16.5 oz. TJ’s Whole Grain Flour Tortillas with Rolled Oats and Flax Seed ($2.79) 8 oz. TJ’s Raw Pecan Pieces or Raw Pecan Halves ($4.99) 8 oz. TJ’s Raw Pine Nuts ($7.99) 20 oz. TJ’s Island Soyaki Sauce ($3.69) 16 oz. TJ’s Italian Capellini Pasta ($0.99) 16 oz. TJ’s Italian Orecchiette Pasta ($0.99) 12 oz. Trader Giotto’s Bruschetta (sauce) ($2.49) 15 oz. can TJ’s Garbanzo Beans ($0.89) 16 oz. TJ’s Lowfat Vegetarian Refried Pinto Beans Salsa Style ($1.09) 3.8 oz. can TJ’s Sliced Black Olives ($1.19) 32 oz. TJ’s Genuine 100% White Basmati Rice From India ($2.99) 16 oz. TJ’s Organic Quinoa ($3.99) 16 oz. TJ’s Organic Super Sweet Cut Corn ($1.79) 5 oz. TJ’s Grana Padano cheese ($3.72) 13 oz. TJ’s Light Sharp Celtic Cheddar ($4.73) 12 oz. TJ’s Wisconsin Sharp Cheddar Cheese ($3.13)

Pantry Staples (available at TJ’s) Olive oil Garlic Reduced sodium soy sauce Toasted sesame oil Fresh or dried thyme Butter or magarine Cumin

Pantry Staples ( not available at TJ’s)

Dark brown sugar Chili powder

This project did show me that many of our quick meals are high in sodium, so I’m going to work on improving that going forward.

The Monday-to-Friday order of recipes isn’t terribly important – Jeff actually likes letting his mood determine which one gets picked on a given night – but I try to consider using up the fresh foods first, so they don’t spoil before their meal pops up in the queue.

I’d love to hear feedback on the recipes and how everything comes together in your kitchen.


Favorite Things at Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s is, by far, my favorite place to shop. It’s about 45 minutes away from my house, but I still make the trek a couple of times a month because it’s just so worth it. What makes Trader Joe’s so great? It’s like a luxury grocery store without the luxury prices and there’s always something new and different popping up.

Last time I was browsing TJ’s I pulled out my iPhone and snapped some shots of my favorite things and the items I most often buy. I could list a TON more stuff, but I kept the list scaled back to the things that show up most often in my shopping cart.

Keep in mind that I typically go for healthier products and try to skip the ones that I know I won’t be able to stop eating, if it’s in my pantry. Cookie Butter, I ‘m talking to you! That being said, I know there are some fun, but not so healthy snacks, desserts and other stuff that make people crazy… en el buen sentido. If you’re able, don’t pass up the chance to explore this little space of grocery store heaven.

Let’s start in the produce department -

Trader Joe’s has a large variety of organic and non-organic greens. I try to stick with organics, but every once in awhile I pick up some of the more unusual items, like red spinach.

I buy lots of veggies in the produce department at Trader Joe’s because you can usually find organics and the price is usually right.

Trader Joe’s dressings are the best. The ranch is super tasty, very low calorie and made with good-for-you ingredients.

The cilantro salad dressing is also a must try for my fellow cilantro-loving friends.

These baby beets are ready to go. I usually chop them up in my salads.

Pom seeds are a lovely addition to oatmeal, pancakes, salads and yogurt. The price is a little steep, but if you’ve ever tried to cut a pomegranate, you know why I pay this price.

I have to admit, my beet hummus is tastier, but sometimes convenience wins out. TJ’s beet hummus is delicious too.

Blood oranges are so tasty tart and make for pretty food photos. Trader Joe’s typically carries really fresh fantastic tasting fruits.

Cheap organic apples… yes, please!

The Country White Chicken Salad isn’t the healthiest, but it sure is tasty. I buy this for Landen - he’s obsessed.

Spinach & Kale Greek Yogurt Dip is over-the-top yum and I’ve got a copycat recipe in the works. I buy this anytime I’m hosting a get-together and it’s always a crowd-pleaser.

Another dip I always have on hand for get-togethers is the Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacamole. I will warn you, much like the Spinach & Kale Greek Yogurt Dip, it’s pretty addicting.

Now let’s browse the frozen food department -

If I’m going to serve my family lasagna, it’s usually homemade, but for a convenient quick dinner, the Roasted Vegetable Multi-Grain Lasagna is wonderful. The nutritional info is really good too.

Anytime one of my recipes calls for corn, it’s usually this corn that I’m using. Such a great smoky roasted flavor… perfect for tacos.

Another fab pairing for taco night or fajitas are these fire roasted bell peppers and onion!

Amy’s vegetable pizza takes the top spot when it comes to frozen pizzas or any pizza for that matter, but the roasted vegetable pizza from Trader Joe’s is really tasty.

Trader Joe’s has a wide variety of organic frozen fruit, perfect for smoothies. The frozen organic mango chunks, frozen pineapple chunks and frozen organic whole green figs are all favorites of mine. If you have never tried frozen figs, you so need to. They add a lovely cake flavor to smoothies - try this Fig Smoothie !

I’m throwing in another not-so-healthy choice. My kids go absolutely bonkers for these mini pizzas… great for a splurge!

In my opinion, Trader Joe’s frozen burgers are hit or miss. I do not like the salmon burgers at all, but these chili lime chicken burgers are incredible. I’ve prepared them in a skillet and on the grill - either way, they’re a fantastic burger option.

On to the pantry staples -

Ak-mak crackers are great with spreadable cheese or for paired with salad for an added crunch. As far as ingredients go, you can’t beat these. They’re really cheap too.

Hot and sweet mustard is incredible on sandwiches and wraps.

Organic Ketchup for a super price. By the way, those Kona Coffee Shortbread Cookies are sooooo good. I tasted them once when they were giving away samples. They were too good for me to bring home!

Another special treat for the kids that they LOVE!

This almond butter is so good, it might just be better than homemade. Yes, that really did just come out of my mouth!

You can also find some of the VERY best peanut butter at Trader Joe’s too! I like my nut butters crunchy and salted, but they have lots of varieties.

These refried black beans always accompany Taco Tuesday. They are so much tastier than any other brand I’ve eaten.

¡Hurra! Trader Joe’s now carries organic coconut sugar.

Both the pumpkin and fig butters are awesome spread on muffins or bread and even added to oatmeal.

Another splurge here, but this is honestly the best cornbread ever. Better than homemade… I’m serious!

Love TJ’s canned coconut milk for use in recipes and the coconut cream works so well as a whipped coconut topping for pie .

Taco Tuesday essentials! The taco seasoning is MSG and preservative free. I also use it as a chicken rub.

Everyday Seasoning is good on just about everything, from salads to chicken.

Fabulous in salads, wraps and casseroles!

Another yummy salad add-in!

Most amazing store-bought marinara and the pizza sauce (not pictured) is a great find too.

TJ’s olive oil cooking spray is a staple in my home…

and the coconut oil cooking spray is too.

I’ve never tried ghee, but I know some of you really love it. This is a fairly new product at Trader Joe’s… I’ll have to give it a try soon.

I use both the apple cider vinegar and pomegranate vinegar for creating vinaigrettes.

Trader Joe’s offers a pretty good variety of soups. I haven’t tried too many of these, but I always pick up their low sodium organic broths for creating my own soups.

This olive oil is so tasty, it’s a fantastic option for salad dressing. Sometimes, I use it without anything else to top my salad.

All of the salsas I’ve tried are delish. Some of our favorites are peach, pineapple, salsa verde and salsa autentica.

I love the huge variety of nuts, seeds and nut meal that Trader Joe’s carries. Lots of raw options too.

Just a fair warning, the banana chips and dried mango are both so addicting.

Coconut chips make for a scrumptious topping for oatmeal, pancakes and smoothies.

Another very addicting product, but these have nothing added… it’s just plantain.

Super foods available!

Let’s mosey on over to the bread and dessert area -

Brad loves using these tortillas to make chicken tacos. For a corn tortilla product, they stay together really well. Ezekiel wraps, which I love, are also available.

I have been meaning to work on a copycat recipe for these apple cranberry fiber mini cakes. They are low in calories and have a fabulous ingredient list. I often enjoy them with my scrambled eggs for breakfast. They also have a blueberry variety.

My older daughter’s favorite sweet treat and I do agree with her, these are amazing!

Last stop is the refrigerated section -

This sausage has the best flavor. It’s low calorie too! FYI - there are other great sausage and meat options available.

Trader Joe’s almond milk is so thick and creamy - one of my favorite brands.

I buy all of the products pictured below. Having hard-boiled eggs ready to go is so convenient. Even though I’m a proponent of eating the egg yolk, I like adding some egg whites to my scrambled eggs for additional protein. Even though I don’t eat turkey bacon, Brad loves the stuff. He especially loves the turkey bacon from Trader Joe’s because it’s thick and tasty.

And that’s that for my Trader Joe’s grocery haul ( and this post took me forever )! My Costco haul is in the works, so stay tuned.

If you’re a Costco fan too, you may enjoy reading about my favorite things at Costco. Disfruta!

Something to think about….

What are some of your favorite Trader Joe’s products?

Do you live near a Trader Joe’s?

I’m so jealous after reading this post. I live in Toronto where we have no Trader Joe’s, nor do we have anything that even comes close. My parents have a Trader Joe’s right across the street from their winter home in Florida, so when I go and visit, it’s always my first stop. Not only are groceries in Toronto double or triple the price, the stores here don’t carry products that are even half as good. This list will come in handy for my next trip to Florida.

I’m sorry, I would think Toronto would have pretty good grocery stores. That’s too bad! Sounds like you might need to consider moving. ¡Decir ah!

I have SO many favorite TJ’s products, but their nut butters, kale chips, and nuts are probably some of my absolute favorites! Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…Lentil and Refried Bean Taquitos

I know what you mean - it was so hard to narrow this post down. And even with it narrowed down, it took forever. ¡Decir ah!

¡Me gusta esto! I live in Canada but cross the boarder about every month or so and always stop at Trader Joes. I will defiantly be purchasing some of the items you listed above that I did not know they carried (fingers crossed the location I frequent has these items). Looking forward to the Costco post

I hope you find the items you’re anxious to try!!

Ohhh how I LOVED this post! I love how you mostly focused on the healthy finds at Trader Joes!

We used to have one right across the street that my husband and i would walk to and carry the groceries home. They moved about 15 minutes away (which has made me not go there in AGES), until I read that YOU drive 45 minutes to yours! Now I feel so guilty that I haven’t been to ours in AGES!

I love how you said “It’s like a luxury grocery store without the luxury prices and there’s always something new and different popping up.” because that is soooo true!

Probably one of my ONLY complaints about Trader Joe’s is you can’t buy larger packages of fresh meat (chicken, etc.)…..but they do have the BEST salmon (already portioned), and I believe they still have their chicken breasts individually portioned too, but they are in smaller packages than I would like.

Their snacks and desserts are to die for (I try not to buy them!)

Oh that dip that you mentioned? (The spinach/kale yogurt one?) OMG I could eat the entire tub it is soooooooo good!!

Fabulous post! Caren Gittleman recently posted…The First of My April Selfies

I’m so jealous your Trader Joe’s is only 15 minutes away! I would definitely like to see larger larger options for meat - I always buy my chicken breast from Costco. You are so right about the snacks and desserts and if they’re in my house, there is no resisting!

I am a huge fan of TJ’s. Some of my favs are the dried packages of sundried tomatoes. They are so juicy and oil free. I love them on top of salads. Recently I discovered the packages of herb mix salad blend. The herbs add a great flavor to salads instead of plain spinach or kale. Also a fan of the orange vinaigrette….absolutely fabulous as a salad dressing!

Thanks for all the suggestions! I need to try those frozen figs! Kate @ Kate Lives Healthy recently posted…WIAW #42

I love the sundried tomatoes too. Thanks for sharing your other favorites - I will definitely be trying the herb mix for salads and orange vinaigrette!

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Trader Joe's

4821 N. 20th St Phoenix. Arizona 85016


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A smorgasbord of Vegetarian Delights

Trader Joe's grocery chain has made a name for itself with a wide variety of foods packaged under their own label. They carry the traditional staples, as well as specialty items you won't see at run-of-the-mill grocers. Best of all, and most products have with substantially LOWER PRICES than your friendly Co-op or health-food store!

There's a lot here for vegetarians to pick from: an unbelievable selection of whole wheat bread products (sandwich breads, pitas, English muffins, naan, Veggie hot dog buns, etc. etc. etc.); a wide variety of ready-to-eat foods (packaged lettuce, cut veggies, veggie sandwiches, dolmas, olives, fresh salsas, Veggie dips and sandwich spreads, innumerable types of hummus, etc. etc. etc.); amazing and inexpensive frozen fruit and vegetable choices; Veggie burgers; frozen Veggie dinners; Veggie pizzas; an incredible array of reasonably-priced dried fruits and nuts; Veggie snacks and dips; whole-grain pasta products, rice, canned goods; soy and rice milks; health and beauty products; supplements; non-irradiated spices; a good supply of fresh produce; beer and wine, and more!

Other Phoenix Metro locations (pictured below in this order from left to right): Ahwatukee: 4025 E Chandler Blvd, 480-759-2295 Glendale: 7720 West Bell Rd, 623-776-7414 Mesa:2050 East Baseline Rd (at Gilbert Rd), 480- 632-0951 Phoenix (Metro Center): 9640 N. Metro Pkwy, 602- 371-0167 Scottsdale: 6202 N Scottsdale Rd (at McDonald), 480-948-9886 Scottsdale (north): 7555 Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, 480-367-8920 Tempe: 6460 S McClintock (at Guadalupe), 480-838-4142

Added by Steve Carlson on Aug 11 06 (last updated Oct 25 06)

Most Recent Reviews

SwissKitty Apr 16 11

I don't know what I'd do sometimes without my TJ's. Sooo many amazing veggie options, quick meal ideas, nice selection of deli items, assortment of frozen entries, faux meats, etc. When we had a frost and eggplant was nowhere to be found, TJ's still carried their frozen breaded eggplant cutlets to save my dinner. (Whew!) Their frozen chile rellano is really delicious and surprisingly rates well in WW points. I do warn those watching their weight to avoid the hummus wrap though. It is laden with fat & carbs unfortunately. I love buying my cheese from TJ's too as they make a concerted effort to identify when rennet is animal, microbial, or vegetable. VERY friendly staff. Small store but it keeps the prices down. (Don't shop on a Saturday! Yikes!) Bring your own bags to enter their weekly drawing. Anyone can find something fabulous at TJ's.



Located in the Town and Country Shopping Center, just south of Camelback and 20th St in central Phoenix.

I originally wanted a Tofurky Roast. but I did not find find any at Trader Joe's. I did not feel like going to another store so I just settled for Trader Joe's brand. While I still like Tofurky better, this roast was fantastic. It comes with its own gravy too. I served it over roasted veggies. Only a few people tried it for dinner, but those who did said it was good too. This would be a great options for those transitioning to vegetarian or veganism.

Before the oven, I accidentally forgot to take photos of it cooked. opps!

This recipe will work with any other alternative roast, just adjust the temperate and bake time as needed.

Turkey-less Roast Olive oil 4 stalks of celery, cut into 2 inch pieces 4 large carrots, cut into 1 inches pieces 4 large parsnips, cut into 1 inch pieces Handful of brussels sprouts, cut in half 1 medium onion, cut into quarters 1 tbs herb de provence Salt and Pepper 1 Trader Joe's Turkey-less Stuffed Roast 1 cup vegetable broth, divided in half

Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees.

Coat the bottom of a roast pan with olive oil.

Prep and chop all the veggies accordingly.

Add the veggies to the pan, plus the herb de provence and the salt and pepper. Mix together to coat everything in olive oil.

Remove the roast from the packaging and place on top the veggies.

Pour half the vegetable broth over the roast.

Bake for 60-70 minutes, until the veggies are thoroughly roasted and roast is heated through.

Heat up the gravy packet that comes with the roast, pour it on, and enjoy a healthy and meat-free meal!

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Trader Joe’s Upgrade: Channa Masala with Chicken & Peas (gf, v option)

The second best thing to cooking meals from scratch is doctoring ready-to-go options, don’t you think? I think this is called “faking it” in the real world, but hey - you do what you gotta do when you’re low on time and need to eat. This week, I fell in love with a frozen meal that will become a staple in our household: Trader Joe’s Channa Masala. It’s a Punjabi Indian chickpea dish with a tomato base and coriander, cilantro, mango powder, onion, and garlic. It’s incredibly, incredibly aromatic, it’s low calorie, and vegan. And cooks in four minutes.

Trader Joe’s was giving out samples the last time I was there, and I followed the intoxicating aroma across the store like a cartoon character floating by its nose. I grabbed two out of the freezer before I had swallowed my first bite. It’s that good. And $2.99. Cheap and delicious - two of my favorite adjectives!

Lauren goes to Trader Joe’s

It’s snowing in St. Louis today, and Dave ventured out to the International grocery store before the weather got too bad. He came back with a surprise - freshly made Afghan bread. Two large circles of light, bubbly, pita-like bread, meant to be torn in chunks and used to scoop up saucy foods… Saucy foods like channa masala. Aaaand the post comes full circle. Here’s how we prepared today’s channa masala and Afghan bread for lunch:


2 packages Trader Joe’s Channa Masala

1 cup frozen peas

2 chicken breasts, optional - I listed this as vegan because the chicken can be left out

Afghan bread, pitas, or naan, or brown rice for gf (Trader Joe’s sells frozen naan next to the channa masala, but if you have a local international grocery store, you’ll be able to find an interesting middle eastern, Indian, or African bread there.)

THIS IS SO EASY. Boil two chicken breasts in salted water for about ten minutes or until cooked and chop, reserving 1/4 cup of the cooking water. Heat the channa masala trays one at a time, for three minutes each. Add the chopped chicken back into the saucepan you cooked it in (water drained, of course), add the contents of both channa masala trays.

Add the reserved cooking water and the frozen peas. Cook for about five minutes, uncovered, until the mixture is well combined and the peas are hot. Serve with Afghan bread and enjoy the fun and sensual experience of eating with your hands. We enjoyed the scooping and the messiness - it seems natural! What are some of your favorite ready-made foods to doctor up??

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Say No To Bone Char! A List of Bone Char Free Vegan Sugar Companies

A List of Bone Char Free Vegan Sugar Companies

Sugar comes from two sources – sugar cane and sugar beets. Bone char is widely used by the sugar industry as a decolorizing filter, which allows sugar to achieve its white color. The bone char is made from the bones of cattle from countries like Afghanistan, Argentina, India and Pakistan. The bones are sold to traders who then sell them to the U. S. sugar industry.

Bone char is used in may types of sugar including brown sugar and confectioner’s sugar. The supermarket brands of sugar obtain their sugar from several different refineries, making it next to impossible to know whether it has been filtered with bone char. Beet sugar is considered vegan because it’s never processed with bone char.

This bone char filter process is unacceptable to many vegans. Even if you’re not vegan, you have reason to be concerned about refined sugars and bone char. Due to health concerns, the FDA prohibits the use of bones from the United States’ meat industry which is why the bones are imported. Also, the bones are required to come from animals that die of natural causes, but no one is monitoring that.

Fortunately there are vegan sugars on the market, but it takes a little effort to purchase. If you can’t find vegan sugar at your local market, I recommend going online. Here is a list of vegan sugars available on Amazon. If you know of any others, please share.

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Does anybody know of a company that sells GMO beet sugar? I’m seriously looking for a inexpensive, vegan GMO beet sugar but am having a hard time finding a consumer product that meet my guidelines. I figure I need to avoid the cognitive dissonance and my ethical qualms with buying organic products since they actively disparage good science and engage in anti-GMO fear mongering.

Gracias por cualquier ayuda.

I didn’t know this David until you brought it up but it seems The US sugar beet industry coordinated an industry-wide conversion to genetically modified sugar beets, thus eliminating a non-GMO alternative for food manufacturers and consumers. For more information – haga clic aquí

Do you have a better resource than an anti-GMO website with no references or good scientific resources? Like with any ag product, it is the farmers that decide, not the industry, what they want to grow based upon many factors such as cost, quality of the product, environmental impact, and more. I am actually glad that farmers have moved away from using toxic organic and conventional pesticides and herbicides in favor on GM crops that use products that are less toxic to humans than salt.

Anyways, any idea on where to get non-organic, vegan transgenic sugar beet sugar?

Bone char is not used at Taber’s sugar beet factory or at Montreal’s cane refinery. Bone char is only used at the Vancouver cane refinery. All products under the Lantic trademark are free of bone char. For the products under the Rogers trademark, all Taber sugar beet products are also free of bone char. In order to differentiate the Rogers Taber beet products from the Vancouver cane products, you can verify the inked-jet code printed on the product. Products with the code starting with the number “22” are from Taber, Alberta, while products with the code starting with the number “10” are from Vancouver, British Columbia.

Heavenly Organics Sugar is Vegan. It’s rare, 100% organic whole cane sugar from the pristine foothills of the Himalayan Mountains produced by a cooperative of small farmers who practice an ancient method of removing impurities from organic cane juice by using wild-crafted herbs and then sun drying. It’s made without the use of commercial dryers thus preserving the natural nutrients and minerals and reducing our carbon footprint.

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